Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 3 May 1929, p. 2

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The Oldest Bond House ii Thi* Complete m May F o u n d in 34: 14-16, w ord is a light unto V -- W hat H i lk l a h the T e m p l e -- 2 C h r o n i c le s 29 33. Gold en T e x t -- Why la mp unto rr y feet, a nd a m y path.-- P s a l m 119: 105. R a d io O u tfit m $ 1990Q I n t r o d u c t i o n -- The reign ot HeieaaJi, which came to an e n l somewhere between B.C. G98 and (592, was marked iv many efforts toward ref< rm of re igious conditions in Judai. and throughout all Israel (2 Kings 18: 1-7. 22; 2 Chron 31: 1, 20, 21). But here were evidently m it-i people strongly attached to the oUJ ways, to G. A. Scimson & Co., Limited, are offering to the the local*sanctuaries, or high places Boyj and Girls all over Ontario, between the ages o f "h ;ch be destroyed, an^.tn :-,f.eir forms 12 and 18, an opportunity to compete for dsh prizes in of worship. Under their influence the an interesting and educational contest. ,'oung Manasseh who succeeded him Thirteen cash prizes will be awarded in each County, ind reigned more ihan flfty years in 56 prizes of $10each making a total o f 728 prizes to be distributed; 'in addition, lerusalem (2 * fi.g s 21: l-9> set him there is one grand prize o f $100 in gold for the one con 56 prizes of $ 5each -elf to undo the good which hit father testant whose work is judged the best. Theri-are no othec i^d done. H« restored th. " abomina56 prizes of $ 3each conditions than explained in the Rules. No fee or entry Form is required. Simply answer the questions below .i'T.s o f the heathen." " built up again 560 prizes of $ 1each neatly and carefully. he high places," even built strange 1 prize of $100. This firm having been- established as Investment iltar,, in the temple itself, revived the Bankers for over 46 years, has during that period, seen the torrible custom o f child sacrifice, and Boys and Girls o f yesterday become the investors o f to-day wrought much wicker ness " The secThese prizes will he allocated as and this contcsc is directed to you boys and girls, the >nd book c f C h n n i'le s tells o: calamfollow s: potential investors o f the years to come. ty which befell him in later years Each C ounty will receive one The following questions have been selected for this and o f a belated repentance, and a first prize of $10, one second contest with the object o f directing your thoughts to the prayer is preserved in the apocryphal prize of $5, one third prize of $3, possibilities and benefits to be derived from wijjdy investing moks o f the Old Testament, bearing and ten prizes of $1 each. Th e yout future savings and to the advantages o f investing your his name (see 2 Chron. 33: 11-19). winner of the $100 prize will be money when you become men and women with a reliable His son, Anion, followed his father's selected from the total, all over and experienced investment house. «d example, but was m urder-', after Ontario. * brief reign, by his own servants. \ Meanwhile the influence o f the QUESTIONS Treat prophetic reform ers o f the eighth century, Isai».h and Micah. Marks Vmos and Fosea, continued strong in 1. What is the name o f the "Oldest Bond House 1 the minds o f their disciple^ and, in RULES OF CONTEST in Canada" ? pite o f pers cu ion (2 Kings f ' l : 10). 1 2. When was the " Oldest Bond House in Canada'* their teaching spread among the peo1. Contest closes May 15th, 1929. established ? >ie A fter the m irder o f Amon there Entries bearing a late? postmark will he 2 3. What is the name o f the first and largest office -vas an unrising o f " the pei pie o f the rejected. building a stranger would notice upon arriving at land" against the corrupt court, 2 2. Use plain white paper, size 8" x the new Union Station in Toronto ? Hhron. 33: 24-25. The child Josiah 11" , if possible. Use one side only. 1 4. Has every investor who purchased bonds who succeeded to the throne came Write the essay on a separate sheet o f recommended and sold by G. A. Stimson & C o., inder the good influence of the re paper and fasten both sheets together. Limited during the past 46 years received interest, "orming partv and when to reached and principal when due ? 3. C o n t e s t a n t ' s name, address, mature age began a series o f reforms county, age, school, teacher's name ' 5. Who was the founder o f the " Oldest Bond more complete and far-reaching than should be plainly written in lower right 'House in Canada" ? in ytl.ing which had previously been hand corner o f the first page. 2 < J . Where is the Head Office o f the " Oldest Bond attempted. The parallel story o f his House LtyCanada" ? 4 A total o f 100 marks is possible reign in 2 K in rs 22: 1 t o ' !S: 28 to obtain. Marks will be credited as 20 7. If you invested $1,000 at 3% interest to be should be read. See als · Jerem iah's indicated opposite question. compounded at the end o f each yearhowmuch testimony to his character and his would you have at the end o f 20 yean^^_ rood reign in Jer. 22 · 15, 16. 5. All entries must be mailed -and 20 8 . If you inves*air-$4_,00Q C lJ - ** t h e g o o d r e i g n or .t o u _ \ p , vs. 1-7. addressed, " Educational Contest" , s ja v compounded at the end ot eachf f n how much G . A. Scimson & Co., Limited, C om Josiah was king in succession to his would you have ac the end o f 20 years \ merce & Transportation Bldg., Bay and father Amon fr o r B.C. 639 to 008. Fronc Streets, Toronto. The envelope 2 9. In 20 years how much more would you receive The historian Lears him witness that must have your county written plainly from an investment o f $ 1,000 at 6 % interest, com ` he did that which was right in the on the back. This is important. pounded at the end o f each year than you would sight o f the Lord (v. 2 ), and that receive from the same amount invested at 3 % 6 . N o correspondence w ill be en ` like unto him there was no king be interest, compounded at the end o f each year ? tered into on this subjecc, and no materi fore him. that turned to the Lord writh 2 10. If you had money to invest and wanted 7 % > ' 1 his " " art. and with all his soul (2 al entered in the contest will be with absolute safety, which Bond House would you returned. Kings 23: 2 5 )." The high places, or consulc ? ocal sanctuaries, which had been 7. It is agreed that the prize winning 45 11. Clients o f G. A. Stimson & Co., Limited know ·V.aees o f w rorship all over the land essays become the property o f G . A. that-- rmv the days of Joshua a id the conScimson & Co., Limiced. "iest. V >nd hecoive corrupted bv im ita " A RECORD IS BETTER T H A N A PROMISE'* 8. G. A. Stimson & Co., Limited, tion o f the heathen rites practiced at For 46 years every Bond Issue recommended reserve the right to enquire from the and sold by G. A. Stimson 6i Co., Limited h* altars o f Baal. The Levite priests teacher, parent or guardian o f the con - has paid Interest, and Principal when due. who ministered at these places are testant as to whether the rules o f the said to have goat away fa r from JeWrite a short essay, not exceeding 200 words giving contest have been complied with. \o"ah after their idols, Ezek. 44:'10. your opinion of the value o f maintaining this Record, The groves, or. more correctly, £he 9. The decision o f three independent both to G. A. Stimson 6d Co., Limited and to their :Asherim " (Rev. V e r .). were origin judges selected by the directors o f G . A. clients. Stimson & Co., Limited must be con ally sacred trees standing near the 3 (For neatness and writing.) altar. In many cases they were residered final. 'aced by wooden poles which may have 100 Total. 10. Contestant shall submit one leen carved or paint with represen entry only. tations o f the deity. The word RaalWe will gladly send Jurthcr copies of this contest on receipt m is plural o f B tal, and is used be of your request. cause the god Baal was multiplied by ` he people into many localized d ig n ities such as baal-g:>d. Baal-zephon. Baal-hermon. Above the altars of Raal were imas-et o f some kind (sunimaees. Rev. V e r .), perhaps repre senting the sun as an obiect o f worLIMITED ^ . E S T . 1363 shin F or v. 5 Compare 2 K irg s 23: 15-16. I t h e r e p a i r o f t h e t e m p l e , v s S-13. Thf eighteenth year o f his .reign COMMERCE & TRANSPORTATION BLDG. ws the year B.C.621. T h j temple .Across From The. Union Station lad, no doubt, been neglected and had 'alien into di. l-tpair d.'ring the long. B AY AND FRONT STS. » i TO RON TO iad reign o f Manasseh. The king's ifficers (v. 8 ) were trdered to go to ` he high priest H:lkiah gnd ask him to um up the money collected from the leople by the doorkeepers, that it night be used to pi.y for .aaterial and ham, Sir R. Woodma i Burbidge, E ir ! :o pay the v a g e s o f the workmen, 2 Sydney Skinner and Lord Leigh. Kings 22: 3-7. The last clause o f v. . In addition 16S urban district coun- j ') should be, as i*> Kev.| V e .., " o f the cils, 11 -cham bers of com m erce, and ! inhabitants o f Jerusalem." The faith fulness o f the workmen in the perseven Labor Party branches in E n g-! 'orm ance o f their task is especially land and W ales have expressed ap-1 commended (v. 1 2 ). Apparently mu Proposat Regarded as in Best proval. Many promir m t individuals! sic was brought in to aid them in the and not a few public bodies, however, j Interests o f British and work. The o ' jrseers were men who replying to r questionaive, expressed ! Foreign Trade could skill o f (play skilfully on) in a "neutral" opinion" pending the re-J struments o f music. Manchester, Eng.-- Directors of the suit of the investigation of the entire ! [II. t h e b o o k o f t h e l a w , v s . 14-28. Manchester Chamber o f Commerce subjeea which the Government has This book car. hardly have beei the have passed a resolution favoring the promised to make. entire Pentateuch, which the Jews in English Ch. nel Tunnel, believing later times called the Law. The pro that the proposal is one which is in phets o f the previous century seeni to Slattern have been well acquainted with parts the best interests of British trade. She leaves the luncheon dishes set, " So, in your quarrel with Smith i f the Pentateuch, and it is not likely Revival of the English Channel TunDreams in the parlor room, you've decided to bury the hatchet?" that the knowledgt would have been uel proje<` finds a constantly growing She does not dare again forget The evidence here is "Y es; I've decided an axe would give entirely lost. numbei o f proponents o f the scheme, To clean it, gets the broom. rather strongly in favor o f the belie*" better results." the cos. o f which has been estimated that it was the book o f Deuteronomy, She sweeps some dirt beneath the at from £33,000,000 to £184,000,000. or the part o f it which contains law, chair, P A R A D O X IC A L Notable supporters of the enterprise warnings and promises. The measures Leaves other on the floor, Quick speech itself to trouble links, include Lord Cecil of Chelwood, Win i f reform .vhich Josiuh and his minis Pins back a straggling lock o f hair, Because so often you will^find ston C h u r c " II, Sir William Bull, Sir ters undertook under the guidance of Goes answering the door, The man who says just what he this book are all such as are prescrib W illiam .Toynson-Hicks, Ramsay Mac Were it a prince with yellow hair thinks ed in De'iteronomy. while some, at Donald, H. Cordon Selfridge, Sir Rob She'd smile entrancingly, Is rather thoughtlessly inclined. least, o f the laws o f L ev it'co- and ert Horne. Alfred Salter, L o- 1 SydenShow him to the arlor chair, Vumbers seem yet to hava been un Most women work their husbands, And wash one cup fo r tea. known. Any readeiVnay fo r nimself while som e others work for them. make comparison o f the reform s oe-- Dorothy Belle Flanagan. ISSUE No. 18-- 29 1170000 in Cash Prizes to DeYoung People of Ontario offers A N A L Y S IS l-'7. (I. TH E REPAIR OF TH E TEM PI F., V S . 8-13. (II. J H E BOOK 0 . TH E I AW , V S . 14-28. ·'V. TH E COVENANT, V S . 29-33. .. THE GOOD REIGN OF JO S IA H . V S. --And It's A Genuine Rogers Batteryless Radio! HE fa m o u s R og ers M o d e l " F o u r-T w e n ty " s u p p l ie d w it h t h is o u tfit h as b e e n t r ie d , t e s t e d , p e r f e c t e d a n d is b a c k e d b y th e R o g e r s re co rd o f fo u r years o f p r o v e n p e r fo rm a n ce . 728 INDIVIDUAL PRICES T The W a l n u t T able Speaker matches the R eceiver p erfectly and is equipped w ith the latest type M agnetic Cone, designed especially fo r use w ith this model. T ogeth er, they clo se ly resem ble a console-type radio, but the price is from $50 to $60 /ess than you w ould have to pay fo r the low est-priced R og ersB atteryless Console. Due to the remarkable d evelop, ment o f chain broadcasting, radio is now a yea r `round source o f entertainm ent and education. A nd-- as any ow ner w ill tell you -- R ogers is the ideal year 'round radio. G et this com p lete Radio outSt now. E asy term s, if desired. I f th ere is no dealer in you r com munity w rite to the Q.R.S. CANADI AN CORP. LIM ITED 310 Spadina Ave., Toronto 2 G.A.STIMSON lila The Oldest Bond House in Canada gun by Josiah and the ' aw codes o f. these books. The marginal references in a good Reference Bible w ill be a £uide. ) The king' s alar ri an grief upon hearing the words o f the book must have been due to the fs'.ct that its laws were not being, and had not been ob served, and that terrible punishment was threatened in it fo r such neglect. See Deut., chaps. 27 end 28, and com pare v. 24. The prediction o f Huldah fV.e pro phetess con ceri.irg Josiah (v. 28) was unfortunately not fulfilled, fo r he met* a tragic death in batt e with an E g yp tian army at Mo^iddo, thirteen years later, 2 K ings 23: 29-30. IV. t h e c o v e n a n t , v s . 29-3b. The name " book o f the covenant" ' was first given to the law given to' Israel by Moses at " inai, and contain-| ed in Exodus, chaps. 20 to 23 (see! 24: 7 ). On the basis o f this law a! solemn covenan* was made between' Israel and Jehovah, Jehovah prom is in g guidance and prosperity to Israel,] and Israel obedience to Jehovah's laws,! Exod. 24: 7, 8. Tne law in D euter-; onomy is an enlargement o f that in ; Exodus, and is called, w ith its accom-'t pan.ving warnings and promises, " the words o f the covenant," Deut. 2 9 : 1. The ancient covenant bond is now . renewed, and the p e o p l e Manchester Favors Channel Tunnel " When a girl Is discovered clipgins, to last year's style she gets out o£ it! as best she can." / 1 look forward to tne day when a Prime Minister will recommend a ! novel because the Home Secretary has suppressed it and the Home Sec retary suppresses a novel because tlie Prime Minister has recommended it. --Sir George Stuart Robertson. Some of us are poor because we have too many friends. f

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