A ustraliai® ?eveIopm ent (& L £ - '-ty O U S O T H E nerves are fed b y the blood. Poor blood means starved nerve tis sue, insomnia, irritability and depression. Dr. William s' Pink Pills will enrich your blood stream and rebuild your over-worked nerves. Miss Josephine M . Martin, of Kitchener, Ontario, testi fies to this : " I suffered from a nervous breakdown," she writes. " I had terrible sick headaches, dizziness; felt very weak and could not sleep; had no appe tite. I felt always as if some- ' thing terrible were going to happen. After taking other treatment without success, on my slater's advice, I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and now all these symptoms are gone, and I am strong and happy again." Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your druggist's or any dealer in medicine or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from the Dr. Williams Medi cine Co., Brockville, Ontario. S29 London Fina News: The annual value of th utput of Australian factories amoun 0 about £400,000,O O tt. But. thoug' ertain idealists aim at the clouds o aking Australia entirely self-cont jd. the majority of thn peop'e real that the great un developed rural ci mineral resources are a menace to'AastPaiia's territorial integrity. And, however keen some people n ny be to develop their secon <Jary~irrl js>tries (out of a sens^ of uational pride of good econom y), agricultural and pastoral expansion must remain their primary consider ation, until the Commonwealth bas a population sufficiently large to ensure her strategic safety. T he finest tea you can buy--Red Rose Orange PeEoe* Made from juicy, flavor filled leaves-- three d a y s i t f bud. Every package guaranteed, is good tea' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Americanization of Canada Toronto Globe (L ib .); The Do minion o f Canada would be much bet ter off if at least 50 per cent, of the reading matter flowing in from the United States were cut out. . . Even the best of these magazines and periodicals are produced by Ameri cans, and primarily for the people of the United States. Even when ques tions o f general interest are dealt with, or subjects o f particular im portance to the British Empire dis cussed .the point of view is American. It is this continued Americanization of Canada that, if not offset in some way, may raise vexing and important problems in the future. If the Na tional Council of Education can find w ^-s and means of changing this condition it will perform a splendid public service. M i n a r d 's L i n i m e n t p re ve n t s Flu. A GREAT PUZZLE TO CAREFUL PARENTS C A P T A I N E. G I L L A M Classified Advertisements BABBIT^ P who for many years has been pilot ing vessels o f the B C. Coast Steam ship service, in and around the west coast, has been transferred to captain of the Prlucess Norah, newest ship in that particular service. He tirst took tbe bridge of the Norah last Sun-' day evening when the Vice regal party were guests of the' Canadian Pacific Railway on a four-day cruise up the west coast of Vancouver Island. A Bird of the Hills A fisherman on a moorland stream sees a black bird suddenly start up from nowhere, and, chippering a few sharp, metallic notes, fly swiftly above the water until it vanishes round i bend in the stream. If a novice in bird-lore, he probably dis misses it as a blackbird, and thinks no more about it; but a discriminat ing eye would note, even when on the wing, its shorter tail and stock ier appearance. True, one of Its country names, " water-ous.el," sug gests " the ousel cock so black of hue,' ' and in Somerset both dipper and blackbird are called " colley," a good Shakespearean adjestive which means " black." But the two are not very clffsely related, the one being a thrush, and the other a member o f a distinct family, the Cinclidae. Nor is the dip per really black, for his head is a de lightful tawny-brown aad his back mottled grey. And a front view of him will show you that he sports a neat, white shirt-front, below which a cinnamon cummerbund, usually brighter in the male than in the fe male, partly encircles his low er breast. Pennant, as appears from one of Gilbert W hite's letters to him, con fused the dipper with the rlng-ousel, but, although t h i 3 bird also wears a patch of white on his throat, he Is really a thrush, while the dipper is closer kin to dunnock and wren Wren-like, indeed, he is in shape, and in some of his habits; both have the trick of cocking the tail up and bob bing the body up and down, and it Is this amusing trick of curtsying or " dipping" that gives the dipper his name. He resembles the wren, too, in his ceaseless activity; both are ever prying and peering, the wren In hedgerow and brake and often at the water's edge, but the dipper in and out o f and under the water. . . . My happiest memories of the dip per are linked with the swirling, tumbling streams of the moors and mountains; it is these that he loves most, and among them he is seen at his best. I saw a pair swimming and diving in the Tummel at Pitlochry on a day o f dismal and continuous down pour, depressing to us, but to them supremely enjoyable. If you are as happy in or under water as out of it, it matters little what the weather may be. And there was a morning in March when snow had moulded the abrupt peaks o f Capel Curig to smooth, sweeping curves; w e saw no birds above the snow-line except a lonely kestrel, but there was the dip per, diving headlong off a boulder Into the spate, and emerging on the op posite bank unperturbed and with every feather unruffled. Everywhere in the hill country you find him--throughout the length of the Pennines,. in the ghylls o f Cum berland, Westmoreland, and Lanca shire, by the scars o f Yorkshire, up and down the Derbyshire dales. He is at home among the mountains o f W ales and in the border Marches of H erefordshire and Shropshire. The clear-eyed streams amid the Cotswolds know him also, and he adorns Mendip's limestone coom bes.--E. W. Henry, in " The Nineteenth Century." " How do you know it was a stork and not an angel that brought your little brother?" " W ell, I heard daddy complaining about the size of the bill, and angels don't have b ills!" Use Mlnard's Liniment for the Flu. PER BOX Pr.W illi& m s' P IN K P IL L S **A H O U S E H O L D N A M E IN 5 4 C O U N T R I E S ** One o f the greatest puzzles to the careful parent* is to know just what medicine to give the little ones. When the child falls ill with griping pains; is seized with cold or fever, refuses food or vomits what he has taken, when he cries a great deal and cannot get the sleep so necessary to the growing child, the parent Is in a quandry. What is to be done on such occasions? As often as not there is not a suitable medicine in the house. The puzzle*is*what to give him to set him right quickly. It is to meet such emergencies that Baby's Own Tablets were designed. These pleasant little Tablets quickly reduce fever, break up colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and allay teething pains. They quiet the nerves and promote restful health-restoring sleep. They are guaranteed absolute ly harmless and safe for even the youngest and most delicate baby. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at^ 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. E D IG R E E D C H IN C H IL L A RAB B IT S. fine dark stock , a ll ages, $2 to $5. B reed in g s to ck reg istered . T?ufl! O rpin gton h a tch in g eg g s. 15, $3. P. J a y G ardner, P ricev llle, Ont. -| B A B Y C H IC K S. W E HATCH -- L fo u r v arieties, p ric e 9c up. A W rite f o r fr e e catalogu e. A. H. S w itzer, Granton, O ntario. INTEBNATIONAI. MOVEBS B e s t e q u ip m e n t, l a t e s t m e th o d s . u n iform retu rn loa d prices. A ll g o o d s Insured. W e m ov e y ou w he you w ant to m ove. M ake y o u r en q u iries now . P ioneer d ista n ce m overs. A g en ts in p rin cip a l c itie s o t eastern States and Canada. H ill T h e M over, H am tlton and T o ron to. Wouldn't it have been great had we but known in time that all that was needed to win the World War was the right brand of cigarettes?--Marion Star. Queen Mary recently went shopping Half the things people say are re in a 10-cent store. Must be trying to gretted later. establish her claim to tha throne of Scotland.-- Los Angeles Times. TM B BOYDS ic y c l e s AT LOWER PRICES Tires, C o a s t e r B r a k e s . W heels, In n er T u b e s , L a m p s, B ells, C y clo m e te rs, S addles. E q u ip m e n t a n d p arts o f B i cy cles. Y o u ca n b u y y o u r su p p lies f r o m u s a t wholesale p rice s . C a ta lo g u e fre e . The " I'm Alone" Halifax Herald (C ons.): The simple truth, of course, is that this is a British affair; that despite all the vocalizing of the " extreme autono mists," it would be monstrous to sug gest anything else. The " extreme autonomists" may " play at counsel lors and kings" in the press, on the hustings and on the floors of Parlia ment, but when a ship of British regis try (for Canada is British) is su:ik by shell-fire, it becomes the business of Brltig1 ' wtatesm anship and British dip lom a ty^ ^ t The hard part of conquering the air is to make it stay licked.-- Publishers Syndicate (Chicago). t T O W you pull . . *how you grit your teeth and lean on that rope! Winning the tug s^,.. of war is suddenly of paramount importance. It' s the spirit of the ship . . . plenty of fun and hos pitality when you travel Anchor-Donaldson. * NOT FOR RASTUS! t . W BOYD & SON 376N& e N?a R ^ r w; He was a good cook, and the ex plorers were trying to persuade him to make the long flight into the wilds with them. " Oh, Rastus! Come on and go. Nothing's going to happen to you." " But what if Ah gets up dar and wants to com e down In a hurry?" `W hy didn't you know the 'plane was equipped with elevators?" ``Elevatahs! Hee, hee, hee! Dem elevatahs sure to be gwine up je s ' when A h's a-coming down! No, sah, boss! Not m e !" rr'tTT f ' f tt w w f > f f >f ft f t fi1 ! Care fo r Y our H ands B y D aily Use o f C u ticu ra Soap Heal Rashes and Irritations w ith Cuticura O intm ent » i ATENTS L ist o f " W anted In v en tion s" and F ull i n f rm atlon Sent F ree on R equest. THE RAMSAY CO., Dept. W. 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. sHARTs LAW N TH O nO BRED' b« "U IV E AMD U A T" t L iru n a breeder* arc bred OU R production. White, MOWERS Ca n a d a 's B e s t / I t Unt possible to build a better lawn m owjr than S m a r ts Smarts Mowers haw for hi*£» egg. Brown and Buff Leghorns, BarTed and White Rods* R. L Red*, Ancona*,' Black Minorca*, Buff Orpinctons, White Wyandotte*. 12c] ·nd up. 100 ^ live delivery guaranteed] Write today for FREE CHICK BOO&T SCHWEeuat'5 M LCH ERY Bo.. H7S. BBIIGEBVBO. ONT., CAST. 22S N orth am pton B uffalo, N.Y. Sail Anchor-Donaldson!/ Book through The Robert Reford Co.,< Limited, Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto (Tel. Elgin 3 4 7 1 ), or any steamship agent. W eek ly sa ilin g s fr o m M on trea l (a n d Que b e c) to Ireland, S c o tlan d and E nglan d In co n ju n ctio n w ith Cunard, com m en cin g M a y 3rd. For In flu en za T h e L i n m ie n t that Re lie v e s A ll A ilm ents. proved their superiority wherever grass is grovm Easy running, keert cutting and absolute^ guaranteed. ASK YOUft HARDWARE MAM \James S mart Punt OROCKVtui owr. I JJR TSi ^ANCH O RDONALDSON L I N E E A .3 0 3 LIN i m e M T it When your Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would do--what most physicians would tell you to do-- give a few drops of plain Castoria. No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief Is Just a m atter of moments. Yet you have eased your child without use ot a single doubt ful drug; Castoria Is vegetable. So it's safe to use as often as an infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. And It' s always ready for the crueler pangs o f colic, or constipation, or diarrhea; effective, too, for older children. T w enty-five million bottles w ere bought last year. Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Claa*. A GREAT TONIC," SAYS MRS. RUSSELL -SPHILL1PS= due to A cid I N O I O tS T lO N A C ID STO M A C H HEARTaU** headachk u r*0 " One tasteless spoonful in water neu tralizes many times its volume in acid, The results are immediate, with no bad after effects. Once you learn this fact, you w ill never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. Go learn-- now--why this method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips1 Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physt cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direo tions-- any drugstore. After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Fenwick, Ont.-- "1 am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during the Change of Life for nervoua feelings, loss of ap* petite and to gain strength. It is a great tonic and X have taken a dozen bottles of it. It was recommended to me by a friend and now I recommend it to all women for such troubles as come at this time." -- M r s . W . V . R u s s e l l , R. R. No. 5; Fenwick, Ontario. ~ 6X S C S -N A U S E A CASTORIA What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in the stomach. The food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. F or the 50 years since its invention it has remained standard with physicians. You w ill find nothing else so quick in its effect, so harmless, so efficient. ISSUE No. 18-- 29