Trafalgar Topics M rs. Hunter, o f N ew York, is visitin g h er son at the hom e o f M r. and M rs. H . Post, o f Snider's C orners. M rs. D ownes w as a guest o f her m other, M rs. T . Post, last w eek . Service at Munn's chu rch on Sunday m orning w as well attended by representatives from the three churches o f the circu it. The ch oir rendered appropriate m u sic. A solo by M rs. W ilm er C onover w as m uch appreciated. The death o f the three-day-old son o f M r. and M rs. Bradley took place at the hospital on Saturday. Private funeral was held from the residence o f the parents on M onday. M r. Cram mond and the M isses Cram mond, of N ew T oronto, w ere guests at the M isses Marshall on Su n day. Ew art Hall has been deputizing for M r. Bradley on the mail route this w eek . He is always to be relied on to help out in time of trou ble. M rs. D ewart Flem ing entertained the Ladies' Aid o f Munn's church and the Ladies Aid o f K nox church, Sixteen, at her hom e on the Dundas h igh w ay. A bout forty guests w ere presen t. ---- --------- Sheridan Sayings Miss E thel Shain is visiting her aunt, M rs. Thos Galbraith, o f Milton. Ted H earn assisted the choir at Munn's church on Sunday m orning and also played a violin so lo . E . Forest, o f M ontreal, is visiting form er friends in this n eigh borh ood. Miss Dorothy W ilson entertained her Sunday sch ool class at a picnic on W ednesday a ftern oon . 1 The upper middle road from the ninth line to Sheridan is now in good condition after being restoned, Many from here took in one of the short auto trips by m otoring to Belfountain Sunday aftern oon . j | _______ A u to T o Nine Persons -- ------------The traveller along Provincial highw ays this summer must be im pressed with the greatly increased num ber of cars he m eets. It would alm ost seem that every citizen ow ns and ( operates an au tom obile. The highways, are already crow ded, and when the tourist season starts in earnest ' there is bound to be a congestion o f ! traffic with its accom panying list o f . accidents.^ ^ O n ce people spoke of the " saturation point" in autom obile sales, but, in vulgar parlance, there seem s to bfe " no such anim al" . Old cars are scrapped and new ones ac- j quired. Not only are the residents 0j tow ns and cities treating themselves to benzine buggies, but the j rural districts are fast becom ing W A V E 'R L E¥ S1 V EY Be ready to begin Building a Home and Save Paying Rent. E a s y T e r m s and M o n e y f o r Buiiding. " H O V I IN( j C^Vt^R M O R E POPU LAR ___________ j A. S. F O R S T E R Aeent Oakville P A L E R M O W O M E N 'S IN S T IT U T E The July m eeting o f the Palerm o W om en 's Institute w as held at the hom e o f M rs. J o s . H ow ard, when . . there was a large attendance and an attractive program presen ted. The m atter o f the exhibit put on by the local institute at the county fair in Ontario seem s to be developing its ow ners o f cars. share o£ the tourist tr a ffic . It is esThere is now according to an Ot- j tlmated that to date tw enty-five per tawa report, one m otor vehicle for j cen t mQre haye visited thig provlnce every nine persons in Canada. For j Ulis year than lagt season During the first timc registrations rcachcd the past m onth the T oron to Conven- the m illion in 1928 with an aggregate ` Uon and T ou rlst Bureau has answer- o f 1.076,819. This was an increase ed a dai,y average o f 375 letters from o f 131- 147 vehicles, or 14% over 1927. , aU partg Qf the Unlted s ta tes as to ° nly three other countries exhibit a |Ontario as a vacation sp ot. Last heavier density, as follow s: U n ited, jw eek the Ontario Governm ent's De- States, one for every 5.1 person s; j partment o f Publicity answ ered 8,000 Hawaiin Islands, 7.9 p erson s; New letters in the same vein. Last year Zealand, 8 persons. Figures com - ' it w as com puted, 1,500,000 tourists plied by the Dominion Bureau of Sta- ' fa s e e d through T oron to. These cam e . , include 9 ,1 396 n assen -er auto- · 1 by w ay o f Sarnia, W indsor, Fort tlstlcs mcluae passenger auto Erie, Niagara Falls, Queenstown and m obiles and 155,424 trucks and motorthe eastern points o f en try. This c y c le s. Registration by Provinces year> _ t o date, 300,000 m ore cars have -with proportion per population in 1 ipassed ov e r the Peace bridge at Fort . , . r> E rie than traversed the bridge dur- brackets are as follow s. Ontauo| | in g the same period last year. As ( 6 . 6) ; Quebec, 148,973 (1 7 .8 ); Sas-1 an ideal place for the vacationist this katchew an, 121,615 ( 7 .0 ) ; A lberta,; Province is fast becom ing known far 39,249 ( 7 .1 ) ; British Columbia, 86,214 Send the " S T A B " to distant and A ll the local district news Grant Hall in the West Milton in the fall was discussed and " i n g T u s a e v e r -r n c r e ^ fn r d q u o t r o f ( 6 ' 8? ; M anitoba' 71-163- O - 2 ); N ova; it is expected that tw o articles prob- tourists on pleasure bent and to holi- Scotia, 3d,256 (15.15); Prince E dw ard, ably a child's sw eater and dress, w ill,d a y am ong the splendid attractions Island, 5,430 (1 5 .9 ). be show n and it was also decided to with w hich the country abounds. ! W hen one considers that w ell over ' a m illion cars are operating on the J contribute tw o articles of children's highw ays of this country, to which cloth in g tow ards the bale going to the m ust be added the great volum e of sm all hospital at Loring, Ont. The j foreign tourist travel, it becom es at program included the follow in g item s: once apparent that our highw ays are Question drawer, condu cted by M rs. j to-day inadequate to handle this busi J. VanSickle and Mrs. E. W ettla u fer; j ·.354) The aaciant art o f goat-getting ness either with exception or with a paper on " R in gs" dealing with the various styles and kinds in many j is in full swing at Banff with 25 sa fety . The province of Ontario has . v. lUl r.ock ' Mountain goats trapped been m ost aggressive in highway con- , countries and their sign ifican ce, from i;i .i aae and nearly the same num struction and has spent m illions of 1 early times up to the present, by Miss ber in July. They are enticed Marion Inglehart; piano solo by Miss into tiapo by salt licks o f which dollars in constructing new and im- j Some pro Ji|,roa r. - The^tim e is not far Minnie Jones; chorus by four girls, 1 they are ino.dinately fond. arc to acid to the wild life o f Cali- -_3is r ^ P ^ r n t!^ ^ l^ « # r 5f!*whighways w m j Muriel Sm ith, Jessie Bullock, Doris fo, n ia ; others are or exhibition ^ave to be widened, grades elim inat Cullingham and Mima H ignett; piano purposes :n i for zoos. ed and electric lighting installed [ solo by M rs. W ood, Bram pton. An ^ Cohere to work on the new Saint along the principle roads. These j address on " The ta riff as its a ffects J.'.'iU U e c ito r has commenced and im provem ents are necessary, not only j rural districts" w as scheduled for w '\ require about 2 3 1>00 cubic to speed up business, but to reduce Thursday's m eeting, but it was post yards o f concrete. Grain business poned fo r som e date early in A u g u s t,' through Maritime Provinces ports the everincreasing num ber o f acci dents and deaths due to grow ing when it is expected a g ov e rn m e n t1 is grow in g lar^aly every year. autom obile traffic. speaker w ill be secured and the meet- j Statistics gathered by the New ing w ill take the form of a public j Brunsvrick Government Bureau of gathering in the com m unity hall. The j Inform ation and Tourist Travel August m eeting w ill be held at the ! show an increase of 25 per cent, in hom e o f 'M rs. A. Cowan and the pro- the number of motor tourists from the United States entering Canada gram is to include items o f interest j at border points o f this Province on pioneer days by the m em bers; an 1 for vacations. address on " H ealth" ; dem onstration I W ord has been received by J. M. on " cake-cutting" . It is also poss Gibbon, general publicity agent, ible that Miss Appleby, of StewartCanadian P acific Railw ay, that His tow n, may be present to give a talk E xcellen cy the Governor-G eneral o f on " H istorical R e s e a r ch ." Canada w ill extend his patronage to the Canadian P acific series o f six con cert tou rs o f British and Canadian m usic to be given across Canada, com m encing in the fall o f this year and continuing until the sprin g o f 1930. C om pressed Air Outfit for S crvice ere an d There Grant H all, senior vice-president o f the Canadian P acific Railw ay, has been taking his annual tour o f inspection in W estern Canada and is here show n in the grounds o f the Empress H otel, Victoria, with three old friends. They had ju st returned from a game o f g o lf and the foursom e from left to right is : J. E. McMullen, Canadian Pacific solicitor; Mr. H all; C hief Justice J. A. MacDonald, and E. H. Macklin, president o f the Manitoba Free Press, W innipeg. Service Must Go On FOR SA LE Station, fully autom atic ; ticaliy new. L e 1a n d M otor 3-4 h.p., Cataract Power ; prac-j W. F. U T T E R & SO N | Phone 4 B u r l in g t o n , -- O n t a r io . Products o f the fisheries o f Can ada in 1928 had a total value of $54,971,319, an increase o f $5,474,281 com pared with 1927. These figures com prise the value as m ar keted, whether sold for consum p tion fresh or canned, cured or oth erw ise prepared. The salmon fishery is the m ost important, with a total value in 1928 o f $17,867,053. The Canadian W om en's Press Club, consistin g o f 100 delegates cam e by D om inion Atlantic. R a il w ay special to D igby recently. stopping at Annapolis Royal and Grand Pre en route. A num ber of outstanding w riters w ere in the party and all expressed their ad m iration o f the Evangeline Country and the Annapolis Valley. . A notable beauty spot is being recalled to public n otice this sum m er by the Alpine Slub o f Canada w hich is holding its annual camp from July 15 to July 31 on the site o f the old railw ay village o f Rogers Pass near Glacier, B.C., at the w est ern opening of the Connaught Tun nel on the main line o f the Cana dian P acific Railw ay. The camp commands a m agnificent view em bracing Mount Sir Donald, Mounts Macdonald and Tupper, the Illecillew aet G lacier and many other fine ranges and valleys. On the first anniversary o f their wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., recently left the B anff Springs H otel in the Cana dian ^ R ockies for a m otor trip through western Canada. He was m ost enthusiastic about the roads, scenery and accom m odation in the Rockies. w hen motoring through D IN E AT THE PARADISE CAFE BRANT STREET -- FEW FEET NORTH HICHWAV OF Little Johnny Johnson playing with m atches behind the shed, back of his sum m er hom e, d id n 't know and didn't care anything about the bu sy business men in th e big cities east and west. Johnny went right ahead and started his fire. B y the tim e his sh ort legs had carried him on the run to his hom e and mamma, the shed was a roaring furnace and the uplicking flames had bu rned through the long distance telephone cable passing overhead. 0Ut hls, s .tory to his startled mother, a big business executive miles aw ay in th e rpirnrHJrio-3 -) l cing a m em o on his desk pad to call a business associate b y long distance next m orning regarding a deal in volvin g thousands of dollars. n o i l w !! ,! ? 6 instant the watchers of the wires had discovered trou ble on the line and " trou ble sh ooters" from ,?: ? Sj W0re hurrying to the scene of the fire as fast as repair cars could carry them . A lm ost before a o ^ n. the wires had been spliced and com m unication restored. L on g before th e stock m arket v, TM ?rnm £ 3 wires were singing their messages. T h e business executive had com pleted his ^ c . n b y lonr aiciance and a v ery repentant Johnny slept peacefully in his little cot. BEST OF SERVICE WELCOME TO CANADIAN AND AMERICAN TOURISTS READ THE STAR