R ecen tly the enthusiastic lawn ^ Owing to the shortness o£ time to | bow lers o f town held their annual ' com plete arrangem etns and do ad9 Knobs of News w ell W orth ^ .m eeting in the R ecreation clu b's vertisin g, it is stated that the plan I p j room s and laid plans fo r the com in g to h old a horse show in Oakville this ijj Reading. season' s p la y . year has been dropped. The fir st opening gam es w ill be j The preparatory w ork so far w ill played about V ictoria day, w hen the uggful fo r another year. -- Plant som e flow ers n ow . green should be in capital condition. | __ T he officers chosen fo r the year ---Circus o a Saturday aftern oon and w ere: ev en in g . Parade at n oon . E . T . L ightbou m e, h on . pres. D . O . Cameron, hon. vice-pres. -- E veryone w ill be going to the circu s either Saturday aftern oon o r R ev. H . D . Cameron, chaplain. D. H . M eikle, presid en t. even in g . . *. V . R obin, vice-pres. -- The b ig circu s w ill be in Oakville W . E . M cllveen , secretary. on Saturday aftern oon next w eek, Ja s. V . M arkle, asst, sect'y . M ay 11th. |LOGIL (OSSIP 1 LAW N BOW LERS O F F IC E R S 'N O H O R S E S H O W FO R T H IS Y E A R ELECT TRA V EL BY COACH S a fe ty and co m fo rt are com bined with the convenience o f frequent service to the centre o f every com m u n ity on the route. O A K V IL L E ONE DAY OAKVILLE Single 65 c. TORONTO Return $1. 15 Sat., May 11 R a in o r S h in e L ea v e O a k v ille :-- E a ste r n S ta n d a rd T im e . x6.20 a.m ., 7.20, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.00, 11.30, 12.00 noon, 12.30 p .m ., 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, 8.00 ,8 .3 0 ,9 .3 0 , 10.30, 11.30, 12.15 night. x -- The opening baseball gam e o f ^MOTHERS' DAY. the H alton league w ill be played lie r e ' ON COMING SUNDAY on M ay 11th. -- H on or M other's m em ory on SunW ea r a flow er on this Sunday, day. The best friend you ever had M ay 12th, in honor o f M other, wheo t h ave n o w . Ither she is liv in g o r w hether she has -- M rs. T. Stephens is visitin g her becom e recogM others' D ay has station brother, R . W . Albertson, nized as one to be universally obfluent at Niagara F a lls. serv ed . -- J . H . H odg?- read an e x ce lle n t! ________ ___ paper c a b u sin ess eth ics at the 1 tary club m eeting M onday e v e n in g ., EA ST OF O AK VILLE -- L loyd Ronald, w h o played centre i on the L lstow el ju n ior h ock ey team · E xcavations have been m ade fo r a last Winter, h as accepted a position C0j011y 0f tourist cabins in English in Green' s barber shop h e re . jInn plan> eagt o f O akville. These -- The rush to see the ` blossom s" | w ill be located on the north side of in the N iagara and G rim sby districts the highw ay on the form er Earl pro w ill begin on Sunday and b y next p e rty . C onstruction w ill be rushed ahead w eek the bloom should be a b u n da n t so as to be ready fo r the summ er -- T h e w aterw orks gang are driv tou rist rush. in g a n ew truck and w earing, sm iles ab ou t a yard w id e . The tru ck has apartm ents fo r carryin g a com plete SEEDING IS BEING RUSHED AHEAD NOW equipm ent o f tools. -- S . H . A lbertson and W . A . The few dry days have dried up A lbertson attended the M asonic lodge the fields su fficien tly to allow hietineg at Streetsville on Tuesday deputy i farm ers to p roceed w ith their seedevening, w hen the district 'in g , and a rush is being made to get visited that lo d g e . as much sow n as possib le. If the -- The new ly organized R angers ,jry w eather continues another w eek w ill hold a dance at the hom e o f Mrs. 'seed in g w ill be pretty w ell over. J . M . Chisholm on F riday evening, i M ay 17th. The young ladies are ELECTRIC LIGHTS planning fo r a delightful dance. ARE SPREADING -- Mrs. A ndrew s, o f M ontreal, is staying fo r a time w ith h er mother, H alf a Dozen Houses w est of M rs. F . A . Phillips, and she attend Sheridan W ill Have Juice ed the dedication o f the Rangers _______ colors on Tuesday even in g. .. . » , , . I Should the spread o f electric -- Rev. H . D . Cam eron has taken lights k eep up fo r a year or two M rs. W . A . Inglehart's residence then every section o f T rafalgar w ill on Dundas street w hile M rs. Ingle- have electricity . h art has gone to Cleveland to join 1 R ecen tly the H ydro has extended h er husband, w ho has a position their lin es w est on the upper middle th ere. road to the ninth line, and dow n as -- The pupils of Miss M ildred L each gave a piano recital in the H am bourg C onservatory o f M usic in _ , _ , . , . , T oronto on Saturday last, when several players from town and district took part. ,^ar as H a lls . A bout six or f ei§h t houses are being w ired fo r the curren t. N othing ^<3da so m uch to the charm o f district life as electric Ught and its spread m eans a m ore contented rural population. j , - Barnett Bros. Circus Daily except Sundays. Coach Connections at Toronto for Oshawa, Stouffvill, Newmarket, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Alliston, Shel burne, and intermediate points. Coach Connections at Buffalo for all U.S.A. Points. GRAY COACH LINES 'A SHOW OF SUPREMELY STITENDOUS SURPRISES C olborn e S t.. O A K V IL L E T e le p h o n e 600 EVERY ACT A P*ATU*E EVERY FEATURE A THRILL! Fa ^m F in a n c in g A PEERLESS PROGRAM PRE-EMINENT PERFORMERS O N E rviiLE O F MAGNIFICENT FARADS DAILY IS iO O IM D A Y OF S H O W . 2 Perj»?at»cfS--Aferaota * r B X 4 h4 . B R ' A H D - BETTES Three Rings Chock Full of Sensational Surprises. ^ A ll G oin g on O n e T im e . A D M IS S IO N Children 30c. Adults 60c. Tax Paid. .» -- Many from here w ill attend the W A T E R IN LAKE 101st anniversary services o f P a le r-' HIGH EST ON RECORD m o U nited church, and the banquet ----------------on T uesday evening next, w hen Rev. ' M arine people and tow n residents -Crossley H unter, o f T oronto, w ill be are a ll m arveling at the heigh t o f the speaker. the w ater in the la k e. The w ater -- The high sch ool cadets w ill have their annual inspection W edn esday, M ay 29th, and th eir annual church , .. . _ , parade on the first Sunday m June. T his year they w ill attend service at S t. John's U nited ch u rch . { ^ as 1 1 l*een so h igh for y e a r s . i D ocks w hich w ere considered well <a^ove w ater line are n ow about subm erged. A t the harbor spots w hich w ere form erly considered high and dry are now under w ater. I The h igh w ater also extends up the river and the flats are covered -- J . Grant R yrie attended the R o - 1with w ater. The sch ool flats w hich tary district con feren ce held in E r ie ,, w ere considered w ell filled are now P a ., this w eek and reports an atten- part* -v flooded. dance o f ov e r six hundred delegates. J -- ------------------------C h as. Buchanan, president o f the 25759 BOOKS TAK EN T oron to R otary club, w as nam ed as FROM LIBRARY the new g overn or fo r the internation---------------- al district com prising central Ontario, ! The follow in g is an extract from .western N ew Y ork and part o f Penn- the annual report o f the Oakville sylvan ia. P ublic Library fo r 1928:-- OPENING BASEBALLGAM E ON Show Located o n T a ir Grounds. N O T IC E E offer, subject to prior sale, a limited number of shares in a mine located in the fastest growing gold camp In the world. T h t m oney making possibilites of this stock is alm o s t unlimited. Full particulars mailed free on request. , W 1 H R O U G H O U T Canada the Bank o f Montreal is daily loaning fund* to re sponsible farmers to assist them in their business. This Bank is at all times prepared to advance loans on terms consis tent with sound banking. HUGHES, WOOD & COMPANY STO CK BR O K E R S Toronto, Ont. Hamilton Trust BUg. j SA TU R D A Y General W orks . . .. T <>tal 335 10 390 26 121 72 317 Patron age 20 * P h ilo s o p h y ..................... There w ill be the, usual opening R e lig io n .. cerem onies at the' fir st H alton lea- 1S ociology . . . . 7. gue basball gam e at three-thirty o n Naturai S c ie n c e .. Saturday a ftern oon . ! U seful A r t s ................. M ilton team w ill be here to oppose Fine Arts O a k v ille. Literature . . . . . . . . PRE SB YTER IAN AN N IVE RSA RY * 5 -» SERVICES -824 H is to r y .. .................. 525 T r a v e l............................... 662 B iograph y^ ...................... 437 F i c t i o n ........................... 3395 54 50 136 521 139 47 299 413 461 483 23136 when motoring through DINE AT THE 5 7 Queen St, W ., BANK OF MONTREAL E s t a b lis h e d i 8 l 7 T o tal A s s e ts in e x c e s s j s T $ 8 7 0 *0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Oakville Branch: H. L. R E A D , Manager. Clarkson Branch: C. H EW ETT, Manager. Bronte Branch: 1. A . NAIRN, Manager. This year K nox chu rch w ill hold Totals . . . . ..7114 25759 anniversary services on Sunday and In addition to the above, the tables M onday, M ay 19th and 20tli. There are supplied w ith all o f the leading will be appropriate Sabbath services. , m agazines and p eriod ica ls. New Then on M onday the good ladies o f book s are being added continually. the ch u icli have decided to hold a The library and readin g room is banquet instead o f the usual con cert, open every afternoon from 3.00 to Dinner w ill be served from six-thirty 6 -00, ex cePt W ednesdays and every to eight o 'clo ck and there prom inent speaker. w il. he a Doty, S ec.-treasu rer. ^ " * * Chas. F. PARADIS E CA FE BRANT STREET- -- FEW FEET NORTH OF HICHWAY BEST OF S E R V IC E WELCOME TO CANADIAN AND AMERICAN TOURISTS Send the " STAR " to distant friends AH the local and district news