Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 10 May 1929, p. 3

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^ had nocolour" FRED. PENNY, M RS. R.R. No. 4, Norwich, Ont., suffered from anaemia for over three years. Though taking medicine all that time, nothing helped her till she began Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. " I had no appetite" , she writes. " I could not sleep. My blood almost turned to water. I was weak and my heart would palpitate violent ly. I am thankful to say that in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I found the relief I sought. My color returned, my appetite improved, my weight in creased fifteen pounds, and it was not long till I could perform my work with ease." J f you are weak and easily tired, subject to headaches, are pale, without appetite, and your work seems a bur den, do not delay. Start treat ment at once by buying a box o f Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at your medicine dealer's or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. s. 27 fir iW illp iin is PINK PILLS DON'T READ THIS Dear M ick,--01 have lost yer ad dress, and as Oi can't find it, will ye It appears quite clearly from send it on to me as soon as possible, statistics published by Herbert D. if not sooner. Oi want to tell ye that Chamberlain, o f Ohio State University, poor Uncle Dan doied very suddint in "T h e Journal o f H eredity" (W ash after a long and serious illness. He ington) that lefthandedness is inherit laid for many days quiet and spacheed. less all the toime asking for water "From families hi which one or both with a little whiskey. The doctor tells of the parents are left-handed we get ! he doied through illness, i me illness, but, a percentage of 17.34 per cent, of the Mickey, me bhoy, between ourselves, children left-handed, while In famil stoppage of the heart was the cause ies in which neither of the parents are of his death. He was eighty-five left-handed only 2.1 per cent, of the years of age last March, all but fifteen children are left-handed. If left months, and had he lived till now he handedness is not inherited we would would have been dead a fortnight. Oi not find over 5 per .ent. of the chil would beg of ye not to break the seal dren left-handed in any of these famil of -this letter until two or three days ies, regardless of the handedness of after ye have read it, by which toime their parents. It is very evident that ye will be more prepared for the sor there is some sex influence manifest rowful news.-- With love, from Pat. ed in the inheritance of left-handedness as shown by the larger number of left-handed boys in this population. It is also apparently transmitted dif ferently where the father is left-handed, as note the small number of lefthanded girls in these fam ilies. There can be no doubt that the trail is in herited. Siemens presents twentyone cases o f apparent identical twins A medicine that all mothers praise in which one was left-handed and the other right-handed, and cites this as -- one good in every w ay--one that evidence that left-handedness is not will quickly banish the minor ills of an hereditary factor. The probable babyhood and childhood is the medi cine to keep in the medicine chest; explanation of this is mirror imaging, so often found in identical twins, or to always have on hand in case of Such a medicine is it may possibly be the parental posi emergency. Baby's Own Tablets-- they are help tion of the right-handed twin, which ful at all times. They are a mild would prevent it from developing into but thorough laxative which by re a left-handed one gulating the bowels and stomach banish colds and simple fevers; cor rect constiplation and indigestion; re lieve colic and diarrhoea and make the cutting o f teeth easy. Thousands of mothers use no other medicine for their little ones. Among Plans are Under W a y for Big them is Mrs. J. H. Bromley, W est meath, Ont., who w rites;--" I have Celebration for the Centen four children and whenever any of ary in September them are ill I always use Baby's lad i.hem The " Old Boys" o f Upper Canada Own Tablets and have * good in every way. T would not be College -- numbering some 4,000 have for some time been making ar without the Table ? and w^uid also rangements for a fitting celebration like your little booklet Care of the of the Centenary of the College in Baby in Health and Sickness.' " Baby's Own Tablets are sold by September, 1929. " Old B oys" from all parts of Canada have announced medicine dealers or by mail at 25 their intention o f being present, and cents a box from The Dr. W illiam s' a large representation from the Uni M edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Left-Handedness Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truly economical. A! half pound makes almost as many cups as a full poui.d of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c. 68 T £ A > ^ o o d te BABY C H IC K S a RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE Is extra good Husband: " I say, A licer-d 'you know where the deuce my shavingbrush is?" W ife: " Oh, my dear-- I'm so sorry. I used it yesterday to enamel over the bath. You'll find it In a jam pot of turpentine down in the scu llery!" .j.-----------Minard's Liniment-- good for tired feet Classified Advertisements ING LE COMB W H ITE LEGHORN Baby Chicks, bred fo r high produc tion fo r 26 years. Prices fo r May 14c, June 12c, July and August 10c. Delamere Poultry Farm, Stratford, Ontario. Estab. 1903. GOOD IN EVERY W AY S Baby's Own Tablets Banish Babyhood and Childhood Ailments. An prehistoric skeleton has been IN T E R N A T IO N A L M O V E R S found, its legs wrapped around its neck. This would seem to. indicate e s t e q u ip m e n t, l a t e s t m e t h o d s * uniform return load prices. that the dickey seat is older than we All goods Insured. We move you when had supposed.-- Greenville Piedmont. you want to move. Make your enquiries BABY CHICKS. W E HATCH four varieties, price 9c up. Write fo r free catalogue. A. H. Switzer, Granton. Ontario. A -l B now. Pioneer distance movers. Agents in principal cities o f eastern States and Canada- Hill The Mover, Hamilton and Toronto. G I iA D IO I iUS Upper Canada College Old Boys NAMED, MIXED, all colors, $1.00; or 25 different sorts, each correctly named, labelled, for $1.00 All fu ll sized bloom ing bulbs: or 1,000 bulblets (w ill i..ake blooming bulbs next year), all colors, $1.00. Free list prices, 210 sorts. Also seeds, shrubs, roses, fru it trees, wholesale direct to you from Canada's largest bulb grower. A. W. Smith, B ox 184, W oodstock. ^ ^ L A D I O L U S-- 50 Slick! No wonder S m a r ti Mower* a r e so popular! They cu i so easily and with such litile"push". M c r fc r r o / o n d W o r ft m o n s h r p G u o r o n f o h d t They haven't t h j Daughters o f th« R evolu tion . in M exico, but w e fan cy the mother must live down ther« somewhere. T H O n O B R C D '^ r "UVEAHDkAY" enjuna production. W h ite, B row n mod B u ff Leghorn*, Barred and W h ite R o c k v R . L Reds, A nconas, Black M in o r a * Buff Orpingtons, W h ite Wyandotte*. 12*' and up. 1 0 0 * Uve delivery guaranteed. W rite today for FREE C H IC K BOOK.; A T EVERY H A R D W A R E ST O R E _ ' ted States and England is also expect ed. The Prince of Wales, the Visitor " A H O U SEH O LD NAM E IN 5 4 C O U N T R I E S " of the College, has already sent his : ;-*':"-'-o«d wishes, and the Governor-GenPublicitv fe r a ' b^s expressed his willingness to op . rtsent. G.G., in the Nation and Athenp0 ," a*r r h jCommittee appointed by the (L on don). The trade of a pub ?§- Association has arranged agent Is apparently a lucrative ore. |foF T . f o llo w in g functions during the The trained eye can detect In frcolumns o f newspapers and magu.- zines much that is apparently n e . but is really advertisement. T '.i late C. E. Montague recorded th' during the W ar many things that v.nud have been regarded as " unspo: ing" at the beginning becam e the re gular practice later on. A similar deterioration seems to have taken place in this matter of self-advertise ment. Much that would have been re garded as gross and ungentlemanly by fathers seem s to have becom e the com m on usage o f to-day. Souls and Stomachs Wickham Steed in the Review of Review s (L on don ): We need to be careful how we set about the busi ness of making a better world. Some thing besides m g jt a ^ g ^ v e a l t h has SMARTS MOWERS JA M ES S M A R T PLANT. BROCKVIUE O NT. SCHWEf.l.SR'S H ATCH ERY 226 N orth am pton RtilTalo, N Y . *o* H 75 B B ID G E B T 7B Q . O N T .. CAN. BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR M ik es g a - ~ ii r .g a pleasure. Plows, Harrows, Seeds, Cultivates. Canadian Ser.-c-e. Machines, attach ments and repairs carried bv Canadian Potato Machinery Co. Limited 14 Cooper St., Galt, Ont. Distributors _ pie who b (1y will be happy with his wages or comforts "ee, fJays oE the celebration: able incomes, forget that there is a Septemoc. id, 1929 V--Unveiling of Tablet on the spiritual side to human beings, and that the spirit may be nearly if not yte o f the old school building, bon --Presentation of prizes won quite as important as the body. The other people who insist that the spirit during the last school year, j ag--Centenary Ball at the Royal alone matters, and that the chief thing is for them to " save their souls" by York Hotel. taking refuse from worldly evils in Saturday, September 14, 1929 an other-worldly creed, forget that 'M orning and Afternoon -- Cricket some degree of bodily com fort is in 4Hatch, U.C.C. Past and Present dispensable to human welfare. vs. Toronto Cricket Club Past and President. Afternoon--Garden Party. Evening-- Centenary Dinner at the Royal York Hotel. Sunday, September 15, 1929 3.00 P.M.-- Special Service for Old Boys at. Ja m es' Cathedral. A QUICK W A Y TO END BABY'S UPSET SPELLS " Like other young mothers, I wor ried every time Baby cried," says a Syracuse, N.Y., woman. `` Several times when she was upset or consti pated, I tried castor oil but she couldn't retain it. Our doctor told me to try Fletcher's Castoria because It is harmless and babies like it. That ended my worries and I've used It since for all my children." Castoria never fails to delight mothers by the quick way it ends those upsets ot babies and children, s'ich as colic, constipation, colds, etc. That's the reason for its tremendous sale and popularity. Like all good things, it's imitated, but "genuine' Castoria-- the purely-vegetable" product -- always bears the Fletcher signature. Medicine Chests Are not com plete without Minard's Used for cuts, bruises and pains of all de scriptions. What is a Canadian? Saint John Telegraph-Journal (In d .): (The United States Supreme Court appare ill" holds that all Cana dian citizerT: 'ure either native-born or naturalized.) There is, however, a third category neither native-born nor naturalized. This is by no means num erically sn ail. It Is com posed of British-born Canadians whose birth place happens to be outside Canada, but not In a " foreign' country as the term is understood and used in the Dominion. That these are in a class separate from the foreign-born is evidenced by the fact that they need no naturalization, being already Brit ish. It is difficult to accept birth place as the sole gauge o f nationality. Is it, for instance, to be held that a child born in Turkey o f Canadianborn parents is a Turk? It does seem that United States is bent on defining what is a Canadian in spite of Cana dians. Tunes Your Aerial TH E NEW RADIO CLEARATUNER W i l l H e lp Y o u G e t T h o s e D is t a n t S t a t io n s We g u a r a n te e g T ea ter d is t a n c e , grreater v o lu m e , g r e a te r s e l e c t i v i t y , l e s s s t a t i c , l e s s in te r fe r e n c e a n d b e t t e r to n e q u a lit y . $ 2 , p o s tp a id . D eL u x e M o d e l $ 3 , p o s tp a id . M o n e y b a c k i f n o t s a tis fie d . SHIP YOUR ECCS TO G U N N S LIMITED St. Lawrence Market, Toronto Highest Prices, Prompt Returns THORDARSON HURST BUILDING. 274 Fort St. Winnipeg, Man. L J a f e t y against skid d in g -- S a f e t y when brakes say ` *sto p 1 S a f e t y at high speeds-- S a f e t y wherever and whenever you drive your car-- all these are yours when you drive on Fires t one G um -D ipped Illness Kept Her From W ork P H IL L IP Ss Ofmag* . % For T rou b les due to A c id in d ig e s t io n a c id sto m a c h Tires. And don't forget that they go farther at less cost than any other tires you can buy. See y o u r n e a r e s t Firestone Dealer today I FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED The Printed " Invasion" H alifax Herald (C on s.): According to recent statistics, 6,000,000 copies of United States publications come into Canada every week. They come in duty free. They advertise United States products exclusively. United States firms do not, except in very rare exceptions, spend any money in advertising In this country. They reach the Canadian field through their own publications, and their advertise ments are carried free in Canadian territory as an inducement to adver tise more liberally at home. H EAD ACH E O A SE SN A U S E A H EARTBU RN Reduce the Acid Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition w ill probably end in five minutes. Then you w ill always know what to do. Crude and harm ful methods w ill never appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake. It may save a great many disagreeable hours. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' M ilk o f Magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc tions-- any drugstore. ft Hamilton · Ontario *-------- Tires Give me but eyes to know that joy lies in com m on things. -- ---- >------------Minard' s Liniment relieves pain. Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean excess acid. The stomach nerves are over-stimu lated. T oo much acid makes the stom ach and intestines sour. Alkali kills acid instantly. The best form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be cause one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid. Since its Invention, 50 years ago, it has remained the standard with physicians everywhere. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-? table Compound because I was sc* sick every month that I had to keep my bed for two days and I suffered so that I felt badly all the time. I had been working in a factory but for a long time was not able to work as I was so run-down and nervous. My friends told me o f the Vegetable Compound. I am now sound and Weill and have gone back to work. I 6 ®ve' a good appetite, my color is gjaod and I am in good spirits."-- Bielyn Bourque, 132 Alma Street, Moncton, New Brunswick. Lydia E, Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound l*d»aE Pmkham Mid. Co.. Lynn. M m U.S..A jnd Cobotirg. Ontario. C a r p i' . ISSUE No. 19-- 29

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