1 w iiiH iiom iiuiiH iim niiim iiiiiim ioiiiiiiiin im ioiiiiiiim iu iiin im m m iiiiiiin im m m iiiic:| . . . 11 I Professional Dipeotopy f CO N S U L T T H E S E C O L U M N S COSJSTANTLY. North to W H E N YOU REQUIRE | Appeal South Lumber, Building Supplies, P lasters | Cement, W in d o w Sash, Etc I ! you are buying rough or dressed Lum ber, F loorin g, Siding, In ter ior T rim , W od or Felt Shingles, W o o d or Metal Lath, Sash, D o o rs , Walls, Plaster, Lim e, Cetnsnt and 5 iiiiim iaiiiiiiiiui!iiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiim iniH iiiiioiiim iioiiiiiiim m iiiiiiinim iiiiiiiiim inniiiii!a Report Says Held Meeting in Milton and Decided on This Action Dp . G. B. Chisholm C or. C olborne and Reynold* Sts. Apparently assessm ent 'trou bles are brew ing in T rafalgar evidently resulting from county equalization N o t a r y , e fc ] O A K V IL L E appeals and ju dgm en ts. Oakville O ffice: C olborne 8 t. | A t the m eeting it is said, it was claim ed that southern properties D r. E v a R . F is t x e r ! should be assessed for $550,000 more Douglas D ouglas than at present. This w ould bring ' the m atter before the coun cil as a Oakville D h o u e 281 - r - 5. TR A F A L G A R \ court o f revision and doubtless later Barrister*, Solicitors, Notaries, e tc. | New D avis B lock ov er Bank o i before the ju dge. Com m erce j W hether such action w ill be really Phone A del. 7798 taken or not rem ains to be seen. p M oney to L oan on Farm and R eal-i __________________ r 8-- 9 a .m . dential P roperties in O akville and Office H ours I 1-- 3 p .m . vicinity at low est rates, or if you W I L S O N C L A N [ 7-- 9 p .m . , Lave any m oney to Invest in first , ^ O ffice: Dundas Street, Oakville m ortgages, w e can p la ce It safely for · . I L I , Ci \ T H E R P H O N 0 14 ' you. -- Form erly occu pied by D r. L u st Christopher .Wilson Settled on Sherb Homestead Hundred 4 Years A ro O -n There w ilf 'be a hering o f the Notary Public V R T E i r 'i N A K V S U K G IS O N TR A FALG AR Oakville Phone 430 r 2 Ian. at the i , W ilson clan i' rm of A lfred Real Estate W ilson, Stferldan, o " W ednesday, Insurance M oney to Loan Jl,ns 1.9th, to celebra' the hundredM acK ay & M acK ay If you have any m oney to invest, I ^ sujjiversary o f the. settling of DOMINION & ONTARIO LAND SU R can pla ce It safely on first m ortgage, Christopher W ilson on the old liom eat good Interest. stead. VE YO RS, CIVIL ENGINEERS Descendant w ill be com in g from Tow n Planing-- Municipal Engineering mi..-- --, m mm ______ p o in ts -fa r ft' 1 near to sw ell the atJames J . M cK ay Ernest G . M cK ay tendance a* the 're-union and m eet 72 Jam es S t. N. Hamilton ^ m em bers of the large fam ily con n ec tio n . Several com m ittee m eetings , have been held and invitations are I F R E D C \ R R , F .R .H .S . F vm e ra l D ire c to r , being forwarded to all o f the fam ily I L AN D SCAPE AN D GARDEN conhection CONSTRUCTION | The re:union banquet w ill be held Honor Graduate Ontario College Pruning o f Shade and Fruit Trees a in the afternoon w hen the ladies o f E m balm ing. Clarkson. Church w ill cater. This S p ecia lty. P. G. Renoiiard, C ollege Em balming. w ill b§ follow ed by a garden party Shrubs, Perennials and R oses. N. Y. TE LE PH O N E S in the evening, w hen residents o f the Oakville 567 j . T oronto H il. 3333 J. | Q ualified by the G overnm ent. | com m unity w ill join with the fam ily Phone 488. Dunn S t., next to New* in celebrating the occa sion . B a r r iste r, S o lic ito r w . Alee. Chisholm Plaster material such as H ard Plaster Paris. G yp roc and R ocb oa rd , the tw o B oards that are s o Physician and Surgeon m uch talked o f taepb day?. W e have them in stock and can p ro m p t ly take care o f your wants. W e also have a planing mill in con n ection with our lum ber yards, and can assure you o f prom pt service on any mill work you require. will & Robinson D .W . M . W i l k i n s o n Let us qu ote you our prices on quality mill work, a trial order con v in ce you that our prices are right and the w orkm anship the best We > ' elrver anywhere. Fisa is© B'?9 tla© s H a lL i no. A n . Jo b w DAVIS llandal. SX 'jo i -- E a st o'* -Toinparanb P hones 73 and '2 14. COAL WO D S. S. Russell Embalmer JNO. E. FORD Selling1 Acorn Brand of ALBERTA C O A L From the Saunders Creek Field Yards and Office at C. N . R. ST A TIO N j -----------------HUNDREDS OF CHICKENS BURNED OR SM OTHERED Fourteen Hundred Chicks T w o Small Fires Lost In W. ' *T" THE H. F u n eral TUCK S e r v ic e ; -------------- C H A S . P. T U C K , L ic e n s td fu n e r a l D .r e c to r an d E m ba lm er. Dunn S t .. Phone S3, O a k vlll* . Complete StocR of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, China, Cut Glass, Gaines, Toys, Books, Stationery Fancy Goods, Etc. Phone 85 t Decoratop Painting I Paper hanging Tinting Glazing! s. osj vi f l M P hone SOI. O a k v ille , i W. B U S B Y J E W E L E R a**************** Murray House I N N oav ew ppEN U n der T w o poultry colony houses In the Sniders Corners district suffered ist w eek w ith the loss o f ___________________hundred young chick! On Thursday evening the colony house on the farm o f J . B . H arris caught fire and burned dow n causing the loss o f eight hundred young ch ick s. Four hundred had been placed in the house th a W n orn iu g . Then Friday night the heater burn ed a hole in the flo o r o f W ilfred P ickering's colony house, and though the building did not burn som e six hundred chickens w ere sm othered by the sm oke. The losses indicate the extent to w hich chickens are raised on T rafal gar farm s. The loss to these gentle m en w ill be heavy. . READ. THE STAR FOR ALL TH C NEWS The Star would w elcom e our readers looking carefully over all pages of this issue and note how thoroughly the ne-ws field is c o v ered The Star gives many items not covered elsewhere. COKE S . 0AV!S ICE G . P O uT V DAVIS Si D O T Y LXJMBEE Y A E D MILL* > BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Factory and Office:-- Station North ol O .T .R . ili 'N A G E M E N T _ * WE SPECIALIZE IN Special R ates for B oarder's by the week. o -- ---- a BANQUETS CATERED TO W.T. OAKLEY, O tT T T T T» *9 *< T *V Prop | T» TD : JO B P R IN TIN G Doors, Sash. Flooring', Shingles, Lath, Wallhoards and Siding, Chmer.t, PUster and Se^rer Pise. PALERMO GARAGE flQIO REPAIR W O R K OF ALL KINDS A G E N T S FOE HUDSON, AND ESSEX , D U R A N T S TA R CARS ^ Sedans, Coaches and Touring Cars I l f l T E S T ,| V IO D E U S General Hardware and Builders' Supplies McG-regor Hardware Co, m it«d G A L B R A IT H & T U R N E R Phone @9 p 2