T h is u n questionably is the finest green tea (GREEN) F or that reason I would be very glad if you could write me whatever you think will help n.e; you know how lit tle 1 know about these m atters; and I do not know whom to approach here. It would be fat better for me i f you could happen to be here. Oh, I am not asking that. But if you find we've no thing more to gain by remaining near the Rock, come down here and I 'll wait fo r you. Y-_/Ur friend, E T H E L C A R E W ." the next existence, thrt uncertainty as to her death was causing confusion in this w o.ld , wished it known positively that she was dead. C H A P T E R X I. JAPAK T E A `Fresh fro m th e gardens 1 656 Q Utile. BxDvm aaL Company « -- · man who considered that whenever he had something particularly difficult to do with anybody, it always made matters easier to give that person a good dinner; and in his cousin ` Eth" he found he had an obstinate propo sition. The t ig room in the Blackstone was clearing as groups departed fo r the opera; the nearest tables all were de serted. Bennet paid his cheque and lit a ciga ret; he leaned easily upon the table. " Do you know any one named Quin lan?" she asked. " Old Jim Quinlan? Surely. Father used to have him about the south side yards fo r old time's sake." " W h y?" " He was with grandfather years ago." " O h; was there some one connect ed with him named R obert?" Ethel asked. " Bob Quinlan? He was his grand son." " W as," Ethel repeated. " He's I am addressing you without the dead?" usual prefix o f Miss or Mrs. because " Shot down in flames near Cambrai, I do not know which to use. he was," Bennet said. " He got into I am w riting you to report the sub aviation as observer and machine gun stance o f a communication meant for ner. Old Jim-- I hear he went sort o f you and which was received from a nutty not long afterw ard. It seemed person who is dead. that Bob wa^ all he had left. Lost This afternoon, when sitting with most of the rest o f his fam ily in dis Mrs. Brand, Philip Carew once more asters, some one said; then the war was present and wished to speak. Per took Bob." haps because it was earlier in the " How long ago was he associated, sitting and the medium was not tired, with grandfath er?" Ethel returned. I received several perfectly clear and " W here was it?" coherent messages. W hat I had done " W hy, back in the old pine days," in regard to Barney Loutrelle was Bennet replied impatiently. " Old Jim wrong. When I asked how wrong, I was head sawyer o f one o f grand received the reply, " N ot so much father' s mills. Lost his fingers then; w ron g as incomplete." T ., , , , , i _ has only half his fingers on his right I then asked what Ishould do to hand W hy' " make it com plete; and I got the reply: | ..j 'came back here beCa u s e - " Ethel " It is so nice o f you to come here, Miss Ethel. Mrs. Cullen will be so pleased when she hears o f it." Mrs. W ain always spoke as though Agnes was certain to return. " I was won dering yesterday i f this might mean you were soon to arrive." " This" was a letter which the housekeeper was offering-- a square, firm, well-filled envelope with British stamps and with the British strip, " Opened by the Censor." The ad dress was written in bold, vigorous handw riting which Ethel observed with a- start. The letter was from Barney's friend o f the Canadian battalion who had written Barney o f her father's attempt to speak to him, who had told Barney to hasten to Resurrection Rock and had foretold that he would find some one named Bagley and another per son named Carew there. The letter read : M y dear Etfiel Carew : I began, looking steadily at her cousin, it seemed so; but not now. is no " Xhe trr.uble I had with grandfather use without Quinlan." at St. Florentin, Ben," she made an When I asked for Quinlan's whole other start, " was over a man whom name and address and who " she" was, Kincheloe killed on Resurrection I got the reply, somewhat impatiently, Rock." " Jamas, o f oourse; James Quinlan, " Killed a m an?" her cousin was Chicago." And he said that " she" repeating in a whisper, looking about ·was Ethel Carew and requested me to sw iftly and then bending further w rite her at once all about it. I will across the table. quote this verbatim since, though it " You mean-- murdered him ?" w as meaningless to me, it was clearly, " Oh, Ben, I odn't kftow; but I'm m ost im portant: afraid o i " . " See Quinlan and tell him not only " W hat-- what the devil-- " Bennet I but Robert, who is here beside me, scolded. He glanced about and shifted says to do it. That is the only way, his feet as though to rise. and he w ill be happy when it is over. " Give me all o f this," he command I t must be done. Tell him the cost ed. " Straight." there is nothing." So she told his quietly and without V ery sincerely, passion as " straight" as she could. HU STON A D L E Y . " Y ou say you accused grandfather," he assailed her hotly, when she had C H A P T E R X. finished, " o f killing this Loutrelle Bennet Cullen, oldest son o f Lucas pick-up o f y o u rs!" Cullen, Junior, was a hearty young " That's true. I said I was mis taken. It wasn't B arney; it w as-- " " Y ou-- you fool," he said to her in pitying disgust. " Y ou little fo o l." She sat back, quite w hite and quiv ering under the constraint o f control -they call him ling herself against Bennet's anger. * * * · * CHAPTEH IX.-- (Cont'd.) She was a little quivery as she un dressed and made ready fo r bed. It was difficult, when living among the articles chosen and arranged by Agnes and so expressive of her tireless vi tality, to believe that she could have been completely obliterated. There was a large, flat package from London, tied with cord and stamped with English postage; the censor had opened it, sealed it again and sent it on. The paper bore the legend, " photographs." She found three photographs, all identical, o f a group o f young men in uniform who appeared to be officers of the Canadian and o f the American armies. The faces were all strange to Ethel until, with a start which stop ped the beat o f her heart, she recog nized Barney Loutrelle. In each of the prints his identity was unmistak able. Her Uncle Lucas called early the next m orning to ask what she was doing about her business matters. When she said that she had failed to obtain help, he told her he had de Use Minard's for the rub down. cided to " protect" her interests in the Hardiness is one of the prime re *-------projects under way. quisites o f alfalfa in Canada. The That afternoon she received a letter Mr. Coolidge has given up his policy planting o f seed from a region known from Barney in which he reported that to produe a type o f alfalfa unsuitable of econom y and will buy a used car. upon his return to the Rock he had for Canadian conditions is to invite -- Florence (A la.) Herald. . found affairs just as she had left them. disaster. " I have seen no one from St. F lor W e are informed that there has entin," Barney continued. " But 1 been lately im ported into Ontario think that Kincheloe has got out. I tw o substantial shipments o f Argen have found an Indian who saw a tine alfalfa seed. Numerous tests in stranger about here three days ago many parts of Canada have proven who, I think, is tho fellow that slept this seed unsuitable for our use. This in that shack -opposite Rest Cabin, Argentine seed is required by law to Miss Carew. From what I can make be stained, red to an extent of ten Why Use Poor Alfalfa Lucas Cullen, Senior, received in form ation o f this extraordinary bit of intelligence soon after his arrival at his son's home. " W hat are you considering doing?" his son inquired. Lucas laughed as he liked to laugh when planning a shrewd and clever coup. " Hale Sir H orace Clebourne into court, o f course, to sw ear fo r us that Oliver's w ife is dea d! Then when we have our English ruling, w e'll carry it into our courts on the verity -- is that a good, legal-sounding word, Luke?" " I think it w ill do," Luke said. " On the verity o f the death o f our dear Agnes, as already presumed by the court-- but not proved. So we prove it; witness, Agnes h erself; testi mony taken and sworn to by Sir H or ace Clebourne, D octor o f Science, B ar onet and the rest; sworn to by the best e .w . g i l l e t t CO. ltd brains o f England. W e'll get 'em. I · TORONTO. CAN know it's nea7 son-- it's new ; but tbe old man never had to wait for some one else to show how to do a thing.' · " Can you think o f anything more (T o be continued.) utterly useless than silk stockings?" asked the intensely practical man. " Not unless it's the things that stand on street corners watching them," an swered his wife.-- Judge. B A K IN G POWDER MAG/c IS A L W A Y S RELIABLE per cent. For your own protection beware of all alfalfa seed carrying a red stain. You never see a blacksmith now. But before they all left, they made enough money to put their sons through dental school.-- Kay Features.- " W hy has this lobster a claw miss ing, waiter?" " The lobsters we serve are so fresh, sir, that we can't stop them fighting with each other in the kitchen." " Very well. Take this away,- and bring me one of the win ners." Minard's Liniment for cuts and bruises "The man you can' t rattle ' Her Uncle Lucas called early the An investment banker says that at next morning. the rate things are going, women will have all the national wealth by 2035. out from Ozibee, he was an old man Never mind; they'll probably leave it who seemed a bit off his head from in a taxicab.-- Thfe New Yorker exposure, perhaps. Anyw ay he seem ed wholly purposeless and harmless, B I O Y C L H B A R G r A I I V S and I think we were w rong in con NEW AND SLIGH TLY USED. $10 UP. necting him up with our affair. I « . Transportation Paid. couldn't obtain any better description Est. 1903 i, Writ® fo r Illustrated Bicycles and A ccessor- I o f him than that he was tall and gray ies FREE. haired and w ore a "short mitten on his CATALOGUE. I P e e r le s s B ic y c le right hand as the ends o f his fingers W ork s, w ere off." 1 9 1 -3 -5 D u n d a s Aspirin is a Trademark Registered in Canada S t. W ., T o r o n to . This determined Ethel to telegraph Barney to come at once to Chicago. But before him, two others took the train from Quesnel fo r Chicago-- Lucas Cullen, Senior, and his wife. And upon the day o f their arrival, the first newrs confirming the assump Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 1 0 % . more tion of A g n e.'s death reached the city. timber, time and labor being equal, than any other It came to Lucas Cullen, Junior, in a communication not dissimilar to jnade._JThis guarantee has never been challenged* that letter which had awaited Ethel S IM O N D S C A N A D A S A W C O ., L IM I T E D , at Scott street; but Lucas's letter, · T . REMS S T R E E T A N D A C O R N A V E N U E , &C NTREAL, QU E. instead o f being from an unknown TORONTO, ONT. person, was from an English peer of international reputation fo r his work in sciences. He wrote to report a mes sage which he had received from the other world which stated that " Agnes Cullen," havinc become cognizant, in different things may cause a headache, but there's ju st one thing you need ever do to get immediate relief. Aspirin is an absolute antidote for such pain. K eep it at the office. H ave it ready in the home. T h ose subject to fre quent or sudden headaches should carry A spirin in the handy pocket tin. Until you have used it for head aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you 've n o idea how much Aspirin can help. It means quick, complete relief to millions o f men and women w ho use it every year. A n d it does not depress the heart. A D O & EN SIMONDS J M a n y successful bu siness m en regularly use W rigley' s. The act o f chew ing has a soothing effect. Tho h e a l t h f u l c le a n s i n g a c t i o n o f W rigley' s refresh es the m o u t h -- Bendy stimulates the flow o f the natural juices--steadies the nerves-- aids digestion. WRIGLEYS ISSUE No. 19-- '29 B efore w riting to Barney that night, Ethel reread the letter from Huston Adley. Her immediate course o f action had become quite plain to h er; yet she reconsidered thoughtfully before recording her purpose. " My dear Mr." Loutrelle," she ad dressed Barney. " Last night 1 had a remarkable experience-- " and she de tailed how she had confirmed, through her cousin, the existence o f James Quinlan and Robert and the history of James Quinlan's associations with her grandfather and his recent disap pearance. " Before I met you and you told me o f your experience with the Philip Carew w ho wished to speak with you, and befo?te this letter about m y father came to me, I might have visited a medium w ithout thinking so much about w hat I w as doing. " I w ant to be very sure that, when I try, it w ill be through some fitting person-- that nothing about m y ap proach to him w ill degrade him or lead me into danger o f offending or losing or every misunderstanding him. Christies Biscuits (5 be o ffJ lu c d d q /^33. J tk a n d a r c l _ In the store or on the fjlwne, alvnaijs a sk fo r