Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 10 May 1929, p. 7

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Terrific Gales Sweep Ontario S While Great Lakes Are Dashed to Fury Lakes Erie and Huron Take Toll in Shipping and Shore Lines. W hile Land Transportation Again Suffers E R IE A U IN U N D A T E D A Recurrence of Last Year' s Flood W ind, rain and resulting floods for Bay at 4 o'clock F riday morning. The the second time within a month left crew w as removed as the first streaks their trail o f damage through On o f dawn showed the cra ft floundering helplessly and with her cargo o f lum tario Friday and Saturday. The great lakes, in the throes o f a ber lost to the waves. 50-mile gale, accompanied by a 'blind CO U R AG E F A C IN G D A N G E R in g snow blizzard in the north and Revealing a story o f fine courage torrential rain in the south, presented in the fa ce o f difficu lty and danger, a menace to shipping w hich kept the the rescued men attribute their safety m a jority o f vessels storm bound in the life-saving .crew from Thunder port, white those which were forced to Bay Lland. brave the gale were tossel about like " I f it had not been fo r them it m atchwood by the heavy seas. A t least would have been all up with us," one casualty in Lake H uron and a H arry Jacobson o f Escanaba, engineer r e a r disaster on Lake Erie w as the o f the ill-fated ship, declared. toll o f the high seas. Jacobson said the deck o f the O. E. Seamen on the shores o f Lake Parks w ere awash with mountainous H uron declared that the seas during waves when t'.ic crew o f the life sta F rid ay had been heavier than had tion arrived in answer to their distress been seen fo r the past decade on the signals. He was unable to explain the lake. cause o f the foundering o f the ship. MISSISSIPPI RIVER LEVEE BREAKS AGAIN AND FLOODS A WIDE AREA -rThe storm came up unexpectedly and BIG L A K E L IN E R IN TR O U B L E Pressure of flood waters from tributary streams caused the Mississippi River levee at Canton, Mo., to give way,, Battling huge waves and a strong before the crew could make £he vessel m arooning,,m ore titan 200 hoines. Photograph shows Dart of the inundated area around the Canton, high school. gale, w ith 135 souls aboard, the pas ship-shape, it had been swamped by senger steamer City o f Buffalo, 18 high waves driven by a northeasterly hours overdue in Cleveland, was towetl gale. E R IE A U S U F F E R S . [ Saturday into Conneaufc. T h a t' the desperate fight o f the Chatham, M ay 5.-- The village o f G R A IN Q U O TATIO N S Steamer to avoid disaster on Lake Erieau, popular Lake Erie summer re Grain dealers on-the Toronto Board E rie during the terrific storm was sort and port, is threatened with corn; o f T ra d e"a re m aking the^i'ollowingToronto Chosen A fter Appli handicapped at one tim e by sailors plete demolition tonight as the wateite quotations ffir c a r jo f s : ·who fou gh t fo r life preservers, was ol the lake continue to pound out their Man.. wheat-- N o. 2 North.,..$1.23% ; cations from Other Cities Oceanographers Find M any the story told by W illiam Gib:iey, of fury on the surrounding beaches. Cify No. 3 North., $1.18% ; No. .f wheSt, Had Been Considered-- B uffalo, N .Y ., one o f the 25 passengers off ott from irom . the rest o ot w heat,- $1.05?i'; :No. 6 Anomalies A m on g Deni f the main land ex-. Provision Made that w ho landed safely. cept fo r the thread-like 'embankniertP }' ? ! ^ "iCj *ee<^ whe»tv$fc$g&.. ,(c.i.f. zens of Deepest - Goderich and. 13ay orrs Price on, track Gibney, vice-president o f the Bing o f the Pere M arquette railw ay, the W ater Must Not be 1c higher than above.) . '< * · ' , Recesses ham Taylor corporation, said: peninsula settlement is virtually mar Below 58 Degrees Man. oats-- No. 1 feed, 48 Jic.N o. 2 Boyden Sparkes, writing in " The " A narrow escape from death by ooned, while unless the winds and feed, 46U c. (c.i.f. Goderich- and Bay For the third consecutive year To-- Saturday Evening P ost" on strange in drow ning w as made worse by an un o f the elaborate summer homes will ports.) '/'S ffij. ruly crew. A t one time three o f the collapse before long into a watery Am . coirn-- No. 2, -yellow, tal'ivdried, ronto is to be the scene of the annual habitants o f the sea, quotes Charles crew fou gh t among themselves for grave. $1.04% ; No. 3 yelhyfr,' kSlh ; dried, W rigley marathon, emblematic of the H. Townsend as saying the fierce, ( Delivered Td'roBto^) possession o f a life-preserver when In the surrounding districts the $103%. M illfeed del., '-'M ontreal" freights, world's swimming championship. And spined Hariotta lives 1,000 fathoms passengers were still waiting for waves have at last' triumphed over the Gastrostomus, small eyed, theirs. dykes and thousands o f acres o f low bags included-- Bran,-per ton, $28.25; for the third "consecutive time it is down. Gibney said, however, that the offi- land are inundated tonight, rendering shorts, per ton, $28~25; middlings, to be bigger and better than ever. with a mouth that suggests a steam $35.25. cers " showed remarkable calm and hundreds o f fam iles homeless and pilThe swim will be held during the shovel, and a distensible body that Ont. oats--G ood , sound, heavy oats forcefu ln ess in dealing with the crowd ng up a toll o f damage which wll in car lot«, 45 to 50c, f.o.b. shipping two weeks o f the Canadian National will accommodate anything his mouth o f inexperienced youngsters who made amount to hundreds o f thousands o f points. . Exhibition. The choice of Toronto incloses, has an address in the books up the crew ." dollars. Ont. good m illing wheat, f.o.b. ship was made only after consideration of of naturalists fixed at about one and PULP STEAM ER LOST In the Dover and Tilbury East dis ping points, according to freights, application? by others cities for the a half miles below the surface. $1.28 to $1.30. Batliyterois, which is taken two and event. These . included Cleveland, Sault Ste. M arie, Ont., May 5.-- tricts, it is estimated that 2,200 acres Barley M alting, 70 to 73c. New Orleans, Detroit, Vancouver and a half miles down, has nine long feelSnatched from storm -swept decks o f a are inundated, while in Harwich town Buckwheat-- 85 to 87c. Chicago. ers on the forward fins that extend sinking vessel, Capt Samuel Shields ship, in the vicinity Of Erieau, 500 Rye-- No. 2, SI.05. Additional events and a stipulation; back to his tail. A much longer one, and twelve men com prising the crew acres o f the Burke drainage scheme Man. flour-- First pats., in jute, o f the steamer O. E. Parks were safe are under three feet o f w ater, and $7.30, T oronto; second pats., in jute, that 5S degrees fahrenheit water tem-, attached to the back of his head, flies ,, _ ashore to-dcv after having battled there is imminent danger o f the col $6.30. perature must prevail feature th e . astern like the homeward-bound penOnt. f l our-- -traeim lots, swim of 1929. As in last year's swim, nant o f a man-of-war. Two others are ^P against one o f the w orst gales on 'th e lapse o f another dyke which wll cause $5.70, the main events will be the woman' s beneath his gaunt body. How does he the flooding o f approximately 1,000 90 per cent, pats., p e r i great lakes in years. H A Y A N D STRAW 'V sw im of ten miles and the men's employ them? The O. E. Parks went down in shal acres o f the upper section o f the Wholesale hay and straw dealer event of 15 miles for which the lead low water in Lake Huron off Thunder scheme. In two elongate head cavities ot the are m aking the follow ing quotations ers o f the woman's struggle may eyeless Ipnops, which is found only in to farm ers (delivered at T oronto) : qualify. As an extra attraction, the remote depths, there is a lumin hear a message from home about No. 1 timothy, loose, per ton, $19 to special sprint races will be held on baby's first tooth. ous gelatine. W h y? If I could dis $20; do, baled, nominal; No. 2 do, the closing day o f the exhibition. This demonstration presages great cover positively just lu w those phos do, $14 to $14.50; No. 3 do, do, $12 to things for the social and commercial $14; lower grades, nominal; wheat Course Close to Shore phorescent organs of Ipnops serve' life o f the future. W hat messages of straw, $10.50; oat straw, $10. W hat will probably be the most wel him I should feel repaid for all my There are W H O L E S A L E SEED PRIC ES First Phone Call from M oving happiness or sadness, wliat conveni comed feature ot this year's swim years of invostigation. ences for weal or woe, it will bring (Prices per 100 lbs.) Red clover, from the public viewpoint is the deci not even distinguishable traces o f Train " Put Through" Sat forth the future w ill show. The domestic, No. 1, $30 to $32; do, No. 2, sion that the course of the swim will rudimentary eyes or of optic nerves. imagination ot the fresent-day mind $28 to $28.50; Imported, No. 1, $2(5 urday on Toronto Allanbe laid close to short. The " leg" out Is he just a blind lamplighter of the is dumbfounded by the almost infinite to $26.50; do, No. 2, $24 to $24.50; dale Line into the lake, which carried the parti deep? A poet might be content w 'th implications of this new device in Alsike, No. 1, $32 to $34; do, No. 2, cipants for two-thirds of each lap such an answer, but not a scientist? Last week Am erican newspapers communication. $28 to $28.50; A lfa lfa , domestic, No. 2, In some cases the deep sea has far from the crowds which lined the $34 to $35; Imported, No. 1, $30.50 to featured th* story o f a newspaper The color as rich in tones as our own. The $32; Sweet clo.ver, No. 1, $6.50 to $3; seawall, is to be eliminated. correspondent phoning his city editor do, No. 2, $5.75 to $7; Tim othy, No. full course of the swim is to be along beam trawl of the Albatross somefrom a plane flying above the City of 1, $10 to $11.25; do, No. 2, $7.75 to the inside and outside of the sea-1 times used to bring to the surface a 58 50. Boston. wall, the swimmers at no time being species of fish with a pink and blue On Saturday Canadians were made more than a few yards distant from body and chocolate colored fins-- such PRODUCE a creature as might be conceived by to realize that we in our little way are the breakwater. T oronto wholesale dealers are pay Becomes Sir Henry in Cerethe pastry cook of a big hotel. There as far or farther advanced In radio ing the fillo w 'n g prices: jh ony at Bognor were others that had eyes like moon E ggs, ui,graded, cases returned-- science as our neighbors or any other Fresh extras, 28c; fresh firsts, 26c; stones, set in black heads fitted to. country. Germany has developed a Freedom of the Seas Bognor, Sussex, England -- M ajor gracefully proportioned brown bodies. system for phoning moviug trains but Henry O'Neal Dehane Segrave became seconds, 22c. Round Table (L on don): It is be Butter-- Creamery, solids, pasteur Chauliodus has a savaga mouth It remained for the Canadian National Sir Henry Segrave when King George, coming clearer every day that the ized, No. 1, 3 8 % c; No. 2, 37% c. armed with long teeth, but there is a Railways to put in tc practical ser at Craigweil House. Bognor, bestowed Churning cream -- Special; 43c; No. whole attempt - which has hitherto v ice a train to station call as clear on him the accolade of knighthood in 1, 42c; No .2, S9c, f.o.b. shipping point. been made to prevent war by defining streak of crim son along his lower and distinct as an ordinary land wire reward for his automobile and motor Cheese-- No. 1 large, colored, par the " aggressor" or " outlaw State,' ' ja w , that might have been enameled call. boat speed feats in the United States affined and government graded, 20 and requiring members to take sanc there by a carriage painted, and just Right outside of Toronto for the in an age old cerem ony that has to 20% c . tions against such aggressor or out behind the gill is an area rich with L IVE STO CK . first time in history, a two-way tele changed but little since the institu law is on the wrong lines. The gold, as if to suggest that the Peru Heavy beef steers, $10 to $11.75; obligation which the Peace Pact or vian loot o f t h e . sunken galleons of phone conversation was held from a tion of chivalry. railway train while it sped along past M ajor Segrave, wearing a business butcher steers, choice, $10.75 to the Covenant ought to impose is that Spain had not been eternally lost. farms, meadows ann hamlets. suit, was received by the K ing's $11.75; d o , fa ir to gocd, $9.50 to $10; of taking econom ic or other sanc This telephone conversation from Equerry, Sir Bryan Godfred-Faussett, d o , com., $8.75 1t $9; butcher heifers, tions impartially against all belliger A man is never safe or comfortable a moving train was the realization of. who conducted him to the monarch choice, $11 to $11.40; Jo, fa ir to good, ents or intending belligerents. until he is right with conscience. $9.50 to $9.75; do, com., $8.75 to $9; the dreams of both railway and tele who was waiting in a ground floor bu{cher cows, good to choice, $8.50 to phone engineers for years. room wearing morning dress. $ 9 . 5 0 ; rd o , com. to rued., $6.50 to $7.50; British Speed King Speaks And : its first successful demonstraThe ceremony was simple. The d o ' canners and cutterr, $4.50 to $5.50; tion, occurring in the Dominion, could j m ajor introduced by the equerry, knelt butcher bulls, good to choice, $8 to not fail but strike a chord of pride in before the King and received a tap on $9.25; do, med., $7.25 to $7.75; do, the heart of any Canadian w h o ,w it-, the shoulder from the blade of a U logn as, $6.50 to $7.25; baby beef, nessed it. It was appropriate, too, Sword in tbe K ing's hand. His Wa $10 to $13.50; feeder0, choiec, $9.50 in a country where the earliest ex- j jesty. said, "Arise, Sir Henry ,: ' * and to $9.75; do, fa ir to go.>d, $8.25 to $9; stockers, choice, $8.75 to $9.50; do, periments of Alexander Graham Bell tlie ceremony was complete. fair, $8 to $8.25; calves, choice $14.50 w ere held, more than half a century Afterward Sir Henry talked with to $15; do, n re.', $9 to $13.50; do, ago. the King and Queen ot his record :assers, $6 m $8 ; springers, $85 to Epoch In Progress breaking runs in Am erica with his $125; milkers. $75 to '$110; lambs, per But Saturday's perform ance, which, racing boat, Miss England, and auto- cwt.. $13 to $15; do, culls, per-ewt.. $10 bv the way, took place right uuder the mobile Golden Arrow. The interview to $13.50; spring lamb, each, $8 to $14; buck lambs, $11.50 to $12.50; noses o f a score ot representatives ot lasted nearly an hour, after which the wheep, choice, $5.50 to $9.50; do, med., N ew York papers and the principal new knight had luncheon with the $6 to $7; do, culls, ,4 to St-5; hog3, hews service organizations of the con Queen while the King returned to his elects, w.o.c., $13.-0 to $13.75; do, do, tinent, was far more than a matter own sunroom to partake ot luncheon. fed, $13.20 vo $13.45; do. do, f.o.b., for native pride. Even discounting Sir Henry was the first person knight $12.50' to $12.75; d ", thickstnooths, the initial enthusiasm of one witness ed by the King since his illness be w.o.c., $13 to $1.'.25. ing such an Innovation, it can be said gan. So great were the crowds waiting to that this demonstration of telephon ing from a moving train really mark meet the " speed king," who arrived Mining in Quebec ed an epoch in the old, old story of in Bognor in a coupe, that on reach Quebec is geog- phicallv the largest human communication-- that life-line ing the crossroads at Aldwick, in province in Canada and is rapidly in o f civilization. stead of takiug the drive leading to creasing in importance as a mineral It was easy, from Saturday's per the main entrance, he dodged the producer. The richness and extent of formance, to foresee the time in the throng by taking the private roadway its famous asbestos deposits, still the SEGRAVE ON THE RADIO near future when a traveller speeding leading to the servants' quarters, en w orld's greatest source of supt,;y, may Major Sir Henry O. D. Segrave and his wife broadcast the story o f his over distant lines w ill be called from tering Craigweil House by the gar be rivalled by the newly discovered Uis berth to the train telephone and age gate and the tradesmen's entrance. wealth of the Rouyn copper-gold area. speed triumph at Daytona Beachon their arrival at Southampton. MARKETS Colorful Monsters Exhibition Gets Third Wrigley Swim Live Many Fathoms Below Sea's Waves Radio Telephone on C.N.R. Train King Knights Major Segrave

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