Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 31 Oct 1930, p. 6

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that a man can feel who has been beaten by a smaller antagonist " Y ou may be interested to know," Rand said coolly, " that a little train ing in boxing-is the greatest thing in the w orld to bring a big man down to C O r n M H T I I M ( Y K A W W C 1 , II your size. You may be interested, also ; bellow of rage he rushed his smaller to know that after you go to sleep you SY N O PSIS ___ .... are going to get a ride in the patrol H enry Rand, middle-aged business opponent, his pow erful arm s flailing wagon. I hope the police station as he sought to land one o f those boneman is found murdered in a cheap S ! A T " 7 1 A " benches are not hard." hotel in Grafton. Police fin.I a yellow crushing blows. " I 'll kill you, you little squirt. stub o f a theatre ticket and a woman's Jim m y had a med at the point of He glared at Jimmy apd handkerchief. The cl.i't stub is traced the other's chin-- the vulnerable " but Y ou-- " to a Thomas F ogarty in Buffalo, who ton," as it is knowi. in prize-fighting hunched his shoulders. He took on« says he gave it to Olga M aynard. Olga circles. A pow erful punch, landing slow step away from the wall and says the stub and her handkerchief then suddenly checked himself. His ir.ust have been stolen from her by a squarely on that norve centre, robs a right hand, dangling at arm 's length, ir.m of consciousness ju st as surely as red-headed man with whom she was dancing. Jimmy, H enry' s son, goes to does an ether cone in the hands o f a had come in contact with his coat pocket. A look o f cunning crept into Buffalo to cleai up the murder. He surgeon. his eyes as he gazed steadfastly at receives mysterious warnings to get " Too high," Jimmy muttered as tie Rand. His hand slid slowly into the out o f Buffalo buu he refuses to leave. Father-- "One thing is certain, the saw the other recover and come Judge-- " On what grounds are you pocket. man who marries my daughter will charging in. " I 'll have to finish him C H A P T E R X V II. Jimmy, watching him narrowly, seeking a divorce from your w ife?" need money." Suitor-- ``W ell, I do, or I'm gone." suddenly sprang at him. " D rop that i Mr. Poe-- " Misrepresentation. When His back pressed closely ag..inst the sir-- desperately." It looked that way, certainly. A guf^!" he cried as he closed i«. His building, Jimmy began to move cau I asked her to marry me she said she * -------------spectator witnessing that fight would le ft hand gripped desperately the tiously away from the corner in search have declared it too unequal. Rand, was agreeable." other's right wrist, while_ his right For Dry Skin-- Minard's Liniment. o f a better position, fo r the street not a small man himself, but straight sought the man's th ro a t light 0:1 the corner picked >,ut every and slender fo r all o f his breadth of He had his opponent backed against nearby object in bold_ relief. shoulders, was actually dw arfed by the wail, one arm pinned to his side He fe lt a doorway at his back and the bulk o f his antagonist, who was and the other prevented from coming stepped into its protective shadow. He Get Your Radio For the Winter Months Now easily h alf a head taller and must into action by the pressure o f his own Baw that he was standing in the en have had a w eight advantage o f 20 right forearm . He tightened his grasp trance to a grocery store. The place, or 30 pounds. on the man's throat. The latter, fight closed fo r the night was quite dark. Once he reached out a mighty paw, in g convulsively fo r air, was trying The doorway, a few feet farth er b a 'k from the street than the adjacent showing surprising swiftness in a man to break the hold on his windpipe. show window, offered him a haven o f such size and grabbed Jimmy by Jimmy could feel him grow ing limp. Jimmy suddenly released his hold on from which he could command a clear the arm, tryin g to draw him close. In on a N EW 1931 view o f anyone that passed without that position his greater strength the man's wrist r.nd thrust his own would have crushed the other into hand into the pocket. His fingers being readily seen himself. Screen Grid Console Radio The sound o f that footfa ll-- at least helplessness. Jimmy struggled against closed on a hard object and he jerked he fe lt positive it was a footfa ll-- had the grip, but his left arm w as held M s hand away, at the same time let This is an Introductory Price for entirely dissipated the feelin g o f un fast. He clubbed his fist and brought ting go o f the other's throat. Only 3ne Month It w as not a gun after all but a easiness and vague irritation that had it down with all his strength on the man's wrist, and the hold was broken. blackjack. The man slumped against been preying on him. Jimmy w as not agile enough in the building, was sucking the air into $149.50 In the shadow o f the doorway he strained every nerve-- watching, lis backing away from those huge flailing his lungs in great gasps. Jimmy back Convenient Terms tening. He tensed his muscles, ready fists and a thundering blow caught ed away from him, holding the wea f instant action. His heart pounded him on the shoulder and sent him pon in his hand. Write for Particulars reeling backward. He w ju ld have It was then that he heard someone terrifically. fallen i f he had not backed into the running toward them-- a patter o f feet " Nervous as a schoolboy," he said Ye Olde Firme brick wall o f the building. He sprang com ing from the direction o f his room aloud. " W hy don't I run ?" Now he w as quite sure he heard away from the building and to one ing house. The man backed against H EINTZM AN & CO., Ltd. footsteps again-- follow ing the same side ju st as the other came boring in the wall heard them, too. Hope blazed 195 YONGE ST. Toronto, Ont. But another into his eyes. path he had taken to the corner. He with a bull-like rus'\ " K id !" he cried. " Oh, k id !" waited, scarcely breathing, and then thing became apparent, too as they (T o be continued.) he saw a figure round the corner o f manoeuvred back and forth , the big * -----------the building and emerge from the sha ger man ever plunging forw ard and dows into the light cast by the street Jimmy retreating in a circle. That INVESTIGATE THE CONNOR The Autumn Trees. w as th is: In giving ground as he did, lamp. Now oak and ash in saffron stand ar Jimmy not only managed to keep out The man was looking-- looking in TH ER M O BEFORE BUYING rayed, tlje direction o f Jimmy's rooming o f reach o f the other's swings but also HE Connor Thermo E lectric W asher is in house. The light revealed his burly to keep to his opponent's right. Con The sumac brims with fire, a dusky sulated to retain the heat. W ashes faster red, fram e, and although a cap was pulled sequently the man was forced to turn and cleaner. It is 3% times thicker than the well down over his head and eyes, slightly tow ard Jimmy before starting The stately elm lifts up a bronzeregular Copper tub machine. Built stronger to one o f those right-hand " haymakers" brown head last longer. Jimmy got a clear view o f the lower part o f his face, the heavy chin and -- and he seemed to be using his right Above the broad-leaved basswood's New hall bearing water remover with over hand twdfcto one in preference to his russet shade, jasize rolls-- W rings drier and quicker. No screw adjusting. He stood still fo r several seconds, left. Invariably, every time he made The poplar spills its silver down the glade looking and listening, and then he the shift Jimmy would dart in with a Guarantee for 12 years. Longest and broad est guarantee ever given with a W ashing Ma moved. A s he drew abreast o f the stinging punch to head or body and And the slim-fingered water-saugh chine. doth shed grocery store Jimmy stepped out into back again in time to avoid the return. the light. " Y ou seem to be looking for It will pay you to investigate the exclusive There was another marked differ An orange glow beside the river's bed, advantages o f the Connor Thermo Electric W asher before purchasing. something," he suggested. ence between the two. W hereas his W here slender reeds in purple twi Approved by the Hydro E lectric Power Commission o f Ontario. lights fade. The other, startled at Rand's sudden opponent's attack was confined to Connor W asher Stores a7id Branches appearance, jum ped back. Recovering those m ighty wide-arced swings, Jim Montreal 1278 Mount Royal Ave. E. Toronto quickly, he muttered a reply and start my was punching straight from the Solemn and grey, the ironwood looks 1654 St. Clair Ave. W . Montreal 2397 St. Catherine St. E. Toronto . . 1896 Danforth A te. le d to pass on. down, shoulder or snapping little short blows Montreal . 5159 Sherbrooke St. W . Hamilton 274 King St. E. " Come on, you w ere follow ing me. from the w r is t It is an axiom in In its rock-rooted strength, upon the Ottawa ........................ 168 Bank St. Windsor . 118 W yandotte St. E. W h at's the gam e?" Jimmy had moved scientific .fighting, ju st as it is in brown, Kingston ...............215 Princess St. Winnipeg . . . . 242 Princess S t quickly to block the man's path, his mathematics, that a straight line is Broad meadow, brightly stained with Vancouver T o r o n t o ..................... 415A Yonge St. 722 Nelson St. eyes glow ing with hot anger. cornflower blue; the shortest distance between tw o " Out o f the way, you-- " W ith an points, and in countering as he did But on the hills, behold, our tree o f oath the man in the cap suddenly with those sw ift lance-like thrusts fame, shifted his righ t fo o t behind his le ft Jimmy w as not onlj, beating his antag Our peerless maple, in a flowing flame and swung a vicious blow with his onist to the punch every time, but he Of scarlet walks the whole wide wood right fist. lands through. v/as astonishingly accurate. Besides I f it had found its mark the en this there was a deceptive power in -- -J. C. M. Duncan. counter must have ended right there. those straight, snappy jolts that were {.-----------It swished wickedly through the air. raining a steady tattoo on the other' s But quickly as it had been launched, face and body. For the Day Jimmy had been quicker, and the blow " Come on and fight like a man," ha Why spoil the day with hate or greed fanned the air in fron t o f his fa ce as snarled at Jimmy through lips that Or any little selfish deed? he sprang lightly back. were puffed and bleeding. His breath W hy fllbr the morning with a sneer T lu man w as still h alf turned with was coming in short, jerky gasps, the Or add one mite to what is here the force o f his sw ing when Rand effect o f those telling body punches. Of bitterness and wrong and sin moved sw iftly forw ard, and all the " You damn dancin' master, you, let Some petty little gain to win? pow er in Jim m y's shoulders was in the me get my hands on you and I 'll break straight thrusting punch that he aim you in h alf." W hy through the brilliant noontide go ed at the other's jaw . It crashed home, Jimmy pulled up short, v e il out o f As one who lives in gloom and woe, and th» man staggered back on his the other's range, and dropped his And coming to the afternoon heels. He tottered fo r an instant, and Thanks God that night must follow his knees sagged slightly, but he hands. Save fo r a bloody ear, where soon quickly regained his balance. W ith a one o f those wild swings had grazed the side o f his head, there was no To end the dreary cares o f day visible mark on him. He surveyed his And put the tools*of life away? opponent, whose tight-fitting cap was still pulled well down on his head, and Rather I choose to this day's end told him, with a good deal o f con To play the comrade and the friend; tempt in his tone, where he could go. To see, in spite of pain and care, " I 'm going to put you to sleep in The jo y o f living everywhere; . M ade o f pure mater ju st about a minute," Jimmy inform And so to live that none shall say ials in m od em sunlit factories. P r o m p t r e l i e f f ro m HEADACHES, LUMBAGO, ed the other coldly. " Y ou 're pretty That I for him had spoiled the day. N o expense spared to have it near gone now. I 'll be aim ing fo r clean, w holesom e and fu llflw o re d . CO LD S , SORE THR OAT, R H EU M A TI S M , the button from now on." Lord, through this day let me contrive "Y ou !" The man's battered To prove my right to stay alive, countenance was contorted with rage, Let me in some way justify NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, ACHES and PAINS h e gathered him self fo r another rush My place beneath this bright blue sky and Jimmy braced to meet it. He came And happy recognition give is wrapped and sealed to keep it as charging in, head lowered, and this That 'tis a privilege to live. good as w hen it leaves the factory. W'RIGLEY' S is bound to be the best -- Edgar A. Guest. time Jimmy, instead o f retreating, that men and machines and money stepped sw iftly to his right, shifted ·>-------------DOES NOT HARM can make. his feet and then stepped in, lashing Use Minard's Liniment for Toothache. T h e delicious peppermint out as he di'i so with a lightning-like flavor freshens the m outh uppercrt. T HE H E A R T and aids digestion. The other had no time to avoid the punch, but instinctively ducked, and Jimmy's fist, instead o f finding its " ^A TLA N TIC O T Y X J L mark cn the chin, crashed squarely on his nose He w ent reeling back sick Just Off the Boardwalk ened into the building, and Jimmy Fireproof Construction w aited fo r the final charge, which he On a Residential Avenue knew would spell the end. H arm oniou s, r e s tfu l su rrou n din g s Salada Orange Pekoe has by far the finest flavour ii `Fresh from the gardens* TEA Saving of $ 75 T SAFE For NEURALGIA W RIGLEYS ·t/a fa y e tte w ith recreation a l ad van tages. ISS U E N o. 4 4 -- ' 30 The finish w as as unexpected as it was sw ift. Standing there braced against the w all, the fan faced Jimmy much as an an gry bull faces the final sword thrust of the matador. ThCre I was w ritten on his fa ce all the anger | European Plan from $4 Dally American Plan from $7 Daily W EEKLY OR SEASON RATES ON APPLICATION ASPIRIN T fe A D E -M A R I( R E G , Aeupi only VAtpirin" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Aspirin- boxes Of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100--All druggists.

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