Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 17 Apr 1931, p. 3

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FREE L a r g e illu s t r a t ed c a t a l o g u e m 1 new a n d r e b u ilt b i c y c le s fro m $10 u p . M otor c y c le s . B o a ts . e tc. T ru n sD o rO i-tb o a r u M o t o r s K h tit a t lo n p a id . W r i t e t o D U K i: C Y C L E A N D M O T O R JO., 635 Q u e e n S tr e e t W .. T o r o n t o . O n t. Wilkins Attempt Is Foolhardy Declares A n o n y m o u s W riter in M ontreal Journal CXXSl Hollywood Orders Smoke Clouds by Tons Seattle, Wash.-- " H alf a ton of white smoke and 200 pounds of yellow aiiok e" causes no comment when re ceived by a firm here from Hollywood. The smoke is shipped the same day. It is rather a com m on occurrence for Seattle to send smoke to Hollywood. In fact, most of the spectacular ex plosions which engulf the talkie hero in tons of smoke have their source in bags o f complicated chem ical mixtures " The temple of theatrical art has been captured by com m ercialism ."-- John Haynes Holmes. ISend for This FREE B O O K . I Mail the attached coupon I and we will send you a copy I of our new cook book, I "The Good Provider.'* with I over a hundred delightful I recipes for puddings, pie*, I cake*, pastries, he., and a I wide variety of other things you can I make better with-- 7 3<mhn<i ST.CHARLES MILK ?*A I E A Borden Co.. Limited 115 George St., Toronto Send me a free copy of your i cook book. NiUte .. S t .C .ll A .S L drtJ*.......... ... PAINS N o matter h o w severe, y o u can always h a v e immediate re lie f: Aspirin always stops pain quickly. It does it without any ill effects. Harmless to the heart; harmless to anybody. But it always brings relief. Why suffer? A S P IR IN TRADE MARK REQ. Made in Canada 3 gold stripes u ith '.lb 1 it rings . . . is a sm ilin g salt water diplomat, who sees that a ll y o u r affair* run smoothly while on board. Your entertainment, your c o m fo rt, y o u r ge n e ra l well-being are his charge. H e is an expert In ocean travel a n d his fu nd of knowledge is always at your service. Sailings weekly from Montreal Cabin rates from . . . . $13 0 Tourist Third Cabin . . . $105 Third Class Round Trtp $153 Special Seasonal Third Class Round Trip Excursion Rate $ 1 J9. Montreal-- All the world has thrilled I to the flaring and romantic plans o f ! Captain Sir George Hubert Wilkins to make a submarine passage under the A rctic ice pack. But it should be just as willing to condemn foolhardiness, particularly when the results are un likely to addJ one iota to the w orld's benefits, and little to the scientific in formation that is not already known. Sir Hubert plans to cross from the £ C V \ 0 \ C t B L E N D S - K e A L a t o l O ra n ite M M vicinity of Spitsbergen via the North P ole to Bering Strait in the North I Pacific. Of this distance about 1,500 i Classified Advertising Enchantment miles lies under the A rctic ice fields, i unless open water be found, which I [ y ABN On this fawn colored shore believe is not at all likely. All delicately strewn, o r m a c h in e o r h a n d k n it t in g u W. C. LECKIE The Nautilus is the former D.S.S. | ·'All W o o l ." "S ills and W o o l ,* Gold dust and gleaming shell, 'O l d T y m e ," a ll c o l o r s , 7 6 c lb . op< 0 1 2 , one of the older type submarines, Recently appointed vice-president W hite stone and blue stone, a m p ie s f r e e . S t o c k in g & Yarn M illS j 175 feet in length, which has been re o f Standard Brands Limited, in Lie sweetly together whether D e p t. T. O r illia . O n t. conditioned for this special work. charge of Gillett Products Division. Eyes be to see them or none. B A B Y JH IC K S . Commander Sloane Danenhower, a B A B Y C H IC K S graduate o f the Naval Academy, who o detecting such an error except by The air is gay with voices id e r s fa m o u s c h ic k s fr o m resigned in 1911, will be her command astronomical observations, which of Of children. The sun b l o o d t e sted T o m B arron L e g h o rn * ing officer. He is experienced, capable course would be impossible when sub Casts flowers of purple shadow r . O . P C o c k e r e ls . A p r i l c h ic k s l o o , M a y 14c. E x p r e s s p re p a id . C ir c u la r f r e e . and resourceful in submarine work. merged. Before them as they run, A lf r e d R 'd e r , W e s t M o n t r o s e . O n t. If Compass Fails The Nautilus will be in the hands of Blows clouds aod bloom s of shadow * -1 B A B X O H I C K S -- IN s i x V A R Furthermore, as the pole is ap W here the sw ift feet may run. an expert. A ." I- i E T I E o , 10c a n d u p . C a ta lo g u e * proached, the gyro compass has less fre e . A . EL S w it z e r . G r a n to n , O n t a r io . Much Rem odeling Done directive force. Should it fail to func Outward the children race In her original condition the con tion from lack of power to drive it, AGENTS W ANTED T o leap into the sea A GEN TS W A N T E D TO SE L L N ECK* ning tower and other deck erections from a mishap or break-down, there That bubbles silver bright T I E S d ir e c t to c o n su m e r; sp a re o f required no special protection; but to v ou ld be no way left, of which I am f u l l t im e ; w r it e f o r s a m p le s . T ran s* In the lovely revelry fit her for cruising under ice all these aware by which geographic locations' C a n a d a S a le s C o m o a n y . B o x 28. S t a t i c * ioanTand limbs together, R , ~ o n t r e a l. have been fitted under a rounding could even be approximated. ln a white reveilv . " sled deck." Fore and aft runners FO B SALE The submarine then would be a b -. have been added to this, so that the solutely helpless. If she attempted to How grew that airy tumult S D u n la p , t h e n o * t p o p u la r v a r i e t y ; vessel may glide along the under sur get from under the ice by the short 100, $ 1 .0 0 ; 1,000, $7.00. F .O .B . <3«& On shores that were so still face o f ice. M c K a g u e , W o o d v i l le . O n ta r io . est route to open water she could not That wind of flowers and shadows? Other changes include remodeling direct her course and would be hope What art invisible " The sensible man can vastly in and strengthening the bow to stand lessly lo>st. Made all this airy wonder. crease his own pleasure by the habit the shock of impact, and the addition From the ice barrier in the vicinity At what enchanter's w ill? o f enjoying other people's success.1 * of a cushioning projecting spar; re of Spitsbergen to the pole is about -- A. E. in " Vale and Oother Poem s." --Bruce Barton. moval of the old torpedo tubes; a 540 miles. On the opposite, or Pacific diving chamber forward to enable side, toward Bering Strait, the short divers to leave the vessel under water est distance to open water is about 950 Tweed Beads to examine injuries or make necessary L^iles. This total of 1500 miles ap Kennedy & Beads o f tweed are still being repairs; an elevating conning shaft 28 pears to be a minimum. Menton worn, and the latest idea is to have inches in diameter for drilling and Figuring no delays, no extra expen- j 421 C oltegj St., penetrating 20 feet of overhead ice, to diture of fuel oil, and no loss from a string o f beads made to match a To r o n t o One model o f this type afford access to the surface. There leakage or other accident, the Nautilus handbag. Har ley-Lavidson Distributor* consists o f a choker necklace of also are an air tube and drill for pene apparently has sufficient oil to accom W r i t e a t o n c e f o r o u r b a r g a in l i s t o f round beads, covered with trating ice 100 feet thick, a similar plish her entire journey from Spitz- large, u s e d m o t o r c y c le s . T e rm s a rra n g ed . fawn and green speckled tweed, and tube for exhaust air and gases, and a bergen to Unalaska. strung alternately with flat, round flexible trolley for " feeling" the ice But I do not believe for one moment gold beads. The tweed bag to match overhead while running submerged. that any such theoretic and ideal con FOB FIFTY VEARS Since four days' subm erged without ditions will exist that will enable her is pouch-shaped and has a gold mount. fresh air is the ordinary limit o f en to accomplish her journey and reach durance, it is hoped to extend this to her destination before her oil supply Six days by the use of chemicals and shall have been exhausted. hare afforded the purest, sweetest and most Mtit> im proved appliances. * ~-- factoly method of earing for the ·kin and hair When in Toronto Can She Stand It? Boy of 9 Teaches Himself Make Your Home at The pair of Diesel engines, one for French and Latin. Languages each o f her twin screws, are used for Topeka, Kan. -- A nine-year-old propulsion and the recharging of bat Topega boy, Richard Howard Hodges, teries while running on the surface. n o th in g to equal 1 has taught himself to translate sim But they cannot be used under water. . It "takes hold'*, Bay St., at Dundas St. ple French and Latin into English. W hen the craft is submerged, motive c, soothing, healing. power, lighting, heating and all other q u ick re lie f I A good reputation is more valu purposes are entirely dependent upon able than money.-- Publius Syrus. the storage batteries. Every hotel servic e in a clean, W hen these becom e exhausted it is quiet, fireproof building. im perative to com e to the surface at 750 rooms. once to recharge before another sub surface run can be made. The fuel tanks of the Nautilus give t e r a surface cruising range o f about TW E LV E CENTS 3.000 miles, but by filling the ballast G ood Herbal Remedy The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. tanks, normally used in diving, with For Kidneys and Liver 2 CH URCH ST.; TO RO N T O oil, this would be extended to about P a in s in th e b a c k , h e a d a ch e , p o o r 6.000 miles. ip p e t i t e , d iz z in e s s , i n d ig e s t io n , W hile oil may be used for ballast n e r v o u s n e s s , e t c ., a r e o f t e n s y m p t o m s o f k id n e y d is o r d e r s a n d na as well as water, still it. is well within t u r e ' s g e n t le w a r n in g s t h a t p o is o n s the range o f possibility that the tanks i r e b e in g r e t a in e d in t h e s y s t e m . may be needed in an emergency, so D o n ' t n e g le ct th e s e s y m p to m s i f yo u v a lu e y o u r h e a lth . W arn er's that the oil in them would have to be S a f e K id n e y a n d L i v e r R e m e d y is d e sacrificed. c la r e d b y m a n y t o b e v e r y h e lp fu l. G e t a b o t t l e to d a y . In her original design the storage ` S o ld b y a ll d r u g g i s t s . F r e e s a m p le batteries gave her a submerged cruis sen t. W r i t e W a r n e r ' s S a f e R e m e d ie s ing radius of from 55 to 60 miles, at | Co., T o r o n t o . O n ta rio . a speed of two knots. In Arctic tem p.ratures, however, the batteries would be reduced to 70 per cent.' effi ciency, thus reducing the subm erged' SAFE KIDNEY & radius to 42 miles. I have seen a statement attributed LIVER REMEDY to Commander Danenhower that the Nautilus can traverse in 41.66 hours at three knots, submerged, 125 miles. But from the best available sources of information I believe this statement or estimate to be in error, and that mine is m ore nearly in accordance with the records o f the Navy Depart cfN U IN l ment, and more nearly correct. = PHILLIPS= Red R ose T ea **45 go o d Xias" 2 3 1 F R Cutlcura Soap a n d O in tm en t Hotel Ford RATES-- S1.5Sto S2.5Q Single B R U IS E S WOOL WARNER'S W hen BABIES Depth Is Limited Information from Cor. Bay and Wellington St*. (Phono Elgin 3471) Toronto or a n y steamship agent jC U N A R D ANCHOR DONALDSON It must be remembered that the | diving lim it of the submarine is about 200 feet. At a materially greater depth the pressure would be beyond her designed resistance, and would cause disaster. Even under open water, to man oeuvre safely in this depth zone re quires the strictest care and attention if disaster is to be averted. Emer gencies frequently arise which neces sitate coming to the surface at once. In the conning tower, where the con trol lies, are the various instruments and gauges. The craft is steered by a gyro compass, which requires con stant electric power to operate. The magnetic compass is not only unreli able in those lattitudes; it is virtually useless. In fact, it probably would i be very misleading, and might point in just the opposite direction from the proper one. There would be no way * For Trouble* due to Acid ind igestio n <§ When Food are Upset B Y ills and ailments seem twice BAas serious at night. A sudden cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attach of diarrhea. How would you meet this emergency-- tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? For the protection of your wee one-- for your own peace o f mind-- keep this old, reliable preparation always on hand. But don' t keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant wh® cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria. SO U K ST O M A C " heartburn C O N S T IP A T lO H SOURS About two hours after eating It has remained the standard with many people suffer from sour ( physicians for more than 50 years. stomachs. They call it indiges-1[ It is the quick method. Results tion. It means that the stomach , come almost instantly. It is the nerves have been over-stimulated. ; approved method. You will never There is excess acid. The way to ; use another when you know, correct it is with an alkali, which | Be sure to get genuine Phillips' neutralizes many times its volume Milk of Magnesia prescribed by in acid. physicians for over fifty years in The right way is Phillips' Milk j correcting excess acids. 50c botof Magnesia -- just a tasteless i ties-- any drugstore. So look for liquid; pleasant, efficient and harm- the name Phillips on wrapper and less. But it kills excess acids. I bottle. Made in Canada IS SU E No. 16-- '31

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