Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 17 Apr 1931, p. 7

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Violent Deaths Take 3 in North Drowning, Suicide and Fall ing Tree Fatalities Reported Cochrane-- A series o f tragedies in the district over the week-nd are re ported here, the list including a drown ing, a death from suffocation under a fallen tree, and a suicide through drinking poison. All the victim s were men. Stanislaus Holdys, Polish by birth, a laborer em ployed by the Dominion Construction Company at the Abitibl Canyon, fell into the river while at w ork there, was swept away and drowned. His body was not recovered. John J. Hamilton, 38, married, with tw o children, who arrived from Gil bert Plains, Man., recently to settle on a farm seven miles from town, was pinned under a huge tree when It toppled over the wrong way while he and Russell Buchanan were felling it. Buchanan could not lift the trunk alone, and Ham ilton was dead from suffocation when help came. John Scluk, a Russian, about 40 iyeara o ld , who owned a bush lot near B ou rk es, drank half o f the contents o f a ten-ounce bottle of sulphuric acid in a stable on the farm o f Valentine Kroudachuk, with whom h e lived, and died in agony after telling o f his deed. Blimp Mail-Carrier -.lW IT H T H E -k *£· »> LONE SCOUTS This week brings us news from should qualify for the Gardener's our most northerly Lone Scout, who Badge, and now is the tim e to com lives at the Hudson Bay Post at mence operations to earn this badge. Like quite a few o f the other Scout Landsdowne House, in Northern On tario. His name is W alter Wraight, Badges the Gardeners requires quite and Walter is quite an outstanding a little patience, and cannot be enrnScout in other respects besides his ed overnight. northerly location. It is necessary to have som e knowl Coming from the " Old Country" edge o f soils, and to actually grow last year, he brought a very fine re a number o f flowers and plants from cord with him, and he is the posses seed, but all this is very interesting sor o f the coveted " Silver Cross for work which would be enjoyed by Bravery" which was bestowed upon every Lor.ie. him for saving the life of a dog. Get busy and ask your Scoutmas The Lone Scout Commissioner has a ter to send you particulars of the picture of W alter with the dog. a Gardener's Badge, so that you too cocker spaniel, that he saved. can qualify for it. On arrival in Canada, he wa3 sent And talking of Gardening reminds to one o f the Hudson Bay Com us o f a very good turn that wa« per pany's Northern Ontario Posts, and formed last year by the Lone " W o lf he has been in that part o f the coun P atrol" o f Paris, the founders of the try ever since, and tells U3 that he present Paris Troop. quite enjoys the life, although it is These Lonies looks about them and a little lonely at times, especially in discovered some old folks who were the winter time when travelling is too feeble to dig and plant their o w n ' difficult and he has to wait for a long gardens, so they armed them selves time for his mail. with spade3 and rakes and all the Walter has learned to drive a dog necessary tools and set to work to team, but he says that if you talk plant these old peoples' gardens for kindly to the dogs they think that them, and then later on they also you are a weakling and just lie down tended them when necessary. on the track and won't budge. It W asn't that a real good turn? is necessary to use quite strong lang Maybe you cau do the same thing uage to them, before they will take this year. any notice of you. The last mail And still talking ct good turns in which the Post received was brought the Springtime, have you noticed in by dog team, driven by an Italian how the bright sunshine shows up Priest, and be was quite embarras that dirty rubbish heap and untidy sed by the fact that the dogs would scrap laying all around the house take no .totice o f ordinary language, and which was previously burled un so he compromised by swearing at derneath the snow ? them in Spanish! H ow about making this .week a W alter is a Lone Scout indeed! Lately we have noticed several Lone Scout " Clean Up" week, and people busily engaged in their gar so put everything ship-shape fo r dens, and this reminds us that every the bright weather which is ahead o f Lone Scout will of course have a us? Go to it. Lone Scouts, and then garden o f his very own, which he will lay out and plant to his own write to your Scoutmaster and tell And therefore every Lone Scout j him what you are doing. ! LONE E. liking. Army Blimp C-52 drops bag o f mail for President Hoover and mem bers of his party oft' Virginia Capes. Blimp is shown above XJ.S.S. Arizona. All-Canadian Phone System Now Installed Toronto-- The first Canadian allw ire telephone service between Mont real, New Y ork and London, and direct radio telephone service between Can ada and England via the Canadian Marconi system will soon be in oper ation. A new circuit is under construction which will give transatlantic telephone communication by w ire for the first time, according to J. H. Brace, general manager o f the western division of the Bell Telephone Company o f Can ada. This involves open wire plants from Montreal and New York to Nova Scotia, submarine cable to Newfound land, open wire across that island, then submarine cable to the British Isles. At present there are five radio telephone circuits between Great Bri tain and North America, three short wave and two long-wave circuits. Radio service from North Am erica to Japan, the Philippines and Australia was another step planned. Of the 35,000,000 telephones in the world to day, 21,000,000 w ere In a position to exchange conversations. This is 88 per cent, and w ill soon be raised to 100 per cent. At the recent Imperial Conferenoe London, Mr. Brace said. " W e now have available public telephone serv ice between ships at sea and any telephone on the North American continent. W e have on the trains between Toronto and Montreal, facili ties so that conversations can be carried on while these trains are in motion, to telephones in the homes and business places. This conversa tion passes from the trains through the air to the wires along the route, which are connected to the telephone system at Kingston, Ont., then via land wires to a radio telephone station along the Atlantic coast, over to Great Britain where again it is picked up by land wires and carried to a radio station which sends the m essage to Australia, again being ricked up by land wires and carried to the place rf business or home o f the man to whom our Canadian friend wishes to s eak. Such a conversation would normally be established within the course of ten minutes." The Markets PRO D U CE Q U O TATIO N S Toronto dea lers are b u y in g produce at the fo llo w in g p r ice s : Eggs-- Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 20c; fresh firsts, 18c; seconds, 16c. Butter-- No. 1 Ontario creamery, solids, 32 to 32 V ic; No. 2, 31 to 3 H ie . Churning cream-- Special, 33c; No. 1, 32c; No. 2, 29c. Cheese-- No. 1 large, colored, p a ra f fined and government graded, 13 Vi to 13% c. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follow s: Poultry, " A " grade, alive-- Fatted hens, over 5 to 6 lbs., 20c; over 4 to 5 lbs., 18c; under 4 lbs., 16c; over 3 V; to 4 lbs., 15c; under 3% lbs., 12c. Old roosters, over 5 lbs., 12c. Ducks, over 5 lbs., 27c; over 4 to 5 lbs., 25c. Muscovie ducks, over 5 lbs., 23c; over 4 to 5 lbs., 19c. Spring broilers, Rocks, over 2 lbs., 35c; Leghorns, over 1% lbs., 30c. W H O L E S A L E PRO VISIO N S W holesale provision dealers are quoting the follow ing prices to retail dealers: Smoked meats-- Hams, med., 20 to 24c; smoked rolls, 21c; breakfast ba con, 18 to 27c; backs, pea-mealed, 24 26c; do, smoked, 31 to 38c. Pork hams, l ' Vjc to 18V«c; shoul ders, 1 5 % c; butte, " lV ic ; loins, 22*£c. C ured m eats-- L on g, cle a r bacons, 50 to 70 lb?., 19 c; 70 to 90 lbs., 1 7 c; Princes Leave For England Prince o f Wales and Brother End 20,000-Mile Tour o f South America R io De Janeiro.-- The Prince of Wales and Prince George, his youngest brother, sailed for home on the liner Arlanza Sunday evening, terminating a 20,000-mile good w ill tour o f South Am erican countries. The ship sailed at 6.35 p.m. The Princes were .given a cordial farewell. Thousands cheered as they went up th e ga n g plank and stood on the ship's deck, waving as the liner moved out o f th e bay. The Princes have visited most of the countries o f South Am erica during the past several weeks. The peak of their tour, in so far as their trade mission was ooncerned, occurred last month at Buenos Aires, where the Prince o f W ales form ally opened the British Trade Exhibition. French War Budget Blind Are Aided By New Invention Shows Big Cut Paris.-- There is no indecision in r.-ance's attitude toward the forthcom ing W orld Disarmament Conference at Geneva in 1932, if comments on New York-- Robert E. Naumberg of France's recently approved 1931-1932 Cambridge Mass:, dem onstrated for the war budget are to be taken at their first time last week a " printing visa- face value. Although the present budget Is 180,graph," an instrument that produces magnified, raised letters from the 000,000 francs higher than in 1930, French writers have brought forth pages o f ordinary books. He told the combined meeting of figures to show that France's military t American Institute of Electrical expenses, compared with 1914, show Engineers and the American Society a greater drop than any great power. of Mechanical Engineers the machine The official table showed: an ce 16 per cent, less than 1914 would be especially valuable in provid ..................... " ing reading material for blind persons.. Italy ............14 " ................................ The visagraph reproduces large, 3ritain ..... 10 " 48 per cent, more than 1914 embossed letters on a wide roll of this . a p a n aluminum foil, with the result that the U. S ..............8 6 .................... Another table shows that France finished product corresponds in some respects to the Braille system. Naum- has reduced her fighting effectives 45 burg estimates his machine will in per cent, in the same period, while crease the reading range o f the blind England has reduced 19 per cent, and Japan 25 per cent. Germany is not a thousand-fold. mentioned in the statistics as it would be unjust to give Germany's reduction which w ere demanded by the Allies. The Journal des Debats, comment ing on these statistics in connection with the forthcom ing confer nee, a y s: Body's Method o f Resisting " These figures, and others, show that the situation has reduced its Cold and Manufactur military effort by considerable pro ing Heat portions. S h e lia s executed with wil Montreal-- Lacking a comfortably- ] lingness more than a lim itation; she heated atmosphere or a fur coat, the has entered resolutely in the road o f thing to do is to indulge in plenty of diminutions. Certain foreign propa plain and fancy shivering, according 1ganda pretends that this effort does to Dr. R. W. Swift o f the University j not count, becatise it has been done of Rocehster, who read a paper before unCer financial pressure." the physiological section o f the Feder ation of American Societies for experi Six'Enginad Planes mental biology in session here. People shiver to keep warm--and For Tasmanian Trip Hobart, Tasmania.--Planes driven it is a good substitute for that, Dr. Swift said . Shivering is the body's by six engines are being planned to machines method o f manufacturing heat, be ex replace the three-engined plained. Dr. Sw ift said he had experi not,- handling the tri-weekly service mented with volunters who had been bet s een Tasmania and Melbourne. laced in a refrigerator for varying So successful has the present service periods while electrical apparatus was proved that a daily service is now day Tasma attached to their bodies to register proposed, so that any the efficacy of their shivering. Those nians may hop across Bass Strait who lent themselves most readily to after breakfast and take their mid shivering stood the cold test best, he day meal with friends in Melbourne. The passage via northern Tasma said. nia is scheduled for four hours, clip ping 18 hours off the rail-steamer Cheese, Milk and Ice Cream time.-- The Christian Science Moni The consumption of cheese, milk tor. Instrument Produces Raised Letters from Ordinary Pages Geological Relic Is Found Near Quebec Quebec-- A relic estimated to be 15,000,000 years old, has been un covered in the city o f Quebec. It Is part of the shell o f a giant snail, and It Is estimated that when the creature lived it measured 15 feet In length. The piece o f shell, which lies horizontally on a cliff on Viaduct H ill, is Imbedded »n grey limestone, and stands out clearly from its sur roundings. At first it was thought to be part o f a tree or som e other object, but inspection by Theo. Denis, superintendent o f mines, placed it as being part o f a giant snail which lived thousands o f centuries ago. Canadian Exports Decrease Ottawa.-- Expressed in percentages, imports from Canada represented 8.81 per cent, o f the total imports into the United Kingdom in 1930, com pared with 3.95 per cent, in 1929, writes V. E. Duclos, Assistant Cana dian Trade Commissioner in London, in the Commercial Intelligence Jour nal. T h e United States, which is Britain's largest supplier o f goods, also experienced a decline, the figure being 15.33 per cent, in 1930 against 16.67 per cent, in the previous year. Canada took 5.39 per cent, o f the United Kingdom 's total exports in 1930 compared with 5.05 per cent, in the preceding year. The United States was responsible for only 5.35 per cent, against 6.57 per cent, in 1929. Liner Eclipses Promised Speed London-- The new $15,000,000 Cana dian Pacific steamship. Empress of Britain, left the Gladstone Graving dock at Liverpool over the week-end for the Clyde for her speed trials. Built for a spe£d of 24 knots, she has already done 26 in her preliminary trials. In further tests she may ap proach the speed of ' the Europa and |the Bremen. The Cunard Line's 73,000-ton ship, now known simply as No. 534, being built at the Clyde bank yard of the Messrs. John Brown & Co., was origin ally to have been delivered in Septem ber, 1933, but the speeding up of con struction makes it virtually certain she will be completed five or six months earlier than expected. Thus she will be ready for the summer in vasion o f Europe by tourists in 1933 instead o f being handed over at the beginning of winter, an unprofitable time for steamship companies. 0 to 110 lbs., 16c; lightw eight rolls, 18c; heavyweight rolls, 17c. Lard-- Pure tierces, 11c; tubs, l l % c ; pails, 12c; prints. 12 to 12%::. Shortening-- Tierces, 11c; tubs, l l V i c ; pails, ll% c . Special pastry shortening-- Tierces, 15c; tubs, 1 5 % c; pails, 16c. G R A IN Q U O TA TIO N S Grain dealers on the T oronto Board o f Trade are making the follow ing quotations fo r car lo ts : Manitoba wheat-- No. 1 hard, 6 5 % c; No. 1 Northern, 6 3 % c; No. 2 do, 61 % c ; No. 4 do, 56c (c.i.f. Goder1 and bay ports). M anitoba oats-- No. 1 feed, 31c; No. 2 feed, 29c. Manitoba barley-- No. 3 C.W ., 3 1 ;; No. 4 do, 30c; feed. 29c. Argentine corn, 53c (M ay shipi..ent to arrive). M illfeed, del., Montreal freights, bags included-- Bran, per ton, $22.25; shorts, per ton $24.25; middlings, $27.25. Ontario grain-- Wheat, 66c; barley. 31 to 32c; oats, 25 to 27o; rye, nom inal; buckwheat, " 9c. H A Y A N D ST R A tt PRIC ES. Dealers are quoting shippers fo r la y and straw, ?arload lots, delivered on track. Toronto, the follow ing prices: No. 2 Tim othy, ton, $14: No. 3 do, $12 to $13; wheat straw. $8.50; oat straw, $8. When Cold, Shiver, Says Scientist Bessborough To Be Patron Regina World Exhibit Ottawa-- His Excellency the Governor-General has consented to act as chief patron o f the W orld Grain Ex hibition and Conference which will take place at Regina ir the summer o f 1932. His Excellency was requested to act as patron shortly after accepting the post o f Governor-General, and has agreed to do so. "N ot the eye but the spirit furnishes the best proof of theories."-- Albert Einstein. National injustice is the surest road to naUonal downfall.-- William Ewart Gladstone. --------- The telephone girl acquires more ear-rl- i than finger rings. L IV E STOCK Q U O TATIO N S. Heavy beef steers, $6.25 to $7; but cher steers, choice, $6 to $6.50; do, fa ir to good, $5.25 to $5.75; do, com.. $4.50 to $5; butcher heifers, 'hoiee, $5.75 to $6.25; do, fair to good, $5 to $5.50; do, com., $4.50 to $5; butcher cows, good to choice, $4.25 to $4.75: do, med., $3.25 to $4: canners and cutters, $1.50 to $2; butcher bulls, good to choice, $4 to $4.50; do, bol ognas, $3 to $3.50; baby beef, $6 to $8; feeders, good, $5 to $5.50; stack ers, $4.50 to $4.75; springers, $50 to $80; milkers. $40 to $60; calves, good to choice, $9 to $9.50; do, med., $7 to $8; do, com., $4.50 to $5; lambs, choice, $10.50 to $11; buck lambs, $7.50 to. $8; spring lambs, each. $5 to $11.50; sheep, $2 to $6.50; hogs, bacon, f.o.b,, $8; do, do, w.o.c., 65c above f.o.b.; do., selects, $1 per hog premium: do. butchers. $1 per hog Find Roman Coins and ice-cream is increasing in Can- ! Sheffield, Eng. -- During quarry discount. ada. In 1921 the average used per ' Nature's Conjuring Trick operations here, fira Roman coins head of population was 2.51 pounds The annual break-up of the ice on were discovered, belonging to the I | Fur-trimmed spats for male wear o f cheese; 140.1 pounds of milk; and the Mackenzie river has been liken reignB o f Vespasian, Domitian and I are on sale in the smart shops In 5.26 pints o f ice-cream. In the fo' ed to an uncanny conjuring trick by Trajan, being about 1800 years old. Berlin. lowing seven years this increased Mother Nature. The ice which the It Is thought that these five coins | * -----------to a per capita consumption of 3.54 May sun has " candled" falls apart originally formed part of a much at the slightest larger hoard, which haa now been Better an impediment in the speech pounds o f cheese; 470.8 pounds of and disappears milk; and 7.05 pints o f ice-cream. i movement as if by magic. I than in the brain. scattered.

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