Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 20 Jun 1930, p. 8

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L O C H LS O S S IP " H Knobs of C O N T R A C T FO R N EW SC H O O L St. John's United REV. E. O SEYM O UR , B. A , B.D. Minister [ T o r o n t o F i r m Gets A w a r d -- E x ca v a tio n Has Beg u n-- Local L a b p r News well Worth l| Reading. | L -- Saturday w ill be tlie lon gest day. -- D om inion day falls on a Tuesday. -- F irst instalm ent o f taxes due on July 4tli. -- The firem en w ill attend St. John's church on Sunday m orning in a b od y . -- B iggar fam ily re-union durn park, H am ilton, on June 21st. at DunSaturday, Last w eek the contract to build the new separate sch ool was awarded to M ichael Manley, of T oronto, and rum or has it that the price was around $28,000. It w as stipulated that loca l labor be em ployed as much as p ossib le. A lready excavation has been started for the foundations. The sch ool w ill be 40 x 60, with solid brick walls o f Don V alley rug b rick . There w ill be tw o room s and an assem bly r~ ' i . The location is ju st w est o f t"..j present sch ool. - It is expected occupation w ill be possible before Christm as. 10 a.m .-- Sabbath School 11 a.m .-- Bishop John W. Robinson the W orld' s Sunday School Association. alraurl Slir King's iitiylum ut DAILY COACH SERVICES O A K V IL L E -T O R O N T O Single 65c Return $1.15 LEAVE OAKVILLE A . M. P.M. 7 p.m. " The Night the King Fasted " V isitors ! Join us in these services. Irven Fell, Choir Leader. Miss L . M . McBain O rganist. A W E L C O M E TO A LL -- ---- H igh sch ool entrance exams next W ednesday, Thursday and Friday, -- Mi" ' j C r s a i l e d from daylight tim e. A n n oun cing the opening of M ontrc... on Saturday fo r Iceland A fter -- O ver 250 applications w ere re w ith a party o f Canadians. ceived fo r a vacan cy in the Beams- teaching English in that land, Miss G regg "will p roceed to Norway and ville public sch ool. 'veden on the sam e m ission. N ext -- Straw berry pickin g is now at year Miss G regg expects to t>e sta height, with m any pickers available R e y n o ld s S t r e e t , N o r th i to help gather the luscious berries^ tioned at H alifax as a United church m issionary am ong new Canadians. -- H alton H olstein j Clufr-frfffd their O A K V IL L E -- The thirty-fourth annual conven uimual~pIcAic on the grounds o f J os. H ow ard at P alerm o to-day (F r id a y ). tion. o f Halton county W om en 's Christ ian Tem perance Union w ill b e held -- Miss M . E . Gladman, o f the in the Baptist church, G eorgetow n, on Finest Dance Floor between M orrison road, has passed her second Thursday, June 19th. M orning ses year in household econom ics at T o sion, 1 0 a . m . ; afternoon session 2 Toronto and Hamilton. ronto u n iversity. p .m . (daylight saving tim e), when with Norm. Brunskill -- T h ere is a rum or that a large M rs. T . T . G eorge, field secretary, and his Incom parable M asters o f county Liberal picn ic w ill be held in w ill give an address, follow ed by a M elody. Five Pieces. Halton w ith H on . Chas. Dunning, good program , and in the evening Mrs. roii-iisicr o f finance, as the ch ief W . Fugsley, form er provincial presi Dancing Every Wednesday dent, w ill speak, and the gold medal ts o a k e r . and Saturday Evenings. elocutionary contest will be directed -- D r. W . P . Jebb and Jn o. E . by M rs. R . B . Galbraith, M ilton. 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. l ord leave on Sunday evening to at i o Cents per D ance ; 3 lor 25 Cents tend the silver anniversary o f Rotary International, being held next w eek L . H . C O R N W A L L , Manager. in C h ica g o. D A N C IN G w 6.20 7.20 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 P.M . Eastern Standard Time LEAVE TORONTO A.M . P.M . 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 w5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 11.0 0 P.M . Victoria Hall DANCE GARDENS 12.30 1.30 2.30 10.20 11.05 12.00 1.0 0 9.00 10.15 6.00 7 00 8.00 w Daily except Sunday C oa ch con n ection s at T o r o n to for O shawa, Stouffville, M ontreal, Ottawa, Barrie, Orillia, M id la n d , Jackson' s' Point. and interm ediate points. C oa ch con n ection s at Buffalo for all U .S .A . Points. T ick ets and inform ation at &at., June 21 G R A Y C O A C H L IN E S Colborne St., O A K V IL L E Telephone 600 First Bride on N ew Ship -- Sidney Furness gave an interest ing address on " A dvertisin g" at the R otary club m eeting on M onday even in g. M r. Furness is associated with the T oronto office o f the M cK im A d vertisin g agen cy. -- The A ppleby sch ool students j started fo r their hom es on W ednesday except th ose taking ex a m s. Som e o f the boys go far east and w est with a few from across the line -- W oodland Orchards, M erton, is a busy scene at this season. This last w eek booths w ere opened for serving afternoon tea and for the sale of farm products such as fruit, honey, milk, butter and poultry. -- The Munn's church w ill hold their annual garden party on the grounds of S. G eo. South, sixth line, on Friday evening, July 11th. There w ill be a good program . Particulars later. -- The people o f tow n and district w ill learn w ith pleasure that Miss Ha^el B ooth and G eo. Booth, who w ere so seriously injured in the crossin g accident, are steadily im proving in the H am ilton hospital. -- Our militia boys are preparing to go to cam p at Niagara on Saturday, June 28th. Lieut. G eo. Doty is training the local b o y s . M ajor J . R . P eacock w ill have com m and o f the H alton regim ent as Col. B . G. Chisholm is on leave for six months. --A t the G regory Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 19, 20 and 21 " S h o w Girl in H olly w ood ," starring A lice W hite. M onday Tuesday and W ednesday, June 23, 24 and 25, ` ` Gold Diggers of Broadw ay,-' done entirely in technicolor. Special matinee W edn es day at 4.15. -- M r. and M rs. R . H . Post, M r. and M rs. Gordon P ost and Charles and Elm er Post attended the fifteenth w edding anniversary of M r. and Mrs. Elm er K indree at Inglew ood last w eek . About thirty w ere present, and the gathering was in the nature o f a surprise. -- R . L . Gregory has purchased the residen ce known as the Dr. W illiam s house from W . S . Davis, and w ill reside th ere. This is a fine, solid brick house, being am ong the best built residen ces in tow n . The grounds surrounding w ill be used for parking space for patrons o f the G regory th eatre. DAVID A R e p a ir in g of all SMITH M akes GARAGE Gars r\ \ f£ e n the new Canadian P acific coastal steam ship " Princess E lizabeth " was being w elcom ed to .Vancouver recently with a civic luncheon a t w hich city and p jr t o ffic ia ls praised the com pany fo r its initiative and foresig h t in building up such a fin e coastal fleet, " M ayor W . H. Halkin, of V ancouver, and K. J. Burns, V an couver port superintendent, prom ised to present the first bride who travelled on the new ship with a bouquet. So when Mrs. L. G oodg* boarded the ship with the groom , she w as duly handed a bouquet b y G eorge Fitch, s e c re ta ry to H i» H onor, as the fir st honeym ooner to take the V ancouver-V ictoria trip on tha "E lizabeth." Picture shows, left to right, Captain R. W . M cM urray, marine superin tendent, B.C. C o a s t _ Steam ship Service; L. Ooodija and M r». G oodge, and Mr. Fitch, All Work Guaranteed P arts P rocured SELECTING A HOME " Buying your new home on a busi ness basis" , and then give som e o f the factors- to be considered by any one w ho is contem plating the pur chase o f a h om e. The first consid eration is the desirability of the res iden ce to the individual purchaser. The secon d is its salability and in vestm ent value. Much o f the value o f any residence w ill depend on how many people w ant such a hom e and how m any o f that kind are available. These are ab stract th in gs. H ow ever, this may mean little to the person who is not experienced in the buying of real es tate and who has not studied local conditions from an econom ic point o f v ie w . T o m ake the quality o f desirability little m ore concrete, therefore, let us divide into som e of the m ore sp ecific parts which, in varying ways and degrees com pose it. The follow in g classification s are by no means com plete and exhaus tive, but they w ill serve to point out the m ore im portant things to con sider when purchasing a h om e: -- Character o f n eigh borh ood . Rate of population grow th . Nearness to centre o f population o f com m unity. N earness to transportation facili ties. Nearness to sch ools. Nearness to stores. Building restriction s. Conditions o f streets Public utilities. E levation and health conditions < Size o f lots. Type o f h om e. C on ven ien ces. V a lu ation s. R ents. The above seem to be factors which would be taken into consider ation in any com m unity, and are at least w ell worthy o f attention at a time when all o f us are preaching the gospel of West o f Highway Bridge Phone 9 7 1 R E A D THE S T A R The Seven Rules for Safe Driving You must observe them and ALL other precautions all the time I £ ^ Have your car in perfect mechanical condition--particularly BRAKES, STEERING GEAR and HEADLIGHTS. GIVE YOUR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION TO YOUR DRIVING. In passing traffic, be sure there is a place for you in the traffic line ahead. Never attempt to pass on curves or steep grades. In entering main streets or highways, or in approaching a railway crossing 4 where a full view of the track is obscured--STOP and LOOK. £ When other vehicles try to pass you--LET THEM PASS. 4U When making a right turn, keep to the right of the highway; 'when " making a left turn, keep to the centre. Always SIGNAL before you slow down, stop, or change your course, and BACK UP before ascertaining that the road behind is clear. 7 never The Keystone of Safety on the King's Highway and all other roads and streets 4 x** _iC AR E I 1 CO UR TESY V f -- H alton coun ty coun cil m eets on "OWN YOUR OW N HOM E" T uesday next, and Oakville and Tra This can be easily adjusted if you falga r m ay send a deputation to ask con fer w ith that steps be taken to have subways constructed under the sixth and seventh line railw ay crossin gs. In the m eantim e w hy not urge m otor , T h e O ld Reliable Real Estate B r o k e r ists to use the seventh line where ! Ph one 206 P. O. Box 175 there are gates? t O A K V IL LE, O N TA R IO C O M M O N / W. A. DEANE Highway Committee 11S2 The H O N . G E O . S . H E N R Y , Chairman

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