Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 20 Jun 1930, p. 2

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Reader] J lo r e n c e R id d ic k B o y s C O P Y R I G H T E D Sunday School Lesson June 22. Lesson X I I -- T h e Risen Lord and the Great Commission-- Mat thew 28: 1-10; 16-20. Golden T e x t -- Go ye therefore, and teach all na tions.-- Matthew 23: 19. New Price lb. RED LABEL T h e S u m m e r C am p Is your son, your daughter, a Scout or a Camp Fire Girl? I£ not, you can do nothing better for him or her than t o get him into one o£ these fine or ganizations. I hope the child w ill liavo the splendid privilege of attending a B oys' or Girls' camp this summer. Some o f the advantages of such a camp are: the opportunity for rich association with other boys and girls in a free, out-of-door life, the close ness to nature, the healthful play, the sim ple diet,- the regular living, the sleeping under the stars, the guidance o f wise directors, the give-and-take which makes for good citizenship and unselfishness and team loyalty, the quiet evenings, the singing o f camp songs, the camp fire and story-telling or pageantry about it, the self-reliance and time to think and lead a simple life, the craft work, .weaving, carpen try or other handcrafts, th e-com peti tion tests, visits to other camps, the obedience to camp rules. A ll these advantages are rarely available for any child, except in the m ost ideal fam ily conditions. They are valuable for the neglected, under privileged child, for the pampered child who is self-centered; for the over protected child, who has not learned how to associate and adapt him self to his fellows, and also to the normal child. athletic persons are more likely to be immune from this uncomfortable ill, while those who are nervously ex hausted, below par from various ex cesses, have been overeating or are troubled with constipation are pe culiarly liable to sea-sickness. A week or two before sailing try to get yourself in the* best physical con dition. Sleep well, exercise in the open air, avoid excesses of all kinds, and eat oranges, lemons, grapefruit and green vegetables. W hile sailing, restrict the diet. Drink littfc at meals but plentifully between meals. S u m m e r Fu rnitu re A N A L Y S IS I. THE APPEARANCE TO TH E W OM EN, 1 - 10 . II. 16-20. It is upon the re surrection o f Christ that the church rests. It was the belief in this fact that aroused tlie disciples from t!i?ir doubt, and started a new joy in their hearts. It was as witnesses o f the re surrection that they went forth as the first missionaries. It still is the fou n dation o f the Christian hope. I f Christ has not risen then ou faith is in vain. There are -narratives o f the resur rection in each o f the Gospels, but these have certain discrepancies w hic' cannot easily be reconciled; but the* general impression is the same in all. TH E GREAT COMMISSION, I n t r o d u c t io n -- The same old furniture in the same I . TH E APPEARANCE TO TH E W OM EN , old places is monotonous. It quickens 1 - 10 . one's zest in the home to indulge in V. 1. In this double reference to bright, fresh, new things. These need the time, the end of the Sabbath would not be expensive. M ove the furniture include any time after sunset on Sab about to new locations and cover it bath, while tKS'same statement places with gay slip covers for hot weatheV. the event very near to the breaking Push the davenport away from its o f the morning light o f our Sunday. V. 2- Four Marys are mentioned in winter quarters in front o f the fire place and let It sit in front o f a win the Gospels as connected with the clos ing m i n is t r y ^ Jesuo, (1) M ary the dow. Dress it up in a cool looking mother of Jesus, (2 ) M ary Magdalene, cover o f flowered green chintz, linen, out o f whom Jesus had cast seven pique or chambray. Put away the devils, and who was well known to the heavy · window draperies and glass church, (3) Mary the mother o f James curtains and dress the window in and Joses, (4) M ary the mother of green gingham to harmonize. Cap the James and John. It is said that they clim ax by making chair pads and a came to see the sepulchre, but we learn group of cunning pillows for the daven from the other Gospels that they also brought spices fo r the anointing of port to correspond and you will be sur the body. prised how jolly and dressed up you V. 2. Matf^iaw alone mentions the will feel and how much cooler the earthquake, ana this explains the fact W eddin g Etiquette given in Mark and Luke that the stone W edding invitations should be sent room w ill look for hot weather. had been rolled away. out two weeks before the wedding. V . 5. The angels urge the women to Hints These may be written by the bride for abandon all fear. They do not need Use old shirts for covering dresses the informal wedding. For th« formal have the alarm which the watchmen wedding, they should be engraved. If hanging in the c lo s e t., Slip a leg of have evidently shown. there is a reception, after a church an old pair of pajamas over your iron V. 6 . Their fear is needless because ·wedding, a reception card should be ing board for a clean covering. Keep their Saviour has risen in accordance enclosed, and this should be sent to opened rolls of gauze bandages, and with his prediction. Besides, the angol those who did not receive invitations absorbent cotton in covered baking bids them look at the tomb, the mean in g o f which is more clear when we to the weding. These are sent out the powder cans in the medicine closet. read John 20: 5-7, where the position day of the wedding. For variety, use three tablespoons of o f the clothes given. An early morning hour is sometimes grapefruit juice with halt a cup of V- 9. There are five accounts o f the chosen, for convenience in traveling, salad oil to make dressing. To sweet appearances of the risen Christ. The but " high noon," four o 'clock, or the en the coffee percolator, half fill it fou r Gospels contain one each, while evening are usually chosen. The bride with hot water, soap and borax and Paul gives us his list in 1 Cor.^chap. may wear a wedding gown in the pre let it boil for a few minutes, then 15. It seems avident that the first appearance was made to M ary M ag vailing fashion or her travelling suit. rinse it thoroughly with hot water. dalene. Altogether there are eleven F or an evening wedding, the groom distinct instances on which Jesus wears evening clothes. Otherwise he Leather Upholstery manifests i j ^ d f to his disciples. In wears a cutaway coat and finely Matthew the chief interest W a s h leather u p h o ls t e i ^ _ w i t li striped trousers or his travelling suit. d^mp clot Ilf wrung soap is in the appearance made in Galilee, The formal wedding may be haM in suds. Rinse it with another damp where the apostles had gone after the th e church or in the home. The in cloth and wipe it dry. Or clean it crucifixion. In v. 7, they are bidden form al wedding is held in the home. with a shoe cleaner. A fter the wash to meet him in Galilee. Luke and John are more concerned with che ap Everything but the minister's fee and with suds, a little olive oil should be pearances in or near to Jerusalem, the bride's bouquet is paid for by the rubbed into the leather to keep it from though in the last chapter o f John we fam ily of the bride. If there are cracking. A fter the oil or the shoe have the beautiful story o f Christ re brides' maids and best men and ushers cleaner has been rubbed into the vealing himself by the shore o f the bride may give gifts to the women leather, it must be thoroughly rubbed ^Galilee. In general these narratives point and the groom to the men. to get off any excess of oil, else this (1) There is no W hen a reception follow s the wed may soil the fine clothing of one who out several facts. doubt t' at it is the same Jesus whom ding, th e bride's mother acts as hos occupies the chair. they had known before. (2 ) Y et there tess, but she may ask the groom 's are very great changes, fo r he is no mother to assist her. A buffet meal Whole W heat longer subject to th j law's o f natural is interesting, to follow the reception. W hole wheat breads and mush are form . He passes through closed doors. In this case, the food is arranged on valuable foods because they contain (3 ) He appears only to believersthe table, with piles of plates and sil practically all the proteins necessary II. THE GREAT COMMISSION, 16-20. ver, and people help themselves. The for body growth and development. V. 18. His words are those o f a great coffee is poured by beautiful ladies. They are also high in mineral content ruler. W e should put the ,rord " auth An appropriate menu might be: Chick and in vitamins. Furthermore they ority" here instead o f " power." Jesus en salad, olives, rolls, nuts, a delicious are useful in encouraging elimination. claims that he has the supreme control ice, cake, coffee. Though the variety It is a pity to use too much white o f the universe. N or is the claim any is not great, everything should be par bread when one might just as well usurpation, since i t has been given t> him by the Father. This rule or ticularly delicious and attractive in have the much more healthful whole power o f Jesus has no limit, it includes appearance. wheat bread. heaven and earth. There were signs o f the authority o f Jesus while he was C h e rry Puddings Mrs. Solomon Says: in the flesh, as wr hen he said that he To make a steamed cherry pudding, " The path of a good woman is had authority (o forgive sin and to cream a half cup fat and a cup of strewn with flowers; but they come control the Sabbath. It is chiefly in the sphere o f religion sugar. Sift four teaspoons of baking after her, not before her." that we think of the authority o f powder with two and a half cups of Christ. He is the great teacher on the flour and add this, alternating with a problems o f the soul. His message Greetings cup of milk, to the fat and sugar. Add alone is final. Moreover he is himself To-day I met a collie dog tw o cups o f drained cherries to this the message. He is the w ay, the That looked like " Sunny Jim," batter, pour into greased moulds and truth and the life. steam for one hour. And when I stopped the gentleman V. 19- The great commission. Since To ask what tickled him, Serve with a saucfe made from a Christ has universal power he w ill be a universal ruler. His sphere o f ac half cup each o f cherry juice and H e gave me such a nasty look, tion w ill not be confined to one coun water, thickened with a tablespoon of As if I were quite dumb, try, but w ill include all the nations o f corn starch, sweetened with a cup of And said-- " You blooming idiot, the world. Hence his disciples must To-day the Shriners come." sugar and enriched by a half cup o f go forth to make disciples o f all na butter. Cook this sauce over the fire tions. They are also commanded to fo r five minutes, stirring constantly, " But why," said I, " Should dogs be use baptism as the sign o f admission glad then continue cooking in a double boil into the new kingd m. This rite was er for twenty minutes. Although they're very fine?" not unknown to the Jew s; but it was A baked cherry pudding is made by He growled-- " Each single Shriner is in the Christian Church that it came to have its richest meaning. It signified A bosom friend o f mine-- putting into a baking dish a quart of washing away of sin through faith in fresh or canned cherries, sweetened They always stand for kindliness, the living Saviour. And that includes the dumb, richly. Cover this with a thin short V. 20. The conclusion o f the Gospel cake dough and bake. So all Toronto animals is reached in this grand climax. There Another batter for leaking is made Are glad that they have come. is a promise o f the eternal presence o f by beating w ell two whole eggs and a -- Humane Pleader. ths Messiah. Jesus .as risen from th* dead, never to die again, :.nd now pin ch of salt; fold in a cup o f sugar hi* spiritual po :er i< offered to all and beat in a half cup o f boiling Romance! believers. He is with the disciples as ^ ater.. T o this add a cup and a half A fresh romance has been added to a permanent Saviour, to guide, in o f flour and two teaspoons o f baking the history of literature, says a writer struct, protect and rescue. powder, sifted together three times, ·> -- in John O' London's W eekly, and a Flavor with a half teaspoon of vanilla. new key put into our hands to the A man travelling in an underground Pour over the cherries and bake a social life of the eighteenth century train alarmed other passengers by de h alf hour. The baked pudding is de -- a period of which the more we claring at the top of his voice that he licious topped with whipped or ice know, the more we want to know. was Napoleon. Fortunately somebody cream. There were found, mouldering in the had the presence of mind to call: attic of a Scottish country house, " Next station, W aterloo." Avoid Sea-Sickness --------------------- A --------------------manuscript journals, notebooks and If you are planning a trip on ocean letters of James Boswell, the famous Miss Thirty ' i : " OU, > Blunt, or lage, you w ill be glad to know that biographer of Doctor Johnson. The this is so sudden." Mr. Blunt: " I there are things you can do to lessen part issue of the MSS in six volumes know, but I thought you could stand the chance o f being sea-sick. Active, will be follow ed soon by another six. surprise better than suspense." REDR0SE 126 Clubs Are Planned For British Women First Experiment W ill Made in the Island of Cyprus What New York Is Wearing Illustrated D ressm aking Lesson F u r nished W ith E v e ry Pattern B e B Y A N N A B E L L E W O R T H IN G T O N London.-- A plan for assisting Bri tish professional women is now being advanced. To those working out of their own country the problem of where to live on retirement is a real difficulty. Most" o f them have no homes, and in many cases have no par ticular wish to return to England, where their problem might be even more difficult o f solution. To meet such cases as these resi dential clubs abroad are to be started, beginning with Cyprus. This place has been chosen because the members would be living under the British flag, in an ideal climate, free from heavy living expenses, and in a locality spe cially favorable to women * h o s e lives have been spent in foreign lands. Miss Helen H. Dennison, originator of the scheme, is full of expectation of its success. The inhabitants o f Cyprus are ex pert at needlework, and also make honey and jams in considerable quan tities. tl is proposed to co-operate with them in developing their work and selling their produce, thus afford ing social and mental stimulation for all concerned. These British profes sional women abroad are drawn from many professions, teachers, librarians, stenographers, accountants and so forth. The aim of the residential clubs is to afford them opportunity to con tinue working while providing them with a home and, at the same time, plenty o f interesting things to occupy time and energy. It is hoped to follow the first club in Cyprus by another in one of the Channel Islands. To join the pro posed household a woman has to be over 60 years of age. A precious frock fo r wee maids o f 1, 2, 4 and 6 years is pictured in pale pink batiste. It is strikingly sm art and yet as simple as can be. The cartwheel ruffle trim m ing ia amusing. This ruffling o f self-fabric has picot edge. It is sewed to the dress follow in g perforations fo r same. Style No. 3485 makes up beautifully in taffeta fo r parties. Georgette crepe and crepe de chine are very dainty. Horses Like Humans Sprigged dimity, printed lawn, Fancy Cold Drinks sheer linen, organdie and voile also appropriate. The season is here when the It may also be made o f checked fanciers of young and old turn to long, gingham without the cartwheel trim cold drinks in glasses that tinkle ming. musically when they move. Hot sum H O W TO O R D E R P A T T E R N S mer days without cold drink3 would seem unbearable to human beings. W rite your name and address plainHow must it seem to horses working ly, giving number and size o f such' in the heat of the day beneath patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in brazen skies, with, perhaps, only a stamps or coin (coin p referred ; wrap, drink night and m orning? Many it carefully) fo r each number, and housewives, during the summer address your order to Wilson Pattern 1 months, have greatly relieved the Service, 73 W est Adelaide St., Toronto-* suffering horses by placing a card near the top on the lawn informing drivers that they may water their Grass and Moss Stains horses there. The watering troughs D uring the summer grass and moss for horses in the city are top few and far between. There are localities stains are common, and as these are where a horse may travel.m iles with unsightly-- especially on white gar out getting a drink from a public ments-- steps should be taken to re trough. The Imperial Oil stations move them as soon as possible. I f -ne stains are on white material,' have been supplied with pails, 106 damp the affected parts w ith cold having been given out last year. The Society will be glad to supply water, then sprinkle with a mixture o f cards to anyone who applies for them. equal parts o f salt and tartaric acid. W ill you do your bit for thirsty A llow the mixture to remain on the horses, if you have a lawn tap? And m aterial until it is quite dry, then will you ask your delivery men if brush c ff lightly with a pad o f soft they carry a pail to water their horses cloth, o r with a soft brush. Should any traces o f the stains remain, repeat during the day?--Humane Pleader. the process. F or colored materials, rub the affect One o f the largest employers of ed parts lightly with pure glycerins. disabled labor is the British Legion. A llow this to remain on the material In its poppy factory alone every one fo r an hour or so, then wash the articla o f the 267 em ployees is a disabled o r garm ent in the usual w ay. I f the ex-Service man, and they turned out stains are old, it may be necessary ta over 31,000,000 poppies last year. repeat the process tw o or three times.

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