Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 20 Jun 1930, p. 3

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Aerial Problems BRIGHT EYES, To Be Discussed ROSY CHEEKS The Birthright of Every Girl. Dull eyes mean misery aad weak ness-- .. sure sign of a bloodless con dition. Anaemic girls and women have dull, heavy eyes with dark lines underneath. The bright-eysd girl or woman is ah ays happy and well. There is one way to make the eyes bright-- to bring the glow of health to pale cheeks-- th t is to invigorate the body with new blood-- rich, red healthgiving blood. Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills do this and ther do it well. Concern ing them Mrs. Robert Devitt, Broug ham, Cnt., says: " My daughter became so ill and nervous we had to take her out of school. She was pale and thin; her eyes w ere dull and the least exer tion upset her. I began giving her Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills and in less than six m onth! you would not know her. She gained in weight and strength and is now the picture of health." Dr. W illiam s' Pink is are sold by m edicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. W illiams' M edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AS A MATTER OF FORM 25 YEARS AGO . . . women wore leg-of-mutton sleeves and ostrich plumes . . . and during the same period men first began smoking Wilson's Bachelor cigars. The "furbelows" have long since been discarded but, today, more men are smoking Wilson's Bachelors -- 100% Havana filler--than any other ten cent cigar in Canada. Special Section in League of Nations Will Handle Matter M ontreal.-- A number o f aspects o f air communication which are still sub jects fo r discussion and sometimes fo r disagreement, are to be taken up by a meeting o f the air committee o f the transit section o f the League o f N a tions, which w ill be held in the near future, according to Laurence C. Tombs, an official o f the section, who is spending a short holiday in Mont real. Mr. Tombs spoke w arm ly o f the work in the League done by Canada and particularly by such Canadians as Sir Herbert Am es, M ajor George W ashington Stephens, and Col. T. A. Hiam. Dr. W . A . Riddell, the Can adian advisory officer, is doing excel-, lent work, he safd* ------------ Apocalypse By Ruth Frost I aak for heaven no brighter blue than this, No street more golden than this quiet lane-- The bending, sun-flecked branches stoop to kiss The shadowy bank, where lately sum mer rain Has come to garnish thus the common sod And make each blade of grass a glit tering gem L o! here I see the temple of our God, The holy city o f Jerusalem. -- The Christian Century, Chicago. individual!)!, foil wrapped! and in pocket packs of five Debtor (For I am debtor both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians.-- Romans 1: 14.). H otfoot through the world I go Blinking night and wondering day Seeking proper coin to pay The tremendous debt I owe-- Jungle green, and blue marsh clay, Coral in a smoky strand; Small waves strolling up the sand On the tip of Africa-- Shall t ->y be more dear to me Than the Doric-columned mist* Cool of pearl and amethyst Than a mountain savagery. Pagan bird and V oodoo rite, Primal snarling winds that pass-- Than a blade o f crystalled grass Slender and proportionate? * W il s o n 's WHEN YOUR CHILD IS FEVFRISH Give Him Baby's Own Tablets Ba c h elo r Still m o s t f or the Canadian Forests Owned by People W A The health c f babies and little child ren is subject to rapid changes. Thus the mother must be on her guard. At the first sign o f feverishness Baby's Curious the spoil I 'Seek, Own Tablets should be given-- this Strange the bartering -I do, may avert a serious illness. Being thus a debtor to Concerning the Tablets Mrs. N or Both Barbarian and Greek! man Lee, Uxbridge, Ont., says: " My -- Sara Henderson Hay. little boy, now three years old, was 0 -----------not at all well. He was feverish and M in a rd 's for Insect Bites. had no appetite. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and he was soon well A man has just married an actress again. I* would not be without the w ho cut him dead when he first asked Tablets as long as there are young O nly 8'/o o f Forests Privately for an introduction. A case of love at c h i l d r e n i n t h e h o u s e . " O w n e c I^ O T r e c t R e v e n u e first slight. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 $15,000,000 A writer says that woman U s the cents a box from The Dr. W illiams' Toronto. -- Through the Dominion playmate and helpmate of man. And Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. and Provincial Governments the peo often the cheque-mate as well. ple of Canada own 92 per cent, of their Lord Gives Britain forests, the remainder being privately Famous Library owned. The direct revenue received by the Federal and Provincial Gov London-- One o£ tha finest private ernments from forests in the form of libraries in Britain shortly is to be rentals, royalties, etc., amounts to ap come a possession of the nation, Lord proximately $15,000,000 annually. The Brotherton having decided to present his collection o f books and manu total stand of timber, including all spe scripts, including a rare copy o f the cies, both hardwood and softwood, is first folio of Shakespeare's works and placed at 242,127,000,000 cubic feet. Fires, insects and fungi are taking copies of the second, third and fourth You Must Do Your Bit ' folios to Leeds University, where the a great toll of Canada's forests. For I in the w ar against the fly, carrier collection w ill be housed in the new esters, forest entomologists, and forest of germs and breeder of disease. library buildings now being construct pathologists are co-operating in their ed as the result of a previous gift of defense. By protection and proper I It is p r o v e n th a t A E R O X O N is one management the accessible forest land $500,000 by Lord Brotherton. ·of th e m ost co n v e n ie n t and m ost e ffic ie n t m ea n s o f c o m b a tin g this In addition Lord Brotherton pro could be made to preduce in perpetu fly evil. It is con v en ien t, b e ca u se poses te give $150,000 for maintenance ity several times the annual cut, but o f the push-pin. It i? h y g ie n ic: and administration purposes as well if present methods continue, experts flies n e v e r g e t a w a y w h en o n ce [c a u g h t. E a ch sp iral g iv es th ree as the continued services of J. Alex maintain that the annual cut will have '^weeks' p e r fe c t serv ice. Symington, present _ librarian. ^ -T h e to be reduced. The forest is second only to agricul BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ^ j collection includes a wealth of medi ture in the value of Canada's products. S old a t d ru g, g r o cery a n d hardw are stores j eval illuminated manuscripts. The capital invested , in forest indus |La Cie C. 0 . Genest & Fils, Limitec j tries is approximately $675,000,000, V - SH E ItfiR O O K£. QUE. I M inute Ends Itch o f one-third of which is in lumbering plants, sawmills, etc., and the balance in the pulp and paper industry. The forests provide 20 per cent, of the en "SOOTHA-SALVA" AMAZES DOCTORS B«by terrible eczema. ` Sootba. tire freight haulage on Canadian rail Balva' ended itching in 1 minute. Disease soon left." -- M rs. J. Laurence. Stops itch, burn, pain ways; supply over 14,000,000 ties an in 1 minute. Eczema goes for good in few days. nually and almost an equivalent S k in becom es dear, smooth. All Druggists. amount o f timber for bridges, build ings, etc., and substantialy ato'ect the passenger traffic earnings of the rail ways through the attraction o f tour ists. . Canada is also the principal source of softwood supply in the British Em pire, while the only econom ic use for one-third of th land area oZ the Do minion is in the growing of wood. The forests form the most important fact or in equalizing stream flow and there fore have immense value in relation to power development. sis c Then m o n e y It was reported to the late Dr. MeClassified Advertising Cosh, while president o f Princeton " FOB SAI*C University, that a party was being held in one o f the dormitories, " after * -| B A B Y C H I C K S -- W B H A T C H E D 216,000 l a s t y e a r in f o u r v a r ie hours." Thither the good doctor wend tie s . t W r ite f o r f r e e c a t a lo g u e . A. EL ed his way to investigats. To his S w itz e r , G r a n to n . O n t. knock at vha door came the response, " W ho's that?" " It's me," replied the doctor. " W ho's m e?" came the query. A N T E D -- E X P E R IE N C E D L IG H T " Dr. McCosh," answered the doctor. N I N G r o d s a le s m e n w it h c a r , g o o d " You're a liar; if it had been old Jim c o m m is s io n s a n d d r a w i n g a c c o u n t . p p ly b. p h illip s l : h tn in q mie he would have said `It is I.' Go R o d C o m p a n y , 32 O s b o r n e A v e n u e , about your business " which Dr. T o r o n t o . McCosh said he did, on tiptoe, and re By the work one knows the work frained from telling the story for at man.--LaFontaine least four years. LID H Tim ! LM TM flG l *----------- UiUilheTin ± IheH oneyFlyC atdi 21* " Do not unto others as you would that they should do unto you; their tastes may not be the same."-- George Bernard Shaw. 0NSTIPATI0N CO M PLE TE LY GONE4 DON'T SUFFER WITH DANGEROUS INDIGESTION Do you suffer after meals with a belching, from sour and acid stomach? Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting any minute to drop dead. This condition can be prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills after meals and neutralize the gases. Sweeten the sour and acid stomach, re lieve the gas and encourage digestion. The stomach, liver and bowels will be cleansed o f poison, painful and dangerous indigestion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect. Don't delay. Ask your druggist fo r a 25c pkg. o f Carter's Little Liver Pills. writes Mrs. W . Walker. Thousands _ say constipation, indigestion, gas I_ end overnight with " Fruit-a-tives". Complexion clears like magic. Nerves, heart quiet. GetM Fniit-a-tiyes"fromdruggist today. Sun Burned? rub afllicted parts with I M in a rd 's and watch them heal. M in a rd 's for campers. ECZEMA TWICE BENEFITED HOW I LOST 28 LBS. BY SAME REMEDY In a Safe, Easy Way Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham' s Vegetable Compound Cobourg, Ontario-- " Years ago when I had a sick father and a nursing baby to care for, 1 got all run down and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to get strength to do m y work. An o th e r [time a t Change of Life, I had severe head aches and felt tired all the time. I took seven bottles of th e V e g e t a b l e Compound and felt like a new woman. I recommend it to any woman who is at the age when she needs building up." 1-- M hs.T. E, Sleeman, R.R. 4. Cobourg, Ontario. Many people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali. The best way, the quick, harmless and efiicient way, is Phillips' M ilk o f Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physi cians. One spoonful in water neutral izes many times its volume in stomach acidS, and at once. The symptoms dis appear in five minutes. You will never use crude methods w hen you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy re lief. Please do that--for your own sake-- now. Ba sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk o f Magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 : ears in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc tions-- any drugstore. Read how one woman- lost 28 lbs. of fat, without diet, without dangerous drugs or exercises. " I take a daily dose of Kruschen, and I have lost two inches round the waist and hips and 28 lbs. since last summer. I feel very well on it and people tell me I look very fit. I am 5 ft. 4 in. in height, 40 years old, and come o f a stout family." Miss E. L. -j Don't go lumbering about with a burden of unhealthy, excess fat--you Holiday Perils can get rid of it easily if you get the Kruschen habit. The tragic accident at a level cross Kruschen Salts provides the easiest, ing near Cobourg, Ont., where six safest and surest way to lose fat that' members of one family were almost you can possibly desire. B y purifying instantly killed, is a grim reminder of your blood of harmful acids, helping the perils of the modern holiday. On the liver, kidneys and bowels to throw all public holidays the highways are off waste material, they remove in a natural way the fatty deposits which crowded, and the holiday spirit creates poisonous waste matter has produced. a certain feeling of carelessnesss Not only do you lose pounds in weight, when caution is most urgently needed. but you lose years in appearance. The problem of the level crossing is Little by little, the ugly fat disappears-- slowly, yes--but surely-- and you soon still shamelessly far from solution. feel wonderfully healthy, vital und * energetic-- more fo than ever before in your life. M in a rd's for Falling liair. ISSUE No. 25-- '30

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