Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 18 May 1934, p. 1

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U n L Marshall * .f.?tr . : te r ·iS A S *.*TM .TM ..,.TM . QAKVILLE, ONTARIO. FRIDAY. MAY 18. 1934 ; N E W L IB E R A L CLUB^ O R G A N IZ E D "ST O A K V IL L E P I,B iT.Vt:V" Baseball Season Opens Saturday Ontario Elections O n June 19th D A T E S S E T FO R R E V IS IN G V O T E R S ' L IS T S N om inations fo r H alton at M ilton on T uesday, June 12. , O A K V IL L E LA D IE S G O IN G S T R O N G ,, . ,, . O pening Game W ill Be W.th L on g S E E C A N A D A F IR S T ON C A N AD IAN R Y S. Premier G eo. S . Henry and the Ontario cabinet have decreed that the election campaign will be a short and snappy one. The date set fo r the election is Tuesday, June 19, and nominations one week earlier. Nominations will take place at MiltCn, the place and time to be announced. Present indications are that there will be a three-cornered fight in Halton county, with Thos. A . Rlakelock, Liberal-Progressive, W m . S. Davis, Conservative, and a C . C . F . representative yet to be nominated as the candidates. FRO M O N E L IV E -W IR E TOW N TO AN OTH ER During the past week or so it is with sincere regret that news reach ed the writer o f the withdrawal from town o f our genial president, H . G . Becker. Herman G . Becker has long been associated with the sport ing activities o f this live-wire town in various lines, covering hockey, softball, and lacrosse, and Mt . Beck er has been untiring in his efforts hoped it will be kept that way fr o m ; ah|hty o f tickets is permitted in the to place each sport mentioned on a exisiting pool zones The Oakville Riding and Polo club now on.-- Milton C^ . lekets will be good in coaches, higher ru ng. A community such meruliirs itave started their season's era towns, havfe^ a bat will be honored in tourist sle^pas ours cannot a fford to lose such . a operations. On W ednesday morn- lection and keep »he ing cars on payment o f a slight ad booster in sport as H . G Boc er i jng thirty enthusiasts assembled at ty all through the year. ditional passage fare charge fo r m i l without that feeling o f having lost the farm o f Allan Mackay, lower !rtTM ar -- Claude Pearce, o f Toronto, well passenger in addition to tourji -something personal. New T oronto's middle road, and held their first both rates. The usual baggage al known as a form er resident o f this loss is Oakville's gain. open road ride o f the season, pro With the withdrawal o f Mr. Beck ceeding along the lower middle road district, will be an independent can lowance will be made as on regular er, the various sporting clubs will to the Morrison road and then south didate in a three-cornerd fight fo r tickets. The impressive saving in these also lose the services o f Jack, who to " Ballymena," the C ol. Eaton es a seat in the next legislature fo r St. excursion rates will give many a Andrew's riding. Mr. Pearce may has played important parts in the tate, where they were entertained to minor sporting activities so well in lunch, and later returned over the find this race harder going than chance to visit such famous beauty when he ran from Hamilton to Tor- spots as Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper troduced by his father. Jack star same cou rse. ' and M inaki. onto on a stormy day. red on the ice and on the field, and T his club is still in its infancy and incidentally, is a fair track and field the membership roll, it is expected, In the county dramatic competathlete. H e can also pedal a nice will be considerably augmented this ition finals Burlin,,t |on \;oung folks, ! M APLF. G R O V E SC H O O L turn in the bicycle meets. West season. Group rides o f the road acting " The Valiant," won from A c - '" T O BE E N L A R G E D Toronto National J r. hockey club type and cross-country runs will be[ ton, who produced " Courageous w i l l m i s s Jack when n ext season rolls Men." This competition was spon regular features. around, -while the Oakville juniors A t the meeting o f the ratepayers The polo players have commenced sored by the newly-formed. Halton will have one less w orry . Jack practicing and will be out two or County Rural Young People's asso o f S .S . N o. 12, known as Maple while not the star at lacrosse as oth three times each w eek. Home ciation, and the prize was a beauti Grove school, held last week, it was er group sports, will be missed by games and contests with neighbor ful trophy presented b y W . I. decided to build a wing to the pres the boys one and all. Best o f luck, ing clubs will be featured through Dick, county crown attorney. ent building, instal hot water heat J a ck .-- New Toronto Advertiser. ing, and generally renovate the pres out the season. -- The Ever-Faithful Ladies' class ent building. A n oth er meeting will and men's club o f St. John's United be held on Friday evening, May 25, A T THE GREGORY 115TH A N N IV E R S A R Y church spent a very enjoyable social when the matter o f alterations and O F O D D F E L L O W S H IP evening last Thursday at the home improvements will be further dis The first three nights o f next o f M r. and M rs. T . L . Peckitt, lake cussed and plans submitted. It is week there will be shown at the shore east. A feature o f the even Gregory theatre the sensational film Next Sunday morning the mem ing was an address by W~. R . W at the intention o f those interested to make N o. 12 the headquarters « f " The Private L ife o f K ing Henry bers o f Oakville lodge, N o. 132, In son, born without hands, who gave the community fo r social and other V III." dependent Order o f Oddfellows, will an interesting demonstration o f gatherings. This picture has attracted more celebrate the 115th anniversary o f writing with his feet and m outh. than ordinary crowds in Toronto and the founding o f the order b y attend W arren Powley favored the gather wherever sh ow n . 'The patrons o f ing service at S t. Jqhn's United R O T A R Y C O N FE R E N C E ing with accordion solos. the Gregory may consider themsel- church at 11 a .m . R ev. E . O . A T ST . C A T H A R IN E S ves greatly favored in being able Seymour will deliver the address. -- The inclement weather prevent to see this w onderful picture so soon ed the Citizens' band from putting Twelve hundred Rotarians and after being released. Strudents o f on the expected open-air program at history in particular will en joy this| t h i r d C A N D ID A T E George's square last Sunday even their wives o f N o. 27 Rotary dis great production. in g. Lakeside park may be the trict, comprising Ontario, New Y ork IN H A L T O N C O U N T Y The last three nights o f this week place fo r holding occasional concerts and Pennsylvania states, m et at St. the title o f the picture to be shown during this season, and this will Catharines fo r the annual con fer The political body known as the meet with the approval o f many cit ence. is " I A m Suzanne," ' a picture that Canadian Co-operative Federation, izens. A peculiar feature o f play James S . Dunnwoody, Erie, Pa., will please and amuse y ou . at a meeting held in Milton on Tues ing at Lakeside park is that the mus was the unanimous choice fo r dis day, May 8, decided to place a can ic may not be heard two blocks in trict deputy-governor fo r the ensu Small Advertisements didate in the field in Halton county land, but can be heard fo r h alf a ing term . fo r the provincial election. A con mile or more out on the water. Rotary has been receiving splen COUNTER M AN W AN TED vention to choose a candidate will did leadership, and in this district, F or meat department. A pply at -- On Tuesday evening last Tf be held in Milton on Thursday, May ;n wK " Oakville is numbered, there Dominion Stores. 24, in the Princess theatre, at 3 John's men's club held" election c ire si '/-s i x clubs, with a total en SE E D P O T A T O E S o 'clock. The speakers will be Wm. officers at the home o f the president, rolment o f 3,457 members. P . E . I . Green Mountain N o . 1 Irvine, M .P . , Capt. Elmore Phil- John Hannah, Dundas street. Re As is well known, our local Rotary quality, $1.25 p er bag. A pply D o pott, and the chosen candidate. ports brought in indicated a very club pays special attention to the minion Stores. . The newly elected officers o f the successful year. The follow ing o f requirements o f crippled children. county association are as follow s: ficers were elected fo r next season: In Canada there are 215,000 o f these PASTURE Pasture with running water, fo r President, A le x . M acLaren; vice- Hon.-presidents, Rev. E. O . Sey unfortunates, and they present a cattle. C om er 7th line and low er president, C . C . Brow ne; sec.-treas., mour, R ev. J . H . M cBain; presi real problem . middle road. Phone 225.___________ R. S. H eatherington; directors, dent, W . J . Chamberlain, secretary, The conference next year will LAW N M OW ERS Archie Service, S . D . McDonald, R . W . H obbs; treasurer, H . W . meet at Niagara Falls, N . Y . , which Sharpened and Repaired; guaran G eo. Nurse, V . J . Lawrence, Guy Conover; convener o f membership club had a brass band along with teed satisfaction. Used mowers fo r Chester Plank, F . M . com., John Hannah; convener social them at the conference composed o f sale, also a trailer. W . Riesy, 8 Munson, Fish, F . R . Breckon. com., 0 . W . Caven. boys and girls. John S t., o f f Chisholm. A Liberal meeting was held in glakelock's hall on Wednesday even- Cent-a-M ile Rates on Both Line* o f ^ /C T O N C O M E S T O O A K V IL L E Branch on M ay 25. , in g . A n organization was formed Railw ay FO R TH E O P E N IN G G A M E ~ ------------------to be known as the Blakdock Halton A number o f recruits have been Liberal club, with the following ofThousands o f Canadians wishing added to the ranks o f the Oakville ficers: to visit relatives or friends either in Usual Form alities W ill A ccom p a n y ladies' softball d u b , and some o f th e ' H on. Pres., T . A ,, Bjakelock the Season' s First Gam e eastern or Western Canada will material to hand gives promise of| Pres., W m . AndersoT* greatly ben efit from the announce Vice-pres., E . E . Fi=atherstone developing into smart players. ment just made by both the Canadian To have a winning team has work The local club will again play in I Sec., Craigie Mackie Pacific and Canadian National rail ed its way into the systems o f the Frank- Heath, L. the Lakeshore league, which includes j Executive -- Frank" ways at the headquarters here, that people o f Oakville, and this year o f Humber Bay, New Toronto, S.0 . S. |Meadows, Floyd Marian. J. Adair. from June 10th to 30th inclusive, baseball may see our team at the A ., Brampton, Long Branch, and M r. Blakelock addressed the meeta round trip fare on both Canadian head o f the county league. O akville. j ing as did several o f the members. ralways o f one cent per mile will be A cton will come here on Satur T he opening game in Oakville will effective to western Canada from all day, 19th inst., fo r the opening be played with L ong Branch at V ic - W . S . Davis will hold a meet points east o f and including Wind- game o f the season. There will be toria park on Friday evening, May ing at Palermo on Tuesday evening,; sor' Sault Ste Marie, Sudbury, Cap- the usual formalities to mark the 25. W . Monery, o f Mimico, is the reol and Cochrane in Ont., and from event with Mayor Jacobs, T. A . president fo r this year an W . E . May 29, at which H on . G . H . all stations in Quebec, New Bruns Blakelock, M . P . P ., and Arthur Challies, provincial secretary, and Fielding is secretary-treasurer. wick, Prince Edward Island and Hillmer in the limelight. others will deliver a dresses. Nova Scotia. The cent a mile coach The diamond is in the best o f -- To mark his Vfeting o f age, excursion tickets will be good to all condition and the management have T H E L O S T CH U RCH , Ted Barber, Navy street, entertain- ` points in O n t. west o f and includiug reduced the admission price to 1 5 A R E L IG IO U S D R A M A ed a number o f his young friends in 1Port Arthur and Arm strong and to cents; better than\that all children , the town on Monday evening, at the all points in Manitoba, Saskatchew will be admitted free. A very beautiful religious drama home o f his parents, M r. and M rs. an, Alberta and British Columbia. On the other hand an equal opportunity will be given on Sunday evening in E . V . Barber. is presented residents in W estern B U IL D IN G N E W H O U SE S, St. John's United church at the hour -- Allan Weir, form er citizen and Canada by the announcement that R E N O V A T IN G O L D O N E o f the regular service. This is a hockey player, now residing at Ron cent-a-mile rates to all points in very inspirational religious play, deau on Lake Erie, v a s in town on Eastern Canada will be placed on prepared by the United church at George C . Gibson has faith in the Friday. He had just been married sale June 8th to 30th. A very W aterdow n. Special ' music has he and came to Hamilton on his honey generous return limit o f 45 days is future o f Oakville. R ecently been prepared fo r this service. Y ou purchased the old home o f the late m oon. granted on these excursion tickets, C . Rowland Orr on Head street, and and your friends will be w elcom e. -- When the tin cans, bottles and which however, provides that the this he is having remodelled and re and returning journeys novated. (The estate consisted o f a all rubbish go to the dump this week general C O L. W . F . EATON Milton will be one of the prettiest must be made over the same rail lot at the rear o f the house running H O ST T O PO LO CLU B towns you ever saw..and it is to be way except where the interchange- from Chisholm to Forsyth street. p ac;ng either street a new house o f stucco design is being erected. The Georgetown Lumber C o . have the eI!tire eontract. ----------- ---- S P L E N D ID S P O R T S . AT APPLEBY SC h o a t Fine fweathier favored the field day at Appleby school last Saturday aftern oon . A large number o f guests were present from Toronto, Hamilton and Oakville. Lady Baillie presented the academic prizes and Hon. R . D . Ross, late lie u t^ ,^*' ant-govem or o f Ontarjft^'^'^esented the acrrretlc prizes. Following the awards Principal and M rs. G . S . H . Guest received the many guests in a large marquee, where M rs. Whittington and M rs. James poured tea. CH AS. J. R O B IN S O N G E T S FIN E N E W P O S IT IO N 'Congratulations are extended td Charles J . Robinson, a well known young man in Oakville, son-in-law o f A lf . Hillmer, upon being ap pointed Eastern Canada sales repre sentative fo r Philco Products, Ltd., o f Canada. Charlie Robinson is well known to the radio and automobile tire trade, having been on the road and in the o ffice fo r eighteen years with: Cutton, Foster & Sons, o f T oronto, and lately assistant manager o f the radio and automotive division o f that pro gressive house. W E L L K N O W N C IT IZ E N D IE D A T H IS HO M E Charles W hitlock, a resident o f Oakville fo r over twenty years, passed away at his home on C olbom e street, after a lengthy illness, on Tuesday morning, aged 52 years. The deceased came here from Stratford and was engaged as a gardener. He leaves a widow and one grown-up son, C lifford, to mourn his passing, also one sister, M rs. ( D r .) J . L . Anderson, o f Orillia. R ev. E . 'O . Seymour w ill' hold a funeral service at S . S. Russell's funeral chapel this Friday afternoon at 2 . 3 0 o'clock. Inter ment will be in St. Jude's cemetery.

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