YOUR SAFETY COVER SPECIALISTS FALL INSTALLS AvAILAbLe LEISURE CENTRE Plus $1800 in Travel Expenses MADe IN CANADA EARN $5855! 31 | Thursday, September 1, 2016 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Apotex is currently recruiting healthy non-smoking men to participate in a clinical study. Are you a Healthy Male between 18 and 45 years of age? If so, we want to hear from you! PooL CLoSINg wITh PuRChASe oF A SAFeTy CoveR! FRee REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.APOTEX.CA 5430 Harvester rD., Burlington 905-631-0837 · 905-389-6610 · 416.741.4256 Toll Free: 1.877.APO.CLNC (1.877.276.2562) or Call: Hours: 8:30am to 5pm monday to friday · 4 day confinement period, plus 13 one hour, early morning return visits · You will be paid in installments Design Build Install OakVille Showroom Location 466 speers Rd,unit 6-7 oakville, oN l6K 3W9 Fully custom kitchens, vanities, wall unit, mantle, walk in closet, laundry room, Bar, etc; · Granite, Quartz countertops · Full renovation service · Real estate service; T: 905-338-8999 / 905-338-8199 F: 905-338-8099 *Trades, realtors, builder programme available,please ask store for details;