BONNIE PEACH FOR PLAN TIN G O rders are now bein g taken and fille d fo r B onnie Peach T rees fo r Planting These peaches do w on A n y- H ALTON COUNTY LEAGU E B A S E B A L L SC H E D U LE May 26-- A cton at G eorgetow n M ay 26-- Oakville at M ilton June 2-- Oakville at G eorgetow n June 2-- A cto n at M ilton June 9-- Oakville at A cton June 9-- G eorgetow n at M ilton June 16-- G eorgetow n at "A cton June 16-- M ilton at Oakville June 23-- G eorgetow n at M ilton June 23-- A cton at Oakville June 30-- Oaliville at G eorgetow n June 30-- M ilton at A cton July 2-- A cton at G eorgetow n July 2-- Oakville at M ilton July 7-- G eorgetow n at Oakville July 7-- A cton at M ilton July 1 1 -- M ilton at Oakville July 11-- G eorgetow n at A cton July 14-- Oakville at A cton July 14-- M ilton at G eorgetow n July 1 8 -^ A c to n at M ilton July 19-- Oakville at G eorgetow n July 21-- G eorgetow n at A cton July 21-- M ilton at Oakville July 25-- M ilton at A cton July 25-- G eorgetow n at Oakville July 28-- A cton at 0 " ' :villc July 28-- M ilton at Ce rgetow n 1 -- Oakville at H ilton Aug. 2-- A cton _a t G eorgetow n Aug. Aug. 4-- Oakville at A cto n 4-- G eorgetow n at M ilton Aug. A N N IV E R S A R Y S E R V IC E S A T K N O X CH U RCH A n unusually large con g reg ation was present at K n ox P resbyterian church at the an n iversary services held last Sunday m orn ing. R ev. ,C · K . N icoll preached fr o m th e su b- j je c t " T h e S u ccessfu l C hurch," and j in the evenin g his su b je ct w as j " Sunset." Special m usic w as pro-1 vided b y the c h o ir . The anniversary su pper w as held j on M onday evenin g in the church | hall, M rs. W . E . M cllveen w as j con v en er o f the com m ittee in charge J and the tables w ere han" ~~Y »'ely d e -j corated m ost seasonably w ith apple i blossom s and tu lip s. LA TE HATCHES ARE N O T P R O F IT A B L E There is gen erally a ten den cy at this season o f the y ea r to continue hatching operations, especially i f the early hatches have been disappoint in g . A lth ou gh it is n ot alw ays the case, generally speaking, it is not advisable to con tin u e h atch ing h eavy breeds a fte r A p ril and the ligh ter breeds about the m iddle o f M ay, i f th ey are to be brou gh t into p ro du ction b y O ctob er-- the m ost de sirable m onth to insure a g ood y ie ld during the season o f peak p r ic e s . E xperim ents at the D om inion E x p er im ental Station, H arrow , O ntario, show that while la ter h atch ing w ith ju diciou s feed in g m ay p rod u ce w in t er layers, fo r cin g to m atu rity w ill usually result in a disappointm ent in egg-size and sm aller-bodied birds. I f the stock cockere)s are n ow to be rem oved fr o m the m ating pens-- and this practice is m ost desirable j w hen the eggs are to be m arketed-- then th ey should b e fe d sp arin gly a norm al ration n o t too rich in anim al fe e d . IThey w ill b e k ep t in b etter condition i f th ey can be g iven the lib erty o f a grass range som e dis tance aw ay fro m the hens, and fed a lim ited quantity o f grain and a ligh t dry mash in w hich the m eat meals should n ot exceed ten p er c en t. Cannibalism is ram pant at this season o f the year in som e flo c k s o f ch ick en s. A lth ough this trou ble is usually the result o f ^ in ju d iciou s feed in g , it is freq u en tly caused by ov er-crow d in g the brood er, lack o f feed in g h opper space, o r p o o r v en ti lation in the b r o o d e r . The rem edy is the correction o f one o r all o f these fa u lts. H e r e p.r>r Taken as a wrm.i- ihe lin n sli West Indies as a market : Can adian products ranked lec-.T iast July with $550,0UD. with ,v -\vfoundland coming next. Increasing prosperity i" Can ada and the United States ir, seen, in the early arrival in tUe D o minion o f United States ChrUlaias tree buyers. They are particiil-rrfy busy in the Maritimes where tha demand is especially heavy. Edward C. Carter, of New York, traveller and publicist, has been chosen to fill the newly-created post o f secretary-general of the Institute o f Pacific R e ia i.n s which has just com pleted its fifth, biennial conference at the B anff Springs Hotel. Eleven happy boys took the eleventh annual " On to AlJii-ka" tour this year under the leader ship o f George E. Buchan,in. o f Detroit. Their trip included a stop at the Banff Springs Hotel where the boys stayed until they entrained for Lake Louise. T raffic earnings o f the Can adian railw ays for July show an aggregate gain o f nearly a m illion dollars as com pared with July, 1032, the best show ing in many months on sim ilar com parisons. Gross earnings o f the Canadian Pacific accou n t for $473,000 o f this gain during the month. "H e got y ou that time." said Mrs. Montagu Norman to the gov ernor o f the Bank o f Enstnaa, when they landed recently at Que bec from Canadian Pacific liner. Duchess of Atboll, on their way to Rar Harbor, Maine. The pur pose of the visit is a mystery, n ot even a holiday being admitted by the distinguished visitor. John Nelson, president o f R o tary International, sailed recently by Empress o f Britain on his wax to Lausanne where the second European regional conference o f the w orld-wide organization w as held this month. He stated that Kotary had 150.000 members In Si U clubs. "If from the conferences, speeches and exhibitions at the W orld's Grain Exhibition at R e gina we can derive even one sug gestion o f im portance to agricul turists, the show will be voted a success," said E. S. M oltory, man ager, United Grain G rowers o ffice in Calgary, in a recent address at the Palliser H otel in that ctiy. SM ALL AD V TS. W hen desiring to advertla* ju st drop In the cop y or photl* us. The cost for one insertion is only 25 cents. d erfu lly w ell in this district. num ber supplied-- few o r many. W rite or Phone W . V . HOPKINS Burlington, Ont. Professional Directory W S DAVIS Notary Public Real Estate Insurance M oney to Loan It you have any m oney to Invest, I can place It safely on first m ortgage, at good Interest. The Election Date Is Now Announced --June th 19 W . Alee. Chisholm B arrister, S o licito r N otary, etc O ffice: O olborne S t. Oakville D p .W . M . W i l k i n s o n Office Hours r 8--9 a.m . -i 1--S p.m . I 7--9 p.m . Office: Dundaa Street, O akville PHONB 14 Formerly occupied by Dr. Lask W. N. ROBINSON Barrister, Solicitor, N otary Public OFFICE-- D AVIS B L D G . O ver Canadian Bank o f C om m erce T eleph on e-- Office 15 R esid en ce 275 Money to Loan on M ortgage Security E vening A ppointm ents If desired S. S. R u ssell F u n e r a l D ir e c to r E m b a im e r H onor Graduate Ontario College E m balm ing, p . G . Renouard, C ollege Em balm ing, N. T. Qualified by the G overnm ent. Phone 4 8 8 Dunn St., Oakville S k in n e r & C a v e n F U N E R A L S E R V IC E and H E A T E D -:AM BULANCE N A V Y ST . O A K V IL L E W e are as close to you as you r N earest Teleph on e. O U R M O T T O IS S E R V IC E N o extra charges f o r n ight calls. O A K V IL L E Phone 11 P O R T C R E D IT Phone 17 REPAIRS M IS S BU SBY W IS H E S SH E TO HAS OF ANNOUNCE SECURED A THAT THE S E R V IC E S COM PETENT W A TC H MAK ER, M R. M EREDITH o f Toronto. AND IS N O W ABLE TO CARE FO R W A T C H , .C LO CK and J E W E L R Y R E P A IR S . Until the end o f the cam paign this colum n w ill be devoted to a discus sion o f various top ics o f pu blic inter est in con n ection w ith the cam paign. A s this is a v ery bu sy season o f the y ea r f o r m ost p eople in this district, it w ill be im possible to reach m any o f the electors through pu blic m eet ings, so that I have m ade arran ge m ents f o r the exclu sive use o f this colum n until the election day, in o r d er that I m ay place b e fo r e y ou as fa ir ly as I can the outstanding issues o f the cam p aign. I have n o regrets that this fo r m o f approach has b e com e n ecessary, as it w ill g ive y ou an op p ortu n ity to p on d er ov er the d iffe r e n t issues in the qu iet o f y o u r pwn hom es, w here yt>u w ill be m ore ' to reach a fa ir and sane decision (than you w ou ld in the excitm en t o f a pu blic g a th erin g . , W hile I am a L ib era l and h r - e been all m y life , I 3 o n ot suggest f o r A m om en t that L iberals are an y b e t te r o r an y w orse than Con~ervatives, p o r do I su ggest that a I V eral g o v ernm ent in this provine ^ w ould o f n ecessity b y an y b e tte r or any w orse than a Conservative g overn m en t. .What I do contend is that the tim e alw ays arrives w hen f o r som e rea son o r oth er it w ou ld be b etter f o r oth er m en to take up the reins o f governm ent. Som etim es this event happens through the reins o f g o v e m jn en t d r iftin g into in com peten t hands, som etim es through leaders g ettin g ou t o f tou ch w ith pu blic sentim ent, and som etim es through a pa rty b ein g in o f f ic e to o long. This last reason is usually the m ost seri ous because it leads to a com bination o f all o f the oth ers; corru ption , in com peten ce and in d ifferen ce to pub lic sen tim en t. I believe that y ou believe this state o f a ffa ir s exists in O ntario to d a y . W e have a govern m en t that has been in o ffic e too long. It has becom e ,corru p t, as eviden ced b y the H ydro scandal, the liq u or tollgate scandal and oth er questionable p ractices you have h eard about in the p ress; it has becom e in com peten t because years in o ffic e have caused an accum ulation o f " hangerson ," m en appointed to Serve the pu blic on accou n t o f p oli tics, relationship, friendship and oth er personal reasons instead o f be cause o f a b ility . T his always hap pens ov e r a p eriod o f years, and m akes a h ouseclean ing absolutely n ecessary . O ur leader has called atten tion to m any instances o f this and has prom ised to cut the cost o f I g overn m en t in h a lf w ith ou t im pair in g its e ffic ie n cy . Then as to in|d iffe r e n c e to pu blic sentim ent, i f a govern m en t is in o ff ic e too lo n g it b ecom es au tocratic, despotic, and the wishes o f the citizens are disregard ed . T h is state o f a ffa ir s has hap pened b e fo r e in this provin ce, and oth er governm ents w hich flou ted p u b lic opinion have been sw ept a sid e. Is it tim e f o r a change n o w ? M ost o f us g et ou r political lean in gs b y h ered ity ; w e are T ories or Grits becau se ou r fathers w ere, and m any o f u s v ote the straight party tick ets n o m atter w hat happens, but there are alw ays enough people w ho ,will fo r g e t their political sentim ents /when things g et bad enough to arouse th eir in dign a tion . It is to .these independent thinkers that I am m a k in g m y ap p eal. THOM AS A . BLAKELOCK. M A R K Y O U R B A L L O T FOR BLAKELOCK. Ontario Elections 1934 E L E C T O R IA L D IST R IC T O F T H E C O U N TY OF H A LTO N U n der and by virtue o f Clause ( c ) subsection ( 2 ) o f Section 2 o f The E lection A ct, I hereby give n o tice th at I w ill attend at m y Cham bers in the C ourt House, M iltfn , on Friday, the 25th day o f M ay, 1934, a t the h our o f tw o o 'clock in the a f tern oon, and on Thursday, the 31st day o f M ay, 1934^ at the h our o f seven o ' clock in the a ftern oon , both standard time, at which times I w ill con sider applications fo r certificates m entioned in said Section, o f all w o m en w ho have becom e British sub je c ts b y m arriage, or b y the natur alization as a British su b je ct o f h er parents while she was a m in or. D ated at M ilton, O ntario, M ay 22nd, 19 34 . W . N .^M U N R O , Judge o f the County C ou rt o f the C ounty o f Halton. Victoria, City of All-Year Summer I. B U S B Y R E A D TH E STA R I BLAKELOCK (A dvertisem ent) his leisurely and lovely city, m ore typical o f O ld-W orld Testfulness than Canadian bustle, located in the heart o f Canada's ([vergreen playground, is becom in g m ore and m ore the M ecca o f Canadians who, fly in g from the austerities o f the northern w inter, have discovered that the Dom inion o ffe rs clim atic am enities for w h ich in other years it was thought that F lorida o r California Were the only solutions. 'est o f the R ock ies and w arm y the Japan current, V ancou '0 t Islan d presents som e am azing Contrasts w ith the rest o f the D om inion. W inter clim atic c o n d itio n s are such that there are hun dreds o f hours o f w arm sun shine w ith ideal tem perature, m inim um rainfall and conditions a t on ce restful and health-giving. Canadian enterprise has been £ u lc k to see the advantages o ffe r 'l l b y V ictoria f o r those w h o seek iflmtoer facilities and sp orts du rthgs norm al w inter months, ie City boasts on e o f the finest Sostelrfes o f the Dom inion, the apress H otel, overlook in g the a6 r h arbor and tree-shaded la w n s; social centre and head T quarters fo r varied sporting ac tivities. These include g o lf on superb fu ll length courses, tennis and swim m ing in the great salt w ater p ool at the Crystal G ar dens. A t Christmas the pagean try o f an "O lde E nglish Y uletide" is observed every year at the Em press yrith " Bringing in the Y ule L og " , " B oar's Head C arol" and a ball on Christmas Night follow in g dinner. There is specially select ed m u sic every evening during Christmas w eek and the New Y ear's E ve Ball is a fam ous in stitution at the Em press. F rom N ovem ber 1 to the follow in g A pril 30 there a re special low rates in force. W hat h as specially draw n con tinent-w ide attention to Victoria, how ever, is the m id-wintar g o lf tournam ent, an annual Em press affair to w h ich m any w ell-know n am ateur g olfers fro m Am erica and E n jo p e are attracted. This season it w ill b e played over the course o f the picturesque Royal C olw ood G olf Club fro m Febru ary 19 to 24, 1934. Events include the E. W . B eatty Challenge T ro ph y, open to a ll am ateurs playing under clu b Handicaps; Men's Open .Am ateur Event fo r the V ictoria Chamber o f Com m erce T rop t V ictoria R ota ry Cup f o r ladj best g ro s s; and the in tet-distr team m atch fo r the M atson phy. The E. W . B eatty T r o p l event is divided into classes foSi both ladies and men. Dinner dan? ces as w ell as oth er deligmtlU entertainm ent are given evef evening at the E m press during thfl com petition, w ith th e presentatli o f prizes at a G rand B a ll on clo Ing night. M otoring is alw ays a delight form o f entertainm ent in Y ie l T h e fam ous M alahat drive, in g fo r m iles th rou gh sopae 6 j fin est scen ery in Canada, off* facilities to autoists w h ich nil It ju stly internation ally fami T h ere a re m any oth er worthw! roads stretch in g beyond Victor] at the c h o ice o f the m otorist, a sh ort sea trip is desired, the: is the tria n gle run b y palatia coa st steam ers betw een Vancou ver, V ictoria, and Seattle. The Canadian P a cific R ailw a 1 o ffe rs a schedule o f n ew lo w fare! from a ll points in Canada, east < the B ritish Colum bia - Alberl boundary, to V ictoria, daily, fro: N ovem ber 15 to February 28, wil return lim it A p ril 30.