Could Not Knit For Neuritis I f neuritis bothers you, deal with it as this w om an dealt with hers:-- " F o r years I was unable to knit," she writes, " ow ing to neuritis in m y hands. Last year I started taking Kruschen, and now I can keep up with anyone. A lready this year I have knitted about 1 2 pieces in all, Including m en's sweaters and ladies' fan cy pull-overs, as w ell as several babies' articles. Naturally, I feel quite proud, and I owe it all to Krusehen. I have not fe lt in better health for years and w ill keep on taking Kruschen as long as I live." -- (M rs.) A. S. Neuritis is caused by deposits o f needle-pointed, flint-hard uric acid crystals, which pierce the nerves and cause those stabbing pains. Kruschen Salts break up these deposits o f tor turing crystals and convert them into a harmless solution, which is prom pt ly rem oved through the natural chan nel -- the kidneys. TRAVEL iriri\C55IOlte T R IA L S O F A TO U R DIRECTOR Many times, ic the course of a year, friends or acquaintances re mark to me, "It must be nice to have a job like yours," or ``You nre a lucky dog; n oth itg to do but tnjoy yourself." If they only knew! Just think of the opportunity to After all it is an occupation and see Europe this summer. Pro one that requires a certain type of grammes to suit every taste and temperament along with the neces every purse. W hy put off till an sary knowledge of the work in hand. other year the realization of the Shall I tell you simething abo-jt it? dream and ambition of a lifetim e? Some tour directors are only nom A Motor Tour Through Great inally so; a programme is given to Britain and Ireland the Year them and they either organize a o f the Passion Play group to follow that particular itiner There is a saying " Another ary or they act in the capacity of year never com es"-- B«ild up your managers or couriers after the tour H ouse o f Memories now; the re party has been organized. Others-- ward will more than exceed your such as preachers or school tejch ers expectations. -- utilize their holidays «nd, inc'dentC A P T . F. H. REID ly, endeavor to pay for their own 710 C.P.R- Building passage. This is one of the reasons Small, Dainty Portions More why tours are looked upon Toronto with dis Appetizing to Invalids Telephones -- favour in som e quarters; such an W A verley 6646 organizer or director knows little or LAkeside 3653 When there is a chronic nvalid in nothing about the business, is at the the home, o r a person convalescing mercy o f a foreign courier and, in from a serious illness, recipes fo r the first place, he obtains his prospects do not say that men are free from preparation o f light but nourishing by sentimental means. Besides this, odd and peculiar tendencies-- you food are a great help. The doctor in it is unfair competition to those legi would be surprised how some o* them timately in the business; the preach attendance usually orders the foods lose their sense of proportion when er or teacher is paid a salary for his they are away from home. to be served , but it is up to the home full time and the organization of the maker to see that she has the recipes Responsibility and S e r v i c e group must be effected before his A good director must feel a sense fo r the designated dishes. holidays com m ence; is this playing Serve small, dainty portions o f food fairly with the organizations or the o f responsibility for the members o f his party, individually as well as and a lim ited variety at any one meal public who employ him ? collectively. There is the quest'on o f An abundance o f food, often nausea The real tour director and organiz health; of compatability with other tes a sick person and makes him turn er has a big undertaking on his m em bers; o f com fort; of advice In away from all food. hands. In the first place, he must the matter as to how the free time There are many accesories in the know something about the territory is employed, the places to see and stores fo r the invalid's tray, which over which he proposes to travel; he where certain things can be purchas make serving simple. It these can must build up an itinerary that will ed advantageously. Above all there not be purchased, try to plan some meet the needs of two distinct class is the responsibility that those, who little surprise fo r each meal. F or a es-- those who have never been over entrust themselves under your dir convalescent child a toy hidden under seas and those who, h avirg travelled ection, w ill have the full resu' ts of the napkin, a treasured dish, a pic before, wish to see new places and an adventurous holiday that occurs things. A fter this, prices and arrangture, anything light and easily hand but once in a lifetime to a few and ments have to be settled-- then he is always an event. led is appealing. has to sell it. There are advantages and disad BEVERAGES Perconnel o f a Party vantages to every form of travel but, The secret o f m aking beverages tc i Nowadays men must stick closer weighing it all in the balance, for the sick is to use a sugar syrup to business than when conditions the person of lim ited means and instead o f plain sugar to sweeten were better but, at all times, the time, a good tour programme gives them, i f the beverages are supposed j membership of a tour party consist you the maximum returns for the to be sweetened. T o make this syrup ed mainly of women. I was at a meet money invested. Y ou know the price cook together fo r 10 minutes, 3-4 cup ing o f a literary club, o f which I am you are to pay; you know w h c e you each o f water and granulated sugar. a member, and the subject under dis are going; your time is conserved; Cool and b ottle fo r fu tu re use, keep cussion was " My jo b ; how I a !quired you are relieved of reservation and in g it in refrigerator. Use ju st enough it; how I keep it; its place in the luggage bothers; you always meet When m> turn congenial people with a common in o f this syrup to sweeten the desired scheme of things." fru it beverage, straining the fru it came, I told how I came into this terest; you actuary pay less and see business and said, " Now, I am going more. juice before serving. " What is this life, it it be not to surprise you by my remarks on O R A N G E A LB U M EN `how I keep my job .' I suppose that mixed with som e delight? And what 1 egg white stirred with fork, 1-3 I should say the trite things like giv delight is more pleasing than to see tup strained orange juice, sugar ing service, good value, knowing my the fashions anti manners o ! un syrup to sweeten. work, etc.: all of which I trust are known places." Tom of Reading, A D. 160i'. Stir egg white with l'crk long true but there is still another reason enough to break up the lumps o f al and an important one-- I get along bumen and to m ix it, but not until with the women." W ell, there was a it turns white. A dd to this gradu general laugh at this statement., but ally the strained orange juice. I went ahead soberly and brought Sweeten to taste with sugar syrup the fact to their attention that the *nd add a little cold water to fill m ajority o f passengers were, of necessity, women and consequently Trial Flight From Rochester the glass. I would be of little use in my work if LEMON M IL K A D E Airdrome is Success I did not understand som e o? the % cup ice water, sugar syrup to foibles and temperamental pecularl" Scylla," the largest landplane sweeten, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, ties o f the gentler sex. Mind you, I airliner in the world, Mw made her & cup chilled evaporated milk. first flight from Rochester airdrome. With full load on hoard, the "S cyl Combine water, sugar syrup and from fire, add sugar and salt, pour .emon ju ic e ; pou.* into the milk, stir into one custard cup and bake in la" weighs 32,000 pounds-- more than with fo rk until thoroughly mixed, pan o f hot water until firm and 14 tons. She measures 86>4 feet from the nose o f the fuselage to the ex Serve immediately. slightly brown on top. Garnish with trem e tip o f the rudder, and 31% a bit o f red jelly. Serve cold. P IN E A P P L E LE M O N A D E feet in height. H er main planes cover G R A P E JU IC E A D E % cup cold water, 2 tablespoons 2.615 square feet; tail plane and y% cup chilled grape juice, 2 tea elevators measure 334 square feet, anned o r cooked pineapple juice, 3 which is m ore than the total wing -ablespoons lemoi. juice, sugar syrup spoons lemon juice. Strain grape ju ice and lemon juice area of many small aircraft. S o sweeten. through a piece o f cheesecloth into a Accom m odation is provided in two Strain fru it juices into glass, add glass. A dd a little cold w ater i f de cabins for 39 passengers and a crew water and sugar syrup to sweeten. sired. Garnish with a very thin slice of four, of whom ten sit in the for Use very cold water, or ice cubes if lemon on top o f the ju ice, or with a ward cabin, which Is designed for use flhe condition o f the patient permits sprig o f fresh mint i f available. as a sm oking room, and 29 in the aft t A P P L E SN O W B A LLS saloon, which is the roomiest com BA K E D B A N A N A C U ST A R D Pare and core tart ju icy cooking partment yet built -in any landplane, Vi tablespoon flour, % beaten egg, apples. Fill -he cavities with chop- measuring approximately 22 feet in x k tablespoon butter, % large bak ed raisins, sugar and a bit o f but length and 11 feet in breadth. ed banana, V* cup milk, 1 tablespoon ter. A lso use a dash o f cinnamon if Because of its size the airplane was sugar, % teaspoon salt. erected in the open. Fuselage, wings, permitted. Bake until tender. Make a sauce o f the butter, flour While apples are baking, boil some tail unit, engines ar.d other main »nd milk. When mixture boils, add rice till tender but not soft and components w ere transported by road the sifted pulp o f the baked banana mushy. Spread it an inch thick over from the works t< :he airdrome, a Uid the beaten egg. Then remove squares o f muslin, moistened with distance of \bout two miles. cold water. In center o f each o f these squares, place one o f the apples. Tie corners o f cloth together at top o f apple, being careful to have apple Water o f deep origin has probably completely covered with the rice \s travelled some distance and been fil Wake up your Liver Bile -- No Calomel necessary edges o f cloth are brought together. tered through a large depth o f earth Steam these fo r ten minutes. Remove so that the danger o f surface pollution M a n y p e o p le w h o f e e l s o u r , s l u g g i s h a n d g e n e r a l ly w r e t c h e d m ake from cloth and serve with a lemon is reduced to a minimum. the m is t a k e o f t a k in g s a l t s , o il, m in I f a deep well cannot ba sunk for eral w a t e r , l a x a t i v e c a n d y o r c h e w in g g u m o r r o u g h a g e w h ic h o n l y m o v e reasons o f expense or otherwise, it is th e b o w e l s a n d i g n o r e t h e liv e r . desirable to take great care to p ro W h a t y o u need is to w a k e u p y o u r li v e r b ile . S t a r t y o u r l i v e r p o u r in g tect the shallow well from surface pol th e d a il y t w o p o u n d s o f l*4 u id b ile lution. This may be done by lineing i n t o y o u r b o w e ls . G e t y o u r s t o m a c h N O l I and in te s tin e s w o r k in g as th ey it with concrete or puddled clay to a s h o u ld , o n c e m o re . depth o f ten to tweleve feet carrying B*Sun to Ordtr byMumbtr C a r t e r ' s L i t t l e L i v e r P i l ls w ill s o o n fix y o u u p . P u r e ly v e g e t a b le . S a fe . the protection up one fo o t above the · a fo S I u t i S n a l S U o n .2 S u re, Q u ic k . A s k f o r t h e m b y n a m e. surface o f the ground. Surface water R e f u s e s u b s t i t u t e s . 2 5c a t a l l d r u g w ill then be filtered through at least gists. _____ P IL i_ R E M E D IE S ^ OiHTMartT wg HttCA oB rru tM A K tnc* rut n 10 feet o f earth seeping into the well. IS S L H iiL .... A S LO W AS $259 PLUG TOBACCO SAVES D ixie Plug Sm oking Tobacco is economical because each pipeful gives longer-lasting pleasure. . . and you can cut it off w a fe rthin or cut It coarse-- ju s t suit yourself. G e t this big, quality plug today. Sick Persons Need Tempting Foods DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO Conflict Between Home and School Problems Contact Between Parent and Teacher Might Aid Child There is a certain hiatus betw een it, bu t it is with a sort o f endurance ime and and school srhnnl that -fliaf sets the child's I .. . home that makes the best o f a bad jo b . It mind against this latter. coud be differen t, and it w ill be, It comes about this way. In his when the rapidly changing system home there is obedience, but it is gets to a point where the desire to unqualified obedience. learn is intrenched in the child's A t home his temperament is under heart through his aroused interest. stood and he receives toleration ac This w ill a ffe c t grading and placing. cording to circumstances. Little fo r It will also a ffe c t the subjects stud ays into m ischief are understood and ied. forgiven. A " SH U TTLE " T H A T FA IL S Lapses from responsibility are not W e must get it ou t o f ou r heads, taken too seriously as a rule and " absolute" obedience is not expected- however, that the p e rfe ct school w ill In school he must fit to a system, allow children to dawdle, and that somewhat military in its way. This no discipline w ill be necessary. A n d must be so, in spite o f all attempts we must discard also the idea that to p erfect the " experimental" or ou r Jimmy o r ou r M ary w ill one day be allowed to study only the things 'progressive" public school plan. he likes. School is not an indul CONFORM ING T O ' SYSTEM gence. The hundreds o f pupils to be hand Now we are ju st where we started led in a building w ill always have to The home on one side, the school on con form to some "s e t" system. Chan the other, and the child in the middle, ges are being made and none too a shuttle that fails daily to weave soon to revamp the rigid exactness o f them together. H e goes hom e and the old system, but w e doubt i f it is, w e'll say, over-indulged. He feels will ever reach the point where each that his parents have no real concep child may be dealt with as an abso tion o f his seven hours a day away lute individual. from them or the trouble he facesN or should it be necessary. W e It creates a "p u ll" away from the believe that mass grouping and cer school, and there are " pulls" enough tain demands made on the child have w ithout that. their good points. The m ajority o f .. EN CO U RAG IN G FRIE N D SH IP _ norm al children n ot only accept the There should be a contact pointsituation, but do pretty well under it School can never be a party. It Parent-Teachers meetings don' t do it, is intended to put stern stu ff in chil although they are useful, o f course. dren, and too much individualism Is The trouble is that the child himself is seldom present to get the feelin g bad f o r the best o f us. o f friendship between instructor and H ow ever, there is something wrong parent. In elem entary schools there when the attitude o f children toward school is unfriendly. They accept should be a plan that does n ot inter fere with the teachers' s work -- as daily visits do -- such as an open day once a month. No program should keep the children under a strain at the tim e as is too o fte n the Tow ards the establishment o f the case. science o f settlement and develop ment companies have been subjected Classified Advertising Committee is m aking some consider able consitutions. The old home bxatty m n u r t r a c v _____ stead policy and its near associates L im it e d q u a n t i t y o f b e lt d r iv e n p o w e r p u m p s , 1933 m o d e ls f o r q u ic k s a le . as practised b y the land and develop S p e c ia l J u b ile e O f f e r . G r e a tly , r e d u c ment, the Canadian Pioneer Problem s e d p rice . R e a l B a r g a in s . W i ll s a v e y o u m o n e y . G iv e d e p t l o f w e ll. W r i t e a t to the scrutiny o f the historian and o n c e to H . M . A n d e rson , B e a tty B ros. the agricultural etrSnomist. A new L im it e d , F e r g u s , O n ta r io . B o x 2 3 7 W . land policy which w ill at least avoid AGENTS W ANTED the glaring errors o f the old can be G E N T w it h c a r to s e ll M otor devised from the findings o f the com O ils , S p e c ia lt ie s , d i r e c t f r o m r e fin e ry . X u P e n n O il C o., H a m ilt on. mittee. M any o f the traditional at titudes respecting land ownership BONDS W ANTED and farm tenancy are undergoing M P E R I A L R u s s ia n , G e r m a n and change and the new agricultural boom A u s t r ia n G o v e r n m e n t B o n d s a n d C u r r e n c ie s w a n t e d . B ig g e s t p r ic e s when it comes, as come it will, may paid . D a v id D a v is , Q u e e n a n d Y o r k , fin d people w ith a saner attitude on T o ro n to . ________________________ land prices, and, perhaps a saner at titude tow ards land ownership. The Committee, which has been at work Soothe for several years, has presented the necessary data fo r the beginning o f a " Science o f Settlement" in a con cise form in nine volum es now going to press.-- P rofessor R. W . Murchie. Big Air-Liner Proves Worth Pioneer Problems A I Soured On The World ?-- That's Liver The Shallow Well END PAIN -- SORE H A N D S by Rubbing in ess H EA D NOISES R U B IN B A C K O F E A R S - IN S E R T IN N O S T R IL S | M ECCA" * / A . O . L E O N A R D , Inc. J 70 Fifth Ave., New York City Issue No. 21-- '34