Oakville Beaver Bears bring more big smiles You may have noticed this campaign appearing in Wednesday's newspaper. Today's centre spread is a continuation of the generosity of Oakville's local business es. Children staying at the OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) this year will get an unexpected surprise thanks to the generosity of the local business community. Now in its fourth year, the Bears that Care campaign, organized by the Oakville Beaver, together with The Bay and local business sponsorship, were able to deliver over 200 stuffed animals to the OTMH. Sponsored by local business and real estate professionals, the campaign had a double benefit as proceeds from the pur chased bears went to sustain Bay supported charities like Families Coping with Cancer and Wellspring. For their sponsorship, each bear will carry a tag bearing the name of the spon sor. The names and logos of the business sponsors are featured on the following pages. The bears will be given to children stay ing at the hospital in 2006. "It's wonderful to see the community support us in such an exceptional way. Their generosity is very much appreciated," said Trish Carlton, Public Relations Manager for Halton Health Care Services. "These stuffed animals do make a child's day during their hospital stay." that Care The O akville Beaver W ee ke nd , Saturday January 7, 2006 - 19 Oakville Beaver staff got into the spirit of the fourth annual Bears That Care campaign. We would like to thank all of the sponsors and participants in this year's drive. YesJ t/& I will help Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital purchase the equipment they need to make more wishes come true. Here is my gift of: u & ym rc/a & & o v e r 7 0 0 p ie c e s o /~ /ie e c /e ^ l e y u fe m e /it e a r . fo r b 9o / u r c /o n a tio fiS s /e /> P lease a c ce p t m y gift o f : $25 $50 Visa $ 100 Q | $250 O th er $ ________ I p refer to p ay b y c h e q u e . P lease m ak e c h e q u e p ay ab le to I p refer to u se m y Credit Card: I I Oakville Hospital Foundation d Jj Mastercard Am erican Express The Oakville Hospital Foundation respects your privacy and is committed to the protection of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. We do not rent, sell or trade the personal information we collect including · information contained in our mailing lists. The information you provide to us w ill be used to fulfill our mandate to raise funds for Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and to keep you informed of Foundation activities. You may have your name removed from our donor list at any time by contacting the Foundation office. Card N um ber: Signature D ate: Expiry D ate: / PLEASE ADDRESS YOUR DONATION TO: OR | I w ou ld lik e to give a m o n th ly gift o f $_ p e r m onth. O s i l r v t l l f * 0 a kviHe H ospital Foundation Vj 1 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville ON L6J 3L7 Tel: 905-338-4642 Fax:905-338-4135 c www.oakvillehospitalfoundation.com I auth orize th e sp ecified am o u n t to b e d ed u cted o n th e 25th o f e a ch m on th. (P le a se attach a v o id c h e q u e o r credit card inform ation.) Sig natu re:_ D ate: