The Oakville Beaver W eekend, S a tu rd a y J a n u a ry 7, 2 0 0 6 - 21 COMPLIMENTS OF 1291 SPEERS ROAD 905.827.4242 North, side between 3rd & 4th Line email: Compliments of. 156 Church Street 9 0 5 * 3 3 8 #SP AH (7724) ' Mon.-Wed. 9-6 · Thurs.-Fri.* Sat. 9-4 w w w .ro se w a te rsp a .com F eltm a te D elibato H e ag le M ile s G . F e ltm a te 3600 B illin g s C ourt, S uite 200 B urlin gton , O ntario L7N 3N 6 w w w .ld h law y m m feltm ate@ fdhlaw llp O a k v ille Tel: (905) 639-8881 D irect Line: (905) 6 31 -3 65 3 Toll Free: 1 -8 0 0 -6 3 6 -6 9 2 7 F a x:(9 0 5 )6 3 9 -8 0 1 7 , $ SUZUKI o j fia A v M e '* , 905-469-2429 · 1-866-229-3897 · fax 905-469-4562 2219 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, ON, L67 5L7 W OOD W FLOOR Va n d e n N o o r t HOME IMPROVEMENTS Professional Work - The Best Material Direct from Factory · Plank · Strip · Parquets · Installations · Repairs · Sanding · Refinishing · Staining PAUL GUPTA TAX ACCOUNTANT ilC T 1240 Speers Road, Unit #3, Oakville · B at hro om s · K itc h e n s f · H a rd w o od Flo or Ins tallin g · Rec. Rooms · Free E s ti m a te s · 70 y ea rs c om b in ed e x p e rie n c e · S erv in g O ak vill e for 20 years Phone - (905)369-9133 _ j 3170 Ridgeway Or., Unit 17/18, Mississi 905-847-7789 V J § J 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 8 6 8 Fax - 905-842-0113 KAZ (905)338-1881 Cell (905) 334-2270 Personal-Canadian/U.S. Taxes Corporate Taxes Incorporations, Financing Bookkeeping Services Free Consultation- Available Evenings/Weekends RAYMOND E. JACKSON S e n io r F in a n c ia l A d v is o r SPRIGGSTNSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED Mississauga Burlington (416)798-7527 (905)681-4035 159 Church Street Achieve you r financial goats. Invest And grow wealthy through time proven wealth creation & preservation strategies. S E C U R I T I E S IN C. Nat io na OakvilleT Fax (905)844-9232 Oakville, Ontario 7 1 0 D o rv a l D r., S te . 5 0 5 , Member CIPF. (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -4 7 0 0 (905)845-1634 L6J1N 1^ e-m ail: rspriggs@ 2679 Bristol Circle Oakville 905- 829-5344 w t reless B e / f W o r ld OAKVILLE PLACE 905 815-9200 - 240 Leighland Ave, Oakville B e l l W o r ld WINSTON GATE PLAZA 2525 Hampshire Gate (Dundas West of Winston Churchill) Nat I 2679 Bristol Circle Oakville onatw/re/ess S Nationalw/re/ess 2679 Bristol Circle Oakville 905- 829-5344 IS S F CLOCKWORK LOGISTICS INC. Transport Solutions - Serving Tomorrow's Needs Today Domestic and Cross Border Freight Specialists serving Canada and the U.S. Colleen Bailey 1276-A C ornw all Road, O akville, O ntario L6J 7W5 T: 905-469-0880 · Tor: 416-410-1188 · TF 1-800-350-7254 905-829-9001 905- 829-5344 Em ail: clockw orklogistics@ # CLOCKWORK LOGISTICS INC. Transport Solutions - Serving Tomorrow's Needs Today Family Electrical Services m e HUSBAND & WIFE Licenced Electricians · Installations · Repairs · Upgrades, etc. Call Tony or Susan `Z O e lt S o o n ! W k D E S I G N E R S 'Pe*** TEL: FAX: 9 0 5 .3 3 7 .2 2 2 9 9 0 5 .3 3 7 .9 3 3 3 C a ll ^ Compliments o f g g K IT C H E N iELMANOR Dedicated. Distinctive. Delightful. Domestic and Cross Border Freight Specialists serving Canada and the U.S. Glen Abbey Colleen Bailey 1276-A Cornwall Road, O akville, O ntario L6J 7W5 T: 905-469-0880 · T o r: 416-410-1188 · TF 1-800-350-7254 Em ail: clockw orklogistics@ ( 905) 337- 92*19 E-mail: fern@kitdieadesipersplus.eam Website: www.kitchendssignersglas.cem 1459 Nottinghill Gate (just west of Dorval, off Upper Middle) 9 0 5 -46 9-323 2 Grey Heron NaturalDesigns located in "Timeless classic and functional designs from^the shores of the olde Viking worlds the Village of Streetsville " Natural Fibre Fashions" Compliments of Lexus o f O akville 2475 W y e c ro ft Road, O a kville (QEW and Bronte) Family Electrical Services m e . HUSBAND & WIFE Licenced Electricians · Installations · Repairs · Upgrades, etc. Call Tony or Susan Cathy Goodale pledges a team that can "STRUT their stuff so you can STRUT yours1 Tues 9 - 6 , W e d - Fri 9 - 8 , S a t u r d a y 9 - 6 1 1 5 J o n e s St. (O n e block east of Bronte Rd.) | H I^ H S I H 905.827.1294 lE B m ie 254 Queen St. S. Mississauga 905-847-8400 w w w ( 905) 337-9219