2 - The O akville Beaver W ee ke nd , Saturday January 7, 2006 M By Krissie R utherford Latest poll results may have Liberals crying in their beer OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Call it a coincidence, but just as the Conservatives jumped ahead of the Liberals in national polls, the `Vote With Your Throat' beer drinking poll 'at the Trafalgar Brewing Company has taken a similar turn. The local brewery re-branded four of its beers to reflect the Liberal, NDP, Bloc Quebecois and Conservative parties, and every time one of those four beers is consumed, it counts as a vote towards that party. After a long-time Liberal lead, the beer poll yesterday showed the Conservatives are the new frontrunners. The beer poll, which is posted on a billboard outside the brewery on Speers Road, now shows the Conservatives at 32 per cent and the Liberals at 30 per cent of the drinking vote. That's just one day after The BARRIE ERSKINE / OAKVILLE BEAVER the latest results posted Friday on the Trafalgar Brewing Company's Vote W ith Your Throat Poll shows the Tories have jumped into the lead. SUDSY POLL: Toronto Star's EKOS poll showed "I don't know how, but it's just the Conservatives had taken-the happening. It's really reflecting lead. Yesterday, The Star's poll had the national polls," said the brew the Tories at 35.4 per cent, with ery's director of marketing and the Liberals trailing closely at 31.8 communications, Lindsay Key. "I just did the most recent tabulaper cent. tions, and the Conservatives snuck ahead." Unlike the national polls, the `Vote with your throat' campaign allows voters to cast as many drinking ballots as they want. And lately, Key has noticed Conservative beer drinkers have been taking advantage. "People who are buying the Conservative beer are coming in and buying a whole bunch of them once," he said. "It's been disap pearing quickly. "There could be conspiracy theories about that - you never know," he said. "There's definitely been surprising amounts of parti san beer-buying, that's for sure." Because things have been so close between the beer poll and the national polls, the brewery's attached Tied House Pub is having a party on election night, and will do a final beer tally just before the actual voting results are official. "We'll see if it matches up with the final televised results," said Key. "It's possible. So far it's been pretty close." Political beers are available at the Trafalgar Brewing Company's retail store, or on tap in the attached Tied House Pub, 1156 Speers Rd. O akville's Finest Tobacco Shop FEATURING: · D u n h iH · Colibri · S.T. D upont · Porsche · Zippo · H um id ors · Victorinox · Lam pe Berger · Harrogate House · Brigham Pipes · Pe te rso n · Stanwell · Don Carlos · Ser Jacopo · M eersbaum · He/s Luggage · Lottery · 100 Bulk & Tinned Tobacco We carry the most exclusive pipes... Limited Time 117 Cross Avenue, Oakville, Ontario 905-849-3845 H . I 1 FUEE B R E A K F A ST ^ G G r id d l e o l d e n I B u y T w o B rea kfast B uffets + 2 D rin k s I I & R e c e iv e 2 n d B r e a k f a s t F R E E ! §g E E E I kl Offer valid M on - Sat 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 Lim it one coupon per customer N ot valid w ith a n y other offer Expires January 21/05 125 Ave. ; All coupons exclude 1 Sunday & holidavs S | iw n V § . 3M / 1 I [ CrOSS 1 SALE ENDS tuesqjh ; JANUARY 10TH f In-Stock Colours Only T H ICK BERBER g o n l y $ 1 .9 9 / s q . m ^ W e ek e n d & H o lid ay Brunch B u ffe t Includes waffles, omelettes, bacon, $ "1 sausages, eggs & more! JLv F Mil U JU JJU t CAUUUC Sunday & holidavs ^ | Mon - F r i, 9am-2pm Holidays Excluded W e e k d a y Brunch B u ffe t $^9 9 I Omelette 99 Pancake $C>! MONDAY TC TUESDAY & WEDNESDAYS K IV S 10 and under EAT FREE} 1 child p e r a d u lt 1 0 % V i s c o u n t fo r s e n io r s 5 5 a n d o v e r (on all m e n u item s exclu d in g alcohol) Free toys &balloons vfor kids > . I 1 Offer valid M on - Sat 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 lim it one coupon per customer N o t valid w ith any other offer Expires January 21/05 125 Ave. CrOSS ca RP et LUXURIOUS B u y T w o E n t r e e s + 2 D r in k s & R e c e i v e 2 n d E n t r e e -R E E 2 | O ffer valid after 4:00 p.m.daiiy Lim it one coupon per customer | Not valid w ith any other offer _ Expires Januaiy 21/05 125 CfOSS Ave. ` Sale applies to in-stock colours only. Huge Super Store 228 King St. E. Downtown Hamilton · (905) 546-1921