38 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, January 7, 2006 townhouses for rent townhouses for rent townhouses for rent________ EXECUTIVE townhom e by the lake, Burlington, brand new, 3000sq+, over the top with luxury, granite, m arble, hardw ood, w h irl pool, FP, 3.5 baths, 3bdrm, form al dining, m as sive kitchen/ grate room, double garage, security. Feb.1. $3000/mo. 1335-8 Ontario St. Marcella 905208-0681 R ealtors w e l come. TYANDAGA A rea3bdrm , fu ll basem ent, a t tached garage, sm all well kept com plex, close to shopping/ schools/ golf course. Discount available Jan./ Feb. Call 905-3360015, 905-336-0016 E XPERIENC ED caregiver required Mar.1, O akville. Care for 5 yr old girl, 3 yr old boy. M on-Fri., every 2nd week. Some cooking/ light housekeeping. Prefer live-out, drivers license. 905-849-0545 after 6pm E XPERIENC ED Perm a nent part-tim e live-out care giver for 2 children (age 4 & 6). 6-9:30am M ondayFriday. W ednesday a fter noons. A dditional hours available. W arm loving, non-sm oker, driver w ith own car, reliable. Oakville. References. 905-8255613. LIVE Out, O akville area Nanny with car, for S ep tem ber 2006. 905-4692821. LIVE-IN Nanny for busy fam ily w /4 children +pets. O akville. No S m oking. 905-339-3521 LIVE-O U T Nanny re quired. M ust have car. O akville. 3 hours/ day & m ore. $10/hour 416-8027302 O NTARIO Em ploym ent Agency offers certified [ive in nannies for child car el elde rly/ special needs. 416-699-6931 PART-TIME childcare, 10 & 13 y.o. +light housework in East O akville. Need weekdays 3-6pm , and ad ditional m orning/ afternoon tim e de§jreable. Excellent pay anS/ or full-time posi tion for right candidate. Easy ' going P rofessional Family. Brian 416-8055018 A diningroom, cherrywood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dove-, tail construction. New still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. S acrifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliv er A1 Beds! New Orthopedic sets, 20-year W arranty, Double · $240.; Queen $260. P illowtop Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Waterbed parts. Delivery Available. 905-681-9496; 905-563-6903 BED, queen top set, ranty. 4042 ' am azing bargain, o rthopedic pillow new in plastic war $250. 905-567MOVING abroad! Decora to r/ shop ow ner contents. G orgeous antique French country bar, prints ( includ ing older Romance prints), chaise, m irrors, tables, lam ps, garden urns and screens, vintage garden chairs, exercise equip ment, e ntertainm ent ar~ m oire,' 26" TV, stove and much more 905-332-7128 MOVING S a le - Air condi tioner 12000BTU $250, Sofabed $100, dresser $30, M icrowave $25, microwave stand $ 40 * fil ing cabinet 4-drawer legal $30, workbench $20, 2 la dies cross country ski's 1-waxed $60, . 1-non waxed $50, ski boots (7.5) $25. 905-634-1730 MOVING: Antique Piano Organ, Antique' C lawfoot Sleigh style bedfram e, chest, old d e s k - (all need repair); D iningroom table, coffee/ end tables- black Form ica; A m plifier 100w, W ireless lapel m icrophone; Girl's bike. Best offers 905333-4553 for appointm ent LM. NEED and A lm ond-coloured fridge? We have one: GE 17 cu.ft. Excellent condition. $125. 905-8441837 PIANO: Heinzman, 55" up right, circa 1890 w/bench. good condition. Excellent ' wood carving. $1800. 905845-8253 POOL table U sed/ New, Buy/ S ell/ Service. Slate tables $1699 installed. Fabi Foosball. 905-6165159 www.billiardservice.com POO L Table, Professional Series, Solid W ood, 1 "Slate, A ll. A ccessories. New, Still Boxed, C o s t' $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905304-9994 S O F A - like new, 3-seater, navy blue chenille with 2 throw pillows. $275 905336-1427 THOM AS Organ. W ooden, excellent condition. Bench and music books included. C ost $5000, best offer. 905-845-2997. VINTAGE {slue sectional couch. Good condition. 8 place settings of Birks sterling silver cutlery. 905639-4021. WATER filtration system , 4-stage, $150; upright freezer, $200; W hirlpool pedestals (unopened box es) $95/ea. 905-825-1382. Cumberland Village 3 -bdrmTownhome from $995/ mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit HAVING PROBLEMS GETTING A CAR? Credit Concerns? Credit Problems? N EED A FR ESH START? · Bankruptcy · Bad Credit · judgements · Repossession · Collections · No Credit NO M O N E Y DOW N!! NO M O N E Y O N D ELIVER Y!! Any Car, Truck or Van You Want, We Can Help!! Expert Professional Courteous Service We Will Help You Re-Establish Your Credit 4 appls,»Eat-in Kitchen* Basement* Parking REALSTAR w w w .realstar.ca W E REALLY CARE W H ER E Y O U LIV E . How To Make Your Car Disappear... C all S u zan n e Today at 905-849-5566 Local 1-866-400-2206 Toll Free O akville M otors, 2001 Inc. Terms to 72 mo. Int. rates from 8.99%-29-9% OAC Reatstar offers a full breadth of apartments, penthouses and townhouses, plus application approvat within 24 hours. No appointment required - Drop in TODAY! G e o rg ia n C o u rt E states 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 5 4 7 (townhouses) rooms for rent & wanted FURNISHED room for rent. Available im m ediate ly. East Burlington. Share kitchen, laundry, parking, cable. Non-smoker. Call 905-333-6726 RIVIERA Motel located in downtown Burlington. W eekly rates starting from $205 +Tax. Call 905-6372338 W ANTED: Q uiet m ature smoker to rent a furnished bedroom . D etails at 905399-1961. 611 Surrey Lane (King & Plains) BEDROO M set, cherry wood. Bed, chest, dresser, m irror, 2 night stands. Dovetail construc tion. Never opened. Cost $8000. S acrifice $1900. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM suite, boys, tw in bed, desk, dresser, light blue/ honey $600; 3' Casio Keyboard $100; brown recliner $75; Birch dresser $50; 37" M itsubi shi, console TV, teak finish $150.; 905-331-6655 DINING Set- Table (double leaf), 4 chairs, buffet (teak). Best offer. Excel lent condition. 905-639D IN INGRO O M * s e tbleached oak. Best offer 905-335-8217 D ISHW ASHER, Maytag, $175; KitchenAid wall oven $850; S aeco Italia auto, espresso $450; Denon re ceiver $250. 905-8452185. DOUBLE bed, m attress, box spring and fram e, nearly new, hardly used. $300, obo. 905-635-3518. D O W NSIZING : Chesterfield, 2,-chairs $300; patio set, table, chairs, umbrella $250; BBQ Fiesta400 $250; Kitchen set $200; bookcase, 3-sections $275.; desk/ chair, white $100; Fireplace screen/ utensils $100; hifi w/glass doors c/w tuner, tape, $450; chair, velvet rock in g/ rotates $300.; 905845-8253 EXEC U TIVE desk, very good condition, cherry wood finish w ith guest chairs, $200Q/obo. 905825-1995 FANTASTIC S a le !. New Year tax break event! Cus tom upholstering sofa and m atching chairs. No G ST or PST! (We pay the tax es) Sofa's from $788. Ac cent chairs from $249. D/R seats from $19.95/each. Fields Furniture and Fabric 9am-9pm 905-632-9090 FREE Estimates Got wob bly chairs, tired looking wood finishes? Fields Custom W eed Refinishing and Furniture Repairs. 9-9. 905-632-9090 GREAT deal! 3 piece Ital ian set. Leather sofa, loveseat and chair. New, in plastic. C ost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-3044873. HOT Tub/ Spa. All options w/cover, 2005 model, brand new still in wrapper, cost $8900, sacrifice $3800. 905-971-1777 K ITC H E N - Maple, 5.5 y.o. in good shape, perfect for sm all hom e/ apartm ent. Approx 9 Linear Feet base & wall cabinets. $ l50 0 .o b o 905-331-1536 LANE sofabed and reclin ing love. seat. 7 years old. B urgundy /taupe fabric $600 o.b.o 905-331-6592 Burlington Post The Oakville Beaver 1632-4440 Simply advertise in the Classifieds tind get results quickly! 2418 GLENWOOD 6LENW00D SCHOOL DRIVE TOWNHOMES 905 * 639*9212 Gt W HITE OAKS BLVD. TOWNHOMES NOW AVAILABLE 3 Bedroom 1-1/2 Bath ASK ABOUT OUR FREE MONTH! BODY Shaping Fitness Studio for women is seek ing a: R eceptiqnist 2pm 10pm, evening child care 5pm-9pm. Must be experi enced fitness minded, well groom ed, and able to m ulti-task. Fax resum e to 905-849-1913. 183 Lake shore rd W. Oakville. CAREER positions. Re spected agency interview ing those with strong nego tiation skills, service skills, and work ethic. On the job training. Must be com puter savvy. Call centre experi ence a plus. Excellent starting w age/ bonuses with endless opportunities. Call Fatima, 1-888-2489615 ext.3000. CASH daily. G uaranteed $12-$20/hr. +bonuses. B urlington/ O akville doorto door Fundraisers. Sup porting people with special needs. C hery 905-6178363. CLEAN homes in Oakville area. Mon-Fri, days, per m anent, w eekly pay.. All applicants w elcom e. Im m ediate start. 905-847- ili& H B O R O IiG H R e v ie w 2003 M itsubishi Lancer O Z-R ally Autom atic, Amazing gas mileage, yel low on black, Bucket Seats, A/C, Sony Stereo, Cruise, Power W /L/M , keyless --entry, Spoiler, Sunroof, Tinted, Alloy W heels, Non-Sm oking, M IN T C ondition, cer tified and e-tested, Must SeE only 40K $15,500.00 O.B.O R ichard 416-7796373 · MINI C ooper 'S" 2004, asking $37400 obo, 22,000km, pepper white & black with leather interior, sunroof. N ever driven in winter, m any options plus w arranty 905-847-2912, cell 905-616-8920 TAKE 6ver lease!! 2004 M azda 6, black on black leather, 30k, fully loaded, with M azda upgrades, 18" sum m ers w heels, and snow tires and rims pack age, Excellent shape, $490/m o. Call for d etails 416-737-6942. IM PORTANT Notice: The Burlington Post, O akville Beaver and Flam borough Review recom m end you exercise good judgem ent when responding to em ploym ent o pportunity ad vertisem ents which ask you to provide credit card inform ation, send m oney or sign a contract. IM PO RTANT Notice: The Burlington Post, O akville Beaver and Flam borough Review recom m end you exercise good judgem ent when responding to em ploym ent o pportunity ad vertisem ents w hich ask you to provide credit card inform ation, send m oney or sign a contract. KARE C leaning Service requires Cleaning person to jo in our growing busi ness in B urlin gton / O ak ville. E xperience/ car an asset (Car Allowance pro vided). 905-331-5340, Fax resume 905-331-6079 M AD EM O ISELLE Fitnessneeds personal Trainers am & pm shifts/ Reception ist 3-9pm M on-Fri. 905331-6505 MAGGIE May Boutique re quires m ature outgoing sales person for approx 1-2 days/ week, call 905466-5476 MAID it C le an - seeks en ergetic dependable people Day & evenings shifts available. M ust have own transportation, D rivers li cense an asset, not suit able for students. 905-6316243 M AIN TENA N CE Person required for property man agem ent company. Fax resume to: 905-842-7463 MOLLY Maid seeks ener getic, dependable people. M on-Fri., 8:30-5pm , paid training, car provided. Call 905-681-7484 (Burl./Oak) PASSIONATE about food? Busy gourm et shop requires an enthusiastic custom er service person FT/ PT. $11-$13/per hour. Upper Middle Rd and 8th Line. Fax 905-844-7024 SHOPPER S Drug M art Oakville Place requires F/T & P/T supervisors and P/T cashiers. Needs to be available days, nights and weekends. Apply in person or fax resum e: 905-8425598 Attn: Robyn. START Avon by January 31 st/06 and receive $100 free products plus 40% profit when you sell $125 in your first order. Call Car rie 905-331-6205 W EED M AN requires in side sales representatives to sell seasonal lawncare services, no cold calling required. Fax resume 905827-1499 or call 905-8271441. Y O UTH/ Adult carriers needed to deliver the Sun day Sun Newspaper in Oak ville. For more information, please call Tim, 1-800-3175636. shared accommodation 2.5 bedroom . B ronte vil lage, all inclusive, laundry ensuite, bus at door, A/C, parking. $550/m o. Female only, suit student/ young professional. Day 905-8212111 x 8058, eve: 905-5107446. A P P LE B Y / New St, Burlington. Quiet, easy going,, non-sm oking male, house. $450/mo, inclusive. 905637-7345 B U R L IN G T O N G hent/ Brant, female to share 2bedroom apartm ent. $450/m o. inclusive. Im m e diate. 905-466-4588 FEMALE to share 2 bdrm apt., Burlington, dow n tow n/ lakeshore. C lean/ fully furnished. $450/mo+. 905-633-6873 FURNISHED basem ent bedroom , share kitchen/ bathroom / laundry. Park ing. No smoking. Guelph Ln./ Brant St. Near QEW. $450/mo. 905-331-2465 O AKVILLE. Q uiet and clean furnished room plus own bathroom in non sm oking, professional hom e. All inclusive. $550/mo. 905-469-8770 3-bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 5 appli ances. Available Feb.1 Near Oakville Place and GO. BURLINGTO N, steps to Appleby GO, near p ark land, Executive 2-large bedroom s, w alk-out fin ished basem ent, balcony, luxurious ensuite, bath room, fireplace, c/air, vaulted ceiling, 5-appli a nces, garage, private yard. Im m ediate. $1350/m o. 905-467-8186 Don't m iss out! BURLINGTO N, Upper M iddle/ Cavendish. Large 3-bedrooms, 6 appliances, a/c, garage +2 parking. Finished basem ent, $ 1385/mo. +utilities. 905SI 5-3996. BURLINGTO N. 2 -bed rooms, full basement. Not tingham Avenue. Lovely unit. Quiet area. $865/mo. Available Feb 1/ March 1. 905-574-9180. CAVENDISH Co-op Hom es w aiting list open. For an .opportunity to live in a 3-bdrm tow nhouse w ith garage, backyard, 2 appliances, $926/m o +utilities. Attend our orientation evening January 6th, 7pm. RSVP by January 12th to cavendish @ cogeco.ca or 905-335-0280. Subsidy list daycare available. B URLOAK/ New St., day care, for 12-24 month old First aid, CPR. Refer ences/ Receipts. 905-6310404. LITTLE M iracles Hom e Daycare, ECE w/Assistant. C om fortable & stim ulating! Circle time,' crafts, m usic/ m ovem ent, sensory, in door/ outdoor play. 905336-5667. LITTLE Scholars Pre school (East Oakville) Pro vides loving +nurturing care, half days/ extended day programs. 18 months5.5 years. W onderful JK / SK programs! Serving N.E. O akville / East O akville w /our school aged pro gram s. 905-849-3878. El mo's com ing to Little Scholars Thurs Jan.26, 10:30am. · 2210 9 05 -84 2 -02 5 4 2350 New St., luxury 2 200sqft . 3-bedroom end unit, 1-bedroom is log with 4-piece ensuite second bedroom has 4pc ensuite. C/A fireplace, finished low' er level available now $ 1500/m o Professional property m anagem ent. 905-979-1919 BRAND new luxury townhome, perfect location across from A ppleby Go, $1350/mo. +util. Refer ences required. Available Feb/15th ^ Call Carol Rob son Broker, Carol Robson Real Estate Ltd. 905-5746433 B RANT~ Tyandaga. Beautiful 2 & 3 bdrm Townhomes available Immed & Feb from $1100. Also 3-bedroom suite available im med, hydro incl. 1420 Tyandaga Pk. Burlington. 905-335-3001. B URLINGTON executive 3-bdrm townhouse, 5 ap pliances, FP, A/C, garage, ceram ics, ensuite, im m ac ulate, near G O/ lake/ shop p ing/ schools/ QEW. $1395/m o.+ Im m ediate. 905-466-6305 BURLINGTON MalL 3bedroom condo, recroom $1050/mo. Appleby M a ll2 bedroom condo, rec room, $1020/mo. Burling ton: 4 bdrm, 1.5 bath, gar age, rec room, $ 1090/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Re altor, 905-632-5690 B URLINGTO N Southeast. Available Im m ediately/ F e b .lst. Sublet quiet 2bedroom s. Pet friendly. Close to all am enities. W asher/ dryer, parking in cluded. $1040/mo. +hydro. Call 905-3173477:905-541-1691. B URLINGTO N, Brant St. N orth, renovated 2 or 3bedroom , hardwood, yard, laundry, $840/mo. J a n ls t/ F eb .lst 905-336-7207 BURLINGTON, near Lake. 3-bedroom s, new kitchen/ floor, large patio, available F e b .lst. $1095/m o. +gas/ electricity. 905-631-5295. B U R LIN G TO N 2300 W alker's Line, 2&3 bed room townhouses. from $987/ month plus utilities. Includes fridge and stove. No LMR deposit required OAC. For more information on a variety of rental prop erties call Donna at 905825-6000 ext. 4405 CLEANERS required parttim e for downtown Burling ton residential highr.ise. Experience required. Call 905-634-9374 CUSTOM ER Service P ro fe ssio n a l- Busy Insu rance office requires expe rienced custom er service professional. Must have a thorough understanding of com puters, fast learner, w ork well under pressure and have advanced prob lem solving skills. Fax: 905-639-3272 CUSTOM ER Service Rep required for grow ing con sulting company. Entry lev el position. Bilingual Eng lish/ French and insurance com pany background considered assets. Fax resum e to 905-847-8283 or em ail diane@ R AC entre.ca CUSTOMER Service Representative and an experi enced Receptionist re quired for B urlin gton 'F i nancial S ervices C om pa ny. Insurance or banking background an asset. Team oriented. Please re ply to Box# 2085, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burling ton, ON, L7L 7G5. DAYTIME C oaches Needed: The Burlington Gym nastics Club is looking for instructors, w eekday . classes for children 3yrs5yrs. Employee m ust be able to work m orning or afternoons, M onday-Friday. Hours can be flex ible. M ust enjoy working w/children. S tart im m edi ately. Send resum es: gym nast@ bellnet.ca DOM INO'S Pizza. Oakville . & . Burlington. Inside staff and drivers required. Please fax resume to 905469-9446. EXOTIC dancers needed for Solid Gold Gentlemen's. Club, 53 Plains Rd., E., Burlington. Min. 30hrs/ week. Call 905-637-0913 EXPER IEN C ED person for Shipping and R eceiv ing. Forklift operator li cense required. C ontact Moreno 905-855-8900 G EN ER A L labourers re quired fulltim e in w are house. Mon.- Fri., 8:30am5pm . Burlington. $10./hr. Fax resum e: Attention John, 905-332-3676 INVITATION TO BID Earn $50, $75 or $100 a day doing door-to-door de liveries. If interested please call Rich at 416568-9056. cars wanted SCRAP Cars & Trucks wanted. Free pick-up, we cover environm ental dispo sal costs. Auto parts also sold! Highest cash prices paid. Fast pick-up. Li censed Auto W recker. 905-827-8015 Oakville. private tuition / schools_______ ENGLISH teacher avail able to tutor. C ertified grade 7-12. Can work with all ages. 905-582-1231; 647-218-9990. articles wanted W a nted - All China, Silver, C rystal, Tea Cups, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Jewellery, old toys, collect ibles, estates. Call John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 G OLD and silver coins wanted also gold and sil ver jew elry, fur coats, Moorcroft pottery, and col lectibles. will pay cash. 905-633-7531 cottages for rent G EO R G IA N Bay area, brand new, 2 bedroom s, 4pc bath, lake view, large cedar deck, fishing, dock, sleeps 6 com fortably. Available starting in June. Call 1-866-204^5420 $$$$$ r r r i a u t o parts/ supplies & repairs SNOW tires & wheels for S type Jaguar (2000-2004). 4 Pirelli - snow - sport 225/55R x 16" tires m ounted on Ronal Alloy wheels (used one season, 4000km ). Paid $2070, Asking $1200. 705-3279065 LARGE 2-bedroom imme d iately/ Feb.1. 4 appli ances, hardwood, Park like setting. Very large 3-bed room, 5 appliances, gar age, pool, Feb.1. All plus utilities. A rlington B lvd/ Longm oor Dr., Burlington. 905-681-0070 www.viewit.ca #4591 #4592, N.S H O R E/ Francis Road. 3-bedroom , 1.5 bath, fin ished basem ent, fenced yard, $1150/mo- + utilities. Immediate. 905-643-3648. NORTH Burlington- 1, 2&3 bedroom tow nhouse m ai sonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. From $720/m o +utilities. Im m ediate and March. 1. 905-319-9104. O AKVILLE- 1531 Sixth Line 2&3 bedroom tow n houses. From $ 1077/mo plus utilities. Located U pper Middle & Sixth Line. Includes fridge & stove, no LMR deposit required OAC. For information on a variety of rental properties call D onna 905-825-6000 ext 4405 O AKVILLE- New to w n house, Trafalgar/ Dundas, double garage, 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths. Immacu late. Immediate. 905-2579528, 613-715-1975 O A K V ILLE - 3&4 bedroom tow nhouses available im m ediately through April 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore M anagem ent 905-8763336 lessons LEARN how to cook cur ries and other exotic dishes from Singapore and Malaysia and enjoy eating them. Reservations for Jan 14th and 21st. Ideal gift 905-827-0434 to register. SPANISH Easy to Learn at the B urlington C entral Li brary. Thursday Evening C lasses. All Levels. S tart Jan. 19th to Mar.21 Lim it ed Enrollm ent. Private Lessons Also Available. Call ABC Spanish at 905577-1585; Toll-free 1-800577-7492; spanish@ bellnet.ca lost & found FO UND C hild's w allet at the Bishop and Firkin on or around C hristm as Please contact K elly/ Tracy 905331-3110 FOUND: black w ith white cat, Fairview / W alkers Line. We call Puss Puss. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Brown tabby cat, New/ A ppleby Line. We call Buddee. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: grey cat, male, Jan.2, Lakeshore/ W hitepines area. 905-333-6206 auto leasing & rentals' TAKE over lease!! 2004 Mazda 6, black on black leather, 30k, fu lly loaded, with Mazdsr- upgrades, 18" sum m ers w heels, and snow tires and rims pack-" age, Excellent shape, $490/m o. Call for d etails 416-737-6942. Dets, supplies, warding ENGLISH Bulldog pup pies, various colours, fam i ly raised, CKC registered. Ready for Valentine's Day. Call 519-685-9843. G OLDEN Retriever pup pies, available now. Home raised for family pets. CKC registered, vet checked. 905-681-2816 health & homecare TEM PO R AR Y C aregiver required, Oakville, for sen ior lady recovering from surgery. Live-out, light meal preparation, days on ly. Gord 416-560-2834 cars for sale 1994 Crow n Victoria, ex cellent condition, leather interior, loaded, handling package, ce rtified, etested, 218K, $3950 obo. 905-844-2421. 1995 C utlass suprem e, blue, fu lly loaded, well m aintained. As is, good running condition. $2000. 905-845-8253 1997 Pontiac Sunfire ex cellent condition, air, CD player, sunroof, all work papers, $3000. Call 905637-6060. 2000 Buick Regal LS, 1 owner, leather, roof, new brakes, 89k, A-! condition. Must see car!! Best offer over $9000. Call Leo 905845-2986. personals ANYONE w itnessing an accident at intersection of M ainway/ Guelph Line, Burlington, involving 1999 W hite Toyota Pick-up & 2001 Black Acura, W ed. Jan.4, 10am, call 905-5729023. S pecifically appeal ing to driver of small silver car, who followed me into Food Basics, Guelph Line. LIVE-IN caregiver for eld erly care, light housekeep ing & taking care of pets. 905-639-3628. bargain centre FRIDGE, 20 cu.ft., almond, very good condition, $75. Call 905-315-8401; 905334-8331. USED Jenn-A ir 4-burner dow ndraft countertop stove. Includes extra bar becue grill, cartridge, grid dle. $100.00 .905-8253094. MATTRESSES++++ New O rthopedic Double $235, O rthopedic Queen $255., King $400. M em ory-Foam Beds Available.4 Free Lo cal Delivery. 905-6320283, 905-616-1700 MODERN Bedroom Set, 9 piece, $300. 1 couch, $100. M oving, M ust sell. 905-823-5225 OFFIC E furniture, luxury, Global A daptability line, Maple with blue bases, seven P/D tops, 48" re turns, filing cabinets, $400 each, obo. 905-337-0040. SEN IO R Accountant re quired by B urlington CA firm. Must have CA, CGA or CMA, 3-5 years' public accounting experience. Responsibilities: Assist ing Clients w/year-end fininacial statem ents, C orpo rate/ Personal taxes. C aseware, Profile, Q uickbooks, S im ply Accounting knowledge preferred. Email resume w/salary ex pectations, neptune10@ cogeco.ca. · general help ASSEMBLY Line W orkers/ Order Pickers required for busy O akville com pany. Good pay. Please call 905826-8300 AUTOM OTIVE oriented person to be trained in autom otive and fla t glass tinting. Also required auto m otive detailer. 905-8473333. Ask for Tim or Gino. retail opportunities NEW C oncept store spe cializing in Drapery and Custom Furniture, looking for creative, energetic, out going S ales consultants and Store Manager. Q ual ified applicants m ust be extrem ely com puter liter ate, very know ledgeable w ith w indow treatm ents and have previous sales experience. E-mail resume to: info@ bbbargoons.com W ANTED live-in caregiver for 6yr old girl. North Bur lington call 905-336-1637 BATHROOM vanity and m irror, 72" long. 905-2574527.