Oakville Beaver, 7 Jan 2006, p. 39

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, January 7, 2006 J I salon & spa help ESTABLISHED Milton Beauty salon requires jun ior stylist, master stylist & colour specialist. 416-3120617 for interview. ESTHETIC IAN, part-tim e/ fu ll-tim e for busy spa in oakville, fax 905-847-9325 or call 647-896-3372. FIRST Choice Haircutters. Now Hiring! Busy Burling ton location. Hourly wage +com m ission! All equip ment provided! Good ben efits package. New grads welcome. Up to $500 sign ing bonus. Bring ad to interview. Call Yvonne 905-319-9455 Lydia 905632-4651 H A IR S TY LIS T/ Colourist required w /C lientele, W a terdown Salon. Contact Monique 905-689-4517 39 office help ACCO UNTS Receivable/ G eneral O ffice, downtown Oakville. Energetic individ ual w /three ye a r's experi ence in receivable & col lections, data entry, gener al office. Com puter skills, W ord and Excel required. Flex tim e possible. Please fax resum e w/hand-written cover sheet to O perations Manager (905)842-0242. office help EXPERIENCED, person able, telephone friendly, receptionist required for Oakville chiropractic office. P/T (approx. 20+ hrs./wk). M ulti-tasking ability a ne cessity. CHA preferred. Email resum e to dcc180@ hotmail.com JUNIO R Receptionist F/T, for fast paced office. Flex ible schedule including evenings/ w eekends. Re sume to apps@ fam ilyvacationcenters.com ' LAW Clerk- Real Estate, for M ississauga-O akville law firm. Minimum 3 years experience. Strong secre ta rial and organizational skills; knowledge of Teraview and Conveyancer. Able to work independent ly. Submit resume in confi dence: Fax: 905-8292903; email: gdiab@ diabdecosimo.ca LEGAL Secretary with 3+ years real estate experi ence for dow ntow n Bur lington law office. Must have knowledge of PC Law, Teraview and Con veyancer programs. Muir & Ummat 905-639-8030 O PTO M ETRIST office in O akville re q u ire s . person experienced in dispensing and general office duties Tuesday and Fridays. Fax resum e 905-844-3811 or em ail oakvilleoptom etry@ hotmail.com office help PART-TIME bookkeeper, 8-12 hours per week, for B urlington Travel com pa ny, DHTour. Sim ply Acct. payroll and general duties. Please contact Karen at karendht@ interlynx.net or fax 905-639-9120. PART-TIME R eceptionist needed for busy Real Es tate O ffice. Evenings/ W eekends, approx. 15 hrs/week. Real Estate ex perience preferred. Fax re sum e to Karen 905-681 9908, email karen@ remaxescarpment. com RAPIDLY expanding law firm with locations in Bur lington and O akville re quires: Senior real estate clerk in their O akville of fice, competitive salary, full benefits. Fax or email re sume to Pam Teckoe 905639-8017 pteckoe@ fdhlawyers.com R EC EP TIO N IS T - Canlan Ice Sports Oakville - Parttim e - Evening & W eek ends for answ ering phones, taking paym ents, custom er service. O ffice experience necessary. Contact Jennifer @ jpratt@ icesports.com or fax 905-845-6054 REC EPTIO NIST, Parttim e / Full.-tim e r^*E xpe rienfijed, personable, te le phone friendly, com puter literate. Email resume: prem ierhom e@ bellnet.ca or fax: 905-2§7-5231 office help R E C EP TIO N IS T/ Adm in Assistant - full-time - Must have 2+ years adm inistra tive & meridian phone sys tem experience. Must be m ature, proficient w ith email & Microsoft Office and able to m ulti-task. Available im m ediately. A p ply in person: Condor Sig nal 2388 Speers Road, Oakville hospital / medical | dental ______ R E C EP TIO N IS T/ O ffice A dm inistration required, PT. Energetic person for busy Rehab clinic. Medical term inology, custom er re lations, fa m iliarity with MVA legislation and ability to w ork both day and evenings. Knowledge of word and Excel. Fax. 905845-0963 . RM T N eeded. February 1st, full-tim e or part-tim e. Enthusiastic, positive, team environm ent in chiro practic office. Burlington. Fax resum e to 905-6319473. hotel restaurant 1505 N orth R estaurant and Lounge, requires fu ll time, experienced, servers, bus persons, and bartend ers. Email resume to north@ cogeco.net for interview. APPLEJACK'S now hiring m anagers, and all other ·restaurant staff for new M illcroft location. Fax re sume 905-761-5299, email applejacks@ ica.net B £AN There coffee house, counter staff, w eekday shift 9:30-3pm. Im m ediate ly. Downtown O akville. Apply with resume at t0 6 Reynolds St. HEAD Chef Italian experi ence necessary. Sous Chef minimum 5yrs experi ence. Line cook minim um 2yrs experience. Part-tim e prep, dishwasher, servers. Fax resum e 905-319-2202 em ail gm ccrae@ hotmail.com LINE cook with fine dining experience needed for dow ntow n Burlington res taurant. Call Jay at 905632-6682. I hotel / restaurant NEW Y e a * New Job- New You! U nder New E xperi enced O w nership, local restaurant seeking Stars for the Kitchen, C om peti tive Pay, gratuities/ growth potential. Bring resum e +best first im pressions: Job Fair-- M onday Jan.9th 3-5pm , fax (905)338-5802 Abbey Grill 270 North Ser vice @ Dorval. domestic . help available CLEANING Lady available for houses, apartm ents, sm all offices' Good refer ences. Experienced. Please call Barbara 905847-5616 EUROPEA N Professional cleaning lady available M on-Fri. New vacuum / supplies. Reasonable price. Satisfaction guaran teed. Call 905-601-5656. EXPER IENC ED European cleaning lady, own trans portation. 905-616-4183. I don't cut corners. I clean them . Call Karlene ` 905320-9373. office help ADM INISTR ATIVE A ssist ant. Burlington consulting firm is seeking a part-time adm inistrative assistant. Flexible hours: 24-30 hours/ week. Candidate should have excellent working knowledge of all M icrosoft O ffice products. Forward resume: dborthwick @ accessible solutions.ca; Fax 905-6810386 (No phone calls please) BO OKKEEPER full-tim e required for com pany in Burlington. Monday-Friday, 9am -6pm . Experience an asset. Duties include pay roll, payables, bank rec, etc, S tarting at $12/hr. Please em ail resum e to hr@ aztex.com BO OKKEEPER required in the O akville/ Burlington area for a small bookkeep ing company. Strong sen ior level bookkeeping skills necessary. Must be able to w ork independently. Quickbooks experience an asset. Vehicle a must. Please fo rw iffd resum e and salary expectations to bookkeeperjob2006hr@ hotmail.com. sales help & agents . CUSTOM ER Service per son for a contractors area in a flooring -centre. Com puter Experience required on Excel and W indows XP. S alary plus com m ission. C ontact M oreno 905-8558900 hotel / restaurant STAR Scoops Cafe down town Oakville requires full time foodprep/ serving. 40hr+ weekly. Some experience pre ferred. 905-845-4948 hospital / medical dental_________ RN/RPN required im m edi ately for O akville Plastic and Laser S urgery clinic. FT/PT availability. Please fax resum e a fter 5pm to 905-842-3625. W OULD you like to make a difference in a senior's life? The C hristopher Court and Terrace R etirem ent R esidences are currently recruiting for FT/ PT RN's and RPN's. Please fax your application to DOC at: 905-632-5074. teaching opportunities G LENA SH TO N Daycare in O akville, requires an ECE or ECA graduate only for our Jr. Preschool, group. From June-July '06. Call 905-338-9019 domestic help wanted XWANTED: good reliable wom an to clean private house in O akville, one m orning a week. Must have references. Call 905845-8585. moving & storage MAX Movers. Profession al/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Lo ca l/ long distance. From $62/hour 416-823-9705 skilled & technical help EAVESTROUGH Installers We are looking for two good employees. Training available Call Now! Gutter Helmet by Infinity 866-2676488 E XP E R IE NCED w indow and door installers re quired Im m ediately. Top pay, Valid driver's licensed required. Fax resume 905SI 5-8378 or call 905-3158380 INSTALLATION/ Service Technician required for rapidly growing healthcare business, O akville. Fax 905-338-0738, email hr_admin@ sympatico.ca SA LES ~ Door To Door Salesperson required. Ex perienced candidate could make $150+/ day. Call Tom 905-510-0058 hospital medical dental DENTAL A ssistant experi enced, well spoken, good personality, busy, modern Mississauga office. Fax re sume (416)352-0176 I M l party services HAY R ides/ Sleigh rides, H orse-draw n Groups, Birthdays, Fam ilies, Party Room. Uncle Porky's 1/2-Hr from Burlington. 1800-203-9093 www.uncleporkys.com MEDICAL receptionist, ex perienced with references, required immediately. Full tim e for busy O akville 3fam ily physician office. Please fax resume: 905844-3811. Ask Us About... call 905-632-4440 Real Estate 1 0 0 - 1 3 5 Rentals 1 7 0 - 1 9 6 Say You Saw the ad in... The Oakville Beaver. Classified Gets Results!! worko Community Notices 2 45 - 259 i .co C A N A D A 'S B IG G E S T JO B SITE Burlington Post The Oakville Beaver 245 246 248 249 25 0 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 Babysitting Private Tuition/ Schools Music & Dancing Instruction Registration Tutoring Service ; ' Lessons Places of Worship Esthetics/ Beauty Services Health & Homecare Seniors Services Fitness Services Party Services Catering Wedding Planner Astrology Psychics Liaison Services Amusement Clubs Bingo Funeral Direcfors Cemetery Plots Merchandise 3 00 - 385 your Recruitment ad today & receive 30 days on Workopolisfor only B o o k TO PLACE OR CHANGE AN AD CALL 905-632House for Sale Open Houses Private Sales Townhouses for Sale Apartments / Condos for Sole Cottages for Sale Farms for Sale Rent & Wanted Out of Town Properties Property Outside Canada Housing Wanted Lots & Acreage Business to Business 140 -169 Leisure Living 2 00 - 239 ·FAX 905-632-8165 unvmy juiuud . .320 "'3 2 4 3 25 3 26 330 3 35 3 36 340 345 348 350 35 2 35 3 355 3 60 3 65 37 0 375 38 0 385 Auto Care Garage & Storage Space Insurance Services Heavy Duty Equipment Help Wanted 500 -57 0 Services 700 - 760 100 102 110 112 115 120 103 105 125 130 135 Apartments & Flats for Rent Furnished Apartments Short Term Rentals Apartments & Flats Wanted Condominiums For Rent Houses for Rent Townhouses for Rent Housing Wanted Rooms for Rent & Wanted Room & Board Available & Wanted Shared Accommodation Retirement Living Halls & Lodges 170 172 174 175 180 185 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 Births Adoptions Birthdays Coming Events Engagements Forthcoming Marriage Marriages Anniversaries Graduations Announcements Death Obituaries In Memoriam Cards of Thanks Public Notices 260 - 269 Investment Properties/ Bus. Prop. Industrial/ Commercial Space Office & Business Space Stores For Sale, Rent / Wanted Investment Opportunities Business Opportunities Franchises Insurance Professional Directory Tax & Financial Mortgages & Loons Accountants (Chartered) Office/ Industrial Equipment Business Services / Personals Computer / Internet Service 140 145 150 155 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Vacation Properties Rentals Outside Canada Bed and Breakfast Cottages for Rent Mobile Homes & Parks Motor Homes Recreation Vehicles Campers, Trailers, Sites Camping Equipment Sports Equipment Aviation Boats & Supplies Snowmobiles Pools & Supplies Resorts, Camps Travel Hobbies & Crafts W omen's Column .200 205 208 209 '210 211 212 215 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 239 Tenders Legal Notices Public Notices Car Pools/ Transportation Lost and Found Companions Personals Support Groups Community Services 2 70 - 299 260 261 262 263 265 267 268 269 _275 276 277 278 279 280 282 284 285 286 288 289 290 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 Vendors Wanted Garage/Yard Sales Arts & Crafts Auctions Warehouse Sales Firewood Christmas Trees & Gifts Woodstoves / Fireplaces Antiques Art Baby Needs Restaurant Equipment Industrial Equipment Farm Equipment Appliances Computer & Video T.V Sound System Musical Instruments Pets, Supplies, Boarding Photography Swap & Trade Tickets for Sole I Auto 4 00 - 470 Nannies/ Live In / Out Mother's Helpers Nursery Schools Daycare Available Daycare Wanted Market Basket Flowers & Delivery Farm Service Horse Supplies & Boarding Poultry & Livestock Furniture Clothing Bargain Centre Articles for Sale Bicycles Articles Wanted 30 0 301 302 303 305 306 307 309 310 311 315 Cars for Sale Cars Wanted Trucks for Sale Trucks Wanted Vans/ 4 Wheel Drive Sports Cars Antique Cars Motorcycles Auto Parts / Supplies & Repairs Auto Leasing & Rentals Auto Financing 400 4 05 410 4 15 42 0 42 5 430 43 5 440 445 44 6 Career Training Career Counseling & Resumes Careers Employment Agencies Drivers General Help Retail Opportunities Summ er Employment Salon & Spa Help Skilled & Technical Help Com puter/ IT Office Help Inside Sales Sales Help & Agents Retail Sales Hospital Medical / Dental Veterinary Help Holistic Health Hotel / Restaurant Part-Time Help Teaching Opportunities Domestic Help Wanted Domestic Help Available House Cleaning Volunteers Employment Wanted Talent Wanted 500 501 5 05 5 07 509 510 511 512 514 515 52 0 525 529 5 30 532 535 536 537 5 40 541 545 55 0 555 556 565 57 0 575 Home Improvements Demolition, Blasting Garbage Removal / Hauling Plumbing Handyman Chimney Cleaning, Repair Electrical Services Masonry & Concrete Carpentry Painting & Decorating Moving & Storage Carpet Cleaning Drapes & Upholstery Dressmaking, Tailoring Flooring, Carpeting Gardening Supply, Landscaping Tree Service Stump Removal Lawnm ower Sales, Repairs Snow removal Courses Appliance Repairs Service Directory Adult 9 0 0 - 910 Dating Services Adult Entertainment Massages TCace your W edding Announcement inducCes picture. 81 +§sr B U S IN E S S H O U R S : BURLINGTON: 5040 Mainway, Unit 1, Burlington L7L 7G5 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday ` OAKVILLE: 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday Adjustments: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of the same ad, credit will be made only for the first insertion. Credit given for errors in connection with production on ads is limited to the printed space involved. Cancellations must be made by telephone. Do not fax or email cancellations.

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