Profile Continued from page 3 .__ _ The Oakville Beaver W eekend, S a tu rd a y J a n u a ry 7, 2 0 0 6 -7 adding that he played - not very well - growing up by Nickelodeon, and he's in the middle of filming a movie, Run Robot Run. Both are Canadian productions. "Most of the stuff I've done is American, but I made a decision to work more in Canada," he said, sipping on hot chocolate in a hockey arena, wearing a Team Canada jersey. There's no doubt that Potenza is proud to be Canadian, which is one of the reasons he's so proud · Christian Potenza, to be a part of The Tournament. a.k.a. Doug on the "I'm so happy to be involved in CBC mockumentary, a show that's by Canadians, for The Tournament Canadians," he said. "It's a cele bration of Canadianism." And while Potenza admits he wasn't a big hockey fan before he started the show, he's hooked now. "I think hockey is the best thing ever," he said, Actor prefers to work in Canada FOR ALL YOUR CHILDREN'S FURNITURE NEEDS FROM INFANT TO ADULT. Fine Children's Furniture, Linen and Decor We pay the taxes on furniture during January! By Steve Nease snease@ we Really ehjoyed *> u r w xm z m M A X / /r H A N K S f! EMEKfBODY TOED THEIR BEST, AND played FAIR, AND , HAD FUN/ > o w W -A K O Y o u CAN SAY 1 W O N / IT NOW-. D u m k B ? B ih e r m c ig 2111 Dunwin Dr., Mississauga ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 8 -2 5 2 5 facins Dundas Street West (2 blocks west of Erin Mills Pkwy) * ` w w w .aroom ofm yow C e n t r a l C l e a n in g N E V E R B E F O R E O F F E R E D J L O W E S T P R I C E E V E R O F F E R E D ? B e a m is o v e r s to c k e d J S p e c ia l b u y s fo r H a lto n V a c , S p e c ia l b u y s fo r y o u J CLASSIC SERIES CV775 C V 750 · 490 Air Watts ot Power · Cleanstream Hepa type Filtration · Complete with premium ADVOCATE electric powerhead ensemble including all top of the line features! jm 4 % · 520 Air Watts of Power · Cleanstream Hepatype Filtration · Complete with premium Advocate electric powerhead ensemble SER EN ITY SU P ERQUIET m P ER FO R M ER .| 1 CV2775 K § § · 520 Air Walts of Power · Cleanstream Hepatype Filtration · Complete with premium Advocate electric powerhead ensemble I < M S R P $ 1 1 4 9 .9 9 includes econo electric powerhead & hose V package 012233 A CCESSORIES 3 0 'H oseCover170304 GaugeK it 060008 StairW isk04523? V acPan016927 Com boToo!045221 R ugTool R D 2 8 5 4pc. Tool Set 0 6 1 5 2 4 B lindTool 045169 PelTools3styles US! $49.99 $49.99 $49.99 $49.99 $29.99 $29.99 $49.99 $19.99 $29.99 fflifi $38.08 $38.88 $38.88 $38.88 $18.88 $18.88 $38.88 $14.88 $24.88 All European Portable Vacuums P R IC E D T O C L E A R · Full featured powerhead · 3-way electric hose · PremiumTool Set ·System Pro by Electrolux ·Miele & Sebo Many other items on promo! specials! Trafalgar Ridge Shopping PLaza (in the Winners/HomeSense plaza) Beside Scotia Bank Many other in-store W h ile qu a n titie s la s t , no rain c h e ck s7 Q u a n titie s lim itedJ HALTON VACUUM H a lt o n V a c u u m D e p o t V O T E D O A K V I L L E 'S B E S T V A C U U M S T O R E A G A I N ! 2379 Trafalgar Road 9 0 5 - 2 5 7 - 6 1 4 5 Mon.-Fri.9:30-6:00 Sat. 9:30-4:00 Closed Sun. Jan. 8th