PU LL-O U T REAL ESTA TE ^ 4 SEC TIO N INSIDE! www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver N E W W E D N E S D A Y E D I T I O N · J A N U A R Y 1 8 . 2 0 0 6 Artist goes full steam ahead ARTSCENE Lincoln Zephyr raises the bar EVERYTHING AUTO 68. Pages 51.00 (piusGST) only 8 .9 9 AMC Theatres Winston Churchill) "Using Com munication to B uild B etter C om m unites ' 905-829-3233 Bronte quadrangle 'compromise' splits Ward 1 councillors By Kim Arnott SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Does leadership mean standing up and fighting for what you believe in? Or is it the job of a leader to find compromises that bring people together? When it comes to devel opment of the Bronte quadrangle, the area's two ward councillors are split in their opinions. After months of negoti ation with the developer and consultation with the public, Ward 1 Regional Councillor Mike Lansdown is convinced that the latest proposal offered by the developer is a reasonable compromise that satisfies most concerns around development o f . the his toric village area of Bronte. However, Ward 1 Local Councillor »Ralph Robinson says he simply cannot accept a 10-storey building in the Bronte quadrangle area, regard less of the overall plan. On Monday night, council released details of the latest development proposal suggested by Birchgrove Estates. See Bronte page 5 Inside Living... ............ ....11 Automotive ........ 20 Artscene.....................15 Sports ................... 26 Classified.................. 33 LIESA KORTMANN / OAKVILLE BEAVER DINNER GUESTS: Prior to the Oakville Blades, game Friday night, Hollywood superstars Kurt-Russell and Goldie Hawn had din- * ner with their long-time friend Don Edwards, who has been tutoring their son on the finer points on goaltending. Their 19-year-old son, Wyatt, is a goaltender for the Junior A Brampton Capitals. DELIVERY For home delivery £ customer service call (905) 845-9742 Mon., Tues., & Thurs. 9 a.m.- 6 p.m., Wed. & Fri. 9 a.111. -8p.m . orSatiirday 10a.m.-4p.m. For new subscriptions, call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @mm:ouhillebeaver.com Guess who came to dinner? B la d e s c o a c h s h a r e s p r e - g a m e d in n e r w ith H o lly w o o d c o u p le Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn were in town on Friday for a pre-game dinner with Oakville Blades head coach, Don Edwards. "I've known them for many years," Edwards said of his relationship with the Hollywood couple. A former goaltender for the NHL's Buffalo Sabres and Calgary Flames, Edwards met Russell and Hawn while working as a goaltending coach for the L A Kings. "They contacted me and asked me to give their son pri vate lessons," fye said, adding that he has beerl helping 19TH E L O C K W O O D REW ARDS CARD IN C L U D E D W IT H EVERY PU RC HASE Partial Delivery: year-old Wyatt Russell between the pipes for the past eight years. After dinner with Edwards, Russdl and Hawn were off to Burlington's Central Arena to watch Wyatt backstop the OHAs Junior A Brampton Capitals to a 2-1 victory over the Burlington Cougars. Wyatt stopped 22 of 23 shots in the win and was recog nized as the Caps `Impulse' player of the game. His record since joining Brampton from the United States Hockey League's Chicago Steel is 3-1. Sport Chek, The Room Store, Streetsville Electronic, Guardian Drugs, Home Oufitters, Salvation Army, The Bay, Business Depot, Mercedes Benz 2005 United Way of Oakville Campaign ' 90.7 OUR GOAL $ 3 ,8 5 0 m illio n F o rm o rein fo :8 4 5 -5 5 7 1 United Way IN ST O C K FOR IM MEDIATE D EL f¥£H Y Beat Goes On Buy, Sell, M e w w w .beatgoeson.com T h o u s a n d so fU s e d C D s & D V D s N . Service R d. (Future Shop, Chapters Plaza) USED CD OUTLET | OAKVILLE TOWN CENTER, O akville 's 2000 -2006 Five Star C ertifie d D ealership CHRYSLER 1 7 5W Y E C R O F TR O A D ,O A K V IL L E 905.845.6653(between Kerr & Dorval) 905- 337-1919