30 January 18, 2006 Whole Foods Market hosts Global Five per cent Day Jan. 24 Whole Foods Market will donate five percent of its total global sales on Tuesday, January 24 to the Animal Compassion Foundation The Animal Compassion Foundation is an independent non-profit organization created by Whole Foods Market to improve the lives of farm animals by serving as an interactive resource for ranchers, meat pro ducers and researchers to learn and share practices that support the animals' physical needs, behaviors and well-being. "The quest for cheap food in our society has created an industrialized model of meat production in which animals are bred and raised in conditions "focused on efficiency rather than on the basic needs of the ani mal," said John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market. All money generated through the Global Five Percent Day will go solely to research projects and on-farm experi ments, not to Foundation administrative purposes. 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