The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday January 18, 2006 - 31 What do they do? Introducing Oakville's businesses Celebrating 51 years in Oakville and 100 years in Canada, the Ford Motor Company is the world's second largest automaker and operates in more than 200 markets on six continents and employs 350,000 people. ' Today, Ford Motor Company is a family of automotive brands consisting of Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo. The company is beginning-its second century of existence with a worldwide organization that retains and expands Henry Ford's heritage by developing products that serve the varying and ever-changing needs of people in the global community. And it is the work being done in Oakville and the people here who are helping to lead the way. B ru ce C u m m in g CFP, RFP, CLU , C H F C , C IM , R H U , T E P 2 0 0 4 Financial Advisor o f the Year 1540 Cornw all Road, Suite 202 " Oakville, O nta rio L6J 7W 5 Tel: 905-337-9984 · Toll Free: 1-877-698-2931 bruce@ cum m ingandcum m Bruce Cummin CFP, RFP, CLU, CHI CIM, RHU, TEP ^1 FundEX ^ iwrsrwr*'?* The facilities of Oakville Ford have established a lasting mark on the Oakville landscape T im T r ia n , C F A - P o rtfo lio M a n a g e r L a u r a T ria n , C .A ., C FP , C I M - In v e s tm e n t A dv iso r Eliminating spyware from your company's computer systems By Brian Chin Special to the Beaver SECURITIES CORPORATION j A D U N D E E IV E A tT H M A N A G E M E N T C O M P A N Y 2 0 0 -2 9 0 8 S ou th Sheridan Way, O akville Tel: 9 0 5 -8 2 9 - 0 6 0 0 V isit us at http://team trian.dundeew www. stewartfinancial. ca Spyware is any software that can hide itself from the user and send personal information back to its par ent company. Typically, users don't choose to download and install spyware, but instead install it by saying "yes" to the bundled software com ing from another more legitimate program. This is what makes it hard to detect if a person's been infected or is at risk of sending out per sonal information. Here are a few pro grams that will help get rid of spyware for good. A d - A w a r e ( /) This is a well reviewed program that can search and detect spyware with some fantastic customization options for deep (long) or superficial (quick) scanning. The paid version adds what they call Ad-Watch, which is an always-on type of scan ning similar to what your virus scanner is doing in the background. However, the free version is totally capable of deleting most of the spyware avail able to date. Both products (free and paid versions) have an updating feature which I find is incredibly helpful since spyware programmers are always finding a way to hide their software or mak ing it difficult to remove. One question that I am frequently asked is `Will two (or more) spyware removal programs help me remove spyware more completely?" In general, no. The reason for this is because most published software (Ad-Aware, McAfee AntiSpyware, Spysweeper) come ` with automatic updates that get rid of exist ing-spyware and any other type of spyware that their ·competitors detect. Unfortunately, it's a fact that there isn't a single anti-spyware removal program that can detect every occurrence of spyware available. This is due to the way the software scans the comput er, differences between paid for and free software, fund ing, and the unfortunate cir cumstance of being compro mised by a virus. Rest assured that the pro grams mentioned in this article have already been scrutinized by the public and have been the topic of many reviews and discus sion boards on the Internet and magazines today. Brian Chin's clients look to him for advic£ on secur ing/protecting their busi nesses on the Internet, sav ing costs through automat ed Internet systems as well as creating startup business plans for new and existing companies. Brian can be reached at Visit Brian online at (ervices 1282B Cornwall Rd. Duncan Stewart Investment Advertiser O akville, O N 905-845-0990 Peace of M in d ... Drew Stewart Investment Advertiser ... the most Valuable Service we Provide * Financial Planning * Investment Management * Insurance * Mortgages * Estate Planning / \ f jk . / mk £ ___ ;___ Anton Tucker CFP, FMA, FCSI · .» « . 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Compare our rates with those of some local financial institutions: Edw ard Jo ne s CIBC TD/CDA T ru st Column Provided by Please call Tara at DAMON KACHAN RBC DOMI NI ON SECURI TI ES The opinions expressed in this column are those o f the author and ao not necessarily represent the vietvs o f this newspaper. to advertise in this feature!