N E W PRICE ILL rd for someone else? lew owner. TV's, idy to go. Act NOW! GREAT FOR COMMUTERS & INVESTORS NIAGARA SIDESPLIT $ 196,000. Lakeshore R d. Across from the Lake without $ 199,900. Outstanding original construction plus spendinq a fortune. Close to parks & nature trails, clean extra quality updates. Open spacious large rooms, TH, 3 barms, 2.5 baths, 2 underground parking. Main floor family room, garden door to rear deck. M AR IA KASZO W S K I (90S) 338-6550 Desirable neighbourhood with mature trees. AMAZING CONDO! $ 1 9 9,9 0 0 . T ru era vin ev ie w sandS/We xp o su re ,n e wca rp e t, flooring &fre sh lyp a in te d .F lo o r toce ilin gw in d ow s, h u g em a ste rbdr la rgeliv/din rm s .G reat lo ca tio n , lowco n d ofe e s .M o ve -in co n d itio n . LAKEFRONT CONDO $ 1 9 9,9 0 0 . 2 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, separate dining room, loads of storage, open balcony, South & West exposure, amazing amenities. A N N K IN G (90S) 469-1 81 8 338-6550 vwnrealty.com mkas@look.ca JO E BARKER 1-888-870-4050 JU D I B R O KK IN G (90S) 469-1818 jbrokking@cogeco.ca Prudential OTRAL OAKVILLE RELAX & ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME FABULOUS FREEHOLD a! 2 bedroom corner kland, E/I kitchen, } & amenities +++ 1425 ABBEYWOOD DR. #22 $ 2 6 4 ,9 0 0 . Bright open concept townhome in Glen Abbev. Living/dining rm w/fireplace. Close to schools & shopping. A must see!! 1112 KOS BLVD., LORNE PARK $2 6 4,9 0 0 . Beautiful, extra large 3 bdrm ,,4 bath, freehold townhome. Finished bsmt with sep. entrance, balcony, fireplace, garage, double driveway. CHRISTINE KONOPKA (90S) 823 -00 2 0 ckonopka@trebnet.com $ 2 4 9,9 0 0 . Spacious nearly new 3 bdrm all brick IA N HALLFORD (90S) 33 8-6550 w w w .ianhallford.com $2 5 7,0 0 0 . East Burlington, only 2-1/2 years HEATHER FEN TO N (905) 33 8-6550 heatherfenton@sympatico.ca townhome waits for you. It's all done inside and out so old - great condition - all appliances - wonderful all you need to do is move in &.enjoy its features. huge eat-in kitchen - ensuite main bath. LAKESHORE RD. W. @ BRONTE ROAD 338-6550 MURRAY MCDONALD (90S) 469-1818 murmy-mcdonald@sym patico.ca END U N IT T O W N H O M E OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 O PEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 BRONTE RENTAL FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED $l,000./mth 1 bdrm rental in Bronte Village. Recently renovated condo with large rooms and balcony. Also available furnished ALEXX COELHO (905) 338-6550 alexx@alexx.ca I TAMAR MEWS HAWTHORNE VILLAGE - MILTON 9-1489 HERITAGE WAY I bdrmhom e on quiet court! g h t, private large fenced rive, b u s to GO station. WALK TO THE GO STATION 2085 AMHERST HEIGHTS UNIT 112 $ 2 7 9,9 0 0 . S o u g h ta fte r "M o o rsid e "'C o m e r (M a tta m y ). E /I lo t., $285,000. G reat sta rte rh o m einquiet co m p le xb eautiful open L R /D Rc o m b o+M Ffa m ily ro o m .2 .5b a th s&2 n dflo o r la u n d ry .N u m e ro u s co nce p t door plan. S p a cio u s kitch e nw ith b a cksp la sh &bre a kfast b a r. w in d o w sT/0. J u s tp a in te d T/0. F u llyfe n c e dlo t. Q u ie ts tre e t. S h o w s1 0 + + 3 large b e d ro o m s. L o v e lye n su ite . M A R Y A N N E FIELD/ALLAN FIELD (905) 3 3 8-6550 mfield@cogeco.ca $2 99,900. 2ca rg a r. B rig h te a t-ink it., o p e nc o n c e p t, 3b d rm /m s tr $299,900. M ust see for em pty nesters. 1593 sq ft 2 o ffe rse n s u ite&W /l c lo s e t. G ro u n dfl. F R w /otop riv a tefe n c e dg a rd e n .H rd w d , bdrm s + den - 2 full baths insuite laundry room · 2 parking aTM 5 0o z. b ro a d lo o mth ru -o u t, s e c u ritys y s te m ,C /A ,q a ra q ee n try&m o re . ^ mP ^e kitclien ` upgraded LR /D R& walkout to balcony. BETTY LACHAPELLE (90S) 469-1818 blachapelle@prudentiahownrealty.com KAREN & GLEN N M AR TIN (90S) 338-6550 glenn@glennmartin.ca HAWTHORNE VILLAGE MILTON $l,300./mth Comfortable 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath townhome on quiet street. Includes all appls. Avail, immed. Call for more info. MIKE MORETTI (905) 338-6550 [905) 33 8 -6 5 5 0 nt.com M IKE MORETTI (90S) 338-6550 mail@mikemoretti.com mail@milcemoretti. com RIVER OAKS RENTAL $l,350./mth Well maintained & clean home. 3 bdrm, master ensuite, main floor family room. Large rooms. Ideal location. Immed. occupancy available. ^ " 11 Je n in a nicely jme lake views. i space on a lower floor, I M B B B H W i-' - - ' ' ~ I MASTER BDRM www.glennmarHn.ca FOR PICS ENNISCLARE - GREAT LAKE VIEWS $389,900. GreaKS bdrm bungalow on quiet street. KAREN & GLEN N M AR TIN (905) 3 3 8-6 55 0 glenn@glennmartin.ca $397,500. Corner unit with 2 bdrms + den. PETER H O IB A K (905) 338-6550 ahoi@sympatico.ca Finished basement, dble garage, updated windows, Fireplace in living room. 1557 sq. ft. Ideal woodburning fireplace. Great yard - ideal family homg. for aownsizer. TRENDY BRONTE WOODS $ 4 2 9,9 0 0 . Fully finished basement, two tier deck & hot tub, child friendly, street, 4 bdrm, 2 storey, 3 baths, G.F. family room & lots more! 238 POOLE DRIVE $4 3 9,9 0 0 . S p a c io u s4b d rmh o m eo nq u ie ts tre e t, w a lkin gd is ta n c e toR iv e rO a k sS c h o o l. H rd w dfirs ,c e ra m ic s ,n e wfu rn a c e&s h in g le sin'05, p ro f. fin .b s m n tw ith4 thb a th&2 n dF P .M o ve -inco n d itio n&fre s h lyp a in te d . NADA PAVLOVIC (905) 338-6550 w w w .n a cfa 123.com 338-6550 BETTY LACHAPELLE 1905) 4 6 9-1818 blachapeMprvdenfhltownreany.com JU D I B R O KK IN G 905-46 9 -1 8 18 jbrokking@cogeco.ca FOR REN1 updat ed bungalow, ^ W T T i ^ p p in g and tr a n s p o r ta tii^ ^ ^ jl^ p r busy p ro fe s s io n a l'ifllp p itic a n t! $ 1.450. / OPEN HOUSE i SUNDAY 2-4 is ® * ! DAN DELIC (905) 338-6550 EXECUTIVE RENTAL $l,850./mth 2 bdrm, 2 bath, lakefront condo. Overlooking Bronte Harbour, new carpet, new appliances (5). Double garage with door opener. DALE ATHAY (905) 338-6550 athayd I @gmaiLconi 2700 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 9,900. Elegance in Wood's! Gorgeous tdmy in Joshua }k area, 4 bdrm, bath. Numerous rades, backing onto sted green space, a t see, shows 10+ NEW O P E N H O USE S U N D A Y 2 -4 $ 2 2 5 0 ./ m ijH H * gonrv - 2700 sq ft with h r d w r ^ fi- V i4f f i s thru-out. Large eat-in k i t c h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l o o r laundry double car g d rfp F C a ll for details. KAREN & GLENN MARTIN (905) 338-6550 lcaren@glennmartin.ca COLLEGE PARK RENTAL VIEW PICS § WWW.OAKVlllEFINIHOMiS.CA $2>600/mth Huge 4 bdrm home located on a quiet court. Backing onto park. A pprox 2,800 sq ft. Min. 1 year lease, available immediately. IAN HALLFORD (905) 338-6550 1075 MELVIN AVE. $ 1 ,0 5 0 ,0 0 0 . Stone & stucco exterior. 4 bdrms & 4.1 baths. Quality features thru-out. Hrdwd, granite, crown moulding & more. Fabulously finished lower level. RRAY DONALD !) 469-655 0 iymcdonald@sympatico.c< FABE FEDRIGO (905) 338-6550 ffedrigo@globalserve. net w w w . ianhallford. com mS* FABE FEDR IGO * HEATHER FENTON* MARY-ANNE FIELD* PETER FULLER* BRANDON FLEMING* CATHERINE GARANT* IAN HALLFORD* PATRICIA HARRINGTON* PETER HOIBAK* JOAN HOLLINGS* BERNETOHOTRUM* MARIA KASZOWSKI* A N N K IN G * BETTY LACHAPELLE* GSTER* DIANE SCANZANO* ANGIE SCHIAVONE* BILL SCHIAVONE* ANDREA SEVEN TH * CHRIS SEVENTIKIDIS* CATHERINE SIMMONS* LAURA SMYTHE* JANINA SOSNOWSKI* DO N N A STARK* MICHAEIJTOTHERS ;er 'Sales Representative W W W . P t U (I 6 II t \ d I 1 O W II f e O I t V . C O III