The Oakville Beaver Weekend, S aturday M arch 4, 2006 - 17 INTERNATIONAL W OM EN'S DAY International W omen's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by w om en's groups around the w orld. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. When wom en on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguis tic,, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their day, they can look back to a tradition th a t represents at least nine decades o f struggle fo r equality, justice, peace and development. International W omen's Day is the story o f ordinary wom en . It is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of w om en to participate in society on an equal foo tin g w ith men. International Women's Day is a global celebra tion fo r the economic, political and social achievements o f women, The participants appearing in this special feature salute the efforts o f all wom en. As promi nent business managers, owners,employees, individuals active* in their community, mothers and daughters- we invite you to learn a little bit about these incredible local wom en. THE OAKVILLE ZONTA CLUB The Oakville Zonta Club actively undertakes projects which address women's economic self-sufficiency, educa tion, security, and health both within the community and on an'international level. Visit to find out more about our fund-raising projects locally and Internationally, upcoming special events, other initia tives and for details on how you can join Zonta. Thank you to all who attended and sponsored our March 2nd event. Thanks to you, it was a huge success. ATHENA OAKVILLE ATHENA O akville celebrates th e p o te n tia l o f all w o m e n as valued leaders. T hro ugh th e ATHENA A w ard w e recognize men and w o m e n w h o have achieved professional excellence, given back to th e co m m u n ity and m ost im p o rta n tly assisted w o m e n in realizing th e ir leadership p o te n tia l. N om inations w ill be accepted u n til M ay 15 fo r th e 10th ATHENA A w ard recipient. To d o w n lo a d a n o m in a tio n package, go to w w w .ath enaoa o r phone 905 467 7919 fo r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n . 1011 Upper Middle Rd. Suite 1332 Oakville 905-467-7919 e-mail: w w w .zo n ta o a k ville .co m W E L L N E S S "Transforming Globa! Wellness" B Y D E S IG N C a th e r in e B o b e s ic h With a proven track record in the health and wellness field, Catherine believes there are 7 key areas of wellness that link like a puzzle. She can teach you how to balance: · · · · Family" Social Life Intellectual Development Environment · Physical Wellness · Inner Self · Finances v After conquering her own personal health challenge, Catherine knows first hand how to achieve ultimate health. Call Catherine today to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle or to join her . successful team of wellness coaches. The central face at the heart of Inside Story Fine Lingerie, Lida Lisney continues to enjoy the gratifying feeling of help ing women to look their best while experiencing the sense of genuine self confidence and lasting comfort that we all seek. Today, Lida is reaching out to women in need with her upcom ing fittings for residents of shelters who may not otherwise have access to life's needed essentials. "Through the generosity of our customers" Lida explains, "we will soon be able to reach out to those who need our help the most." INSIDE STORY fine lin g e rie L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR & NOTARY Serving the Oakville com m unity fo r over 21 years, family law profes sional Kathryn S. Naumets provides quality legal service to the local community. Areas o f service include: seperation agreements, divorce consultation, custody, support, marriage contracts and common law agreements. Her office also provides real estate and w ill and estate services. Kathryn is active in the com m unity and was voted as one of Oakville's best lawyers in the 2004 Oakville Beaver Readers Selection. To dicuss your needs call Kathryn today. KATHRYN S. NAUMETZ Canadian women have accomplished great things in their communities, their country and around the world. I encourage you to recognize what they have accomplished to promote gender equality, and to build Canada into the country it is today. ^ . Let us celebrate the contribution _ Ip iW women have made, and continue to make, to enhance the quality of life V illi all of us enjoy. m p , o a k v i l l e BONNIE BROWN, M P. D|l|llRfI|! DHU 263 Church St., O a kville · Phone 905-845-2241 Phone: 905-827-2077 · Fax: 905-827-7516 · Email: brow nb@ o vj w a x M o f fro m m / v /Q e t connected. Be inspired. Energize your Life. CHARLA SEVITTI For nearly 9 years, Charla Sevitti has been proud to work with ADECCO to offer Human Resources solutions to their clients throughout Oakville and beyond. As a Permanent Placement Consultant Charla brings together the right people with the right jobs in fields as diverse as accounting and administration, all the way to engineering and operation management. A dedicated believer in the value of mentors, Charla herself thanks her Branch Manager Vid Prosser for guiding her early development and helping her on the way to her current place within the community. - ANNE DAY As women, our lives are like a tapestry, made up of different threads, all woven into the fabric of who we are and who we can become. Through Company of Women, we wish to weave wisdom, warmth and wellness into your everyday life. We want to inspire you to achieve your full potential and to realize your dreams. Our dream is that Company of Women will act as a catalyst to bring | people and businesses together and th a t together we can make a difference in the lives of others. C Adecccr 700 D orval Dr., #11 · Phone 905-845-5173 · Fax 905-842-6468 · w w w