Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Apr 1953, B5

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Thursday, April 30th, 1953 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 5 MAGNET INN MOTEL SLEEPING ROOMS, .. IN COURT THIS WEEK .. Arreste^' by Police Chief Leonard Brown while causing a disturbance at the comer of Col bome and Thomas Streets on April 16, John Bell, of Toronto, appeared before Magistrate Ken neth Langdon in police court on Thursday morning to answer to an intoxication charge. He plead ed not guilty. Veering A Bit "He was staggering around," said the chief in giving evidence. "I asked him where he was going, and he became abusive and start ed to curse and swear." Bell was fined $10 plus $10 costs, or ten days in jail. A charge of having liquor in a place other than a private residence faced Clayton Cassidy. He pleaded guilty. Provincial Constable A. Fisher, who laid the charge, told the court that on April 18, he searched a car on the Queen Elizabeth highway two miles west of Merton bridge, and found a bottle of whisky which had been opened. The ac cused, a passenger in the car, admitted the bottle belonged to him. After hearing the officer's evidence, Magistrate Langdon im posed a penalty of $10 plus $ 11 costs or one month's imprisonmen£. and ordered the liquor- con fiscated. Mishap Sequel As an outcome of an accident at Fisher's Comers, west of Bur lington, on March 29, O. Hugh Davis of Hamilton was charged with careless driving. Thomas Kennedy of Niagara Falls, owner of the other car involved, was the complainant. After hearing his evidence and that of Provin cial Constable Duncan, who in vestigated the case, the magis trate registered a conviction and fined the accused $10 and $21 costs or 15 days. C o u l d n 't H e a r CUTTING A MOLE- IN EACl4 B ® -. DOU8LE THE UME, PUSM IT THROUGH TUB H o l e s amd loop o v e r THE ENOS OF THE FLOAT. 1 IT CAN BE READILY A d ju sted for different FtSHINS PEPTHS INCREASE TOWN'S STOCK OF PARK BENCHES BY FORTY Grass is green in Oakville's parks, which have been nicely tidied by parks board employees in readiness for the spring and summer months. There will be plenty of accommodation for people who wish to sit and enjoy the sunshine and the surround ings. During the winter months, park workers made no less than forty sturdy benches, with con crete frames, which makes a total of ninety. Most of the benches have been placed in Lakeside Park and George's Square, while some have been set out at street comers in the business district so that shoppers may rest. A number of picnic tables, made by the parks employees, have been placed in the parks. At Lakeside Park a new comfort station is nearing completion and should be ready shortly. CABINS, COTTAGES Furnished, housekeep· ing. PHONE BRONTE 106 T O DISJOINT A ROD THAT IS STUCK, P U C E VOOB HANDS ON EACH SIDE OF THE STUCK JOINT. HAVE YOUR PARTNER (STAND ING FACING VtXJ) PLACE HIS HANDS ON TOP OF YOURS. BOTH PULL TOGETHER AND THE ROD WILL SEPARATE WITHOUT DAMAGE. WORKING FROM BOTH SIDES EQUALI2ES THE STRAIN EVENING OR WEEK-END WORK REQUIRED T R Y THIS THE NEXT TIME VOUR BAIT BECOMES SNAGGED Builders, Contractors, Home Owners! WATCH FOR THE 0PEHIHG OF ACE L U M B E R LTD. IF IT S QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY, EAST OF DUNDAS ST., NORTH The partial deafness of Victor C. Head, of Toronto, a witness, occasioned considerable difficulty ; for Crown Attorney Lloyd Dingle ; in the case of Thomas J. Good man, charged with careless driv ing in Nelson Township "Jin March 24. It was only with a great effort on the Crown's part that the wit ness could be made to under stand his questions. The witness ' stated the accused drove out from | behind a truck and collided with his car. A conviction was regis| tered, and Goodman was fined 1$15 and $17 costs or 15 days. On a charge of failing to file inIcome tax returns for last year, Thelma Brown was fined $25, plus $7.50 costs, or 15 days. EXPERT PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, ALL TYPES OF CARPENTRY, REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Telephone Any Evening n in g A After i 6 p.m. 2728- -7 > IF HO HELP IS AVAILABLE,SlTON TW6 GROUND WITH YOUR KNEES UP AND TO GETHER. GRASP THE ROD FIRMLY ON EACH SIDE OF THE STUCK JOINT AND, WITH YOUR HANDS SET CLOSELY AGAINST YOUR KNEES, SPREAD YOUR KNEES APART A DIRECT AND POWERFUL PULL CAN BE APPLIED THIS WAY HOLDING Vt&R LINE TAUT, LET THE SINKER AND RING SLIDE DOWN TO THE SNAG. A FEW JERKS OF THE SPARE LINE WILL ALMOST ALWAYS FREE X3UR BAIT COMPARE VIEWS . Illlllllllllllllll, BRONTE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION LT.-COL. FORTH (Continued from page 4) school, but we can fit a lad for a ADDRESSES high income profession if he has the stuff." CLUB BILL FRY, sec.-treas., O.R.F.U. , KIWANIS --"Football is finally catching on Guest speaker at the Kiwanis in smaller centres, and the big Club meeting Thursday night was clubs are now backing the inter i Lt.-Colonel the Rev. J. W. Forth, mediates in financing national chief Padre of Central Command, nals. Your Knights will have to who is stationed at Ortona Bar persevere a t t h e beginning, racks. though. C o b o u r g Galloping Colonel Forth's subject was Ghosts went 13 games before their first victory after they start "The Clergy in Battledress' and ed in 1937. But this town of un ,he gave an interesting outline of der 6,000 has since won several the work which the Padres are titles. Among our better clubs, |doing in the armed forces, and we are now playing the equiva I especially in Korea. He stated lent of intercollegiate football, |that the use of Padres during a and we'll go on improving. But |time of peace was adopted for we must guard against packing (l the first time following the Secteams. The best help the big 1 ond World War and beginning clubs can give us is the providing with only twelve. The number has since been increased to over of good coaching." BOB McKAY, former Calgary sixty on active duty. Stampeder and Black Knight Duriag the Second Great War, coach -- "It will be rugged going the Canadian Padre Corps sufhere at first, but we've got plans! fered the highest percentage of Why, Annis Stukus is busy scout' i casualties of any fighting service, ing the east for his new club, losing 10 killed and 27 wounded. yet I have a lad coming down Decorations included a V.C. win from Vancouver to play for us!" ner, the first time a Padre has been awarded this honour. S £ s * r WE HAVE HERB WATERFIELD (Formerly with Forster Construction) Residence Phone 118-M IT PHONE 2490 COMPLETE LIKE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Applications will be received for the position of bookkeeper and meter reader for the Public Utilities Commission of the Vil lage of Bronte. Apply in own hand-writing only, stating age and experience. References re quired. No reply received after May 9, 1953, will be considered. Further details may be obtained by telephoning Bronte 235 be tween the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12 noon. c23 To Finish That Recreation Or Living Room Red Cedar Knotty Paneling FOR THE CEILING Ten-Test Ceiling Squares FOR THE WALLS M" -- 48 x 96 Fur Plywood W -- 48 x 96 Fur Plywood % " -- 48 x 96 Poplar Plywood 4 x 8 Ft. Sheet Barker Tile Board 4 x 4" Plastic Wall Tiles FOR THE FLOOR Royalite Rubber Tile, Jaspe, Marboleum Handecraft, Battleship Linoleum. Sparkling Colors and Attractive Patterns CALL 26-W TODAY! Truck Cab fJ l omefhing/ Oaks Found It Damp & Chilly! The weatherman didn't co operate too fully with coach Norman Carter last weekend, when the Oaks' mentor sent out a call for the initial workout of the local inter mediates. However, more than a dozen candidates turn out to work out a few of the winter's kinks, and Carter will have them at it again on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, as well as Sunday afternoon, until the season opens here May 18. Norm will welcome any and all candidates who would like to try out for a spot on the squad--the more the merrier, says he. In closing, Color.J Forth -"amed of the danger to,our way of life which public indifference to freedom of speech and religion engenders. He stated that this apathy is an even greater peril than Communism. FRANK T. BEECRAFT PLANING MILL AND LUMBER Bronte Ontario COMPLETE CHANGE-OVER SERVICE LET US MAKE YOUR CAR READY FOR u SPRING ! TRUCK CAB EVER Now . . . Ford Truck Engineering Introduces New Driverized Cabs Here's the newest, most advanced id e a in truck design . . . d r iv e r iz e d C a b s -- planned with the driver in m i n d . . . designed to reduce fatigue, strain and discomfort . . . built to promote greater driving ease and higher efficiency. Check over the ·11-new driving features . . . see far you rself how D riv erik ed Design makes Ford Economy Trucks the most comfortable, most efficient trucks on the road--the best trucks to drive from the driver's point qf view! N EW V IS IB ILITY A L L A R O U N D N e w on e -p ie ce curved w in d sh ield with an increase o f m ore than 5 0 % in glass area gives w id e-an g le visibility fo r safer d rivin g, Full-width rear w in d o w -- o v e r 4 fe?t w id e -- and b ig g e r sid e w in d o w s give an increase o f 1 9 % in all-rou nd visibility. N EW C O M FO R T S EAT Finest truck seat ever built-- o v e r a full 5 feet wide with non sag sp rin g s -- provides roomy c o m fo rt fo r three men. New built-in s h o ck snubbers smooth out roughest bum ps. Seat adjusts fo rw a rd and back -- seat-back angle also adjustable. N E W CAB P O S IT IO N New forward posi tioning o f engine and cab over the lacager, softer, more flexible fron t sp rings gives g r e a t ly im p r o v e d driver comfort. SUPER SERVICE, SUPER COURTEOUS, SUPER QUALITY Norm Guerin YOUR ESSO DEALER Atlas Tires--Batteries-- Accessories PHONE 1514 Colbome & Dundas Sts* Oakville HE WAS ANNOYED! A Newark, N.J., man won a divorce when he explained to the court that he had though the man who moved into his house right after his marriage was his brother-in-law, but discovered after ten years he was actually his wife's first husband. P L U S THESE N E W FEATURES OF DRIVERIZED CAB DESIGN · · · · · · · · Larger side windows with sills at arm-rest length! Wider doors open right out for easier entrance! New insulation seals against engine noise, heat and fumes! New roto-type door locks. . . quieter, safer, more durable! New fully weather-sealed construction. . . dust-tight, fume-tight, water-tight! New curved Instrument panel with easy-to-read " Cockpit" cluster! New heating and ventilating system for added all-weather comfort! New push-button door handles. . . easy to operate, more dependable! F R O M G R IL L E S TO G L A SS New ideas in bank premises are designed to give you speedier, more convenient service. They are part o f the easy , informal way you like to do your banking. Gtfnplefely N EW -for'£ 3 M E W STEERIN SE A SE Shorter wheelbases u d wider front treads make all `33 Ford Trucks easier to steer than ever before . . . shorter turning radius . . . more manoeuvra bility . . . greater front-end stability. F O R SM OOTH HANDLINt Famous Ford V-S engines deliver plenty o f lively power for tonph hauls . . . sive smooth, depend able performance mile after l tFFORUESS SYN C H R O- SILE N T SHIFTING -- Synchro-Silent Shifting on all models means much lest effort for the driver, smoother operation in traffic. Automatic Transmission* and Overdrive* available in all F-100 Series. (* at extra cost). Canada's chartered banks -- built on sound banking practice -- continually adapt their services to meet (art/ more and carty rf farther.. . for evdt trucxinc dollar S t i r l i n g ; - O y n . e s TTt d , COLBORNE AT NAVY STS. J ,: _ changing expanding needs. , FORD -- M O N A R C H DEALERS PHONE 800 T H E B A N K S S E R V IN G Y O U R C O M M U N IT Y LO O K FOR THE J f g l ^ S I G N OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED TRUCK-SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER

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