Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 30 Apr 1953, B8

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Page. 8 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, April 30th, 1953 L E G A L NOTICES P.F.M.-999 IN THE MATTER OF Section 390 of "The Municipal Act" (R.SP. 1950, Chapter 243), - and IN THE MATTER OF an ap plication of the Corporation of the Township of Trafalgar for ap proval of its restricted area By law Number 1953-15 intituled: "A By-law to provide for the set back of buildings on certain roads." APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thurs day, the Thirtieth day of April, AJD., 1953 at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon (Local Time), at the Township Hall of the Township of Trafalgar, for the hearing of all parties interested in support of or opposing this application. DATED at Toronto this 8th day of April, A D . 1953. M. B. Sanderson, ATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT "Structure" as used in this By-law shall mean and include all buildings, outbuild ings, footings, foundations, or any equipment affixed to the ground on posts, piers or otherwise. 2 THAT no part of any struc ture shall be erected on any of the roads set out in Schedule "A " attached hereto, closer to the road allowance than fifty (50) feet. This By-law shall apply to both frontages on any comer abutting on two roads. 3. THAT any person convicted on any offence under this By-law shall be subject, at the discretion of the convicting magistrate to a penalty not exceeding $50.00 for the first offence, exclusive of costs, recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. 4. THAT By-law number 1953-4 ^Secretary. be and the same is hereby re TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR pealed. BY-LAW NO. 1953-15 READ a first, second and third A By-law to provide for the time this 16th day of March, A.D. setback of certain buildings 1953. on certain roads. E. F. Ford, Reeve. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL S. A. Featherstone, Clerk. OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPOR 10c per D A Y BUYS OR RENTS A Modern " ICE" Refrigerator HILLMERS FUEL & ICE CO. Phone 23 OAKVILLE DAIRY'S MILK IS EVEN BETTER IN MAY AND JUNE! SCHEDULE IRVEN FELL'S DESCENT BY FOR BUILDING SETBACKS TWO STAGES BY-LAW NO. 1953-15 NORTH AND SOUTH COUNTY & TOWNSHIP ROADS By LOUISE THOMPSON (1) On the jj^ast side of that There are many fascinating Henry Street Settlement School portion of opened Town Line places to go and wonderful things is enormous, being three hundRoad between Nelson and Tra to see on a visit to New York dred thousand dollars annually. falgar Township from Lake City, but none of them are more This sum seems absolutely fan Ontario Shore on the South to interesting or rewarding to the tastic, and it is almost unbeliev Town Line between Esquesing inquisitive musician than a sys able that so much money is and Trafalgar Township on the tematic tour of the non-profes yearly contributed by private North. sional music schools. In the bigger donations to one school. But peo (2) On No. 1 Line Road from cities of the eastern United ple from all over the city come the Base Line Road on the South States the public have become here; every race and every creed to the Town Line Road between so aware of the importance of is represented. There are wonder Esquesing and Trafalgar Town music that the music schools are ful opportunities in this centre. ship on the North. Excluding that divided into two distinct groups. The finest teachers in New York portion within the Town Limits The professional school is the are available to advanced stu of Milton. first of these, and caters only to dents. Concerts are given at (3) On No. 2 Line Road from those students who wish to make regular intervals by both students the North Limits of Bronte on music their career. The other and staff. Adults are encouraged the South to No. 5 Highway on group includes all the non-pro to study, love and understand the North and from Given Road fessional schools, and these serve music, and they hold round table on the South to the Town Line the general public. Both these discussions on many problems between Esquesing and Trafalgar groups have their own special confronting the amateur. The Township on the North not in rations and do not overlap. In doors of this school and all of cluding that portion within the many ways they really comp the non-professional schools are Town Limits of Milton. open to those who love music. lement one another. > (4) On the opened portion of The students who have exception Line Road No. 3 from the Lake In New York there are two Looking like washing hung on al ability and the required back Ontario Shore Line on the South a line, a parachute hangs from w o r l d f a m o u s professional ground are eventually sent on to to the Town Line Road between two spruce trees in Canada's schools. One of them is the great the Julliard School and given Esquesing and Trafalgar Town North West Territories, a remind Julliard School, an affiliated financial assistance when neces ship on thlj North. er of the hazards of parachuting. branch of Columbia University, sary to enable them to continue (5) On the Given Road from A young paratrooper participat and the other is the Manhattan their studies. These non-profes the Upper Middle Road on the l( ing in Exercise Bulldog, the joint School of music, which has re sional schools are a boon to the South to No. 5 Queen's Highway | Army-R.C.A.F. manoeuvre to test cently become professional and music loving public of New York, on the North. Canada's northern defences, drop is probably more experimental in and serve it well. There is ( 6) On the Fourth Line from ! ped into the trees and had to its outlook and trends. nothing like them in this country. the Lake Ontario Shore on the lower himself by emergency rope It is in one or other of these *·»>*** South to the Upper Middle Road to the ground 18 feet below. institutions that the ambitious on the North and from No. 5 If A. C. Boyce, 130 Douglas musician enrolls, and thereby Queen's Highway on the South Ave., will call in at Lofquist's places upon himself the obliga to the Town Line between SKY SPOTTER tion to become a professional record bar, he will be presented Esquesing and Trafalgar Town A fire alarm for a burning musician. There is a seriousness with a Red Seal record with the ship on the North. building in Syracuse, New York, attached to this professional compliments of the Journal. (7) On the Fifth Line Road from the Base Line Road on the was turned in by a commercial training that is beyond the comp South to the Town Line between airlines pilot who spotted it from rehension of our Canadian public. That which is past is gone and Esquesing and Trafalgar Town his plane and relayed the mes These people, students and teach irrevocable. Wise men have en sage to the fire department ers, alike, literally dedicate ship on the North. ough to do with things present ( 8) On the Sixth Line Road through the local control tower, themselves to the pursuit of and to come. music in much the same way from the Queen Elizabeth High way on the South to the Town |Road from the East Limits of the that a doctor dedicates his life Line between Esquesing and Tra- Town of Milton on the West to to the serious study of medicine. No half way measures are toler falgar Township on the North. |the Fifth Line Road on the East. (9) On the Seventh Line from | (3) On No. Ten Side Road from ated. A teacher in the Julliard School once explained to a novice the Queen Elizabeth Highway on the Town Line Road of Nelson that in order to succeed even the South to the Town Line be- i Township on the West to the tween Esquesing and Trafalgar ^Town Line Road of Toronto moderately well a student must "eat, sleep, breathe and think Township on the North. ! Township on the East. of nothing but music." It is a (10) On the Eighth Line from | (4) On No. Five Side Road fanatical belief, but it is the pro WE TELL OUR STAFF: Lake Ontario on the South not t ' from the Town Line Road of fessional musician's creed. He including that portion within the ,1 Nelson Township on the West to Make e v e r y customer Town, of Oakville to No. 5 ( l the Town Line Road of Toronto lives by it. The non-professional music feel he is a guest. This Queen's Highway on the North ' Township on the East. school has quite a different and on the Eighth Line from the (5) On the Base Line Road Back Concession Road on the from the Town Line Road of approach, for it is the institution South to the Base Line Road on Nelson Township on the West to that caters to the needs of the the North and on the Eighth Line Town Line Road of Toronto public. In New York City there are several of these schools quite from the Base Line Road on the Township on the East. independent of one another. The South to the Town Line between (6) On the opened portion of most famous and important ones Esquesing and Trafalgar Town the Back Concession Road from are the Henry Street Settlement ship on the North. (11) Oii' the Ninth Line from the Town Line Road of Nelson Music School, the Greenwich e Shore of Lake Ontario on Township on the West to the Village Music School and the means that we insist on the South to the Town Line be-1 the Town Line Road of Toronto Turtle Bay Music School. They are well established and raise preparing food the way tween Esquesing and Trafalgar Township on the Eastl their own funds by private sub (7) On the opened portion 0f Township on the North. scription. The budget of the you like i t . . . from a filet the Upper Middle Road from (12) On the Tenth Line from mignon to a cup of cof the Base Line Road on the South the Town Line Road (vicinity) to the Town Line Road between of Nelson Township on the West fee. Apd on serving you Esquesing and Trafalgar Town to the Queen Elizabeth Highway FOR (Queen's Highway) on the East. ship on the North. MUSIC ALB U M ANOTHER MILESTONE PASSED Specialized real Estate and Insurance Service to the residents of Oakville and District has been our business for 50 years. This well-established background of knowledge and experience combined with dependable service is yours for the asking. W. S. DAVIS & SONS Realtors 63 Colborne St. E. Telephone Oakville 40 " SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY" (SEE REAL ESTATE ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 8) FAMOUS FOR COURTESY ; . . yet, the ONLY one that gives you ALL these fine features! When you add Ferguson's unusually h ig h -q u ality standards to these features --and the many others you will see in an actual demon stration on your farm--we know y o u ' ll agree that although you can buy a cheaper tractor, you can't buy a better tractor at any price. Ask for a demonstration on your farm. Find out for yourself why so many others have tried to copy the fea tures of the revolutionary Ferguson Tractor. · Built-In Hydraulic System · A u to m atic Implem ent Protection · Finger Tip Implem ent Control · Autom atic Steering A lig n m e n t · 3 -Point C onv erging Im plem ent Lin kage · Autom atic Draft Control · Traction W ithout Built-In W e ig h t · Special Valve-inH e a d Engine . . . plus m a n y m orel 1 Y o u ' ll Love I t ' s SPRINGTIME FLAVOR! CALL 285 FOR d e l iv e r y Oakville Dairy's Milk is a treat all year long . . . but it is at its wonderful BEST in the springtime! You will love its rich wholsomeness . . . its uniform purity and flavor. Try it to morrow! (13) On the West side of the Town Line between Toronto Township and Trafalgar Town ship from the shore of Lake On tario to the Town Line between Esquesing and Trafalgar Town ship on the North. p SCHEDULE FOR BUILDING SETBACKS BY-LAW NO. 1953-15 EAST AND WEST COUNTY & TOWNSHIP ROADS (1) The South side of the Town ship Concession Road between Esquesing and Trafalgar Towngar Township from the Town Line of Nelson Township on the West to the Town Line of Toronto Township on the East. (2) Given Road from Nelson Town Line on the West to the West limits of the Town of Milton on the East and on the Given ( 8) On the Lower Middle Road from the Queen Elizabeth Way on the West to the Town Line Road of Toronto Township on the East. (9) On the Radial Road (Re becca Street) from the Town Line Road of Nelson Township on the West to the Fourth Line Road on the East. with smiling courtesy. AT THE . WHITAKER & SONS DODGE - DESOTO SALES & SERVICE Station Road -- Phone 141 DINE OUT TO-NIGHT -- SEE -- CHAS. F. DOTY AND SON Dundas St. N. : Phone 76 IRIVERSDDi LCD C l / CATERING TO / WEDDINGS. :; ' BANQUETS · < A N D PARTIES Formerly Oakville Inn OAKVILLE, ONT. PHONE 356 FERGUSON SYSTEM m a k e s the DIFFERENCE! yitTmnr-" --^-i rn a ira n q T r T F"r:'l n! in wu);t* l iu 'M g3B sn t 1 OAKVILLE DAIRY LIMITED 35 Colbome St. Oakville S P R I N G T I M E I * .... BICYCLE TIME WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL STANDARD QUEEN ELIZABETH MOTEL ON THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HIGHWAY BICYCLE Its Yours For $5.00 Down and Easy Weekly Payments WE CARRY A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF OAKVILLE Detween 6th Line and Dundas Street PHONE 2473 O A K V I L L E ' S NEW, SPACIOUS, U L T R A - M O D E R N M O T E L CONGRATULATIONS AND DEST WISHES TO JACOB BOYKO, MICHAEL MUTZAK, JOHN M0SKALYK Mi l o r g a n i t e IDEAL LAWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZER 25 lbs. $1.75 -------- 50 lbs. $2.75 On The Opening Of Their Fine, New, Modern Motel Community Hardware BUILDERS' AND HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE 65 Inglehart Oakville Phone 1288 MONARCH FLOOR COVERING LTD. DISTRICT MANAGER AL. WEAVER PHONE HUDSON 84947 573 BAYVIEW AVE., TORONTO, ONT.

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