D ally Jau rn al-R ecord P r o g r e w Edition, T ues., M arch 30, 196® T R A D E T A LK S IN CANTON Following the Chinese custom of talking business over many courses of dinner, the honor able Stanley J. Randall, On tario Minister of Economics and Development (right) dis cusses ways and m eans of in creasing trade between Ca nada and China, with Yen YiTsun, a top official of the Can ton Export Commodities Fair. Mr. Randall, who visited China for three days on his tour of the F a r East, was told that an Ontario Sales Mission would be welcomed in China. Cast Iron Soil Pipe is completely resistant to sew age chemicals. Only Cast Iron stood the test of time under the severest conditions and it is the only soil pipe which is universally accepted by every plumbing-building code in Canada and The United States, For homes, commercial and indus* trial building. Halton s 2 Heart Future Phones Oakville 845-2873-4 Toronto 925-3813-4 OAKVILLE, ONTARIO Foundry -- 148 Cross Avenue lim ited COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT TO