Daily Journal Record, 30 Mar 1965, p. 14

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D aily Journal-Record P ro g re ss Edition, Tues., M arch 30, 1965 INDUSTRIAL GIANTS MEMBERS OF SPACE-AGE COMMUNITY ritffW li i ll ii i m m m^ PRODUCT BE8EARCH -- Con solidated Mining and Smelting Com pany of C anada Limited h a s located its new $1.5 mil* lion product research centre in the Sheridan P a rk commu nity. It is the first of its kind to be devoted exclusively to research on expanding tt>e use* for lead and zinc and develop* m g methods of m anufacture ot these m etals. NEW $4 MILLION B-A RESEARCH CENTRE FRONTS ON QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY OUTSIDE OAKVILLE The oil com pany centre w as first Sheridan P a rk R esearch Community project to be completed. ORF IS CORE OF DEVELOPMENT New Research Community Is Called Ontario's Doorway To The Future » E nergy in Motion is an ex pression used by scientists to sum up tlie fantastic, 339-acre Sheridan P a rk R esearch Centre of the O ntario R esearch Foun dation, now entering the 1865 spring phase of construction de velopment. International N 1 c k e l's re search laboratory is planned for the 1965 " s ta rts " at Sheridan, a s weU a s Abitibi P ow er and P a p e r C o m p a n y ' s building -w here research a n d develop m ent of new products in the paper and pulp industry will be centred. M any other m ajor in I/>cat«J on Jhe north side of dustrial, c h e m i c a l , elec the QEW, five m iles from down trical and sim ilar organizations town Oakville, the scope of the a re expcctcd to locate their own venture is so g reat it staggers research efforts a t this core of the im agination. And well it science as developm ent of the m ight, when it is rem em bered centre advances. the Ontario R esearch Founda B ritish A m erican Oil's re tion building alone will cost asearch centre is an exam ple of txxit $6,000,000 and joined in tie the com plexity of the units in research com m unity operation in the area . On a 40-acre lot a re the blue chip com panies of adjoining B. A. Oil has a fiveC anadian industry w ith millions building installation, costing S3.5 to spend on their specialized m illions and there is no indica form s of research in *heir own tion the com pany will stop at laboratories on the site. ' that achievem ent. Planned a i s o a s an adm ini With the O RF a s a core, the strative and com m ercial execu com m unity will a iso house a tive centre, a ten-storey office $1.6 million Consolidated Mining building is on the planning and Smilting Company m etal boards as a m ajo r unit of the research centre in tttie 2S.000 entire developm ent, i t will be the first of two such buildings planned over the future, so that when the first is fully occupied, a second will foUow in the p at tern of expansion of the whole project. T his phase of the schem e Is the project of United Lands Cor Now In ^its fifth y ea r of Oak | through an aggressive m arket- sign products In P aris. F rance poration which envisages t h e ville operations, W alter Nugent I ing arrangem ent involving 25 under license, and when Mr. first office building a t a cost of Designs Limited designers and . agent-salesm en across the bor Nugent joins the Ontario Gov not less than $2,000,000 w i t h producers of unique contem por der. ernm ent T rad e Mission delega 100,000 square feet of space. ary Canadian seating units and This upgrading of sales ef tion to Europe shortly he will P lan s include facilities which other furniture, is greatly exten fort accom panies establishm ent confer with possible licensee will m ake the office building the ding its already flourishing ex of Nugent show room s in New m anufacturers in E n g l a n d , only strictly com m ercial facility port business in 1965. on the site. It would offer aYork, Chicago, Boston. L o s F rance and G erm any. W alter Nugent, president of Angeles, Seattle and St. Louis. World acceptance of the Nu m enities such a s branch bank the firm which is iocated in a gent-designed products seem s ing, pharm acy services, a n d handsom e 10.000 square f o o t EUROPEAN MARKET assured. They have already even m ight have a s a tenant a E urope too is in the comp been bought by the Canadian catering service for the use of plant at 324 Wyecroft Road, says th a t exports of the Oakville an y 's plans for export. Negoti governm ent and a r e In use at tlie various research organiza products to the U.S. a re mount ations a re going on to establish Canadian em bassies and consu tions. ing steadily in volume, largely th e m anufacture of Nugent de- lates a t Lim a, P eru ; M arseilles. With the alm ost endless ra m i fications of facilities, scientific F rance: Helsinki, F inland; and and otherw ise, th e Ontario Re a t A nkara, Turkey. search Foundation itself will be BUSY PLANT the core and focus of attention After two expansion moves of all industrial groups large since locating in Oakville, to and sm all. The foundation ser allow for rising production the ves Ontario industry, from the firm is working a t full capac sm allest firm to the larg est and ity with 13 people in the Oak its equipm ent a t the new centre agencies from coast to coast, With Oakville loeated in t h e ville operation, and others busy will include tlie new est and la r centre of the biggest and bus the chain having grown from a t E lora, Streetsville and Galt gest com putation centres in tlie iest industrial and com m ercial the original office in N iagara producing p arts m ade to Nu world. a re a in Canada, it is not sur F alls in 1936. Oakville business gent specification. These a r e Tlie com puters will be linked prising th at a vital and nation- lias increased noticeably during shipped to Oakville for assem w ith the Dominion B ureau of wise custom house brokerage the last y ear, according to b ly . S tatistics in O ttaw a, the Bureau service has grown with t h e Charles B arbour, an official of P roducts a re of prestige de- of S tandards in W ashington and town, although relatively un the com pany, and other bran ' sign in m odem style in a class even to the T elstar satellite or known to the m an on the street. ches report a sim ilar trend. 1 described as uniquely Canadian, biting the earth . B o r d e r B rokers Ltd., 119 Function of the O .R .F., known Scandinavian furniture. F rom the tim e the com pany not George S treet is the n eiv e cen first serviced the growing move These products a re proving hi around the world for its ac tre here for v ast m ovem ents of m ent of freight by trucks from ghly popular in the U.S. The?.' hievem ents and aid to industry, both im port and export goods the U.S. 'into Canada it h a s have won N ational Industrial m anufacturers, the governm ent from and to Oakville, from extended to all " clearing points" Design Council aw ards, and are com bines r e s e a r c h f o r overseas and through its b ran in O ntario and Quebec. Then a fully protected by patent pro Industry' com m trcial f i r m s and its own projects, and it ac ches across Canada. It is a few y ea rs ago cam e the inland cesses here and abroad. highly specialized business com sufferance w arehouses such as bining die services of custo m the T rafalg ar W arehouse on the house brokers, px>l operators, North Service Road and B order international forw arders a n d B rokers expanded to include consultants to industry on these the w arehouse system in its specialized fields. system . square foot structure. It w as | com panies have allowed for fut one of th e Bret to join t h e u re expansion of their facilities parade of top-notch industry to ! with the resu lt th a t in m any the "Science Viiiage" and con- | cases only the initial units a re struction of its building, l i k e under construction o r completed. O .R.F. people see no end to those of the other com panies, is anyfcliing but a sim ple factory this phase of operations sim ply building job. All a rc intricately because scientific research is designed for research purposes a never-ending process and the and in a sense each is unique. buildings and equipm ent to con International Nickel Co. of Can tinue the work m ust be planned ad a and British A m erican Oil with all sorts of expansion ne Co. a re others am ong the first eds in mind at a later stage One of the world's leading to join the new centre but since pharm aceutical concerns, War last y ea r m ore have added to the txkie chip class of industry. ner-Lam bert, through its War ner-Lam bert R esearch Institute $19,000,000 COST FOR 1965 of Canada, is slated a s the sec The industrial spring building ond in the 1865 program of con program far 1965 begins at the struction operations; with work centre as a beehive <*f activity to follow on the research faci to create $19,000,000 worth of lities for Aiomic Energy new specialized building designed Canada Limited. The la tte r will for one param ount use -- scien house its Pow er P rojects Divi tific research . The Dunlop of sion in the new building a t Sher Canada centre is slated to lead idan P ark, a research and de off the current spring program velopment unit aim ed a t p r o with work on its $1,000,000 unit of viding uses of atom ic power in 20,000 square feet. N early all all industrial fields of activity. counted for an investm ent of S1.6 m illions in research in the last year. Its staff of 200 scien tists a r e currently q uartered in three houses scattered over the U niversity of Toronto cam pus, in a m odem laboratory near Queen's P a rk , and in a pilot ore dressing and process m etal lurgy division a t Rexdale. A feature of the Sheridan P a rk project is th a t m any of the m ost brilliant scientists and research ers in Canada, both O. R. F. and in priv ate industry, will be congreated in t h i s Oakville-Clarkson a re a . M o r e than th at, the 6,000 employees involved in the first phase of the operation will have a m ark ed effect on the a re a economy since they a re expected to have an annual payroll of about $42,000,000 and incomes two-and-ahalf tim es the national Canadian average. LOANS FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE! FINANCE M3 Cmrp St M5-3 W CORPORATION O A K V IL L E 3 1 1 f.rr ft. I 4S-21W P O R T C R E D IT I0 3 A Idktihor* U. L 2 7 41 3 5 1 Nugent Designs Makes Eyes At Growing Export Markets SPECIFIC ENGINEERING SKILLS Custom House Broker Service Flourishing In Oakville Area Representative Petroleum & Chemical Facilities C rude N ylon Gas P lants V is b re a k in g C a ta ly tic A lk y la tio n Lube O il T re a tin g R e fo rm in g D is tilla tio n R e frig e ra te d Propane Co B o ile rs A s p h a lt P la n ts H y d ro d e s u lp h u riz a tio n Udex P e tro le u m B u lk P lant# A m m o n ia F a c ilitie s Steam M e th a n t R e fo rm in g H o t O il H e a tin g C yclobexano ENGINEERS / f CONSTRUCTORS Representative General Engineering Facilities R e p rese n ta tive G eneral E n g in e e rin g F a c u ltie s L iq u id and Gas L o a d in g and U n lo a d in g P la n t In s tru m e n ta tio n M a in te n a n ce Shops W arehouses T a n k a g e and P ro d u c t H a n d lin g Fuel O il and Fuel Gas S ystem s B o lte r P la n ts C o o lin g T o w e rs E le c tric a l P ow er D is trib u tio n U t ilit y P ip in g F la re S ystem s NATION-WIDE Oakville offices a r e one of 45 B order B rokers' offices and NEAR AIRPORT Atwood Limited Expanded Plant Fifteen y ea rs growth a n d prospering business w i l l be m arked by J. M. Atwood Ltd. Wyecroft Rd., next June. The com pany moved here f r o m Clarkson when it w as found th a t increased space w as re quired for expanding operations. Although th e plant processes require a staff of only s i x employees thi* Is no gauge of its wide scope of business. Its chief product is m anufacturing im pregnating for castings un d e r the vacuum p ressu re sys tem to overcom e porosity in all types of m etal castings. The firm occupies 7.000 feet of space an d contracts h a v e been m ade w ith a num ber o f local industries in addition to a thriving export tra d e w ith the West Indies. B order B rokers officials say Oakville is fortunate in having an international a i r p o r t m iles asay and the firm h a s its own office established there a s well a s in Oakville. D irect service is offered by the firm a t Halifax, S t John, M ontreal, Toronto and H am il ton on o verseas im ports, of which Oakville industries t a k e advantage. The firm h as agen cies in m any other countries, and to lower a ir freight costs B order Brokers offers a ir con solidation services, o r p o o l services, from England a n d m ost w estern E uropean coun tries. Three y ea rs ago it began a d irect a ir service from J a pan to Canada. T he com pany's consulting di- vision, located in Toronto, han- [ dies a heavy volum e ot w o rk for Oakville industries, and for industries newly locating here the consulting division offers to solve custom s and tariff prob lem s even before the new con cern m akes the physical tran s fe r to Oakville. O ur staff o f 38 Engineers & Draftsmen is at your service F or you r future engineering work call DIES · FIXTURES 359 K err Street North DEVIEG BORING PLUS SPECIAL MACHINES 845-3372 OAKVILLE

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