Daily Journal Record, 30 Mar 1965, p. 16

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AN OAKVILLE FIRST -- This huge object leaving Oakville's P ro c cr plant resem bles p a rt of a space rocket but it is in fact th e first factory-built pulp di- g ester in Canada. Designed by P rocor engineers and built here, the digester is shown ready for shipm ent to D om tar's new S3.5 million pulp m ill at R ed Rock, Ont. of m eetings with M r. L a P ra irie and officials of the Gordon P e r due High School and the Oak ville B oard of Education. " If industry is to help m eet the objectives set out in t h e econom ic council report, t h e y m ust ac t now ra th e r than s i t back and w ait for som eone to com e and lead them by t h e h an d ," concludes M r. L aP rairie. This approach to the problem of educating w orkers for their own advancem ent in th e indus tria l age and the age of au to m ation, is typical of the com pany's steady progress since it Procor In-Plant Training Plan Prepares For Technical Future past. These increased ski 1 1 s require basic technical training for the new e n tra n ts to the la bor force and also required is continuous training of craftsm en and technicians now in industry. An Oakville industrial com Those m en m ust be helped t o pany, P rocor Lim ited long ago keep their skills a b re a st of ad vancing technology." em barked on its own program to achieve precisely w hat t h e We a r e very enthusiastic acouncil urges; creation of new bout our training program m e," jobs through learning to u s e adds Mr. L aP rairie. " During Canadian m anpow er m ore ef th e p ast four y ea rs we have been conducting courses i n fectively. welding, with excellent results, In the case of Procor, pro now we w ant to train our m en ducers of railw ay tank c a rs and owners of the largest tank c a r for jobs in the com pany that fleet in Canada (leased to ship a r e h a rd e r to fill in the O a kp ers of liquid products) t h e ville area , than w*elders. If this Oakville firm 's foresighted pol program m e is successful, w e icy is not only under w ay but will conduct m ore advanced courses in th e future." expanding with m arked success. The Econom ic Council of Can ad a in a recent report u r ged governm ent and private indus try to hasten expansionary pol icy to provide 1,500,000 n e w jobs by 1970. P rocor Lim ited, in c o o p e ra tion* with the Oakville board of education inaugurated a blue p rin t reading course for its em ployees. This course w*as open ed a t Gordon P erdue H i g h School early in Jan u ary , and at th a t tim e A. J . P aul I>a P rairfie, m anager of the m anufactur ing division of P rocor announ ced: MUST HAVE SKILLS `'The trend in industry today !s to hire men with g re a te r skills than those hired in t h e Tlie blueprint course Is con ducted by m em bers of the staff of Gordon P erd u e High School. P rocor is paying for the school ren tal, teach ers' and janitors' salaries, cost of m aterials and books required. The employees contribute th eir tim e. CLASS TOTALS 66 The sixty-six em ployees, divi ded into two groups attend ten sessions of three hours each, with each group attending o n altern ate Saturdays. Homework is not forgotten in that a minim um of four hours p e r bi-week of technological change. ly period will be required. E ach employee who volunte The benefits a re twro-fold. The ered for the course w as inter com pany gains m ore trained viewed and given a brief apti craftsm en. Tlie em ployees gain tude test. job and c a re e r security, im por T he subject m a tte r for t h e ta n t considerations in this year course wra s chosen a s a result ca m e to Oakvffle In 1965 and e r ected a m odem plant on the T hird Line. Since then m ore than 600 tank c a rs have come from the busy plant inciudi ng specialized c a rs to c a rry chlo rine, nitrogen fertilizer solution, and even whiskey, a s well as 33,500-gallon " Hot Dog" c a r s designed for tran sp o rt of liquid propane and anhydrous am m onia. F ew residents of Oakv i 1 1 e passing the P ro co r plant with a casual glance realize t h a t this com pany owns the largest fleet of railw ay tank c a rs i n C anada, m ore th an 8,000, some of which a r e l e a s e d to Oakville's three petroleum re fineries. O akville's growth a s an i ndustrial centre is nowiiere m ore applicable than in P ro c o r's his tory. As p a rt of a diversification policy P ro co r five y e a rs ago ac quired Sparling Tank and Man ufacturing C o m p a n y Limited m a k ers and erectors of p 1 ate m etal, and this not only allow ed P ro co r to broaden into the field of steel and nan-ferrous fabricating but to integrate the supply of tanks for its leasing operation. IMPRESSIVE RECORD Bully Jo u n w l-H w a rJ P ro g re w e d itio n . T u e .., M .reh SO, 19 «S But behind the P rocor story of expansion In Oakville lies an im pressive background of tank c a r building, m aintenance an d leasing. P ro co r and its prede cessor com pany, P roducts Tank Line of C anada lim ite d , have operated in C anada fo r m o r e than 36 y e a r s . M e t e o r OAKVILLE MOTORS (1963) LIMITED m e r c u r y FERRO W here Quality is Tradition PIONEERING BETTER PROCESSES, BETTER CONTROLS, BETTER EQUIPMENT FOR STILL BETTER PRODUCTS Serving our customers* needs is Ferro's principal business. Thait's why wc maintain modern produc tion facilities close by our customers* plants and an extensive field organization both unmatched in size or quality. Ferro Is proud to have set the pace in nearly every field of endeavor we have participated in. It en sures that we shall pursue with vigor the sound progressive policies of leadership which the com pany has followed over the years--to keep abreast of the changing industrial times by endless research and to constantly introduce new and better products. Dry Colours, Paste Colours, Gelcoats, Plastisols, Stabilizers for the Plasftics Industry Ceramic Oolouranits and Glazes, Porcelain Enamel for Sheet Steel Cast Iron and Aluminum. The names you see here take the gamble out of buying for you, the customer, and M e te o r M ER C U RY TRUCKS they' re our whole future in business. We all take the quality of these names for Q J J iy granted but it didn' t happen by accident. Millions of dollars and years of effort went into earning your confidence and keeping it. ANGLIA c ®N SU r M ER C U R Y TRUCKS Living up to these high standards is the constant objective of everyone at Oakville Motors. How in our second year it is grat ifying to note that more and more people are finding reason to trust us. \ ,t g - ® o v Ferro Enamels (Canada) Ltd . # Head O ffice & Plant, Davis A ve., Oakville, Ont. OAKVILLE MOTORS (1963) LTD. Colbone and Reynolds Streets in Oakville # 230 Brunette Street, New Westminster, B.C.

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