Financial Firms Ease Money Flc HITCHCOX MOTORS D a lly J o u r n a l- R ecord P ro g re s s E d itio n , Tues., March 30, 1965 Wilt Stone, sales manager of Hitchcox Motors, invites you to see the differ ence that 2 6 years of experienced service to Oakville car buyers can make for you. Integrity, experience and ingenuity in arriving at the best pos sible deal for you allow Hitchcox to give you... John Brown HIGHEST TRADE-IN A LLO W A N C E LO W METRO PRICES FRIENDLY L O C A L SERVICE LO W D O W N PAY M EN T S A A 6> NEW C A R F IN A N C IN G J i m Ed. Gorman Harold Kaempny In the vanguard of Oakville's industrial progress during t he last year is Canadian Pollard Bearings Limited, 410 S o u t h Service Road, reporting t h e best y e a r's business since t h e company came here in 1957. Makers of ball and roller bearings, pillow blocks, c a s t iron housings and cast s t e e l housings among other products, Canadian Pollard showed a 20 per cent gain in 1964 sales over the previous year which until then had been the record high. Business volume increased i n sales to steel mills and to the automotive industry in particu lar. They were three tim es the volume of the company's 1961 gales total. panding production In the fast two years. A notable addition was a $60,000 office and a i r conditioned warehouse structure, partly occupied by an associate company R. and J. Dick Can., Limited and designed by Oak ville architect George B. P. Farrow. An Oakville construct ion firm, Ruiston Construction were the builders of the addi tion which added 6,400 square feet to an existing plant cover ing 14,000 square feet. EVERYTHING AREA ECONOMY Bruce Adams, Canadian Pol lard Bearing m anager, s a y» the employment of Oakville ar chitectural a n d construction services w as in recognition o f PLANT EXPANSION the fact that the town is wol I Canadian Pollard bearings able to provide widely varied has increased its physical plant skills of ali kinds within t h e considerably to cope with e x- area economy. Experience Plus Service Gives You Satisfaction Plus" 8® GEORGE STREET -- OAKVILLE -- PHONE 845-1681