British Paints Products Marketed From 22 Plants When the sm all boat o r yacht ing enthusiast walks into tlie newly re-opened British Paints Color Centre on the north side of Colborne St., it is usually to purchase a very special product of the Oakville firm; a paint developed exclusively for sm all boat buffs. It is known as "Little Ship" . This product is one ot hundreds m anufactured by th e company th at has plants in 22 countries of tihe world, including a 30,000 square foot factory on Dundas St., south of the QEW w here it commenced local operations in 1949. With am ple space in the Dun das plant the com pany has no need ait present for more factory space, and production is hum ming along in house paints, en am els and all types of paints for industrial and m arine use. In deed the company is one of the largest paint m akers in Can ada and supplies much of the repuirem ents of C anada's ship yards, providing products that would otherwise have to be im ported. TDS Engineers Mirror Growth As Oakville industry grows, so grows TDS Lim ited, engin ee rs and constructors, o r to give t h e firm its full nam e, Technical Design Services Ltd,, with offices on K err St. North. TDS is essentially a * grow th" industry in itself. An all-Cana dian firm form ed in 1963 to m eet engineering and design needs of com panies in the p etro leum , chem ical and associated fields, its services include plant studies for g re a te r efficiency, industrial m odifications, and ad ditions to existing industrial plants. Locating Its o p e r a t i o n * in Oakville w as a " n a tu ra l" for TDS because it placed the com p an y 's offices squarely in the middle of a huge and growing com plex of process industries which w ere quick to take ad vantage of the services offered by a local engineering group. · The result is th a t alm ost over night the com pany h as grown to a perm anent staff of 38 en gineers and draftsm en and at present is engineering more than $2,500,000 worth of process industry work from it* K err St. offices. P a lly Jourm f.H eeord P regrsee Edition, Tu#*., M *re h SO, 19 85 3 7 % increase in S A V IN G S & TERM D EPO SITS during 1964 reported by President Abrex Specialty Coating Firm Will Specialize On Research Abrex Specialty Coatings Ltd., 280 Wyecroft Rd., is just what the doctor ordered for every m anufacturer in the paints and coatings industry. It m akes coat ings for such item s as cosmetics and plastics, and is keenly alive to development of new uses for its products. So much so thait it has just completed a new 2,500 square foot addition to tlie existing plant, to house a research and devel opment laboratory which will op erate under a highly qualified organic chemist. This innovation points the way to future expan sion and diversification for the firm . Abrex Is now In Its third y ear Ferro's Internal Expansion Witco Serves Helps In Meeting New Demand Paint Makers It w as another y ear of expan sion in operations of F erro E na m els (Canada) Ltd., largest of Oakville's enam el and paint m a n u fa c tu re rs located just south ci Davis Ave. Physically the plant experienc ed mounting production to meet dem and with the result that an additional 2,300 square feet of factory floor space is now n ear ing completion. Reflecting also the satisfactory y ear 1964-1965 to date the employment figure has also risen to around U0 people. Topped by a 250-foot red brick chimney, visible for miles, the plant of F erro Enam els contains one unit that turns out "glassy flakes" known as porcelain ena m el frit, a basic m aterial used in finishes for stove tops and bodies, inner linings of refrigera tors, washing machines, bath tub* and sim ilar goods. A second plant unit produces More than 50 em ployees work in the Dundas St. plant, bu t cur rently the pride and joy of the Oakville operation is the newly re-opened Color Centre on Dun d a s St., described not inaccurate ly a s probably the m ost beau of Oakville operations, having tiful paint and w allpaper shop in moved here from Acton. Officially Ontario. It w as re-opened after say they were influenced by good extensive rem odelling and re municipal services, easy access decoration. in Jan u ary . The to raw m aterials, good transpor " Little Ship" sm all boat paints tation and a central m arket lo w ere introduced here with a cation in settling in Oakville. special eye on the enthusiastic Within the next two years the Oakville yacht fans, because plant m ay be doubled from its while not intended for house original size if the present rate hold use it w as form ulated to of production progress continues. contain special highly w ater res P l a n s for expansion have istant qualities for the hulls of been on the draw ing boards d u r sm all boats, and has other quali ing the last year. ties of w ear and appearance de PACKAGE CONTRACTS Recently the com pany has co signed for boats alone. "P a c k a g e " contracts, som e of operated closely with govern Meanwhile, the huge British m ajor size, a re handled by a ment and university1 ^ agencies P aint complex spreads around full staff of specialists w i t h on its research and development program . Its investm ent in this the world to all countries, with structural, civil, electrical, m e new' plants just opened in Bar- chanical, piping and instrum en is about 5100,000. tation experience. Among t h e badoes and British Guiana. professional engineers on TDS staff who live in Oakville are G. D. Cooper, L. R. T urner and F . P. W einer. Chief draftsm an G. W. H arrison is also a resi dent of the town. " We feel th at we have only scratched the surface" says Vice P resident John Luke. "W e color oxides for enam els and Witco Chemical Co. of Canada, feel that the sam e principles many other purposes such as pot operating in a Speers Rd. plant of can be applied to produce a tery glazing, decorating and let 20,000 square feet, is one of working relationship with many the growing list of chem ical tering on glassw are and for col companies that have m ade Oak m ore industries in the Toronto oring plastics. The third produc ville alm ost as well known a s to Hamilton a re a who can avail tion unit turns out stabilizers for a "chem ical town" a s it is them selves of the convenience and com petence of our local or use in vinyl resins to eliminate through Ford. ganization for their future work. or reduce the effect of sunlight Locating here seven years ago, "In d u stry which is going to and heat on vinyl products in the firm 's business grew' so ra p locate in Oakville and district cluding floor and upholstery. idly that it required plant and will be able to deal with a group The company Itself has a not equipm ent expansions several which is interested and inform able record of growth from its times, the largest b°ing in 1962 ed on local conditions, and in founding in 1927 in Ottawa. It when 6,000 .jquare feer of space dustry which is presently locat cam e -to Oakville in 1916 because w as added to the original plant, ed here can have its future en of the industrial attractions the bringing kt up to current r a p gineering work done locally, con town had to offer. In this res acity. veniently and reasonably. In ad O perations started with one de pect Vice-President H. D. Mc dition m ost of the money deriv Laren has said Oakville provided partm ent and have grown to ed from these projects rem ains the firm with a central loca three, all m anufacturing organic in the area a s the m ajority of tion with regal'd to its largest chem icals for the Canadian m a r our em ployees live in the area. num ber of easterners; provided ket. I t turns out chem icals io r excellent rail, road, a ir and w ater the paint, plastic and rubber in " GOOD EMPLOY EB" " We feel th a t we a r e a good transport and perhaps equally im dustries, and additives and li em ployer," adds Luke. " 0 u r portant had a good supply of quid detergents lo r private la salaries reflect the quality of bels. "good quality" labor. Operations a t the plant a t 14S5 the personnel in t h e company From 40 employees in 1946, the Speers R d., a re directed by plant and we provide a full ran g e of fringe benefits." staff is now nearly tripled. m anager Rov P. Boos. Halton & Peel Trust & Savings C om pany at their Annual Meeting H IG H LIG H TS OF 1964 ANNUAL 1964 Savings & Term Deposits.................. $37,402,161 First M ortgages................................ Bonds and Stocks ......................... ................. General Reserve . . 31,600,273 6,797,104 $00,000 223,296 113,471 43,058,670 REPORT 1963 $27,164,953 22,225,428 6,018,971 600,000 191,890 91,839 30,874,605 Net Profit after Taxes . . . . . . Dividends to Shareholders . . . . Total Assets under Adm inistration . OFFICERS & DIRECTORS O . l . M a n n in g ....................... President Dr. C A. M artin, Vice-President W. J. Beatty, Vice-President Angus M cM illan, Q. C , Secretary E. D. Goulding H. R. Lawrence, Q.C. E. Barringham R. R. Manbert P. A . Fisher J. Pengilley J. R. Barber A . G. Clarkson, P.Eng* J. M . Fraser G. H. Fort, Q .C O. E. MANNING, General Manager Manager, Estates Dept. D. S. McLauchlin Pension Officer J. F. O 'Drowsky J. S. Beatty, C.A., Assistant General Manager Trust O fficer C. D. Cantlon, C.A. Mortgage Officer C C Tight, RJ.A* Appraisal Officer G. R. S. Foster SERVICES 4 % on Savings 5 Z i % on 3-5 Year Guaranteed OFFICES Head Office Oakville Ontario Other Offices Brampton -- CoofcsviUe Burlington -- Milton Simcoe -- Delhi Investments Mutual Funds (Fixed Income & Equity Plan) Retirement Savings Plans Estate Planning Mortgage Loans O NE GOOD R O AD LEADS TO A N O T H ER .. concrete asphalt paving Growing with Oakville M CDONALD W ELDING LTD. COM PLETE S T E E L FABRICATING SHOP and King Paving has been leading the way since 1925 In a fast growing community such as Oakville it is sometimes easy to forget the links w ith the past when our town was small. A t King Paving we're rather ill proud of the fact that we were here in the beginning and have been able to help in some way w ith Oakville's progress. EXTERIOR V IE W OF THE PLANT - W E DESIGN, FABRICATE AND IN STALL · Ready Mix Concrete Crushed Stone Hot Mixed Asphalt Municipal and Highway Construction W E H A N D LE A LL M ECHANICAL TRADES · · PAVING & MATERIALS L I M I T E D -- Nelson Crushed Stone Division -- King Building Materials Division -- Construction Division (A Subsidiary o f The Flintkote Company) W E NORM ALLY EM PLOY 60 TO 150 PEO PLE For fu rth e r inform ation regarding our services, contact McDonald Welding and a sales representative w ill call on you at your convenience. · M cDONALD W ELDING LTD. 235 Speers Road Phone VI 5-2843 O A K V IL L E , O NTARIO Sixth Line -- Oakville' Ontario