D aily Journal-Record P rogre ss Edition, Tues., M arch SO, 1965 Union Carbide's Once Just Plain Union Carbide Canada Limited operates a network of 23 indus trial gas plants from coast to coast. 'Rie Oakville plant on Speers Road is the second larg est plant in this chain and serves (he central Ontario region, includ ing Toronto and Hamilton. The largest gas plant operated by the company is located in Sault S/te. Marie. Ontario, and produces 360 tons of oxygen a day for the pri m ary steel making industry. The Oakville plant w as estab lished in 1960. Today it employs J6 people and covers an area of approximately 24.000 square feet:. Principal products manufac tured are oxygen, nitrogen, a r gon. acetylene and various mix tures of atmospheric gases. All are transported either by railroadtruck transport in liquid form or in liquid or high pressure cylin ders to almost ail Canadian in dustries such as steel mills, ship yards, mines, pulp and paper producers, hospitals, metal manu facturing and fabricating plants and transportation companies. The plant is under the supervi sion of J . T. G. Malloy. p r im a r y Jelinek Sporting Goods Firm Expands First Family Venture It w as inevitable perhaps that thriving Jelinek Cork Ltd., of Bronte, producers of corks for distillers and w ineries in Canada and the U.S., is to som e extent now overshadowed by the expanding Jelinek Sports Ltd. The form er firm w as handed down from generation to generation in Czechoslovakia before its owners, the Jelinek fam ily escaped the com m unist regim e to settle in C anada, but now the sports goods branch of the fam ily firm is well on the way to becoming the baby that outgrew the parent. F o r w hat is closer to t h e thoughts of m ost Canadians When the nam e Jelinek is menturned? Sports of course, o r m ore accu rately the dazzling ca re ers of two of the younger generation of Jeldneks, Otto and M aria, in the figure skating ice palaces of the world. Canad a and particularly Oakville w ere elated when Otto a n d M aria Jeiinek captured t h e w orld's figure skating c h a mpionship for C anada in Prague, capital of th eir form er homeland in 1962. When Jelinek Sports Ltd., got off the ground a s another fam ily venture a t the 3,200 square foot assem bly plant and w arehouse near 9peers Rd. it didn't stop at skating or hockey equipm ent, and today the list of Jelinek products read s like the inventory of about every sport played in Canada and the U.S. Meanwhile the cork business is also forging ahead with tl>e firm 's Lockport. N.Y. plant handling the U.S. end of the operation, Corks a re m ade in an affiliated Portuguese factory and shipped to Oakville to be fixed some- j tim es to custom -m ade Swedish | wooden tops o r to glass stoppers for decanter bottles. Expansion in the sports goods field has gone on for several years. The company im ports high grade sports item s f r o m Europe and the F a r E ast to supply wholesale distributing firm s across Canada, Jelinek representatives travel yearly to Europe and the F a r E ast to supervise production of j the goods they have selected as top grade a s to suilabilitp for the Canadian m arket. Thus if it ick and field equipm ent, Jelinek Sports now ships discus, javelins, s h o t puts, line m arking machines, m easuring tapes and even starting pistols to its growing lust of custom ers. Tennis rackets and fram es, nets, accessories and even com plete table tennis equipm ent appear in the f ir m s 1965 catalog while complete lines a re offered in golf, baseball, badm inton, basketball, and hockey needs of every variety'. Gymnasium equipm ent is another item ; even bean b a l l s , while a ir pumps, a ir m attresses, footballs, m egaphones and cam ping knives a re m erely a few of the products now distributed by the Oakville import firm . S teady growth of the Jelinek enterprises in OakviUe h as flourished from the tim e the fcimily located here 16 y ea rs ago and the end is not yet in sight. Our on · the - spot centralized customs clearance saves t i m e on refunds and drawbacks. W e eliminate loading and unloading at a border clearance point, meaning less chance o f damage. Speedy delivery means increased tales, low er inventories and fewer production delays. Trafalgar Warehouse Limited Sufferance W arehouse for Highway Transport PRODUCER Union Carbide is one of Can ad a's prim ary producers of gas es. chemicals, resins, metals, carbon, plastics and consumer oar care products. Currently the company employs nearly 4.600 people and m aintains 39 plants. 29 sales offices and seven re search and development labora tories from coast to coast. Head office is in Toronto. Most at the com pany's indus trial gases are derived from the North Service Rd. at Eig'hth Line, Oakville Phone S44-3288 O utstanding exam ple of Oak·viUe industrial progress in 196-1 is perhaps the Overhead Dooi: Company otf Canada Ltd. wliich doubled the size of its already large plant on the Third Line. I t w as not only a m ajor pflant expansion but involved t h e growth of the com pany's pro duction here a s well, since at least two im portant new lines w ere added to the products ship ped from Oakville to franchised distributors f r o m St. J o h n s Newfoundland to Vancouver. Total production floor space in the local factory w as enlarg ed from 32,500 square feet (ori ginally erected in 1957 \Wien the com pany cam e to Oakville) to a total of 64,000 square feet, housed in modem steel and m a sonry construction. Staff h a s increased to about 50 and the com pany's business last y e a r kept up the steady growth that h as m arked its operations since Hie beginning. In a sense t h e Overhead Door Company is unique because its trade m ark with th at phrase m ark s it as the originator of all overhead doors, now used in scores of residential, com m er cial and Industrial applications. The parent firm , The Overhead Door Corporation of Hartford City, Indiana now h as ten m an ufacturing division plants across the U.S. and its Canadian plant in Oakville. From here products go through 25 franchised deaiers to all p arts of Canada. Local output includes section al, upward-acting doors in wood, teal, alum inum , and now for the first tim e here the plant is turning out liberglassalum inum doors. As a com plem entary ad dition to i t a door products, Overhead m akes a complete Hne of electric operators, con trolling the doors, so that every installation 1* a complete unit. King Paving Grows In '64 You'll ses Its road m achinery and trucks all over Ontario but the big "King P aving" signs id entify them a s 'part of an unique ly Oakville enterprise, King P av ing and M a t e r i a l s with headquarters oo the Sixth Line. The firm 's operations a re di versified other than geograph ically however. One of its most im portant divisions is Nelson Crushed Stone Ltd., with one of the largest and best equipped limestone quarries in Ontario. B etter still, th e com pany supply of rock is practically without lim u and its grade la rated highly enough so th a t it can be used in either road construc tion o r for asphalt aggregate. Nelson owns two asphalt plants, operates a fleet oi m ore than 100 -trucks and a laboratory w here com pany engineers ex perim ent continuously to improve m aterials and methods. King Building M aterials, an other division of King Paving and M aterials, operates two ready-mixed concrete plants in Oakville and Cooksvilie, each of "tiic h is able to turn out more than 1.000 cubic yards of con crete daily. Deliveries a r e m ade with a fleet of nearly 50 radio controlled m ixer trucks. King Paving officials are rcseaixii-m inded and the firm runs a testing laboratory to ensure tha: ail concrete from its plants is delivered a t full uniformity and strength. In conjunction with the ready-mix operations K ii^ P aving ru n s a building m aterials building division handling aU lines of m aterials except lumber, brick and build u p biocks. letter word More people buy Chevrolet than any other make and Ned Farley is your local dealer. So it only follows, we think that a Chevrolet from Farley's must be a better buy. The buys on these new cars and trucks couldn't be any better than right now. Ned Farley has made up his mind that nobody, but no body, is going to even come close to the sales record he has set. H urry though. Because the word's gotten around about the buys at Farley's and a lot of these Chevrolets are al ready starting to show up in fro n t of homes and on the job all over town. And if you don't make your next move a visit to Farley's, sure as you sit there, somebody else if STEW ART FARLEY going to get away with just the ear or truck you wanted. Chevrolet - Chevelle Corvair and Corvette