Oakville Beaver, 17 May 2000, C5

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Wednesday, M ay 17, 2000 T H E O A K V IL L E B E A V E R One of Canada's premier Construction Equipment Rental Service Companies are currently requiring can didates in our Burlington store for the following career opportunities. "G " C la s s D riv e rs · Proof of a valid driver's license/ record will be required on condition of employment. · Able to drive standard transmission vehicles. If your are energetic, hardworking and self-motivated, we are currently hiring for the following position at our Burlington location. The hours will be long but the rewards are great. We offer excellent compensation, benefits and a pension plan. P lease fax your resum e to the attention: H u m a n R e s o u rc e s Battlefield E quipm en t R entals 4401 H arve ste r R d., Burlington L 7L 4X1 Fax # 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -1 1 4 5 Email: B attle field H R @ T o ro m o n t.c o m N o P h o n e C a lls P le a s e We thank everyone who applies, only those candi dates selected for interviews will be contacted. Parts Manager a A utom otive Service Advisor Automotive, Hardware, Warehouse, Sports & Seasonal Staff E xp erien ce an a s se t. S o m e nights and w eekends. Applications available at C ustom er Service D esk or F A X resum e to: INTAKE CLERKS (3) G re a t-W e s t, a leader in C an a d a's fin a n cia l services industry, has im m e d ia te openings fo r q u a lifie d In ta ke C le rk s in the O a k v ille area. T h e successful candidates w ill be the p rim a ry contact fo r em ployees w h o in c u r an occupational o r n o n -o ccup ational firstaid visit. R es ponsibilities include g ath erin g necessary in fo rm a tio n regarding the m edical visit, c la rify in g accid ent d etails w ith the em p lo y ee, re fe rrin g clients fo r any subsequent m edical trea t m ent and co m p le tin g all necessary fo rm s and reports fo r m anagem ent. Tin W I N ~E S H O P P E We are looking for enthusiastic and flexible CAT lost May 5. Stewart & K e rr area. S m all black & w h ite (b la c k p a tc h e s on b oth eyes & nose). R av enous appetite. Call 8159549______________________ F O U N D : B u d g ie ,G u e lp h Line/ Palm er area. Call to identify, (905)336-7262 FOUND: Grey & white long haired cat in Plains Road/ King Rd. area. We call King Call 637-7325_____________ F O U N D : O ra n g e ta b b y m a le in th e H e a d o n / W alkers Line area. We call Nelson. Call 637-7325 W IN E SHOPPE SALES REPRESENTATIVES fo r o u r lo c a tio n s in: T he O akville A rea W e 'r e lo o k in g fo r p a rt-tim e Sales R e p re s e n ta tiv e s w h o w ill b e w illin g to w o r k d a y s , e v e n in g s a n d /o r w e e k e n d s a s n e e d e d . S o m e p h y s ic a l r e q u i r e m e n ts a r e n e c e s s a ry . P le a s e h a n d in y o u r re s u m e b e fo re M a y 2 4 th , 2 0 0 0 to T h e W in e S h o p p e a t the fo llo w in g lo c a tio n : I.G .A ., A b b e y P la za , . 1 5 00 U p p e r M id d le R d . W e s t, O a k v ille While we thank all those who apply, we w ill only respond to those under consideration and ask that no response be made by phone. CANADIAN TIRE 1011 Upper Middle Rd. E. Oakville, ON Fax: (905) 849-9806 Qualifications: · · · · M e d ic a l/n u rs in g background E ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ica tio n skills Basic co m p u te r/d ata en try skills A b ility to w o rk tw o altern atin g shifts. RE LO C ATO R S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in c lu d e s 2 p ro fe s s io n a l m o ve rs, tru c k and in s u r ance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. PRO M overs. S h ort/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777 Painter & Paper Hanger Knowledgable in all aspects of trade. Some carpentry experience an asset. Reliable, bonded, own transportation. Full-time. Good wages. Also needed PAINTER'S HELPER. Royal Decorating (9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 -5 5 8 4 CATERING M anage r- for mal food service education, 5yea rs m anage m ent exp. m u lti- s ite e x p e rie n c e an advantage. Microsoft office s k ills m an d a to ry . M is s is sauga area. Please fax resume to 707-222-1884 D R IV ER w ith DZ License and clean abstract required for delivery of insulation to n e w c o n s tru c tio n s ite s . S tarting tim e - 2am , Monday-Friday. Call (905)3355012______________________ D R IV E R S w ith ow n v e h i c le s .... c a r, m in iv a n s or cargo vans... required full time. Immediate start. Apply to: A.H.E.C. Express, 1141 King Rd., Burlington (rear of building)___________________ UNDERCOVERW EAR F ashion needs energetic, fun loving people part-time fo r h om e s h o w s . G re a t hours for homemakers. Car needed. 905-388-2053 or toll free 1-877-331-3319 W AREHOUSE person with va lid clean d riv in g record re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly fulltim e. Start $9/hr. Apply to Box 6234, c/o O akville B e a v e r. 467 S p e e rs , Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 SUMMER students with car required to work 4 days per w e e k to d e liv e r / re trie v e c a ta lo u g e s . E a rn up to $300. C all Philip @ 3368373______________________ A Z Driver for Milton Com pany rack and tarp flat bed m in. 2 y e a rs exp e rie n ce . W ork M on.-Friday, 7a.m .4:30p.m. average day. Call 875-3945._________________ H O S T F a m ilie s n e e d e d O akville, this sum m er for fo re ig n s tu d e n t. $ 5 0 0 ./ m onthly per student. Call 905-785-9823_____________ C O L L E G E P ro P a in te rs . Fulltim e painting positions a v a ila b le . $8 /h r. plus in centives. Please call 1-800465-2839_________________ D-EXPRESS requires wee kend drivers. Car for local deliveries. 3/4 ton van for U .S . d e liv e rie s . C a ll (905)333-1478____________ HOUSECLEANER required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. Call (905)-336-l 1489___________ CO NSTRU CTIO N Labour er re q u ire d . M ust ha ve d r iv e r 's lic e n s e . C a ll Wayne Electric. 689-8033 D R IV E R - re q u ire d P a rttim e- some lifting required. $8.00/hr afternoons. C all Angela at 905-827-8230 W A N T E D P e rs o n w ho e njo y s o u td o o r w ork. 3-4 days per week. Please Call Jeff ® 338-2118___________ L i telem arketers G re a t-W e s t offers a com prehensive salary and benefits package, and a ch alle n g in g w o rk en viro n m en t. Send a resum e, by Tuesday, M a y 2 3 , to Geoffrey Aberdeen, The Great-West Life z A ssurance Com pany, D isability M anagem ent Services Office, Suite 400, 55 Town Centre Court, Scarborough, Ontario, M 1P 5B5. Fax to: (416) 290-3779. We thank all candidates f o r their interest in Great-W est, however, only those selected f o r an interview w ill be contacted. We are an equal o pportunity employer. w w w .g w l.c a DENTAL TECHNICIANS Experienced C eram ists and F ull C o n to u r Waxer needed. PTC training an asset. Paid training & holidays, medical/ dental benefits. Apply in person to: C P L O Y S T f iM S CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab ric s , ta b le / c h a ir a c c e s s o rie s . C all S h erry, 6346706. I daycare available FU LL tim e d a yca re available for toddlers. Toys, c ra fts , b o o ks, n u tritio u s lu nches. Large fenced-in ya rd , c lo s e to park. 3rd. Line/ R ebecca (9 0 5 )8 2 5 0978______________________ FU LL-TIM E daycare avail a b le in m y R iv e r O aks home. Call 338-5364. Order filling & Kit Assembly Position available for Inventory Associate responsible for order filling and kit assembly of Automatic Greasing Systems. We are looking for a hard working individual with a positive attitude, who is dependable, organized and able to fit into our team. Candidate should have mechanical aptitude, computer literate, and experience in inventory procedures as well as experience in operating a fork lift. Knowledge of the transport industry a definite asset. If you would like to join our team, in an organization that promotes personal growth as well as assisting you in the achievement of your professional goals: F a x y o u r e s u m e to : A . N a g y (9 0 5 ) 8 7 5 -2 1 2 5 MITECH DENTAL LABORATORY, RELIEF BROKERS required by A.I.S. Couriers with own van to deliver Canada Post products in Oakville/Burlington area. Min. $500./wkly. Phone 2pm-5pm a i#nA/< Shoppir Full-tim e (Inside) Customer Service Representative 5230 South Service Road, Burlington (Between Burloak & Appleby Line). Telephone inquires at 1-800-509-8815 Front desk position requires an individual who can make a strong first impression on our customers, both in person and on the telephone. Full-time Monday-Friday You must possess the following skills and abilities: ·Computer skills including quick keyboard abilities & understanding of data entry. ·Excellent command of English language...written, verbal & excel, spelling skills. ·Excellent phone manners ·Punctual ·A team-player accustomed to working with others ·Willingness to accept direction from fellow workers ·Willingness to call potential customers with intent to increase business. ·Receivables experience an asset. It you feel you have the desired skills to join our fast-paced, results-driven environ ment with an intention toward building a career with a large corporation, fax your resume: (905)276-3221 Theperfect CLASS "AZ" DRIVER REQUIRED FULLTIME Steel experience preferred. Fax resume: (905)847-9099 C re w S h ift S u p e rviso rs M anagem ent for New Location: Third Ln/QEW combo: JOB FAIR 1 R E LIA B LE Daycare avail able full/ part-time, 2yrs & older, 7 years experience. R e fe re n c e s a v a ila b le . H e adon F o re s t/ H eadon Rd. (905)332-7870. I daycare wanted S T A Y -a t-h o m e M om sl W ee W a tch (u n d e r new m a n a g e m e n t). U rg e n tly s e e k in g P ro v id e rs in Oakville. W e offer regular pay cheques, paid statutory & ch ild sick days, liability coverage, & back up. Join th e W ee W a tch team of ho m e da y c a re p ro fe s s ionals. 337-9221 Donna TE ACH ER at Holy Rosary requires daycare for Parttime J.K Student & full-time 9 m o n th old. 9 0 5 -6 8 9 FULL-TIME caregiver need ed fo r 2 boys, 8 and 5 years. Upper Middle/Eighth Line. Please call 849-0091. - AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE DEPT. - CUSTOMER RECEPTION SERVICE ADVISOR M ust b e av ailab le to w ork so m e evenings & w ee ken d s C o m p reh en sive B enefit Plan Profit Sharing Plan 1 Full T im e Position - 4 0 hours 1 P art-Tim e Position - 2 0 -3 0 hours P le a s e h a n d in a p p lic a tio n s to : Attention to: Ted Anderson (905)827-9950 York Barbell manufacturer equipment has a permanent organization Co. Ltd. Canada's largest 1 and exporter of exercise an immediate requirement for full-time position with our Construction Labourers, Handypeople and Dry w allers n e e d e d , with experience, for new subdivision north of C arlisle. Phone: (9 0 5 )6 5 9 -3 8 8 8 535 hospital, medical, dental Glen Abbey Rec Centre 1415 Third Line, Oakville Fri May 1 9 ,12-5pm Sat May 2 0 ,10-5pm If unable to attend, please forward resumes to: Canadian Tire 777 Guelph Line B urlington, On L7R 3 N 2 Attn: M rs . H ilda Line ORDER DESK / ORDER ENTRY The successful candidate will have: · Previous Computer on line experience dealing with Canadian Tire & Walmart · Computer literate · Knowledge of all aspects of order taking and processing · Strong interpersonal and customer communication skills · Non-smoking environment · Must have own transportation Apply stating experience, wage requirements, and if you are presently employed what the reason for wanting to make a career change. Mail your handwritten resume in confidence to: M E D IC A L S e c re ta ry re quired 16/hrs per week for O a kville gen era l surgeon com puterized office. R e spond by email to: beverlyjones@home.com Quicker Foods 5100 S outh Service Rd., Oakwille Fax: 905-333-6568 Attn: Paul RPIM'S REQUIRED For Maternity Relief Seamstress/ Camp Wenonah, a residential children's camp in Muskoka, requires boy's camp COUNSEL LORS 18-23 years of age for Summer 2000 employment (9 wks). M inim um Bronze Cross certification required. Please send resumes: C A M P WENONAH & Winning Team JACK IS LOOKING FOR Come Join A Tailor Fulltime M on.- Fri. to work in ladies wear boutique, downtown Oakville. $11/hr. Call 1905)845-1398 o r(905)825-0208 after 7pm L A B O U R E R S re q u ire d by Oakville Pavement Marking C o m pa ny fo r th e season. STUDENTS w e lc o m e . DZorG license. M any long sum m er hours, good pay/ o vertim e. Per diem s and paid accom m odation w h ile o u t-o f-to w n . Fax resum e: 905-842-7001 or com e to: Unit-1, 1097 North Service Road East, Oakville. TOW NE Chevrolet Oldsmob ile re q u ire s a p e rson to p e rfo rm : S h o p c le a n -u p duties, wash 'custom er ve hicles and to rustproof new and used vehicles. This is a full-time position. Please a p p ly in p e rs o n w ith re su m e to : W a lte r W eddephol, 547 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville (905)844-2320 D R IV E R re q u ire d by The Added Touch, to drive one da y per w e ek to N iagara Falls, USA, warehouse with com pany van. Must be re sponsible and have a valid drivers license. $8/hr. Fax Lee @ (905)338-1486 or em a il: added@ addedtouch.com_________________ Vistamere Retirement ® 905-847-1413 or fax 847-1765 FU LL-TIM E dental recep tionist required for growing dental practice in Oakville. Must be willing to work in a team e n viro n m e n t. In te r p e rs o n a l s k ills an a sse t. D e n trix c o m p u te r e x p e ri ence preferred. Please fax resum eto: (905)849-1989. H Y G IE N IS T re q u ire d by O akville office, Tuesdays, 7:30am - 5pm. Fax resume to: (905)842-8252 N A N N Y /H O U S E K E E P E R available immediately. Full tim e , liv e -in /o u t. E x p e ri ence, references. (905)4694691._____________________ E X P E R IE N C E D Nannies/ h o u s e k e e p e rs in P h ilip pines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931. F U LL-T IM E live-in Nanny required for 3 girls. Aged 6y rs , 3 -y rs , 2 -y rs . S tart Sept.. 1st. South B urling ton. 639-1829. KITCHEN SUPERVISORS A p p ly in p erso n to: 3537 F airview St., Burlington. EX PER IE N C ED wait s ta ll required . A p p ly in person at Tow ne R e stau ran t 467 Speers Rd. Oakville. C O O K S / C ounter help re quired fu ll-tim e / part-tim e. Apply in person, Burlington C h a rc o a l P it, 2031 L a ke shore Rd., (at E liz a beth) Burlington____________ TIM HO RTO N S- requires full/ part-time Donut Bakers. W ill tra in . A p p ly 3 5 0 0 D undas St.E., B u rlington, 905-336-8533_____________ JU D G E & J u r y - re q u ire s experienced, part-time Line Cooks for evenings & wee ke n d s . C a ll K e vin 319 1655, for interview. BENNY'S Deli, full or parttime help. Excellent wages. M u st be a v a ila b le w e e ke n d s . A p p ly 8 a m -3 p m , 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant) domestic help available O FFIC E cle aner availab le in B u rlin g to n / O a k v ille area,. 5 years experience. C o m p e titiv e ra te s . C a ll Kate:(cel) (905)541-1669. E U R O P E A N la d ie s will, help you do Spring Clean in g, h o u s e s and o ffic e . Vera. 6 9 3 -9 7 2 1 ; Katerina 631-5211. I personals PSYCHIC, one reading will convince you. Seniors 10% off. Phone (906)639-2480 D O N 'T need a p a rtn e r to feel com plete? Just want som eone special to share your life with? Misty River introductions, O ntario's tra ditional matchmaker Toron to at (416)777-6302, South/ West (519)658-4204 J \J k V companions O A K V ILL E business mana lm o s t a s e n io r. S e e ks area lady for discree t/ oc c a sio n a l enco u n te rs. U t m ost discretion required & a s s u re d . No p re ju d ic e s . Please reply with inform a tio n a l re s p o n s e to : D. Brown, P.O. 133, 125 Cross Ave., Oakville, Ontario, L6J 2W8 Main Office 3584 Commerce Court Burlington, ON L7N 3L7 Fax: (905) 631-2850 For further info about Camp Wenonah, please visit www.campwenonah.com YORK BARBELL COMPANY LTD. 1450 South Service Rd. West Oakville, Ontario L6L 5T7 No calls please, only successful applicants will be contacted. LAWIM CARE TECHNICIAN Required immadiataly fo r o u r B u rlington Area Location. Qualified applicants should be highly m otivated, independent and c u stom er oriented, P rio r lawn ca re o r t u r f knowledge an asset. M u s t heve valid D rivers License. Interested applicants should fo rw a rd th e ir re s u m e to : N A T IO N A L Telem arketing team re q u ire s new m em bers 6pm-midnight, Mon-Fri + som e S a turday's. Bur lington location. Leads & training provided. $9/hr + bonus. Call Mr. James 3331737 after 1pm.____________ EASY phone work, no sales required good incentive pro gram, salary up to $11.50. C a ll b e tw e e n 2 -6 p m , (905)842-3797____________ M ATURE Telem arketer re q u ire d - evenings & some days, Oakville. Salary + Bo nus. C a ll (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -4 7 0 0 X139, for more information D A T A B A S E s u p p o rt for MS Access. Development of new Databases to store records. Re-design of ex isting Databases. Custom ize fo rm s and re p o rts . T ra in in g and data entry. Free consultation. Wallace & A s s o c ia te s . (905 )8 4 9 1425. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Id e a l c a n d id a te s w ill b e s e lf-m o tiv a te d with kn ow ledge of the construction indus try, strong com puter skills including access d a tabase applications, and good organizational skills. This position w ould involve assisting with the tendering process as well as general support to all a re as of the office. (RVIiiif Syolomo V j JOEY'S ONLY SEAFOOD RESTAURANT requires C * REBioeINITIAL. COtVlMERCIAL Line Cook Must be available evenings & weekends. Experience an asset. Fax resume 631-6778 or drop resume off to: M O N EY P roblem s? G a r nish e e s? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 3 1 0600 2 0 2 5 Guelph Une, Suite 4 1 2 Burlington, Ontario, L7P 4X 4 PART-TIME SEASONAL WORK We need men, wom en & kids to fill a variety of roles available in: catalogues & flye rs, fashion shows & hair show s, m agazines & brochures, T V. C om m ercials & extra w ork, film w ork etc. B e g in n e rs w e lc o m e . It a c c e p te d a g e n c y agrees to cover fu ll tra in in g & reg. costs. M ISSISSA U G A 9 0 5 - 8 0 3 - 9 0 4 0 Online: W W W .s h o p c a n a d a .c o m /z a id i.h tm l e -m a il: za id i @ s h o p ca n ad a .co m . All interested applicants please contact Cyprianne @ 905-849-1488 Ext. 224 or fax resume to 905-338-0656 I 3*- STYLISTS j wanted for extremely i busy locations in Burl., | Milton, Waterdown. i Excellent pay structure with commission starting at 40% + i guaranteed hourly wage J based upon exp. Benei fits. Advanced training | & equipment provided, i No clientele necessary, j $300. Signing Bonus i paid upon completion ! of probationary period, j Call Robert or Brenda, i at (905) 319-3155 i or (905) 689-7003 C A L IF O R N IA Hair W orks is looking for a full-time As sistant or A p prentice with experience also a Hairstyl ist with clientele (Rental or c o m m is s io n ). C a ll (905)634-4466. L y l l l office-clerical 3480/3500 F airview St. B urlington. MONTESSORI Teacher reuired for CASA program to s ta rt S e p te m b e r 2 0 0 0 . Please fax resume to: 905332-9777 I teaching opportunities LOST & FOUND Found Som ething? Place your "F ound"ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTANT required for Burlington based company. The ideal candidate will have completed post-secondary accounting courses and it would be preferable to be enrolled in either C.G A or C.M.A . program. This position is suitable lor the candidate with 2-3 years experience who is looking to be involved in the com plete accounting environment encompassing multi tasks and special projects. S tu d e n t w o rk $ 1 3 .0 5 to start. 77 flexible positions to fill. No experience neccess a ry . T r a in in g p ro v id e d . S c h o la rs h ip s a v a ila b le . 9 0 5 -3 8 9 -9 4 4 8 H a m ilto n , 905-949-0745 Mississauga workforstudents.com/on SP E C IA L events com pany in O a k v ille re q u ire s parttim e to full-tim e production w o rk e rs . W o rk in g h o u rs variable. Must be able to lift 5 0 lb s , h a v e o w n to o ls / safety shoes. Ability to drive 2 4 ' tru c k an a s s e t. F ax: (905)844-1778_____________ S T U D E N T S W a n te d · ·· · C o lle g e P ro P a in te rs lo o k in g fo r e n th u s ia s tic , hardworking individuals for fu ll-tim e S um m er o u td o o r em ploym ent startin g im m ediately. Painting experience an asset not a n ece ssity. Call Philip W hite (416)6882829______________________ EXCITING new retail busi ness requires enthusiastic, re s ponsible S ales Person for new downtown Oakville lo c a tio n . R e ta il s a le s experience an asset. Must be interested in fashion and w illing to w ork weekends. Please call Chelsea's, (905) 849-8982_________________ CLEANERS needed imme diately for retail department s to re s . A ls o lo o k in g for Crew leaders. Heavy and/ or light d u ty e x p e rie n c e d c le a n e rs . V a rio u s s h ifts a v a ila b le . P lease c a ll 1800-565-3756_____________ J U B IL E E Fruit M arket re quires full & part-tim e Pro duce C lerks, a v a ila b le to work flexible hours includ in g w e e k e n d s . A p p ly in p erson w ith resum e: 104 Allen Street, Oakville (905) 842-0378_________________ O A K V IL L E e n g in e e rin g m a n u fa c tu rin g firm seeks full-time & part-tim e Experi e n c e d E n g in e Lath e and M ill O perators. C all (905) 842-8452._________________ LE AD H AN D help for land s c a p e m a in te n a n c e and c o n s tr u c -tio n com pany re q u ire d F u ll-tim e . Experience preferred. Must h a v e ow n c a r. C a ll 905 3 3 0 -9 0 8 3 , o r fa x resum e 905-319-8280_____________ PR O D UC TIO N Person re q u ire d . F u ll-tim e ho u rs . Able to lift and carry up to 100lbs. rate $8./hr. Apply in person to Royal Mattress, 5041 Fairview St., Burling ton. Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm or fax resume 905-681-2294 LA N D S C A P E R S required im m e d ia te ly , fu lltim e , by O a k v ille based com pany. C a ll C h ris at ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 8 6767 EUROPEAN cleaning lady available. Experienced, re lia b le , g o o d re fe re n c e s provided, raasonable rates. Call Vinka, 567-3903. FULL & PART-TIME · Cooks · Wait Staff Apply at Submit resumes via fax to the Assistant Controller at (905)639-2290. RENOVATIONS PLUS Requires two persons with the following experiences: Good tapper, Framer, plumbing, drywall, painting. General all-round renovation experience. Must have own transportation, Drivers. Lie, and 10 years verifiable experience. Must be able to start immediately. Mount Royal Plaza Burlington J A K E 'S G rill & O y s te r H o u se - Now H iring F/T & P/T Servers; Broiler Cooks; Prep Cooks, We offer com p e titiv e w ages, g ra tu itie s and a g reat atm o sp h e re . A p p ly in p e rs o n or c a ll (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 0 8 4 , 950 Walker's Line, Burlington. CARRIERS Needed for the following routes available Inglewood Dr Avondale Spruce Ave Forestgrove Cres. Lani Cres Taylor Cres Deerhurst Ave. Rexway Dr. Strathcona Drive Birett Drive Wood Cres Rockwood Rexway Drive Limerick Road Sw inburne Accounting Cierk · Fulltime Call (905)-847-0619 Travel accessory distribution company located in Oakville requires an Accounting Clerk with min. 3-5 years experience. M ust have B.S.A. and be familiar with all aspects of account ing including various accounting software, financial analysis, projections, payroll, A/P, financial statements, trial balance, etc. Fax resum e by M ay 2 4 /0 0 : (9 0 5 ) 8 2 9 -9 9 4 2 SOUS CHEF/ CHEF for small upscale Dining restaurant in Oakville. Apply at: S.F. E Q U IP M E N T IN C . Has the immediate requirement for individuals for LIGHT ASSEMBLY & WAREHOUSE WORK Remuneration will be based on experience. Attractive benefits package is available. Send (or deliver) resume to: S.F. Equipment Inc., 3179 Mainway, Burlington, 0 N L 7 M 1 A 6 M icro Computer D IPLO M A 1M0US Certified 1Financial Aid May be Avail. CUSTOMER SERVICE W e require a self-starting energetic team player to join our custom er service group. T h e successful candidate should have a post secondary education, good organi zational skills and be ab le to w ork in a fast paced environm ent. S en d resum e with salary expectations to: kdegiorgio@ w ielandinc.com or fax to 9 0 5 -8 2 9 -8 4 1 3 134 Lakeshore Rd. E. (Navy St) or call Beorge (905)-844-0676 or fax 905-338-3591 FU LL/ Part-time Wait staff, reliable, easy going, quick learners, E xperienced but w ill train right candidates. Apply in person 437 Plains Rd E., Burlington call 905634 -88 13, or M aria- 905331-1374__________________ BOSTON Pizza looking for fu ll/ p a rt-tim e M anage rs, Servers, Bartenders, Hosts/ H ostesses, K itchen Staff, D e live ry D rivers. A pply in person: 2011 Winston Park Drive, Oakville.____________ FIN E d in in g re s ta u ra n t (S toney C reek) Full-/parttim e w a it s ta ff and Sous C hef/ Line Cook. Experi ence required. Need own tra n s p o rta tio n . Fax resumes 905-643-8477 ARTISI Cafe & Pastry BarR e q u ire s F u ll/P a rt-tim e C ounterperson for Espres so & Cappucino Bar. Apply in p e rs o n , 495 W a lk e r's Line, (at New St.)Burlington THE Rude Native Bistro is lo o k in g fo r L in e C o o ks, Wait Staff, Bartenders, Bus Persons. For 2 Oakville lo c a tio n s . F ax re su m e s (905)-465-0681 or in person 119 Jones St., Bronte. LIN E Cooks- F u ll-tim e -- A p p ly w ith re su m e W inchester Arms, 450 Ap pleby Line (at New), Bur lington, or fax Attn: Michelle 905-634-2778 Call Circulation Departm ent 632-0588 F o u r Y e a rs + H a rd W o rk = P ro u d P a re n ts You've got a right to be proud of your children's accomplishments whether it's a Elementary, Secondary School, University or post-Secondary School diploma - let them know with a graduation announcement. SUMMER STUDENT WANTED WAREHOUSE POSITIONS Available Immediately Oakville Company (40 hr/wk-days) Warehouse & computer experience an asset. Some heavy lifting. Great summer job for the right university students! ENROL NOW HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE Fax resume: (905) 847-5038 Attn: 0 . Franko 637-3415 E S TA B LIS H E D w holesale g ift c o m p a n y lo o k in g fo r m a tu re o ffic e help, thre e days per week, 9-5. G er m an Lan guage an asset. Must have a pleasant per s o n a lity and s tro n g c u s tomer service skills. No tel ephone inquiries. Fax re sum e a tte n tio n S u z a n n e (905) 875-1090 Milton R E C E P T IO N IS T / S e c re tary, Full time, with BV Ac counting and MS Word 6.0 an asset. Must have excel lent telephone manner. Fax resume with salary expectations: 905-625-3804 L IC E N S E D - R e al E s ta te Assistant- Full or part-time. S cheduled hours. Salary plus bonus. Fax resume to 905-469-3128 O nly those qualified will be contacted. SALES Rep.- Full-time po s itio n fo r a p ro fe s s io n a l, w ell k n ow led ged flo o rin g sales representative. This is an extremely busy retail o u tle t and we re q u ire a s tro n g in d iv id u a l to sta rt im m ediately. Fax resume to : S a le s M a n a g e r, (905)332-7076____________ M AY we have this dance? Vibrant, energetic in divid uals th a t e n jo y tra v e l & dancing are invited to apply fo r em p lo y m e n t w ith this q u ic k ly g ro w in g d an ce s tu d io . No e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry , fre e tra in in g , good pay. Call Fred Astaire Dance S tudio between 26pm. (905)842-3797 Busy Dental Office located in Oakville has the following F/T or Maternity leave position available: DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ ASSISTANT experience necessary, Computer skills an asset. Fax resume: (905)-842-6296 or call Liz (905)-842-8485 DENTAL RECEPTION- full a nd p a rt-tim e p o s itio n s available. Experienced in d e n ta l and c o m p u te rs . Some Evenings and Saturdays. Fax 905-897-1384 R .P.N . required part-tim e nights for luxury retirement re s id e n c e in B u rlin g to n . Qualified applicants fax re sume: Mary Turnbull, Gen eral M anage r, (9 0 5 )3 3 3 0596 STUDENTS WANTED MAILROOM STAFF W ed nesday's and T h u rsd ay's afte r school M ust h a ve safety sh oes M ust b e at le ast 15 y e ars old Apply in person to: 4 0 5 7 F a irv ie w S t., B u rlin g to n C leg g G las s Building U se E as t entrance A s k fo r K rith ia B e tw e e n 9 a m -5 p m T u e s d a y to F rid a y 8 a m to 1 2 p m S a tu rd a y DURLINGTON POST F U L L -T IM E O p to m e tric A s s is ta n t/ D isp e n se r re quired for busy optom etric office. O ptical retail sales e x p e rie n c e an as s e t. P le a s e re s p o n d to: Box 1025, W a-terdow n, LOR2HO CMBurlington Post 632-4440

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