Journal (The Home Newspaper of Oakville and Trafalgar) (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1957, p. 15

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Costs $95 To Miss Car On Kerr Street An accused who told the court that he is suffering from " some thing similar to mental illness-- I 'm not sure," was remanded in custody to June 27, last W ednes day, after he had pleaded guilty to a charge o f stealing a woman's bathing suit from a K ing Street clathesline, and not guilty to stealing m ore than 60 articles of w om en's clothing and underwear from unknown persons over a pe riod o f six months. Leonard Mills, whose address was given as Room 12, The Oak ville House, w ill receive a psychia tric examination and be the sub je c t o f a probation report before his next appearance in court, on orders o f Magistrate Kenneth M. Langdon. Oakville P olice Sergeant H. Dowdle sw ore as the result o f a complaint regarding the loss of a bathing suit, valued at $12, he executed a search warrant at ac cused's address, where he found the bathing suit in a bureau drawer. The second charge, he said, was laid as the result o f discovery in the room o f a cardboard box, (pro duced in court) containing 50 pairs o f w om en's " panties" , fou r skirts, five brassieres, one girdle, a num ber of pairs o f women's shorts, some children's suits, and parts of wom en's bathing suits. Crown Attorney Lloyd Dingle tendered a voluntary statement made by accused at the time o f his arrest. Taking the stand in his own be half, Mills, who was not represent ed by counsel, said, " A ccordin g to the articles I was charged with, I was intoxicated with liquor at that time." A charge o f impaired driving against Leo Brazeau, of R.R. 1, Oakville, to which he pleaded guilty in Magistrate's Court last Wednesday, brought him a fin e of $75, with $20 costs, or one month in jail, and his license was sus- THE JOURNAL, Oakville-Trafalgar, Centennial Issu*, June IT, I85T pended for a period of three months. A second charge of careless driving was withdrawn by the Crown, Oakville Constable Allan Stansbury testified that at 6:25 p.m. on June 18, while going north on Kerr Street, he saw accused's car pull out of a service station lot at Rebecca and K err Streets, nearly colliding with an eastbound eatr. Accused, he said, travelled to Colborne Street West, turning west, then proceeding onto Brant Street South, travelling in the northbound lane. The police car follow ed, and on apprehension, accused told police that he had consumed four pints o f beer. Broken Jaw "Springs" Man W ho Stole Jeans EA R LY TAN NERY In 1892, W ilbur Marlatt entered a partnership with Julian Sale to operate a tannery at the corner of Navy and Colborne Sts., and the pair manufactured leather gloves, purses and novelties. The business occupied a four-storey structure which form erly housed the general store of Gage and Hagaman. < t& r - OAKVILLE CUBS OPEN ARMY CAMP First " troops" to sample life un der canvas at the arm y's Camp Niagara w ere 36 Cubs o f the Oak ville 1st and 2nd pack, who spent a recent w eekend there. They w ill be follow ed this week by militia in fantry units. W o u l d $ 4 0 0 , $ 6 0 0 , $ 1 0 0 0 o r m o r e h e lp y o u o v e r a fin a n c ia l h u r d le ? T h e n c a ll N ia g a r a , w h e r e f r i e n d ly l o a n s a r e m a d e . M a n y t h o u s a n d s o f p e o p l e f r o m c o a s t t o c o a s t a re u s in g N ia g a r a L o a n f a c ilit ie s t o g e t e x tr a c a s h w h e n th e y n e e d it -- L o a n s a r e m a d e u p t o $ 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 -- s o m e t im e s m o r e ; A n d N ia g a r a L o a n s c a n b e l i f e in s u r e d a s a n a d d e d p e a c e - o f - m i n d fe a tu r e ; R e m e m b e r y o u 'r e a lw a y s w e l c o m e at N tfg m ra . That the first cam pers en joyed their experience was evident in the photograph above, showing Provost Lance Corporal D ick Gibson radsing the entrance barrier to admit Cubs Peter Palmer, Dave Streb, Eric f 'otts and Bruce Stewart. The Niagara outing was the last till fall fo r district Cubs. Two weeks ago m ore than 90 o f them spent a damp and rainy Saturday night crow ded into the cookhouse of the Rotary camp on the Base Line. " It was ratiher crow ded, but also a lot o f fun," summed up District Cubmaster Ken McConnell. Remember when you sang this-- a or something like it-- the day school ' was out for the summer? Pretty soon school will be out again. And, like most parents, you've probably promised your youngsters a reward for passing their grades,; Well, there's one extra surprise gift you can give your children to help them make the grade in the years ahead. It's a B o f M Savings Passbook especially designed to appeal to youngsters; Give them one with a nice little balance inside and watch their eyes light up when they see their own names on the cover. And what better passing present* could you give your youngsters than the gift o f thrift? It's a gift that will grow with them through the yearsj One stop at your neighbourhood B o f M branch is all that's needed to give you* children a down-payment on success^ Y oung m en ···a chance to learn and earn A lim ited num ber o f vacancies are available to am bitious youn g m en 16 years o f age, w ith a G rade V I I I o r better education, th rou gh the Canadian A rm y A p p ren tice Plan. I f you can qualify you arle given a W onderful opportu nity to learn a sk illed trade . . . an d y ou 're paid to d o it. Alert y ou n g m en, lik e yourself, w ill be your friends, shaping eventful, interesting careers w ith you. T a lk it ov er w ith your s c h o o l prin cipal and your parents. A pp ly as so o n as p ossib le, d o n 't deJay, fo r applications are p rocessed in ord er o f receipt. A p p ly to your nearest Canadian Arm y R ecru itin g O ffice o r send c o u p o n b e lo w and w e w ill arrange an interview. that ·will help them make the grade in the years ahead. For all kinds of occasions, you -willfin d these . f S special U M Y BANK" student passbooks a wonderful g ift fo r youngsters. . i fo r birthdays, fo r Christmas-- fo r recognizing special efforts they make in one way or another. W W J u s t a few o f Niagara's many loan plant *One o j Niagara's many even-dollar payment plans. D A A G M a n n in g , 169 Colborne St. East, 2nd F loor Trafalgar Bldg. Mgr. T. J. Foran-- V I 5-1697 H.Q. ARM Y, CENTRAL ONTARIO A R E A , ORTONA BARRACKS, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO. Please contact me. I am interested in the C a n a d ia n A rm y Ap pre ntice Plan. Nom e m B a n k of M o n t r e a l O ak v ille B ranch: C Y R IL R O T C H E L L , M anager Also Sub-Agency at 144 Kerr Street North: Open Daily «·.» , k * . ».* m r* · * . m m », A g t., ,, m L O A N S Largest All-Canadian Loan Company A d d re s s . · · · . Province your CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION WwM W e are prou d to be part of th is e n te r p r is in g c o m m u n it y . L O B L A W S to w ill a l w a y s e n d e a v o u r h ig h s t a n d a r d m a in ta in t h e o f th is c o m m u n i t y . LOBLAW S - 110 COLBORNE ST. ... - ' ..-.K. '. I . " >J -1 " .' * · I I ' / · ` I p

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