Journal (The Home Newspaper of Oakville and Trafalgar) (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1957, p. 38

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T5TK JOURNAL. Oakville-Trafalgar, Centennial Issue. June 27, 1957 It's So Easy to Place a Want Ad ... Dial VI. 5-4617 BIRTHS RAMPEN -- Leo and Sybil an nounce the birth of a son at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos pital on June 22nd, 1957. 32-p-l FOR SALE FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE HELP WANTED MALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO YOU, presently reading this in sertion, a chance for bigger profits and better income is offered. Our Company is progressing and more than ever our products ate in de mand, being of the first quality, needed everywhere and fast sales obtained. With our interesting con ditions, soon you will be the boss of a good and dependable business. Want to know more about it? Write for details. If we are repre sented in your locality, we will have another interesting, sugges tion for you. This is the year where ambitious persons have a chance to do something and im prove their situation. Free esti mations at 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 65, Station C, Montreal. > 32h-16 ROOMS FOR RENT WANTED TO RENT USED FURNITURE JUST ARRIVED Walnut 6 -piece dinette set Oak 9-piece dining set Walnut double wardrobe Kitchen cupboard McCONACHIE, John -- At the Steel Cupboards Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos Kitchen Tables pital on Friday, June 21, 1957, O AK VILLE'S jbhn McConachie, 153 Kerr Street North, Oakville, dear brother of LARGEST Mrs. John Nicol and Miss Annie TRADE-IN STORE B, McConachie, both of Oakville; Mrs. R. Anderson and Mrs. John Adam in Scotland and uncle of Miss Jean Nicol of Oakville. The funeral service was held at the Spool % bed complete funeral home of S. S. Russell and Full size 4 poster bed Son, Dunn Street (at the lake), Antique couch Oakville on Monday afternoon. In Antique small desk terment Springcreek Cemetery, 3 large solid walnut cupboards Clarkson. 32-h-2 Brass jardiniere, etc. DEATHS A LEONARD 7 cu. ft. refrigerator 1953 FORD custom sedan, 2-tone, in perfect condition. $110. Phone new white sidewall tires, one own VI 4-9663. 34-h-8 er car. A real buy. Phone VI 5-1459 31h-9 SATIN wedding gowns (2), lace and pearl trimmed, $35 each; 1951 PONTIAC with automatic bridemaids' gown, slip, hat and transmission, underseat heater, mittens, apple green, $20. Victor turn signals, $395. Bronte 383. 33-h-9 5-4700. 32-h-8 6.1 CUBIC ft. Leonard refrigera tor. Little used, $100. Clean felt mattress, 54", $7.50. Phone Victor 4-9807. 33-P-8 1951 FORD pick-up, %-ton, 2 new rear tires. Good condition. Take over payments or best deal offer ed. Phone VI 4-6338. 33-h-9 RECRUITS WANTED All candidates seeking ap pointment must be British subjects; between 21 and 35 years of age. Not less than 5'9" in height, in stocking feet; not less than 160 pounds, and not more than 200 pounds in weight; medi cally, mentally and physically fit. E d u c a t i o nal qualifications equivalent to two years High School, of good moral charac ter and habits. Must possess Ontario Chauf feur's or Operator's license. Must be willing to serve any where in the Province. Apply ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Murphy of Oakville, wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter Eileen Norah to William James Gilroy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilroy of Oakville. The marriage will take place on July 6 , 1957, in St. An drew's Catholic Church at 10 a.m. 32-h-4 Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Brown of Brockville, Ontario announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara Miriam Yvonne, to Mr. David Wray Moyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Menno . Moyer of Blair, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 20, 1957 at two o'clock in Knox *Presbyte rian Church, Oakville. 32-h-4 COMING EVENTS O A K V I L L E LODGE AND Claude M. Kent Lodge are holding a joint Church Parade on Sun day, June 30th, to Knox Presby terian Church. Assemble at the Masonic Temple at 10:30 a.m. Re galia to be worn. 32-h-7 HISTORIC HOMES TOUR, July 4, 5 and 6 from 2 to 5 p.m. spon sored by the University Women's Club of Oakville for Scholarships. Ticket $1.00, available at the Gold en Hour Bookshop. 32-p-7 SOCCER shoes for sale, size 6 . 1957 CHEV coach. Brand new, AirUsed only 3 times, $3.00. Phone conditioned header and license. Bronte 44-R-31. 32-h-8 Private sale. Best offer. Mrs. D. E. Orr. VI 4-9468. 32-h-9 HAY for sale, by the acre. $2.50 500 C.C. TWIN Triumph motor per acre. Phone Bronte 44-R-31. 32-h-8 cycle, recently overhauled engine. In excellent running condition. OUTBOARD motor, Martin, 7Vz $275 or best offer. VI 5-2764. H.P., hardly used. VI 4-3380. 34-h-9 32-h-8 '49 MORRIS convertible, red. $100 COME IN AND LOOK AROUND 130 SUSSEX Hampshire pullets. or best cash offer. VI 5-0482. 50% laying. $1.80 each. VI 5-0333 32-h-9 after 7 p.m. 32-h-8 OAKVILLE'S '49 AUSTIN for sale. Needs some LARGEST ONE Junior Roadmaster bicycle, repairs. Reasonable. Phone VI perfect condition, $15 or best offer. 5-2062. TRADE-IN STORE 32-h-9 Also quart and pint sealers for 32-h-8 1946 DODGE in very good condi Beautiful large Walnut book case sale. Phone VI 4-3478. tion equipped with heater and 3 doors, in nice condition BRAND new CCM boy's bicycle directional signals. Bronte 1, Ring Antique Walnut Desk with hand brake and gears. Best 2. 32-h-9 One chair offer. VI 5-0605. 32-h-8 1957 CHRYSLER-Windsor, 3,000 O AK VILLE'S WINE chesterfield and chair for miles. Sacrifice. Phone Bronte 30. sale. Comfortable. $35. Phone VI LARGEST 32-h-9 5-2063. 32-h-8 TRADE-IN STORE 1953 CHEVROLET. One owner car. MARLIN 22 complete with 4 Summer furniture, large selection power telescopic sight. $30 or best Turn indicators, back-up lights. Excellent condition, $850. Phone Rattan Chairs cash offer. VI 5-0482. 32-h-8 VI 5-4170. 34-h-9 Wading pools Swing sets 1950 FORD deluxe sedan, privately Water play toys driven, low price for quick sale. Croquette sets, etc. WANTED TO BUY Single continental bed, chesterfield chairs, White metal cabinet, piano OAKVILLE'S bench. TAylor 2-1226. 32-h-8 WANTED English pram, good con LARGEST THOR automatic ironer in very dition. Reasonable. Phone VI 4TRADE-IN STORE 34-h-10 good condition, $25. Call VI 5-2223. 9211 after 10:30 a.m. 32-h-8 Real good set of Marine Binoculars PORTABLE or small table model Revere 8 M.M. Turret Movie gramophone. Non-electric, for sum Camera mer cottage. Phone VI 4-3423. Poleroid, picture in a minute cam CARS FOR SALE 32-p-10 era, complete WANTED for Summer cottage-- All like new 2 sets of bunk beds, Coleman 2 burner, hot plate and light also O AK VILLE'S one icebox, etc. Phone VI 5-2660 LARGEST between 6 and 7 p.m. 34-h-10 Antique Furniture 3-BEDROOM home in good resi dential area. Business man and MOTEL ROOMS--MODERN CAB family of two. Best reference* pro vided. Box 1526, The Journal. INS, ROOMS AND MEALS. 32p32 Rates by day or week. YOUNG couple with baby require PHONE BRONTE 106 33-h-19 1 or 2 bedroom apartment in house or building with lawn and park ing. Possession in July. Call col DEANE Avenue, 81. furnished lect. HOward 3-8874. 32-h-22 bedroopi with cooking facilities. Suitable two gentlemen or couple. BUSINESS executive, wife, two $14 per week. Phone VI 5-4223. High School children want three 33-h-19 bedroom unfurnished house, July 1st. Will pay to $175. VI 5-2990. 32-h-22 NEW Murray Hotel -- Double or single rooms by the day or week. Very reasonable rates, 17 Navy St. South. 26-h-19 SUMMER RESORTS MAGNET MOTEL ROOM and board for gentleman. Apply 104 Kerr St. 32-h-19 ROOM and breakfast for one gentleman, close to Ford plant. VI 5-4694. 32-h-19 FURNISHED room for rent, near Ford plant. Phone VI 5-2951. 32-h-21 LOST and FOUND TRADE-IN STORE WHERE'S YOUR PENCI L? Simple arithmetic, algebra, or calculus--anyway you figure the Oakville Furniture & Cycle 89 Colborne Street PERSONAL W ANTED Victor 5-0241 32-h-8 FOR SALE 3 ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED Aluminum DOORS TOP GRADE QUT'tlTY " thick, with screens and storms completely installed with automat ic closer. Never sold under $59.50 Special for Rfl off-season .................. 1 results are the same! All HITCHC0X MOTOR SALES LIMITED STOCK OF LOWER TO BE SEE PRICED USED CARS PRICES. COME IN SELF. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS. Boat Enthusiasts planning to buy or build a boat this spring, who want to save up to 50% on the cost of their boat. See Beaver Lum ber Co., Oakville, for all par ticulars. Precision-cut, pre-assembled boat kits of finest materials -- do-it-yourself at half the cost -- see us today. · KITCHEN · BEDROOM · LIVING ROOM S?t $299,00 Free estimates on quality triple track aluminum windows. ENTIRE SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS Plastic Wall Tile All Colors, per foot . Free Estimates 29c ALUMINUM AWNINGS SOLD AT LOW, LOW BARGAIN AND THIS FINE STOCK FOR YOUR FEDERAL FURNITURE SALES OPEN EVENINGS Colborne at Forsythe tf- 8 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 388 Dundas St. N., Oakville VI. 5-2805 29tf-ll ATLANTIC MANUFACTURING CO VI 5 0381 VI 4-6833 Foot Forsythe St. RACER bicycle. Good condition. GARAGE for sale at Lome Park One year old. .$30 or best offer. to be moved by buyer. Also cir Phone VI 4-9563. 33-h-8 culating pump and oil burner in good condition. Phone VI 5-2942. 33-h-8 CLOTHES line poles, made of twoinch pipe, cemented down, choice o f walking line or pulley line. Mil COLLIE, pure bred, female, spade. ton Gerrior, VI 4-3129. 34-h-8 1 year old. Excellent pet with children. Phone VI 5-1920. 31-h-8 PULLETS--Light Sussex, 50 to 75, ready to lay in July. $2 each. AUTO insurance, low rates, no Phone VI 5-0982. 32-h-8 membership fee. Cornwall and Vince. Days VI 5-2879, nights VI ANTIQUE walnut server, $100; 5-2063. > tf-h- 8 dining room chairs, six, each $7. HEATER, Duo-Therm space type, Simplex ironer, $60; Coleman oil space heater, $40; electric two- oil burner, automatic blower, heats burner rangette, $25; sump pump, six rooms, good condition for quick 31h-8 $15. VI 5-2384. 32-h-8 sale $70. VI. 5-4646. ANTIQUE sideboard, armchair ROLLER skates and boots, man's. and rocking chair, comer chair Black, size 8 . Almost new. Selling and small antiques. Collection of $25, cost $40. Phone Clarkson, 33-h-8 war souvenirs, mostly 1914-1918. TAylor 2-0872. Apply 76 Spruce St. 32-p-8 GRAVITY fed oil furnace com DINETTE set, Duncan Phyfe, ma plete with tank and duct work. tf- 8 hogany, drop-leaf table, small size, Victor 5-4872. four chairs, maroon and grey up CLOTHES dryer, Westinghouse, holstery. $85. Mahogany, two draw automatic. Four years old. Perfect er end tables. Two, $20 each. operating condition. Owner leaving Phone VI 5-2252. 32-h-8 town. Must sell. Reduced price. 31-h-8 STUDENT'S piano accordion. Used $60. VI 4-3749. only a few times, $40. Phone VI BABY carriage, grey, excellent 4-6257. 33-h-8 condition, used one year. Good RANGE -- Westinghouse, electric brake, converts into stroller; with white and grey, older model, four- storm cover, mattress, $20. Victor 32-h-8 burner with side oven and warm 5-2344. ing oven. $15. VI 5-2723. 32-h-8 PIANOS--Bell, medium size up RUG--Cherry red, reversible wool, right, lovely tone, $90. Boston 9x12 ft. Used only one year. Cost Grand, square table model, excel $135, selling $75. Phone VI 4-9454. lent for entertainment room, $50. . 32-h-8 32-h-8 VI 5-1302. FAUCETT electric stove, 38" , 6 OUTBOARD motor, 10 horsepower months old, $125; 3-piece green Martin, used very little. Original chesterfield with one matching cost $385 will sell for $150 cash. 34-h-8 table, 6 months old. Also kitchen Private. VI 4-6973. set, pink and silver chrome, for INTERIOR doors, sliding doors, 2 mica table, 4 chairs. Phone 5-4916. heavy sinks. Screen door. Call VI 33-h-8 4-3156. 32-h-8 ROSTISSERIE, deluxe m o d e l ASTRAL refrigerator on custom worth $99.50, will sell $69.50. Has built cabinet stand. New condition, bake-a-tray, barbecues, bakes, fries, $60.00. Call A1 Huntley. VI 4-6131. broils. Never used. Phone VI 34-h-8 5-2796. 33-h-8 TWO wheel trailer for sale. Can BABY crib, large size, only two vas top. Apply 20 Wilson St. S. month old. Deodorized spring-fill32-h-8 ed mattress, $15, cost $39. Child's wagon, large size, $5. Three mo ONE continental double bed. Com tors, % h.p. each, $5. Phone plete, 3 months old, $45; also grey Bronte 789. 33-h-8 chrome table and four chairs, al most new, $42. Phone VI 5-2450 RANGE, Westinghouse, electric. 3 between 6 and 8 p.m. 23-h-8 burners, deep-well cooker, baking oven, warming oven, two utility PRIVATE collection of stamps on drawers; good condition. New ele paper, chiefly Colonial (Trinidad, ments in oven, $50 aftter 5 p.m. Barbados, British Guiana and some VI 5-2332. 33-h-8 Mint. VI 4-6260 after 6 p.m. 32-h-8 1952 OLDSMOBILE Sedan, equip ped with radio. Drive it home for o n ly ____________________ __ $695 "Old a t 40, 50, 60?" -- Man. You're Crazy Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try " pepping up" with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron which many men and women call " old." Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for pep, younger feeling, this very day. New " get acquainted" size only 60c. For sale at all drug stores everywhere. 30h-ll 1951 BUICK Custom Sedan. Its a real steal for o n l y ----------- $795 Coupe, Green Priced for real savings, dependable transportation. 1951 MONARCH 1951 CHEVROLET, 4-door sedan, automatic transmission and radio, Torpedo styling------------------- $695 FOUR passengers would like STUDEBAKER SEDAN, transportation from Sunningdale Priced to please at o n ly $150 subdivision to Toronto. Office hours 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN VI 4-9802. 32-h-ll 1949 FORD COACH. Yours for PERSON new to area would like $295 to become paying passenger from only 1949 BUICK SUPER SEDAN, au Morden Rd. and Lakeshore High tomatic transmission and radio. way to Oakville station for commu A buy a t ___________________$395 ters' train daily. Please call VI 4-6568. 32-h-ll 1948 PONTIAC Chieftain Sedan, 6TRANSPORTATION wanted morn cylinder $100 ings only from Winston - Shaw 1948 STUDEBAKER Sedan -- $195 Maplehurst area. Arriving Oakville 9 a.m. VI 4-6878. 32-h-ll 1951 PONTIAC. Take it away as is ------------------ __________ $395 1950 H ITCHC0X MOTOR SALES LTD. Pontiac -- Buick -- Cadillac G.M.C. Trucks JUST OFF COLBORNE ON GEORGE SOUTH--PHONE 5-1681 OPEN NIGHTLY TIL 9 p.m. HELP WANTED v FEMALE NATIONALLY KNOWN COMPANY temporarily located in Hamilton with plans for a permanent office 32h-9 in Oakville desires Clerk-Typist. Company benefits, pension plan, 1952 PONTIAC, blue-grey, two- etc. door sedan, seat covers, heater, REPLY BOX 1525 JOURNAL good tires. Motor completely re built, $595. Phone Bronte 387-J. 32-h-9 THREE women wanted immedia tely, with pleasing personality, 1952 CHEVROLET sedan delivery preferably with use of car, for truck. Good condition. One own part-time, interesting and dignified er. Good tires. Phone Bronte 194. work in this district. Must have 1532-h-9 2 0 spare evening hours, to earn $25. - $75 weekly, advertising our 1951 MORRIS Oxford, clean in Finetable offer by appointment good mechanical condition, recon only. No canvassing. Entirely new ditioned motor, four new tires, in Canada. Exceptional opportun $295. See A1 or Don Regent Ser ity. All applicants considered. vice Station, Queen E. at Fourth Write P.O. Box 14, Hamilton, for Line. VI 5-1772. 32-h-9 interview. 32-h-12a 1947 STUDEBAKER, %-ton pick up. Practically new. Snow grip tries, new distributor, battery, king pin and bushings, $150. VI 5-0982. 32-h-9 ROOM and board for 1 or 2 men. Large room, single beds, close to 32-h-19 MALE Siamese cat with blue col Kerr St. VI 4-3129. lar. Missing from Lakeshore Hwy. EMPLOYMENT East since June 17th. Please tele APARTMENTS WANTED phone any information to Victor Comfortable, fully equipped cot FOR RENT tages at lovely Victoria Harbour, 5-1453. 32-h-17 Georgian Bay. All conveniences, within few feet of beach. For rent HANDYMAN, experienced in FOUND yellow budgie. Lakeshore al reservations at a glorius spot, painting and gardening wants Rd. East. Phone VI 4-3455. APARTMENTS 32-h-17 29-32h-24 call 5-2067._______ small jobs for evenings and week FOR RENT ends. References. After 4:30 p.m. WASAGA Beach, Oakview Cabins, Phone VI 4-6079. 34-h-14 IMMEDIATE occupancy, very spa single and double housekeeping LEGAL NOTICES cious upper duplex, oversize living cabins. Write Mrs. L. Offless 108 ALL kinds of odd jobs and car room with dining area. Good kit Wellington St. West, Barrie. PWne pentering done in spare time. chen, two bedrooms and bath, pri Barrie, Parkway 8-3540 or Pa-rkwav Papering, painting, etc. Good work TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR vate garden, central location. $135 8-9103. 34h-24 guaranteed. Phone Bronte 504. NOTICE per month, heated. Call Mrs. 31-p-14 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACT George, VI 4-3251 or VI 5-1517. JULY 13-27th, Cottage -- Geor R.S.O. 1950--CHAPTER 215 J. A. Willoughby & Sons Limited, gian Bay-Parry Sound district. ENGLISH gentleman (middle age), Realtors. Q. E. and Dundas Street Private sandy beach, safe for chil seeks employment in position of TAKE NOTICE THAT: 32-h-20 dren. Excellent fishing, two double trust. Skilled in designing, copy- 1. The Council of the Corporation N, Oakville. bedrooms. City facilities, $45 a writing, proof reading. Will accept of the Township of Trafalgar in SELF-CONTAINED bachelor a- week VI 4-9762. 34-h-24 part time employment. Phone tends to construct as a local im Bronte 402. 32-h-14 provement an 8 " watermain on partment for rent. Convenient to Cornwall Road and extension downtown. $60 per month plus BOOKKEEPING and accounting thereof to the Ninth Line, com electricity. Phone VI 5-1243. MORTGAGES 32-h-20 service. Work collected and deli mencing at the Eighth Line and vered. Moderate fees. Phone Bron thence easterly for a distance of FOR SALE & WANTED te 336. 34-p-14 about 6,895 feet, and intends to assess a part of the cost upon the 2 HIGH School boys desire Sum land abutting directly on the work FOR RENT WILL purchase good second mort mer work. Willing workers. Any and the balance to the Local Im gages. If you have a second mort job considered. Have driver's li provement Water Area as estab gage for sale, please contact Mair cense. Phone VI 4-6172. 32-p-14 lished by By-law No. 1953-19 and Investments Limited, Box 303, amended by By-law No, 1955-43. DARK ROOM work required for Oakville. Phone VI. 5-1689. tf-25 evenings and weekends, Oakville 2. The total estimated cost <ff the Attractive 1% storey home with or Trafalgar. Phone TRriangle work is $64,217.41 of which $6,434,- extra washroom. In good east end FOR prompt attention on all types 8-9170. 32-p-14 09 is to be paid by the Corporation. location. Two year lease. Available of property see us first. Buyers The estimated cost per foot front July 15th, 1957. Call Mr. Mercer, waiting, mortgage money available. age is $4,449. The special assess Phone now, E. Silas Smith, Real VI 5-4258 or VI 4-6522. tor, 224 Reynolds St. North, Phone ment is to be paid in 2 0 equal an BUSINESS SERVICES nual instalments and the estimat VI 5-0773. 32-h-25 ed rate per foot frontage is .387SECOND mortgage for sale $6,500, 85c. interest 6 % payable $50 monthly, 3- Application will be made to the open. Property on Chisholm St., vfatario Municipal Board for its Victor 5-4258 Bfronte, make offer. VI 5-1689. approval of the undertaking of the 32-h-21 33-h-23 said work and any owner may, COOL beside the lake in beautiful within 2 1 days after the first pub SECOND mortgage for sale, $2,100, lication of the said work, file with grounds, attractive 5 rooms, payable approximately $40 per the Board (at 145 Queen Street age, furnished kitchen, private en month. Property on Deane Ave. West, Toronto) his objection to the trance, laundry facilities, available Oakville, make offer. Phone Victor i DESIGNERS --no children. $175 on lease. 1410 5-1689. said work being undertaken. 33h-25 K BUILDERS 4. The said Board may. approve Lakeshore East. VI 5-2086. 31h-21 of the said work being undertaken -- free estimate -- but before doing so it may appoint PARK and Colborne -- Best resi REAL ESTATE CALL a time and place when any objec dential area, small house, living tion to the said work will be con room 22x32 ft. with fireplace, re CR. 8-4634 cessed bookcases, etc. Small bed sidered. room, bath, modern kitchen with DATED at Trafalgar this 17th day The Fairline Co. electric range and refrigerator, of June, A.D., 1957. balance unfurnished, basement 55 Woodlawn Ave. S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Clerk, with half-bath and laundry facili PORT CREDIT UNBEATABLE 32h-18 ties, $115 month. Rent or lease 32tf-h-15 30-h-21 LOCATION Tenders will be received by Tra VI 4-6242. falgar Township for the construe CENTRALLY located, furnished overlooking the lake with beautiful tion of the Trafalgar Township nine room house, four bedrooms, Appleby College grounds at back, A NEW Roads Department Building. Available July and August. $300, walk in recreation room with large 30-h-21 shaded patio at back. Also 28 ft. Drawings and specifications pre VI 4-9735. pared by Barnett & Rieder, Archi finished television room down tects, will be available at the Ar AIR-condiitioned business location stairs. All bedrooms extra large for rent by present tenants. Busi chitects Office in Toronto and with washroom off master. Main AND reference copies will be at the To ness has outgrown space. Colborne bath has 5 ft. vanity and plate ronto Builders Exchange, the Tra St. W., upstairs over store, two glass mirror. 2 2 ft. living room falgar Township Office and at the rooms, fixtures, drapes, etc. $115 with natural stone fireplace. Nice Architects Office at 279 Queen per month (lease available). Eve large kitchen with 15 ft. of cup HAS BEEN OPENED 33h-21 boards, also eating area. Just being Street South in Kitchener, on nings phone VI. 4-6511. Thursday, June 27th, 1957. finished, open for inspection now. Tenders will be received in the TWO-bedroom house, unfurnished, $27,500. Architects Office by registered on Kerr Street, North, Oakville. 165 Westdale Rd. , 34-h-21 mail postmarked not later than VI 4-6885. Turn south opposite 4th Line. l '/i AUTO WRECKING YARD Thursday, July 11th, 1957 or deli BEDROOM house, unfurnished, miles west of Oakville on No. 2. AND SALVAGE vered by hand not later than I 4:00- p.m. Friday, July 12, and ad 516 Wellington Cres., Oakville, Speers Rd. VI. 4-3059 .. Oakville dressed to: $130 per month. $125 lease. Apply 32h-15 The Clerk, before Friday night. TA 2-0622 32-p-21 Trafalgar Township, c /o Barnett & Rieder, Architects, BACHELOR apartment, central, VICTOR 4 3185 BABY sitters, home, makers, prac 96 Eglinton Avenue East, unfurnished, kitchenette. Complete 32-h-2ff tical nurses, available. Phone VI Toronto 12, Ontario. 4-9636. tfh-15 The lowest or any tender will private bathroom, stove and refri gerator. Suitable for one or two. not necessarily be accepted. CUSTOM BUILT INTERESTED in Hi-Fi? For per A deposit cheque of $25.00 will Available June 29th. Phone VI 32-P-21 sonal attention and demonstration be required for drawings and 5-4933. call Lloyd Elkerton. VI 4-3012. specifications. THREE-room flat for rent. Vacant Have a home built to your 32-P-15 32-h-18 July 1st. Phone 4-3447. 32-p-21 own plans and specifications in Trafalgar's exclusive COUNTY OF HALTON POWER mower for rent by the CLEAN, bright, well-furnished TENDER FOR PAINTING hour. Apply Shell Service Station, room in Bronte. Suitable for 2 Sealed tenders addressed to Mr. young men. Board and laundry. Highway No. 2, Bronte. Phone 379. 30-tf-15 Wm. Deans, County Clerk, Milton, $15 per week each. Call A1 Hunt Ontario, will be received up to ley. VI 4-6131. 34-h-21 DAY care for children in my home 1 2 . 0 0 o'clock noon. SUBDIVISION at Bronte, $7.50 week. Mother of WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1957 THREE bedroom cottage to rent. adjoining Oakville off Pinethree children. Phone Bronte 595. for painting certain offices at the Central location, $85 per month. wood Ave. and the 8th Line. 32-h-15 Court House, at Milton, Ontario. Phone VI 4-6655. 34-h-21 The lots are large on paved Specifications and tender forms road with curbs, storm sewers SOD and topsoil delivered and may be obtained from the County ROOM or room and board for one and no through traffic. Sample gentleman. 120 Garden Dr. Victor laid. Oakville and surrounding Engineer, Milton, Ontario. home ready for inspection. 32-h-21 The lowest or any tender not ne 4-3478. area. Large and small jobs. Free CALL estimates. S. Peterson, VI 5-1108. cessarily accepted. 6 -ROOM unfurnished house, oppo C. M. HENDERSON 50-h-15 . ROY F. SMITH. site Appleby College. For appoint^ Builder COUNTY ENGINEER. ment call Milton, TRiangle 8-6227 Victor 4-6677 32-h-18 and reverse charges. 32-h-21 31tf-h-28 ONTARIO POLICE COLLEGE 291-295 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, Ontario. SIAMESE cat. Seal point disap peared from Suffolk Park area around June 1st. Reward for re turn or information. Phone VI 2 2 -h-1 2 b 4-9647. 33-h-17 OAKVILLE CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY RANCH BUNGALOW AUTO WRECKING SALVAGE YARD OAKVILLE W. B. Thompson Construction HOMES CORAL TERRACE LOANS Sealed tenders, properly marked, addressed to Mr. Wm. Deans, County Clerk, Milton, Ont. will be received up to 1 2 o'clock noon. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1957 Corporation Limited for the supplying of approximately -- All Types of Loans -- 170-200 Tons of Southern Domestic Oil treated Stoker Coal to the -- Any Useful Purpose -- County Building and also for the 75 Colborne E. Oakville suppplying of approximately 4,000 Gals, of Furnace Fuel Oil to the Registry Office. Victor 4-3481 Further information may be ob TF-H-15A tained from the County Engineer, Milton, Ont. The lowest tender not necessa MIDDLE - aged housekeeper for For Classified Ad Re rily accepted. elderly lady. MUST be able to take Roy F. Smith. responsibility. Good salary for sults try a proven medi suitable person. References re County Engineer, quired. Call VI 8-0343. 32-h42a um, The Journal, 5-4617. ` 82-h-I8 INDEPENDENT FINANCE COUNTY OF HALTON Tender for Coal Tender for Furnace Fuel Oil WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent by Aug., Sept. unfurnished 3-4 bedroom home, preferably east Oakville. Best of references. Phone evenings. VI 4-6004. 29-h-22 DESIRABLE unfurnished house wanted in Oakville, Clarkson or Port Credit area for 3 responsible adults. Phone evenings collect MO 1828. 32-h-22 HOUSE for sale. Kent Gardens. 2 YOUNG couple require 3 room bedroom, frame. Large lot. Owner unfurnished apartment or flat, oc moving to Montreal. $10,500 or cupancy now or 1st July. Central reasonable offer. VI 4-3089. 33-h-28 location, reasonable rent. Call VI RANCH style home, 3 or 4 bed 5-0648. 32-h-22 rooms,' large living room 29x13 and kitchen 19x7.178 Morrison B4r JOURNAL W A N T ADS V I «4*37 VI 8-1302. $18,900 EAST Oakville, 3 bed rooms, dressing room, and bath room upstairs. Living room with log burning fireplace, dining room, den and kitchen downstairs. Dry basement with tiled floor and laundry facilities. Metal, casement windows with inside storms and screens. Hot water heating with oil. Detached garage, large, seclud ed and shaded lot overlooking the river. Reasonable down payment. Telephone owner, Victor 5-1385. 30-h-2fl

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