12 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday November 25, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com Help Save Hatton's Grand Old O ak Tree A r a r e , 2 5 0 + y e a r o ld o a k tre e w ill b e t a k e n d o w n u n le s s a p la n to w id e n B r a n fe R o o d {H w y . 2 5 } Is r e d r a w n . To b e n d f i e r o o d a r o u n d th e m a je s tic fre e w ill c o s t $ 3 4 3 /0 0 0 , le s s th a n 1% o f f e $ 4 2 m ilia n p ric e l a g fo r th e to ta l p ro je ct.. H a lt o n R e g io n C o u n c il H a s a g r e e d th a t jf th e a d d e d co s? is r a is e d b y D e c e m b e r I S f f e f e r o a d p la n w ill b e r e v is e d , M o re th a n $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 h a s b e e n r a is e d in m o n e y a n d p le d g e s , W e in v ite c o n c e r n e d c it iz e n s , c o m p a n ie s , s c h o o ls a n d o th e r o r g a n iz a t io n s fo jo in In r a is in g th e r e m a in d e r . G r e a t -g .r e a t -g .r e a t g r a n d c h ild r e n w ill LI ESA KORTMANN / OAKVILLE BEAVER SPIRITED PERFORMANCE: Serguei Tchepournov, violinist and Danny McErlain, pianist are playing in a concert called Gypsy Spirit Dec. 1. l a x r e c e ip t s w ill b e is s u e d fo r d o n a t io n s o v e r $ 2 5 Conceit offers spirit and style Continued from page 10 For d o n a tio n in fo rm atio n w w w .h a Iiw n .c a / so v e H ie tre e 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 '6 0 0 0 · 1 - 8 6 6 -4 4 2 - 5 8 6 6 The Oakville Beaver b e a v e r .c o m it of furious dances." And because it's so quick to change tempo, playing with another person, not to mention five or six others, he said, "is very difficult." That's' why for now Tchepournov is performing with McErlain only. "I would, be happy to be put more musicians on the stage, but it's not so easy," he said "Danny is a wonderful musician, he is highly professional. He knows all types of music." McErlain lives in Toronto, con ducts a few choirs and has per formed at various venues, includ ing jazz shows and along with var ious recording artists in studios. Tchepournov, who runs TCH Music Productions and writes music for the movie and TV indus·try, also has plans for another record of his own, this time a light kind of rock music: Gypsy Spirit is Friday, Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. at Clearview Church, 2300 Sheridan Garden Dr. Tickets, $16, are available at the door and at Notes, 35 Lakeshore Rd. W and EAtelier Grigorian, 210 Lakeshore Rd. The Gypsy Spirit CDwill also be on sale at the concert and a portion ofpro ceeds from sales will to go the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation For information, call TCH Music Production at 905-338-1495. 1 1 M l IS # Is E |r% W JA with the largest selection of German specialties Visit us Sunday, December 3r dfor special holiday tastings To give you some festive ideas for the holiday season, Denninger's will be sampling hot mulled w 'ne' ^'ne 'mPorte<^ chocolates, pralines, gingerbread, Christmas cake, stollen and cookies. Don't forget Denninger's gourmet gift baskets and gift certificates. Asbach Brandy Beans 200g ........................... $4.99 Bahlsen Christmas Tin 500g............................... $ 18.99 Bohme Brandy Cherries 300g.................................... .79 Denninger's Christstollen 750g .........................$4.99 Gottena Festive Cookies Assortment 750g.........$7.99 Koch Chocolate Santa Bags 150g.....................$2.99 Lambertz Pfeffernuesse 200g...........................$ 1.29 Featuring ft ft - ..................... $1.69 NiedereggerMarzipan Marzipan Bars Bars 48g 48g ......................$1.69 Niederegger Reber Mozart Mozart Kugeln Kugeln Box Box 240g......................... 240g......................$14.99 Reber $ 14.99 SchluckwerderMarzipan Marzipan Pigs Pigs 1 1 OOg................ $3.99 Schluckwerder OOg.................... Weiss Contrella Contrella Gingerbread Gingerbread 200g 2 00g .................. $2.49 Weiss KuchenmeisterLiqueur LiqueurCakes Cakes 400g 400g ................. $4.99 Kuchenmeister ................. Rausgoldengel Mulled MulledWine Wine 1L 1L....................... $4.99 Rausgoldengel Sunday, D ecem b er 24: A ll stores w ill be open 8 am -4 pm Hamilton *O p e n S u n d a y s 1 1 -4 Stoney Creek *O p e n S u n d a y s 1 1 -4 Burlington *O p e n S u n d a y s 1 7-5 Oakville *O p e n S u n d a y s 1 1 -4 g St. _ E. ;2 8 4 K in ^ 826 Queenston Rd. 699 Guelph Line 2410 Lakeshore W.