www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday November 25, 2006 - 23 Cosm etic Enhancem ents L ilianne M edspa is th e Canadian Training for physicians and qualified a esth eticia n s fo r th e G reen P e e l and Dr. Schram m ek Skincare Line. One treatment of the Green Peel results in more profound change than chemical or non-chemical peels. It is the non-acidic, non-surgical choice for the face and body. Utilizing this procedure, developed by Dr. Schrammek 45 years ago, produces excellent results in the treatment of: -Wrinkles -Fine lines ~Acne ~Acne scars ~Pock marks -Hyper pigmentation -Sagging facial contours -Cellulite -Neck firming -Stretch marks M JHI Discover the relaxing power of hypnosis to help reduce stress, overcome fear, goal setting, pain relief, stop smoking or weight loss. b O J O X Reduce frown and 'inkle lines giving your face a more relaxed, refreshed appearance R.E.6TYLANIIL p l e . l a N l a AR.TE_C<?LL Reduce laugh lines, wrinkles & facial contours around the lips for a more youthful appearance o n a ll L a s e r T r e a tm e n ts . Call for details. VJDffer ends Dec.22/06 4 Let us eliminate this annoying problem and bring your skin back to its brightest & healthiest on all Botox, Restylane, Perlane, Artecoll & Dermalive Treatments. Call for details. Offer ends D ec.22/06 L A 5 E .R . llAIE. r l m ^Va l Using the light sheer laser for dark hair and the Aurora for light and dark coloured hair, the most effective hair removal procedures Crows Feet Before Lip Enhancement After