The Oakville BeaVer, Friday May 12, 2006 - 33 O AK results from Hicken m eet C o n tin u e d fr o m p a g e 3 2 medley; silver, 800m free; bronze, 200m free); 14year-old girls: Katie Fox (bronze, 100m breast); 1 4 -y ea r-o ld b oys: Brody Dyson (silver, 200m back; bronze, 100m back); 15 -a n d -o ld e r boys: Cam C um m in g s (gold, 100m back; silver, 1500m free, 200m back; bronze, 400m medley); C u rtis Sam uel (silver, 100m fly; bronze, 200m back); Zacary O dger (bronze, 50m free, 100m free, 100m breast); Zabk C h etra t (bronze, 100m back). breast) 11-year-old gir ls: Avery Longm ore (7th, 100m back; 8 th, 100m breast); M arni Oldershaw (7th, 100m breast); 11-year-old boys: David W ilson (4th, 200m breast; 7th, 100m breast), Dragan Poposki (5th, 200m breast; 8th, 50m breast); 1 2 y ea r-o ld g ir ls : C lara A rm stro n g (4th, 200m breast; 8th, 400m m ed ley); Em ily Ower (8th, 100m back, 200m fly); 1 2 -y e a r -o ld b o y s: Russell nets winner in RBC clash Oakville's Scott Russell scored two m inutes into the third period and David Wilson made 13 of his 41 saves in the final period Tuesday as the Streetsville Derbys guaranteed them selves a place in Saturrday's RBC Royal Bank Cup sem i final round. Russell took a pass from Dan Fraser on a Streetsville power play and blasted a high shot past Brent Bothwell to give the Derbys a 2-1 vic tory Tuesday over th e top-ranked Yorkton Terriers and improve Streetsville's record to 30. Resting many of their key players, including Russell, for W ednesday's final ro u n d -ro b in game at the national Jr. A cham pionship, the Derbys lost 4-1 to CR Joliette Action. Streetsville, th e to u rn am en t ho st w hich bowed o u t in th e opening ro u n d of the Provincial Jr. A Hockey League playoffs, w asn't given m uch of a chance against the four region al champions. However, the Derbys are now ju st one win away from reaching Sunday's final at the Powerade Centre in Brampton. The cham pi onship game will be televised on TSN. M ackenzie D arragh (4th, 200m b reast); Alex P lotnikov (5th, 200m b re a st); Reid Scarrow (7 th , 200m b re a st); 1 3 -y e a r -o ld R elay m ed als g ir ls: E rin Assman (4th, 1 0 -a n d -u n d e r b oys: 100m fly, 200m medley; gold, 4 x 50m free, (M ichael S eifert, Evan Oakville Aquatic Club's 11-12 girls' relay 5 th , 400m free; 6 th, W hite, M ackenzie team of (left to right) Clara Armstrong, 100m free, 8th, 400m medley); Sydney Clarke M artyn, Jarro d Baddeliyanage); gold, 4 x Mika Spencer, Marni Oldershaw and (7th, 200m back); 1450m m edley (Evan Jacqueline Kerie set a new club record in year-old g ir ls: Kate Fox (4th, 200m medley; 5th, W hite, Jarro d 200m breast; 6th, 100m B addeliyanage, M ichael the 4x50-metre medley relay. fly, 400m medley); 1 4 S eifert, M ackenzie year-old boys: G raham Fink (5th, 50m free; 8th, M artyn); 1 1 -1 2 girls: silver, 4 x 50m m edley [club 100m back, 200m back); Dylan K ent (7th, 200m record] (Marni Oldershaw, Clara A rm strong, Mika fly, 400m medley; 8th, 200m breast); 15-an d Spencer, Jacqueline Keire); bronze, 4 x 50m free o ld er girls: Nicole M acKenzie (5th, 200m free; (Mika Spencer, M arni O ldershaw , Jac q u e lin e 7th, 50m free); Rachel Chan (7th, 100m free; 8th, Keire, Clara A rm strong); 1 1 -1 2 boys: silver, 4 x 200m medley); Poppy Sanders 50m free (M ackenzie D arragh, Reid Scarrow , (6th, 200m back; 8th, 100 back); 1 5 -a n d -o ld er Colin Searle, K ent Kikot); bronze, 4 x 50m m ed boys: Luke Kikot (4th, 50m free; 5th, 100m ley (M ackenzie D arragh, A lexander Plotnikov, Reid Scarrow, K ent Kikot); 15 -a n d -o ld e r boys: back); Cam C um m ings (6th, 100m free; 7th, 200m free); Zack C h e tra ti4 th , gold, 4 x 50m free (Zack C hetrat, Zacary Odger, 200m free, 100m fly, 200m fly; 5th,-200m back, Luke Kikot, Cam C um m ings); gold, 4 x 50m m ed ley (Cam C u m m in g s, Zacary Odger, C u rtis 400m medley 8th, 100m free); C urtis Sam uel (4th, 1500m free, lOOria back; 6th, 400m medley; Sam uel, Zack C hetrat). 8 th, 400m free); M att Lawson (8th, 1500m free); Ind ivid ual Top- 8 fin is h e s l e ar n in g team p o in ts) Jam es Loh (6th, 100m breast, 200m breast); 1 0 -a n d -u n d er girls: Tanith W ilkinson (8th, 50m B rian G ilm our (8th, 200m breast); Zacary Odger breast); M ichelle C arrabetta (5th, 100m back); (4th, 200m m edley). 1 0 -a n d -u n d er boys: M ackenzie M artyn (5th, 50m breast; 7th, 100m free, 100m breast, 8th, 50m free); Evan W hite (5th, 50m free, 6 th, 50m fly; · Members of the Dolphins Swim Club also 7 th , 100m back, 50m b reast); Jarro d competed at the Hicken meet. Their results w ill Baddeliyanage (6th, 50m back, 50m breast, 100m appear in an upcoming edition of the Beaver. KEVIN STOKES Sales R ep rese n ta tive SUMMER HUMPHREY Sales R ep rese n ta tive T U E S D A Y FR ID A Y . Kevin Stokes has been w ith RE/MAX since 0 1992 and is enjoying his 18th year in real estate. Active in the Oakville & Burlington markets, Kevin handles residential real estate, corporate relocation & investment properties. An Oakville resident fo r 2 0 + years, Kevin is active in the com m unity and is an avid golfer, musician & w oodw orking enthusiast Kevin shares his enthusiasm: "Your success is lim ited only by your ability, determination and hard w ork - A t RE/MAX, quality salespeople w ho are serious about excelling in the real estate business have the freedom to realize their fu ll business p otential". For all your real estate need d o n 't hesitate to contact KEVJN-or email him at m Summer Humphrey lives in Oakville w ith her husband and tw o children. She has a background in real estate m arketing and is com m itted to customer service. Summer has been in real estate for 4 years and is active in the O akville m arket and surrounding areas. Focusing her attention on residential real estate along w ith condos and luxury homes, Summer is dedicated to fulfilling her clients needs w ith her knowledge, experience and hard w ork. Summer feels the best thing about being a RE/MAX ag e nt is "th e support fro m m anagem ent and colleagues in all areas when you need it m ost". For all your real estate needs, call SUMMER or email her at summerhumphrey@ 9 & Dine (after 5pm)...... * 4 4 . " 18 & Dine (after 3pm)...3 5 9 .99 Dinner Only........... $ 1 9 ." . jg ! W 9 & D ine (after 5pm) .3 4 9 .99 1 8 & D ine (after 3pm)...3 6 4 .99 Dinner Only ........... * 2 4 . " ow er Cart. Salad, M eal and Dessert 3 1 Contact Kevin Stokes at u our Downtown office, 9 0 5 .3 3 8 .9 0 0 0 Contact Summer Humprey at our Uptown office, 9 0 5 .8 4 2 .7 0 0 0 (Plus taxes and gratuities) RE/MAX invites you to join the event that brings hundreds of neighbourhoods together for a massive one day yard sale, on Saturday May 27th, in support of breast cancer. Please visit for further information. 67 LA K ESH O RE RD. W EST Tee times available seven daysJn advance OLF C LU B id at Guelph A b o u to w n e R e a lty C o rp .. B ro k e ra g e 9 0 5 .3 3 8 .9 0 0 0 418-2 N. SERVICE RD. EAST W 18-hole Championship G olf Course Driving Range and Practice Facility Licenced Lounge and Bar G olf Tournaments Weddings and Receptions Private and Corporate Functions ..owville H w v401 Derry Rd. ` C rosswYnd S G o l f & C o u n t r y C l u b J o in u s ...M S u n d a y , M ay 1 ft Serving a sumptuous three- course meal! C all for R eservations | 6621 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario (Just south o f D erry Rd.) Rates Monday to Thursday Early Bird (weekdays before 8:30am) Twilight (everyday after 4:00pm) Weekends (Friday to Sunday & Holidays) Dundas w w w .c r o ssw in d sg o lf.c o m Tel: (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 -5 9 9 1 L