The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday February 11, 2006 - 11 More P roudly In tro d u c in g O akville's b a b y c la s s o f 2 0 0 5 K loafi Peter Schiller March 11,2005 Olivia Dcaaa k O veru ftaa Saretc Jane 15,2005 · hiaudm Sam m er Ucn Jane 2 1 ,2 0 0 5 T ijler James Sartsh Jane 22,2005 £vaa fluthcfuj James Ostafi Jalj20,2005 M elanie C onstance M arie (barren flajast 2,2005 T ijler Ham ilton Hynett flajast 5,2005 Uwan Paal M cD erm ott flkyast 26,2005 Qracii Bizabztk M aeller . September 4,2005 Powan JamesVan A lien, KW mber 6,2005 GENERAL INQUIRY Anyone having surgery rendered by Anesthetist, Dr. Lily Chang. Please call Gwen M offatt at L E Z L IE M CDERM OTT Ml CASITA - Joy Care Safe & Motivated Daycare ^ ^ /nes Anderson "Systematic Training for Effective Parenting" 905 845-3323 - STEP Facilitator - First Aid & CPR or email: 9 0 5 - 469-0316 Aboutowne Realty ^ Crop., Realtor Looking for licensed home day care? Interested in providing day care? A V O N It's About Freedom The Freedom to choose your own hours. The Freedom to earn the money you want to earn. The Freedom to spend time with your family. * Low Start Up Cost * Up to 50% profit ^Flexible Hours mrTJakntme With a little help from cupid we have been turning singles into couples since 1993 Call about our NEW small group DINNER DATES enriched home childcore 905.823.2625 AVON Call Today for D etails: www.interavon. 9 0 5 -8 2 7 - 5 9 1 2 > -613-2866 lerie.harmer