Oakville Beaver, 24 May 2000, C7

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Wednesday, May 24, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C7 PROGRESS 2000 C u ttin g e d g e te c h n o lo g y Important business networks p ro v id e s e x c e lle n t c u s to m e r and contacts in town s e rv ic e in re a l e s ta te Oakville Enterprise Centre This is a community based partnership with the Canada Employment Centre and Sheridan College, established to enhance entrepreneurial ventures. Telephone: (905) 825-2345 Fax: (905) 825-5368 www.enterprisecentre.com info @enterprisecentre.com Region of Halton Small Business Self Help Centre This self-help office is designed to provide "one-stop" shop ping to people seeking information on starting a small busi ness. Telephone: (905) 825-6300 Fax: (905) 825-8839 www.haltonbusiness.com busdev@region.halton.on.ca Greater Toronto M arketing Alliance Ste. 3750, P. O. Box 703, BCE Place, 161 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2 S 1 Telephone: (416) 360-7320 Fax: (416) 360-7331 www.greater.toronto.on.ca Toll Free International: 1-800-2255-4862 Toll Free North America: 1-800-411-4482 Canada Employment Centre Provides current job postings, availability information, counselling services and job training. Located at 1090 Speers Road, Oakville, L6L 2X4. Telephone: (905) 845-3891 Fax: (905) 845-3890 Information courtesy of Oakville Economic Development Alliance Inc. settings (low-rise buildings on larger lots), ideal for today's knowledgebased industry. The record levels of new industrial and com m ercial construction in Oakville during 1998 confirms the com m unity's com petitive location. Total building permit value for 1998 was over $400 million, up 21 per cent from the previous year. Industrial and commercial construction reached $160 million, with new industrial construc tion enjoying a 200 per cent increase. · L ea d in g edge technology, excellence in custom er ser vice, dedication to ongoing education and heightened aw areness o f com m unity needs are the corner stones upon w hich Royal L ePage has built its tim e-honoured reputation as sales leaders in the real estate indus try. T hro u g h th ese corn ersto n es L aurie P an chyshyn and A drienne Lake m anagers/brokers continue to m ake R oyal L eP ag e one o f the O akville area's m ost successful real estate service providers. W ith tw o offices in O akville, em ploying a total o f 120 sales representatives, Royal LePage is w ell prepared to m eet the dem ands o f the area's changing real estate m arket. B y utilizing virtually all form s o f m edia, R oyal L ePage hom es are m ark eted ex ten siv ely throughout Canada. Royal L ePage hom es are handsom ely represented in all form s o f m edia print, television and, m ore recently, electronic. In fact, w ith over 20,000 online listings, R oyal L eP age is by far the largest realtor on the Internet. In the month o f April our Internet site had 87 m il lion hits. "Electronic m arketing has allow ed us a m ore com petitive edge in th e real estate m ark et," says L a u r i e L a u rie P anchyshyn cent higher than the industry aver age. Royal L ePage's expanded reloca tion program represents the firm 's largest grow th area. Presently pro viding com plete relocation services to over 400 corporate clients, respon sible for facilitating 10,000 moves in 1999 alone. D edication to the custom er and a plan for the future form the founda tion o f R oyal L ePage's success, but it is the overall approach to the indus try that ensures client's satisfaction from a firm whose business is the com m unity. Oakville "is now one of the fastest growing com mercial and industrial hot spots in southern Ontario" M ississauga Business T im e s, J a n u a ry 1999 Accessibility to the United States border from Oakville is a one-hour drive along the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) where it connects at Lewiston, Niagara Falls or Buffalo, New York. The Greater Toronto International Airport is just a 30-minute drive from Oakville via express highways 403, 407, or the QEW and 427. This airport is the 26th busiest in the world, han dling over 26 million passengers annu ally. Shipping ports in Toronto and Hamilton provide access to the St. Lawrence Seaway and rail transporta tion facilities. Nearly two million sq. ft. of indus trial and 750,000 sq. ft. of office space is available in Oakville. Lease rates for buildings are competitive with other suburban locations, and property taxes are as much as 50 per cent lower than other municipalities. Many Oakville sites are characterized by campus style Information courtesy o f Oakville Economic Development Alliance Inc. P anchyshyn. "It is alw ays excit ing to bring new services to our custom ers." Technology is p iv o tal to rem aining on the leading edge o f a dem anding m ar ket, but is also essential in keep ing agents acces sible to their cus tom ers. B y using an internal com p u ter n etw o rk , electro n ic m ail and state-of-theart voice m ailing and paging ser v ices, R oyal L eP age ag en ts alw ays stay read ily in touch with c l i e n t s . Y O U 'V EL IS T E DY O U RH O M EW ITH R O Y A LL E P A G E- 0 · SM O S T R E L A X ! V ' {* i r r "M axim izing the efficiency o f our ag en ts has alw ays been our g o al," says A d rienn e L ake, " and certain ly tech n o lo g y has help ed us to achieve this" . In o rd e r to ensure that effi ciency is m ain tained, m anagers also em p lo y a full-tim e sales support person to p ro v id e a ssis tance in develop ing independent m arketing strate gies for prom o tion, p u b licity and m ailings. E q u a l l y HAVE OUR PO W ERFUL ! ^ -* 7*44,. ` 4mI if · im p o rtan t to m ain tain in g a com petitive edge in a dem anding real estate m ar ket is o n g o in g traijiing and edu cation. A drienne Lake puts it, "we a re encouraging our sales people to rem ain on the leading edge by m aking training av ailab le to th em " . R oyal L eP age ag en ts are o ffered a variety o f inter nal and external training opportu nities. T his diversified train ing approach has proven tre m e n dously effective in m ain tain in g R oyal L e P a g e 's productivity lev els, w hich rem ain 30 per U *«»' 7* 7 t *«... 845-4207 , ' r o y a l Lepag e ii t u n ii n ii;!iiiii ' * 3 38-3 7317> , « i* 'A ' k « A* £ 1 Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Broker Coptpdrisons based on unit sales qT Oakville residential properties listed, sold and leased through the multiple listings service in 7999. This may nohefli reflect art'fete I estate activity ds> the Oakville market. | * < S v* ' > . V * ,

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