w w w .in sid e H A L T O N .co m | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, D e c e m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 6 | 26 ALL WINDSHIELD DOOR & BACK GLASS IN STOCK Certified Auto Glass Technicians with 22 Years O f Experience. Saturday's pre-season gam e a t TRAC first of three for Toronto Rock in Oakville The Toronto Rock will open its National La crosse League pre-season schedule tomorrow (Saturday) in Oakville. T he R o ck will face the G eorgia Storm at the T oron to R o ck A th letic C en tre, 1 1 3 2 In v icta D rive, at 7 p .m . D oors will open at 6 p .m . w ith lim ited seatin g avail able. The game should feature some local tal ent with several Oakville players on the teams' ros ters. Toronto drafted Jack son Hulbert in the fifth round of this sum m er's NLL draft. Scott Johnston has played 35 games for the Rock over the past five seasons, but is currently on injured reserve. The Swarm has drafted Oakville players in the first round in three of the past six drafts, in cluding this summer when it selected Bryan Cole fourth overall. Captain Jordan MacIntosh (fourth overall in 20 1 1 ) and Alex Crepinsek (10th overall in 2 0 1 2 ) have become fixtures in the Swarm lineup since being chosen. Georgia also signed Sean Young as a free agent in 2015. Form er Oakville Buzz players Ethan O'Connor, acquired from Toronto in 2 0 1 4 , and Drew Petkoff, picked up from the New England Black Wolves, are also members of the Swarm. Admission to the game is free but fans are asked to bring a clothing donation to support Safetynet Children and Youth Charities. Item s in need this time of year include clothing for all age groups, linens, tow els, bed sheets, blankets, jack ets, scarves, gloves and hats or toques. Business apparel for men and women re-enter ing the workforce as well as sleeping bags, snow suits and shoes are also needed. For more information on Safetynet Children and Youth Charities, visit safetynetservices.ca. The Rock will be supporting local chari ties at its other two pre-season games in Oakville. There will be a food drive in support of Kerr Street Mission at its Saturday, Dec. 10 game against Colorado. A toy drive in conjunction with the Oakville Professional Fire Fighters Asso ciation will be held at the Saturday, Dec. 17 game against Buffalo. · We deal directly with your Insurance Company · Lifetime Warranty against leaks · Stone chip repairs · Free Mobile Service · Free Pickup & Drop OFF Ad an U n ite d W a y Oakville C hanged lives. M a d e possible by you United W ay Oakville Notice o f 2016 Special M em bership M eeting M onday, Decem ber 19, 2016 6:00 PM Reception | 6:30 PM M eeting N otice is hereby given that the Special M e etin g o f M e m b e rs (the "M eetin g ") o f U nited W ay o f O akville ("UW O") w ill take place at the Town o f O akville O akville Room (1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario) on M onday, D ecem ber 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM (EDT) for the follow ing purposes: · · To vote on an am algam ation betw een United Ways, Burlington & G reater Ham ilton, Oakville, M ilto n and Halton Hills To transact o th er such business as may properly com e before the M eeting DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DONATION LOOKS LIKE? M e m be rs w ho are unable to attend the M e etin g but w ho w ish to participate in the voting are requested to com plete, date, sign and return a form o f proxy, w hich may be obtained from Tara Neal (tara@ uw oakville.org). UW O requests that proxies to be used/acted upon at the M e eting be deposited at its head office (466 Speers Road, Oakville) by 6:30 PM (EDT), Friday, D ecem ber 16, 2016. IS IG Please RSVP by Monday, December 12, 2016totara@uwoakviMe.org HELP UNITED WAY TODAY UWOAKVILLE.ORG
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