27 | Friday, D e c e m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LT O N .com Update Forw ard announcem ents o f non-profit local events fo r Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 5 0 4 6 Mainway, Unit 2 , Burlington, O N, L 7L 5 Z 1 ; em ail jbkila@ oakvillebeaver. com o r call 2 8 9 -2 9 3 -0 6 6 2 . F ree. SATURDAY DECEM BER 3 The Oakville W ind Orchestra presents Fall into Christm as, 7 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, 124 Dorval Dr., $20 tickets (adults)/$10 (seniors/students) at door. Handm ade M arket, Bronte Legion, 79 Jones St., 10 a.m.-4 p.m., table sales go to Bronte Le gion, bake sale/food truck proceeds go to SickKids' The Marley Brown fundraiser. UCW Cookie Walk, Walton United Church, 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W , 1 p.m., long tables fea turing plates/trays of Christmas cookies. Christmas Tree Sale , 9 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Cuthbert' s Anglican Church, Maple Grove and Oakhill, visit www.stcuthbertoakville.ca. Halton Civitan selling Claxton Fruit Cake, Oakville Place, 240 Leighland Ave., 9 a.m.-6 p.m., contact 905-845-0322. SUNDAY DECEM BER 4 Lakeshore Woods Sixth Annual Lakeshore Woods Toy D r ive, 281 Great Lakes Blvd., 8:30 a.m.-noon. Help the Wells family build a toy mountain on their front lawn to donate to the Salvation Army' s Toy Mountain. Bring un wrapped toys. A Jazzy Christmas with Jokela Vogan Cooley, St. Paul' s United Church, 4 5 4 Rebecca St., 3:30 p.m., tickets cost $15 (adults)/$5 (children). It' s A W onderful L ife --The Radio Play, tick ets at film.ca or Box Office, Film.Ca Cinemas, 171 Speers Rd., $15, 2 p.m. Wear your best ugly holiday sweater to win a prize. Halton Civitan selling Claxton Fruit Cake, Oakville Place, 240 Leighland Ave., 10 a.m.-6 p.m., contact 905-845-0322. MONDAY DECEM BER 5 Tots and Us, for parents/guardians and pre schoolers, St. Paul' s United Church, 454 Rebecca St., 10-11 a.m., free. Christmas Bird Count, talk by Rob Porter, "Mystery Birds" fun quiz by David Brewer, Bird HNC Study Group, Burlington Seniors Centre, 2285 New St., 7-9 p.m., call 905-637-7136. Networking Club with Job Developer Arfa Dar, Mondays in December (except Dec. 26), 10-11:45 a.m., Goodwill - The Amity Group, Burlington Career Centre, 4039 New St., Burl ington, free, call 905-633-8324, ext. 2221. TUESDAY DECEM BER 6 Oakville W omen' s Connection luncheon , Quality Hotels and Suites, 754 Bronte Rd., 1-3 p.m., $23 tickets, pay at door, reservations must be honoured or cancelled, call 905-257-1461. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7 Oakville Prayer Breakfast, Oakville Confer ence Centre, 2515 Wyecroft Rd., 7:15 a.m., $25 tickets, visit www.oakvilleprayerbreakfast.com. THURSDAY DECEM BER 8 Christmas Luncheon M eeting , Retired Wom en Teachers of Ontario, Oakville Branch, Deer field Golf Club, 2363 North Service Rd., 10:30 a.m., entertainment, new members welcome, contact 905-257-1408. Epiphany............. 8:30am & 10:30am Wednesdays at 10:00am (except July & August) 905-827-2546 141 Bronte Road epiphanyoffice@cogeco.net www.epiphanyoakville.com Incarnation......... 8:30am & 10:00am visit our website at www.incarnationchurch.ca 905-825-2851 1240 Old Abbey Lane St. Cuthbert........ 8:00am &10:00am email us at stcuthbert@bellnet.ca or visit our website at www.stcuthbertoakville.ca 905-844-6200 Maple Grove & Oakhill St. Jude ....... [vent Sunday I worship - 8:00,9:30 (Sunday School) & 11:0 Jazz Vespers at 4:00 pm 160 William St. 905-844-3972 www.stjudeschurch.net p ^ Wednesdays at 9:30am 905-845-8351 1450 Litchfield Road St. Simon............... 8:15am & 10am Y visit our w ebsite a t www .stsim on.ca St. Luke, Palermo................. 10:30am visit our website at www.stlukepalermo.ca 905-825-3364 3114 Dundas St. West U St. Aidan's Anglican Church 318 Queen Mary Drive 905-845-6111 8:30 a.m Celtic Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Family Eucharist and Children's Programme www.oakvilleanglicans.ca
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