W eather fo r Oakville, ON Fri Sun Mon Sat dafejgjWi n 1 Grave I robbers te d w T T 1 i | U 6° 1° 5° -1° 4° 1° 6° 1° | ....i M B M i Delivering the news Page 20 dentistoakville.com 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -6 0 3 0 LO N DO N G O LD '& > 9 0 5 .3 3 7 .0 0 5 1 FIN E JE W E L L E R Y Page 12 1011 Upper Middle Road East ·* m e tro la n d m e d ia * Connected to you r community® Stay Connected! Friday, December 2, 2016 | 40 pages W H I S P E R S B E T W E E N A Publication of Metroland Media Group W H I S K E R S Connected to your community - $ 1 .0 0 incl. ta x W indows m ake th eir way home from OTMH by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff Oakville residents m ay have noticed an eye-catching addition to St.John's United Church recently A set of four custom stained glass windows sit atop its Randall Street entrance -- and they've actually come home. The windows were acquired from the legacy Oakville Trafalgar Memo rial Hospital (OTMH) on nearby Reynolds Street and were installed at the church earlier this month. Rev. Sheila Murray said the set recognizes a "piece of history" of the church and Oakville community. "It' s so wonderful for us to have something back that we helped to donate to the (hospital). They reflect the seasons of life, which I think is a wonderful thing for people to see," said Murray. Santa Claus (aka Brian Hayes) met some of his four-legged, whiskered friends atthe Santa with Pets photo day, the annual holiday fundraiser for the Oakville and Milton Humane Society held at Ren's Pet Depot in late November. It was the first of four photo sessions with Santa, that continue-from 10 a.m. to noon and 12:30-3 p m - on Saturday (Dec. 3) and again Saturday Dec. lO.Tegan, a two-month old grey tabby cat was quite content to just be held by Santa and have her ears scratched. | Graham Paine/Metroland see Stained on p.7 L a k e sh o re W o o d s 4 * 'f a m ily d e n t is ,r y teeth whitening D E N T A L C A R E 3 4 2 0 R e b e c c a S t., O a k v ille w w w .lake sh o rew o o d sd en tal.co m 4 digital em egencycae 4 xrays 4 we love kids! Southeast corner of Rebecca and Great Lakes Blvd.
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