7 | Friday, D e c e m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LT O N .com Stained glass windows reflect th e seasons o f life a t S t John's continued from p.1 "It wasn't an easy feat installing them. I un derstand it was a bit of a challenge, but they're installed now. They're certainly a great addition to our building." When the Reynolds Street hospital closed, some of the items that didn't go to the new facil ity were given away or donated to local groups. The site had two sets of the stained windows, but only one went to the new location, so where the other would go was the question, Murray said. "For the people making that decision, it was somewhat of a complicated one because so many people had donated to the project initial ly," said Murray. St. John' s received the other set of windows for multiple reasons, she noted. Rev. Jim Campbell, retired from pastoral du ties, was "very instrumental" in making the win dows and donating them to OTMH. "He was very anxious that we find a place for them at St. John' s and that we make a case for them coming to us. It was pardy his passion that enabled us to make that case," said Murray. "It' s also nice to see the former minister at this stage of his life so thrilled with something we're doing. It' s a bit of a respect for everything he' s done for the community and this church." The Oakville place of worship was also given the windows because it had an "absolutely per fect place" to install them, Murray said. "For the people making the decision about where they should go, the fact we had a place Stained glass windows salvaged from the former Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) on Reyn olds Street have a new home at St. John's Church. | submitted photos where they would be used, installed and enjoyed by the community was a good selling point," said Murray. The design was based on a popular read ing in the Bible's Old Testament, which be came a 1970s hit song by The Byrds, the St. Jo h n 's pastor noted. They were constructed into four parts to reflect the seasons in nature and life (birth to death). "That was the original intention behind the design," said Murray. "Also, someone in our congregation actually designed banners to complement the windows. It' s another nice connection and another reason why St. John' s was considered as the new home for the windows." St. John' s installed the fixtures above the Ran dall Street entrance, so those who enter from the parking lot will see them clearly. "They're highly visible, which is lovely. At night, when they're backlit, they're absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful," said Murray Although the church didn't need new win dows, Murray said St. John' s was willing to do "whatever needed to be done," no matter the installation cost, to acquire them. "We have an amazing property committee that does a lot of work for us. But, when you're installing stained-glass windows, you need ex perts to make sure it' s done well. We were happy to pay the costs," said Murray. "We try to be a church that cares for people through all of life' s changes and seasons. It' s a wonderful reminder for people as they enter our building." Delivering Home Comfort From Our Family To Yours APPLEBY SYSTEM S F IR E P L A C E , H E A T IN G & A IR C O N D IT IO N IN G C O N T R A C T O R S Since 1967 OAKVILLE905.825.1893 BURLINGTON905.335.3203 A y A M O F O A K V IL L E AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST 2 0 8 6 S P E E R S R D ., O AKVILLE 9 0 5 .8 4 7 .1 5 2 2 Com e S ee O ur SHOW ROOM Mon - Fri. 8am - 5pm; Saturday 11am - 4pm w w w .a p p le b y s y s te m s .c a A Y A O A K VILLE.CO M
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