11 | Thursday, December 15, 2016 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com G > OAKVILLE o a k v ille .c a New Y e ar's Levee 20 17 Season's Greetings from Mayor Rob Burton! On behalf o f th e Town o f Oakville, I wish you a very happy holiday season and a new year filled w ith happiness, health and prosperity! All Oakville residents are invited to help ring in th e New Year. Join us at Town Hall on January 8, 1 to 3 p.m., fo r the M ayor and Council's Annual New Year's Levee. January 8 fro m 1 to 3 p.m . Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road ^ (1*0 up Mayor Rob Burton O u r c o m m u n ity n e e d s cro ssin g g u a rd s T h e T o w n o f O a k v ille is lo o k in g fo r residents w h o are in terested in beco m in g a crossing g u a rd . Join o u r te a m to: · · · · · W o rk close to h o m e Ensure th e safety o f o u r children Spend a f e w hours o u tsid e each day Enjoy h aving holidays, sum m ers an d P.A. days o ff G e t paid w h ile o ffe rin g a v a lu a b le service to o u r c o m m u n ity S ta r tin g w a g e : $ 1 2 .5 3 /h r For m o re in fo rm a tio n visit o akville.c a an d search "crossing g u ard . Feedback w anted! B e tw e e n D e ce m b e r 5 a n d 23 tell us w h a t y o u th in k about... Traditional streetscape furniture pieces After extensive publicconsultation, Council approved a traditional theme for the downtown streetscape design in October 2016. Now we need your help choosing the actual pieces. We will have two traditional options for each piece of streetscape furniture -- bike rings, bollards, streetlight poles and benches -- to show you so you can tell us which pieces you like best. Lighting -- Light colour tem perature There are two types of LED fixtures -- 3000K and 4000K -- that can be used in the new streetlight poles. Each provides the same brightness, but with differing light colour (also known as light colour temperature). Compare the two and then tell us which one you prefer. Railing at the Lakeshore Road Bridge The town will be rehabilitating the Lakeshore Road Bridge at Sixteen Mile Creek starting in early 2017. We want you to review the three bridge railing options and tell us which one you like best. Lakeshore Road Reconstruction and Streetscape Project Flexible/curbless streets We are also exploring the use of a flexible (curbless) design of the Lakeshore Road East configuration. Learn more about the pros and cons of this design and provide us with your feedback. H o w can y o u sh a re y o u r co m m e n ts? See fo r yourself -- December 5 to 23 Two traditional furniture samples of the bench, bike ring and bollard will be on display for viewing in Towne Square. Also, the two types of LED bulbs will be installed in select light poles along Lakeshore Road between Navy Street and Thomas Street so you can see the difference. Check them out, then go online, or come to our open house to tell us what you think. Go online -- December 5 to 23 Visit oakville.ca to learn more and check out our photo library and choose the pieces you like best. Learn more Visit oakville.ca and search "Lakeshore Reconstruction and Streetscape Project."